The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

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For molesting his granddaughter JMO. Casey sat in jail covering for her father. Once she realized he was throwing her under the bus she told her DT. I don't think she told for quite a long time and by then it didn't matter. PT wasn't going to accept anything she told them. Again, all just my opinion. Alot of ppl do not believe the molestation, but I do. I've lived it, I seen the signs early on and certainly suspected such at the very beginning. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think so. All JMO
Thanks...I find this curious...have you ever known a sociopath? Again...a real question.
No...I did not see any signs of abuse...I'm sorry for your heartache, though.
I'm glad she posted it...we spent lots and lots of time reviewing these docs. We did not make evidence up to support our theories...we really tried to put the puzzle together. If there was testimony as to a decompositional event having occurred in the trunk, you can bank on it that there were findings that supported it.
Please understand that's what makes the verdict so difficult to least for me.

Absolutely RR0004. I never had a doubt the doc's were here. You've seen enough of my posts to know that I'm right there with ya. I can't accept it either. I don't know why I hadn't seen Dr. Vass's report before now. Life gets in the way of my favorite place to go to share my feelings about this case, but nevertheless, I'm also glad logicalgirl linked it here. It just cements my suspicions even more now.
For molesting his granddaughter JMO. Casey sat in jail covering for her father. Once she realized he was throwing her under the bus she told her DT. I don't think she told for quite a long time and by then it didn't matter. PT wasn't going to accept anything she told them. Again, all just my opinion. Alot of ppl do not believe the molestation, but I do. I've lived it, I seen the signs early on and certainly suspected such at the very beginning. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think so. All JMO

And this supposed incestuous sexual pervert George was begging Casey to talk with the police and FBI while she was in jail?

Where is there any evidence other than Jose Baez' opening statement that George molested anyone?? And because there was no evidence whatsoever to support this claim, the judge REQUIRED that this claim not be repeated in summation.

It is regrettable that you have lived something so terrible. However, it is incumbent upon all of us that we scrupulously avoid accusing someone of such a horrible offense without basis. To my knowledge, there is not one scintilla of evidence to support your statement. It is more than offensive. It is libelous and I would not be surprised if George Anthony found comments such as these actionable.
They covered so GA wouldn't go to prison ? FCA sat in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty just so GA wouldn't go to prison ? The narcissistic sociopath covered for her father and would've gone to jail for a long time had the jury gotten it right ? And she thought so much of GA that she let Baez accuse her father of sexual abuse in his OS ?

That is my opinion. KC is not right in the head for a reason! Too many secrets in that house. No babies daddy, paternity testing by fbi, "don't worry I didn't say anything", "things are going to come out". She didn't come forward with the incest until she seen her father throwing her under the bus. Incest is a closely guarded secret. It does not surprise me that she didn't admit it until later. It's very shameful event for the victim. We will probably never know but It is my opinion.
Poor Caylee Marie.....look at all the dirty stuff which has accumulated around this innocent little babe since she was found in bits and pieces in a filthy swamp. I do not believe that GA molested her. I do not believe that GA molested FCA.
The DT wanted the jury to believe that GA was evil, their lies were spoken to the jury to confuse, distort and deflect the SA evidence, to make FCA look like the victim. The real victim was Caylee Marie.
Once upon a time there lived a sweet innocent tot with a lovely face and huge brown eyes and very much alive and very lively. She was not yet three and her name was Caylee Marie.
Once upon a time lived a beautiful little girl named Caylee Marie. She was adorable in her pictures. She was very photogenic, a photographer’s dream.
Once upon a time a little girl named Caylee Marie was not quite three. Sadly, she would never get to experience the exciting discoveries of life as a three-year-old.
Once upon a time duct tape was placed in three strips, over Caylee Marie's nose and mouth. Most likely there was a heart-shaped sticker placed on top of the area of duct tape covering Caylee Marie's mouth. Caylee Marie was stuffed inside two garbage bags and a laundy bag from the family home. The laundry bag wasn’t to protect Caylee Marie from scavenging animals and crawling swamp critters. It may have been used to protect the FCA’s car trunk from further decomposition fluid. Or the canvas bag may have been used to tote little Caylee Marie’s lifeless body to the swamp. The swamp was a convenient place to dump things. It hid Caylee Marie from the ones who cared enough to search for her.
Once upon a time, a trial by jury was considered to be the right of every person in this country. There was no justice for Caylee Marie by this jury. This trial by perjury denied justice to Caylee Marie, who lived once upon a time.

OMG! pcrum12 you cannot be serious???? You think Casey AND Caylee were abused? This is utterly ridiculous!!! If Casey HAD been sexually abused by her father, why would she even allow her father to be around Caylee? Makes no sense whatsoever! You are entitled to your opinion, as I am entitled to mine. I will NEVER believe that George sexually molested his daughter and NEVER his granddaughter!

When the jury first went into deliberations, they took a poll and the vote was 10 to 2. They took another poll on the aggravated manslaughter and the vote was 6 to 6. How were the 6 jurors that were convinced of aggravated manslaughter decide to vote not guilty? Evidently they didn't "deliberate" this opinion for any length of time because the verdict came back in less than 10 hours. I agree, the amount of time in deliberations is not a factor here but please explain to me how and what evidence convinced the 6 jurors to vote with the majority?

I'm confused here? I don't recall SB contacting the police to let them know the car was in his tow yard? The Anthony's picked the car up from the tow yard. IIRC, the LE contacted SB to obtain the trash bag that was thrown away when GA picked up the car. You also stated that SB works for OCSO? How so? By running a tow yard?

And for all of the naysayers out there, could someone please explain to me exactly HOW Caylee died and WHO killed her?

And for the poster (askfornina) that wants us "guilty posters" to explain any evidence that wasn't up to "par", here's my opinion...EVERY piece of evidence from the Prosecution was up to par! The duct tape, the chloroform, the decomposition odor in the trunk, the searches on the computer, et al.

BBM: She wan't murdered. She drowned in the family pool. JMO
That is my opinion. KC is not right in the head for a reason! Too many secrets in that house. No babies daddy, paternity testing by fbi, "don't worry I didn't say anything", "things are going to come out". She didn't come forward with the incest until she seen her father throwing her under the bus. Incest is a closely guarded secret. It does not surprise me that she didn't admit it until later. It's very shameful event for the victim. We will probably never know but It is my opinion.
Help me out here ... when did GA throw FCA under the bus ?
For molesting his granddaughter JMO. Casey sat in jail covering for her father. Once she realized he was throwing her under the bus she told her DT. I don't think she told for quite a long time and by then it didn't matter. PT wasn't going to accept anything she told them. Again, all just my opinion. Alot of ppl do not believe the molestation, but I do. I've lived it, I seen the signs early on and certainly suspected such at the very beginning. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think so. All JMO

respectively i dont understand this "theory" at all... Lets just say for the sake of argument that GA was molesting FCA. Also, I could be wrong, and may not be fact, but I also remember reading that FCA was not happy that CA and GA got back together after their separation. From what I remember, she liked that GA wasn't around during that time period. Why would she sit in jail covering for her father? If it was an accident hidden because GA was molesting Caylee, why not really lie and say he murdered her? Wouldn't that get rid of him once and for all? and, she must have known there was no evidence that Caylee was molested (thus not have to "cover" for her father) when Caylee's body was discovered. Why not just come out w/the truth then?
Hmmm...and Casey sat in jail for 3+ years because...? This is a serious question.
BTW...why would George go to jail for the rest of his life if it was an accident?
Again...a serious question. TIA

For molesting his granddaughter JMO. Casey sat in jail covering for her father. Once she realized he was throwing her under the bus she told her DT. I don't think she told for quite a long time and by then it didn't matter. PT wasn't going to accept anything she told them. Again, all just my opinion. Alot of ppl do not believe the molestation, but I do. I've lived it, I seen the signs early on and certainly suspected such at the very beginning. Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think so. All JMO

..if kc thought that george would go to jail----for molesting caylee----it would make sense to me that she WOULD tell---george would now be IN jail, she'd be OUT of jail ( and not have to worry about george molesting HER anymore.)

..i would think that she "realized that george was throwing HER under the bus"-----october 14/08, when he testified @ the GJ and SHE was arrested for murder.

..if she had a molestation/drowning story TO tell------to save her favourite person--------HERSELF----that would have been a great time to do it.
Help me out here ... when did GA throw FCA under the bus ?

omgosh I couldn't agree more! Guess it has something to do with the fact that he reported missing gas cans and acted defensive when questioned after hearing he concealed his granddaughters death (thus throwing her away like garbage after which RK steps in and hoards the body for car repair money) and having his ***** in his daughters mouth before she headed to school. :waitasec:
I just don't understand how people can say that "the evidence just wasn't there to convict FCA" but at the same time many of these people believe George is guilty of: molesting FCA, covering up the death of Caylee, some have said he may have MURDERED Caylee, and now I am hearing he may have even molested CAYLEE??? What evidence is there to support ANY of those claims? None if this makes any sense and all of these claims are COMPLETELY unsubstantiated IMHO. Why do some scream "innocent until proven guilty" for FCA, but then go on to unfairly convict George?!?
I think part of the reason that this one is hard to let go is the idea that we know who did it, and can't do anything about it, except complain. Complaining, and knowing people agree is helpful in this case, I think.

There are crimes committed daily that we don't know who did it or what happened, although we know a murder occurred. There are missing bodies, or bodies without names.
There's always something going on over in the Unidentified forum, and other forums where there were crimes, but not always enough clues to help solve the murders. It's exasperating.

This one is more exasperating because we know who did it, know where she dumped the baby, but she was able to walk away smiling. (For anyone who'd like to argue she walked away smiling, take a look at the clip of her getting into her 'get away car' seconds after a mob was yelling 'murderer, baby killer' at her. Wow.)

The things I say (type) are my opinion, and not meant to start an arguement for those who have their own different opinion.
..if kc thought that george would go to jail----for molesting caylee----it would make sense to me that she WOULD tell---george would now be IN jail, she'd be OUT of jail ( and not have to worry about george molesting HER anymore.)

..i would think that she "realized that george was throwing HER under the bus"-----october 14/08, when he testified @ the GJ and SHE was arrested for murder.

..if she had a molestation/drowning story TO tell------to save her favourite person--------HERSELF----that would have been a great time to do it.

omgosh excellent point! if there was any "throwing under the bus" it would have been 10-14-08 at the Grand Jury Hearing! Why not come out w/the truth then?
respectively i dont understand this "theory" at all... Lets just say for the sake of argument that GA was molesting FCA. Also, I could be wrong, and may not be fact, but I also remember reading that FCA was not happy that CA and GA got back together after their separation. From what I remember, she liked that GA wasn't around during that time period. Why would she sit in jail covering for her father? If it was an accident hidden because GA was molesting Caylee, why not really lie and say he murdered her? Wouldn't that get rid of him once and for all? and, she must have known there was no evidence that Caylee was molested (thus not have to "cover" for her father) when Caylee's body was discovered. Why not just come out w/the truth then?

Honestly it truely bothers me that some are saying there is no evidence that KA killed Caylee but are willing to accuse a grandfather of sexually abusing his daughter and grandchild with just the word of a convicted lier.That is truely sad IMO.
Honestly it truely bothers me that some are saying there is no evidence that KA killed Caylee but are willing to accuse a grandfather of sexually abusing his daughter and grandchild with just the word of a convicted lier.That is truely sad IMO.

I agree 100%... (the reason why i dont visit this thread that often, after i few minutes I begin to feel sick!)
Let's see, George was shady and lied on the stand about the affair with RC/KH. So because of that George had to have done something really bad. George had to have molested KC and Caylee, helped cover up an accidental drowning and made it look like murder or he even murdered Caylee himself.

KC lies repeatedly about anything and everything, never reports her daughter missing, parties for 31 days to the point that no one has any clue that anything has happened to her daughter at all, gets a Bella Vita tattoo and now it was all because she was molested by her father or was told that she would take the blame for what happened to her daughter even though she herself did nothing wrong.

For some reason I don't understand the logic behind those things. That just does not add up to me. But hey, let's accuse George of all kinds of horrible things because he "lied" on the stand or was "shady" and let's excuse KC of all kinds of horrible things because she lied repeatedly and accused her dad of molestation.

Honestly it truely bothers me that some are saying there is no evidence that KA killed Caylee but are willing to accuse a grandfather of sexually abusing his daughter and grandchild with just the word of a convicted lier.That is truely sad IMO.

I completely agree. So the "signs were there" that GA molested FCA and Caylee, but no signs were there that Casey was responsible for Caylee's death? Really?? Why doesn't that logic worth both ways? The same people that are saying there was not enough to convict Casey are saying there was enough to publicly convict George of such a heinous act? Makes NO sense.. Why does this logic work in favor of KC but not George?
omgosh excellent point! if there was any "throwing under the bus" it would have been 10-14-08 at the Grand Jury Hearing! Why not come out w/the truth then?
Very simple ... it wasn't the truth. Who would sit in jail for almost 3 years covering for a father by whom she was sexually molested ? Remember the jailhouse interview where FCA says "You've been a great dad and grandfather". Why would FCA live at home with the man who supposedly molested her ? Why not get a job, move into an apartment, and take Caylee away from the vicious perverted monster that is GA ? Why not turn in this molester or tell CA about what happened ?

Spare me this hogwash about GA molesting FCA ... just another smokescreen thrown up by the DT to confuse an already confused jury.
This really jumped out at me.

2. Tire well scrapings
Methanol extracts of the tire well scrapings showed many diverse compounds (Acetic acid,
Octadecane, I-Heptanol, I-Undecanol, I-Nonanol, etc). Acetic acid (in an acid environment) and/or acetate ion (in an alkaline environment) are by-products of making chloroform with acetone and chlorine. pH measurements of the Florida trunk carpet sample indicate that the pH of the Florida trunk carpet was approximately 5.5 (acidic), which could have caused the formation of acetic acid.

Is the acetone and chlorine nothing more than nail polish remover and bleach?

Also, this:

1) Nearly all the compounds present in early human decomposition were detected in the
trunk samples if their concentrations were high enough to detect. Carbon tetrachloride
was also detected and is a human specific marker within these animal sets.
2) Compounds that have been detected in these select animal remains and not in humans
were not detected in the Florida trunk carpet sample (l-heptanol, Acetamide, N,Ndimethyl).
This is also suggestive of a human decompositional event.
3) Compounds associated with anaerobic decomposition are seen supporting a possible
deprived oxygen type of decompositional event.
4) Compounds with a late ADD were not detected supporting an early stage
decompositional event.

Thank you logicalgirl. I hadn't seen this until today. I'm more convinced now than ever that Caylee was in the trunk of that car.

The acetone that is used to make chloroform isn't the nail polish remover.
It's a true acetone, I believe you can buy it at hardware stores, not sure where else. Also Clorox and lots of ice. When I read the recipe I didn't think it would be an easy task to make.
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