The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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Huge, huge thanks to whomever posted the link to CBS Chicago. I started following this case as an abuse survivor living in Wisconsin. It would've hurt not to be able to watch the reaction. I am so grateful! I hope the verdict helps Kathleen's family to find some solace.

Now, please, let Stacy be next. No woman, no wife, no mother deserves to remain missing without justice. She may never be found but at least her loved ones could have the peace of knowing her murderer was being punished for taking her from them.

And no child should have to grow up believing that their mother abandoned them, if she didn't. Esp. believing that all she took was a binki and $25,000.
The other night on Tricia's True Crime radio show, Jeff Ruby said TES has pics of her in the in river! :eek: He said he'll try to get us a copy!

I have always thought that tub was put in the river and I think it is findable. I hope after this verdict they put more effort into locating and recovering that tub because she is in there... I just know it (remember the guy who helped drew move it??????)
I wishthese jurors got to go on an all expense paid trip to disney world.
Why isn't the DT on IS?????? Are they hold big man's hands while he cries on their shoulders??? Maybe their sunglasses broke or something??? Where is the DREAM TEAM NOW, lolololololololol :rocker:

:floorlaugh: :waitasec: Yes ... where is the DT ?

:seeya: Brodsky, Lopez, Greenburg : Y'all need to put on your "big boy drawers" and face the music !

:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo: :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo: :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:
What does that mean? Like pics of the blue tub floating that they couldn;t get to or something? I mean, how can they have pictures of her and not be able to get her?

He was claiming that LE was covering for DP because he was their "good ole boy". Then he said she isn't there anymore - that at best only a skull would remain.

You can listen to him talk about it by clicking on my link and going to the last episode.
Chicago Tribune reported that he "muttered to his defense team "Good job guys' under his breath before being lead away". So that's like double awesome. After all the humiliation that he put his four wives through, it's sweet revenge because everyone gets to laugh at him now. It truly is Kathleen Savio's day, like her mom said. That was such an awesome speech that she and Kathleen Savio's brother gave. I hope that the whole Savio family gets to make a heck of a victim impact statement at his sentencing.

I can't wait for Stacy's day for justice because it's totally coming now.
DT will not win an appeal because DT opened the door time and time again...Judge admonished PT in front of jury many times....nope DT will not win on appeal.
"A conviction is the first step to a successful appeal"

Statement by Brodsky
What does that mean? Like pics of the blue tub floating that they couldn;t get to or something? I mean, how can they have pictures of her and not be able to get her?

I love this! I could not BEAR the thought of that jerk smirking again as he heard not guilty. That would have been the worst injustice - a heaping of horror upon the horror he has already created. But, I worried. He seemed to get away with everything! And there were issues with the evidence.

But now....NO MORE SMIRKS!!! That smug, creepy look has been wiped off his evil face! I hope he suffers in prison. I hope he feels it!! I hope his dreams are destroyed by the voices of those beautiful women he murdered. Monster!!!

What does that mean? Was he being sarcastic or serious? Ick. I HATE that disgusting man. This is a great day today!!!!!!! I'm so happy he has been found guilty and can rot for the rest of his miserable life!

BBM: Knowing DP as we do I would think it was sarcastic. lol
I don't like this guy at all.

The sunglasses. Classless.
They're too busy beating the crap out of the lawyer who called Stacy's lawyer to the stand.


YAY!! Drippy's back!!

It was almost Aristotelian in it's "fatal flaw" kinda way (lol - yes I know that concept in Aristotle is debated)
Oops. Accidentally closed my tab just as Brodsky reached the mike. ;) I'm gonna predict that the DA files charges against DP for the murder of Stacy within 18 months.

Kathleen's case (rightly, imo) breaks legal precedent and could easily be overturned on appeal. Now that they have a murderer imprisoned I don't think prosecutors are going to let him go too easily. MOO
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