The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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I apologize if this link has already been posted, but it answered my own question about the Prosecution possibly charging Drew Peterson with Stacy's death.

Could Drew Peterson conviction in third wife’s death mean charges in fourth wife’s case?

BY JON SEIDEL Sun-Times Media / September 6, 2012 7:30PM
Updated: September 6, 2012 9:16PM

With Drew Peterson finally convicted of the murder of third wife Kathleen Savio, Will County’s top prosecutor said Thursday his team needs time to catch its breath.

Then he’ll take another look at the high-profile disappearance of Peterson’s fourth wife, Stacy Peterson.

“We are going to aggressively review that case with an eye toward potentially charging it,” Will County State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow said.
I hope Drew's older children will someday be able to face the truth about their father. They have a lot to overcome with his brainwashing. Hopefully Stacey's remains will be found someday and that will prove to them their dear father really did murder both. Then again, denial can run pretty deep.


JURORS :yourock:

and Drew... :behindbar


Sorry, just caught up on the last thread, and looked in the major forum and see the thread "Verdict In... GUILTY!! Love it! Guess all my hard work on the sidebars paid off!

:eek:fftobed: see you all later!!

I really do think that people should stop commenting on where Stacy's children should live and who should have custody. WE, have not been in their lives, nor do we know them, and what's best for them. WE, have NO CLUE who has seen these children over the years, and who has not. Since the children are minors (Stacy's), I believe it should be off-limits here. These children, all of them, should not have to read what the public thinks is best for them.

Sorry, but I am extremely sensitive to children. These kids did not pick their "father" and/or this situation. I pray to God, everyone (the families) do what's in the children's best interests! The children have lost so much. It's heart-wrenching!

Tonight, is a night to celebrate justice for Kathleen "Kitty" Savio. IMO, JMO, and all that stuff.

I have read quotes to the media from the 2 oldest sons. Why should their statements be off limits? As for the children of Stacy.....after reading the statement from the man they are living with......yes, I do hope and pray they are soon to be with the family of their mother.

I've been following this case from the beginning....celebrating justice for Kathleen is something I will do forever. Not just tonight.
I read an article earlier and I can't find the darn link, but it said the media is camped outside of the children's home, flashing lights inside. In addition, the neighbors have people over at their house, gathering right next door to the children's home. Do they really think Kathleen and Stacy, would want their children to be subjected to these antics.

LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE! Please! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Drew Peterson caused all of this. Maybe the children would be better off with the family of their mother....
Oh as I was reading here (only on page 8! LOL!) I noticed a LOT of

:newbie: s

Kellter, lucimhome, Mosby, Tiger09, gregjrichards, coeurfragile, vhead, ShyViolet, sureLocke, auntiejoe, Duke Fan4 and KellenAnthony

I have read quotes to the media from the 2 oldest sons. Why should their statements be off limits? As for the children of Stacy.....after reading the statement from the man they are living with......yes, I do hope and pray they are soon to be with the family of their mother.

I've been following this case from the beginning....celebrating justice for Kathleen is something I will do forever. Not just tonight.

Amster - please read my post again. I said that STACY'S children, since they are minors, should be off-limits. I, never said a word about Tom and Kristopher's comments.

Many of us have followed this case since the beginning. Only the family and possibly the courts, will know what's in the best interest for the minor children.

I may be celebrating for Kathleen tonight, and for a long time, but I can't fathom what these children are going through. It's heartbreaking. Like I said before, they didn't pick him as a father, nor did they choose these circumstances. Please don't think that I believe they should be with the Peterson's, Cales, or anybody else. I have no opinion other than, I hope and pray everyone does what's in the children's best interest.

JMO and IMO.
Right before I left work today, I pulled up WS to see if we had a verdict. The "new posts" search brought this up at the top of the thread and I was so happy I burst into tears. One of my agents who was still at the office came by my door and said "Are you ok? Whats wrong?" I was crying so hard I could hardly explain to her. I am pretty sure she thinks I am nuts now! LOL.

I am just so so darn happy for this verdict! These JURORS were the best and to think I doubted them! I am still waiting to hear about why they wore matching clothes, but at this point, they could have come to court in costumes and if they still had the same verdict I would be gooood with it.

Now I am praying for Justice for Stacy and also closure for Tom and Kris. Their pain breaks my heart.

Thanks to everyone who posted from In Sessions FB every day. I was only able to read and catch up every night after work and I appreciated you posters more than you will ever know.
How wonderful! I am so glad that smirking jerk was convicted. Prosecutors are now three for three on convicting men named Peterson who murdered their wives! Drew Peterson, Scott Peterson, and Michael Peterson.

Michael Peterson is out of jail on house arrest while awaiting a retrial. He had been denied all of his appeals for a new trial, but last year it was found that the SBI investigator who testified at his trial about blood spatter had lied about his educational credentials and had also lied about laboratory test results.

Michael Peterson's current attorneys filed a petition for his conviction to be overturned based on this and last December the same judge who heard the trial granted him a new trial because of this.

The SBI guy, Duane Deaver, was fired but so far no charges have been brought against him. But it caused a big stink about the lab and people who worked there not being competent. So the next trial may not include any blood evidence. And presumably no Henry Lee spitting ketchup.

I just hope the prosecutors will be four for three after his next trial!
Those two older boys are going to have to face reality and that is their father had two wives one dead and the other hasn't been seen. Coincidence isn't plausible and that is what they will have to come to terms with. Denial walls will start to come down sooner or later.
Video Heaven! :woohoo:

I really just wanted to say how excited I am and how I will never get any sleep tonight... but the episode of Jane Velez Mitchell that I missed tonight on HLN repeats in 10 minutes. Maybe I can sleep if I stretch out on the couch during that.

I'm so thrilled for the Savio family and also for the Cales family. I saw Cassandra Cales make a short statement on the 1st video link I posted earlier but I haven't watched these at this link yet. I used to post with Cassandra on the old FSP forum (Friends of Stacy Peterson forum) when it was around so many years ago. Cassandra was always so sad and lost by Stacy's disappearance. I hope that today gave the Cales family a little bit of peace.

And with that, I'm going to get my cup of Decaf and go get ready to watch Jane. Night all! :seeya:

PS..... Thanks to everyone who provided all those Twitter posts during the trial. I thrived off of them because this grandma doesn't know how to Twitter, LOL! :blushing:
March 1998 – Christie Marie Toutges Cales disappears. The last time her family spoke to her, she told them she was on her way to a Blue Island Church.

2001 – Drew Peterson, 47, meets 17-year-old Stacy Cales, a front desk clerk at a Bolingbrook hotel. The two begin dating despite Peterson’s marriage to Kathleen Savio. Both Peterson and Cales worked the overnight shift. Peterson says he began visiting the hotel regularly because his patrol partner had a crush on one of Cales’ co-workers.

The timeline helped refresh my memory. What a despicable person Drew is.
we discussed that at length years ago, agree to a glider.

Not from the little "plane" he had. It was built from a kit, very small.

As soon as Stacey left, Schori received a call from DP saying: "I see you are meeting with my wife. Can you talk to me and would you like to come up in my plane?"

i had always read and thought -as passionflower and abbie state- that the ultralight was too small of a craft for a second person (body) but the story that beth karas told on NG tonight contradicts this... so, which is it??:waitasec:
I hope whomever the children are placed with - they are able to find stability and strength to see them through the unimaginable. I'm no one to dictate terms but I've been on one side of a custody dispute with an abuser. My opinion is that if the kids are placed with Drew's family there should be significant therapy and education involved as to what constitutes abuse. Many abuser's families often unknowingly perpetuate and propagate abusive behaviors. I have to monitor communications between my children and their paternal grandmother, and they have little contact, because of this. FWIW and MOO
DP aircraft I think was a 2 seat. I found this website and they even mention something about his aircraft

2nd picture...then you see pictures in the background then the top left.

Since that link mentioned that DP had a customized 230, then this is what a 230 cruismaster looks like:

and it is a kit

Exactly! While his rulings appeared to favor the defense, it is my belief he was using an abundance of caution in trying to insure there would not be reversible errors on appeal. I cannot see the court of appeals overturning this conviction.


Right on! Remember the Judge even warned them about putting Smith on. He told them (paraphrasing) I wouldn't open that can of worms and they did! Even the prosecutors didn't want Smith or they would have called him to the stand as a State witness. His own partners were heard in the hallway arguing with him about putting Smith on. If you take that kind of a risk and trash a victim (which is the only defense they had) expect to get burnt which is exactly what happened!

Lopez can whine all he wants. He gambled and LOST!

This was a victory for Kathleen, Stacy and for all women who are victims of domestic abuse even the ones who don't have a voice because their abusers took that away from them. Just like the convicted women beater and murderer in this case. He murdered one and disappeared the other.

They had a voice and it spoke loud and clear throughout the trial. We heard them.
I wake up and am still smiling!!

I know there's bad people everywhere and I'd never come across dp in my life but I feel so relieved for the future women he would have surely preyed on.

I pray for Stacey's children. How can the one's raising them who believe in their father, not look at those kids as an extention of Stacey who helped convict drew yesterday.?? It's already horrible that Stacey's family is not a part of thier lives. Their guardians have already seen to it that Stacey's kids don't know their mothers family. How awful that they think not only their mom left them but that her family must not care if they are'nt a round either.?? I have no clue really what they are told but it can't be good IMO. otherwise they would allow her famliy to participate in their lives. jmo
Maybe they shoulda went with in Opening-every morning before Drew went to school Daddy put his pe** in his mouth and then he had to go to school and play with the other children. I know my bad.


Last night DP went to sleep thinking he would be sleeping as a free man tonight. (yes, he is that arrogant) He was probably almost overwhelmed with the thoughts of all he would be doing. He probably had the proverbial sugarplums dancing in his head like a kid the night before Christmas.

Well, DP woke up today (actually, this afternoon) and found out the Grinch had stolen his Christmas. Too bad, DP. You have stolen all of Kathleen's and Stacy's Christmases as well as the childrens'. You do not deserve any Christmases.

Smirk on, DP. You will inevitably be meeting someone who would love to take you down a few notches in your new home.

He will have his Thanksgiving in county jail, then it's off to the Big House for Christmas.

I am so happy as well as thankful for this verdict. Sweet, sweet justice for Kathleen Savio and her family!

Next is justice for Stacy!


I sure hope so!


I think SP'S biggest mistake was thinking that DP would not do anything to her because she had too much stuff on him. I think the reason she is missing/dead is BECAUSE she had too much on him.

DP knew it and he got rid of her.

She was really naive to do that. Never, ever tell a murderer you're going to testify against them. If I were her I would have gone to the FBI and told them I don't trust the Bolingbrook PD with this information. JMO

November 26, 2012 sentencing???? :what: Why do we have to wait so long?

When you say "we", remember that includes DP. Let him squirm for three months. JMO
DP aircraft I think was a 2 seat. I found this website and they even mention something about his aircraft

2nd picture...then you see pictures in the background then the top left.

Since that link mentioned that DP had a customized 230, then this is what a 230 cruismaster looks like:

and it is a kit

I know this is a moot point, but how does a cop afford a plane? Esp with the ex-wives and child support. I grew up with a cop father, and trust me, it's a pretty meager lifestyle if you have kids to support.
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