The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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I had something else to share about the other case I recently followed. (The story that will be on Dateline tomorrow.) There was a facebook page created by those who felt he was innocent. I joined that page because I really believed he was innocent as well. After the verdict was rendered, the creator of that page named every juror. He encouraged anyone who knew them to find out information about them and send it to him; where they worked, where they went to church, etc. I quit the FB page immediately. I could not BELIEVE that someone in this country would do something like that because they did not agree with a verdict. It was scary to me! All 12 of those jurors have to agree. There has to be some powerful evidence for all 12 to be able to come to the same conclusion in only 2 days. MOO

Cheyenne, please remind us again tomorrow afternoon about the Dateline episode tomorrow night. I usually watch it anyway but I don't want to forget.
I think it would be wise to let the jury speak for themselves and tell us (if they choose to) how they decided the verdict. None of us were in that jury room as they deliberated and went through the exhibits. None of us were privy to their thoughts, their conversations, their questions.

If you support the constitution, if you support the process where 12 members of society get to hear evidence and render a decision based on the evidence, then that means dealing with their decision. At least they took their time and didn't decide on a whim. That's what I had hoped for. That each side would be weighed and it wouldn't be a quick 10 min stop to fill out the verdict form.
Remember the first hint of the jurors getting restless?
They asked how much longer.
That was right after the goggle map evidence was revealed.
Yep, like many of us, that smoking gun was what they needed to convict.
Like Amy asked in her opening, they used common sense.

And ya'know, RPD ... I don't even know how to tweet - I just watched Wral's coverage page. The hostility there is un-freakin believable. . Those twitter-folk remain on "attack". What is it about this case that brings out such bitter venom?

Not as if BC's the hottest dude! We know he had bad hygiene and cleaning habits; never washed; didn't clean his house (but made sure his car trunk was spotless, et al) .. AND ... he's lied, cheated, snooped, controlled and bullied so many. He's not exactly Brad Pitt, either, duh-uh. Why the drama???
Guess Amanda Lamb will be busy this weekend writing the final chapter of her new book
(December 2011 publish date).
I always felt BC was guilty. Than when I read the trial transcripts daily I really wasn't certain that the state proved their case. But, I wasn't sitting in the court room. To get all 12 jurors to vote guilty of 1st degree murder....they must have seen something I didn't see. so I can't be critical
Hi cody!! This is a very special vintage Pinotage. Half now and we'll cork the last 2 glasses for Jason Young's trial (Michelle Young thread here on W/S - you got to join us!!).

That trial may or may not clash with Vincent Tabak, alledged murderer of Joanna Yeates, Bristol, UK. I'm as adamant over their guilt as I have been over Bradly Cooper's guilt.

Thrilled with tonight's news! Was almost scared it may be a hung jury. THANK GOD logic prevailed!

You ready for a glass now? Be my guest .... It's at perfect room temp; goes down like silk and worth every bit the celebration :)

Yes, I am glad it was not hung jury. Yes I will take that glass of wine. Sounds great. Will see you on Jason Young's trial. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and many of the other great minds here on WS.
And ya'know, RPD ... I don't even know how to tweet - I just watched Wral's coverage page. The hostility there is un-freakin believable. . Those twitter-folk remain on "attack". What is it about this case that brings out such bitter venom?

Not as if BC's the hottest dude! We know he had bad hygiene and cleaning habits; never washed; didn't clean his house (but made sure his car trunk was spotless, et al) .. AND ... he's lied, cheated, snooped, controlled and bullied so many. He's not exactly Brad Pitt, either, duh-uh. Why the drama???

I wonder if it has to do with their disdain of Cary.
Whoever asked me in the other thread about what time the wral special is on tonight about this: I dont know, i got the clip when i turned the tv on after the verdict. I may go upstairs and just tape the entire night of wral news and then i could try using my video camera to record it and throw it on youtube later tonight.

It's at 7:00pm on WRAL-TV and on
And ya'know, RPD ... I don't even know how to tweet - I just watched Wral's coverage page. The hostility there is un-freakin believable. . Those twitter-folk remain on "attack". What is it about this case that brings out such bitter venom?

Not as if BC's the hottest dude! We know he had bad hygiene and cleaning habits; never washed; didn't clean his house (but made sure his car trunk was spotless, et al) .. AND ... he's lied, cheated, snooped, controlled and bullied so many. He's not exactly Brad Pitt, either, duh-uh. Why the drama???

Kinda weird for sure.
I'm sure Brad will have a list pages long from females wanting a prison marriage.
I don't neccessarily find it upsetting, but I competely agree.It became a case of "if not Brad, then who".

As I was laying in bed discussing this with my wife last night (& she was begging me to shut the hell up about it so she could go to sleep), I theorized that the verdict could really depend on make-up of the jury, whether they approached decisions from the the left/analytical side of their brain, or the right/intuitive side of their brain. I think left side thinkers, of which I am one, would analyze the evidence, look for direct discrete connections to the crime, and conclude that it is inconclusive, essentially concluding that the state didn't prove their case. Right-side thinkers might feel more strongly that NC should have justice, will look at Brad's suspicious unexplained behavior, and conclude that he is the only reasonalbe culprit. Not that one approach is superior to the other, but I can see how the make-up of the jury could really sway the verdict in this case.

I believe you have done an excellent job at analyzing the way different people would and did analyze the evidence in this case. Thank you very much for such insightful comments. I am a very left/analytical side thinker but I do appreciate those who are more right/intuitive side thinkers. I think we have seen the two differences here on our posts. It has been enlightening.
All I can say is I am so thankful for my husband. I am thankful that I married a man who loves and cherishes me even when I drive him nuts. For his part, he is thankful that this trial is over. He wants to go play golf tomorrow and I'm his favorite golf partner. :)
That's not KL's husband...that's her brother (Jeff Rentz).
nancy's dad makes me cry

I agree, Palomine -- he impressed me from that first presser in Cary. So elegant in a friendly, not snobby, way; so eloquent in his soft, even voice and manner; intelligent, loving, patient in what he says -- what a great dad to raise his children and a great grand-dad for Nancy's little girls.
the jury was extremely protected during this trial...we didn't even get to hear when they polled the jurors...which is one of my favorite parts of a guilty verdict
I wonder if it has to do with their disdain of Cary.

Really dont know - didnt post much. However I noted from various tweets they were from CA to Chicago thru NYC (Brooklyn). The venom & malicious slander against NC JA among many was horrific. I just think they were a minority group of frustrated losers with nothing else in their lives to get passionate about. There was a Scottish lass who really went "ape" with her posts. I slid away. Couple of guilty-believers were attacked by the NG pirhana circling that twitter pool.

After a poster here commented I went to "watch".

Ugly as ugly gets. Female mud wrestlers have more respect with me, LOLLLL!
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