The "war",what was it all about

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What was it all about?

  • JR did something and FW knows what

    Votes: 138 80.7%
  • FW did something and JR suspects what

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • BOTH were involved somehow in what happened

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Both are innocent and it was all just a misunderstanding/ego

    Votes: 10 5.8%

  • Total voters
RDI is not a state of mind and I resent that.

Well, this is my 'opinion'. No one makes you believe RDI, don't say you have no choice.

Noone wants to believe that this is what transpired but this is where the evidence leads.

Let's see, no motive, passed a lie detector test, DNA from an unknown male, cord and tape from an unknown source, handwriting on RN not proven. Nope, no evidence leads there as far as I can see.

All the hoopla and what ifs.... and what could be possible... that an intruder came in.... clouds common sense of where the evidence leads.Every scenario can have an alternate scenario if creative enough.

Exactly my point. Every scenario can have an alternative. I am IDI because I believe the Rs didn't do it. It is my 'state of mind'. I will therefore explore all the 'what ifs', 'what could be possibles' available to us to try to identify the intruder(s) responsible.

After all this time Boulder should just put it all out there and see what happens. I hate knowing that much is tabloid fiction when we can have true facts. Lets face it, it is alot cheaper to put out the actual case facts then hold them back until a special investigation team gets funded. The community will be able to sniff out something if it not too late.

Yep, I agree. They've taken it pretty much as far as they can unless they are relying on future advances in technology to re-evaluate the evidence. I don't think there would be much to lose by letting us have it all (that's assuming there IS actually more to have LOL).
I believe the R tears were real and they were suffering

this is why so many people sided with them

How many is "so many?"

but I also believe that they know what happened to their Baby

How could they know? How does what they know shade their anger? "else their anger would have shined through." What does their anger look like?

"Anger is a natural emotion after loss. They were so apathetic that it made me angry." Are you sure you could see into their souls? Are you certain they were devoid of anger? What about shock?

I had a professor in college who lost a child in a terrible accident. He wore sunglasses to class for the next year. That was the only discernable difference about him from my perspective.

But, I knew people who knew him. They said he couldn't cry like a normal person. For him to be able to cry he would go out into the woods where he would howl like a wild animal. If I hadn't been given this information, I would have never known how deeply he suffered. Do you know what I'm saying?
When I say "RDI" I'm not referring exclusively to people on this forum. The BPD were RDI. Some/most of their 'experts' were RDI. The Tabloids were RDI. Even LHP was RDI. RDI is a state of mind.

All with good reason. You kind of left that part out.
RDI is not a state of mind and I resent that. No one wants to believe that this is what transpired but this is where the evidence leads. All the hoopla and what ifs.... and what could be possible... that an intruder came in.... clouds common sense of where the evidence leads. Every scenario can have an alternate scenario if creative enough.
There is a case that I followed on this forum years ago. I am from So Cal. Her name was Danielle Van Damn, a beautiful seven year old from San Diego. Her abduction story and murder was so unbelievable. The parents looked like prime suspects under the circumstances of her disappearance. Their behavior and there quest for the truth and the return of the daughter was their first priority. They were put under the microscope but they did everything law enforcement asked them to and paid for it in the tabloids. When your child is missing you should want to die trying to get them back not try to protect yourself. This is what they taught me in their true behavior. God Bless the Van Damn Family.
Ramseys not so much!
Also the SD police department along with the parents gave out all the info, held nothing back and the community helped solve the crime. After all this time Boulder should just put it all out there and see what happens. I hate knowing that much is tabloid fiction when we can have true facts. Lets face it, it is alot cheaper to put out the actual case facts then hold them back until a special investigation team gets funded. The community will be able to sniff out something if it not too late.

This deserves a standing ovation!
Hello WS :)

I have about one percent knowledge of this case, but even I can see that John and Patsy Ramsey were quick and willing to throw their good friends under the bus. They pointed their fingers at FW very quickly. I think all the "adults" knew what happened to JonBenet. It's like in the Casey Anthony case, Cindy knew Casey was the one that killed Caylee and so she had to point fingers at everyone else to create doubt.

ETA: I agree with the poster who said the Ramseys did not act like they wanted justice for their daughter. They are not people who acted like they would do anything to find the killer of their daughter. Again, just like Casey Anthony and her family. That tells everything. They are people who wanted this swept under the rug. And, as far as why each would point fingers at each other or other nonsense behavior...if these are pedophile murderers...why do we hold them up to any kind of "normal" behavior? If RDI, they are not normal people.

just my opinion.
Hello WS :)

I have about one percent knowledge of this case, but even I can see that John and Patsy Ramsey were quick and willing to throw their good friends under the bus. They pointed their fingers at FW very quickly. I think all the "adults" knew what happened to JonBenet. It's like in the Casey Anthony case, Cindy knew Casey was the one that killed Caylee and so she had to point fingers at everyone else to create doubt.

ETA: I agree with the poster who said the Ramseys did not act like they wanted justice for their daughter. They are not people who acted like they would do anything to find the killer of their daughter. Again, just like Casey Anthony and her family. That tells everything. They are people who wanted this swept under the rug. And, as far as why each would point fingers at each other or other nonsense behavior...if these are pedophile murderers...why do we hold them up to any kind of "normal" behavior? If RDI, they are not normal people.

just my opinion.

I agree with one for sure. You are right about knowing this about one percent.
Hello WS :)

I have about one percent knowledge of this case, but even I can see that John and Patsy Ramsey were quick and willing to throw their good friends under the bus. They pointed their fingers at FW very quickly. I think all the "adults" knew what happened to JonBenet. It's like in the Casey Anthony case, Cindy knew Casey was the one that killed Caylee and so she had to point fingers at everyone else to create doubt.

ETA: I agree with the poster who said the Ramseys did not act like they wanted justice for their daughter. They are not people who acted like they would do anything to find the killer of their daughter. Again, just like Casey Anthony and her family. That tells everything. They are people who wanted this swept under the rug. And, as far as why each would point fingers at each other or other nonsense behavior...if these are pedophile murderers...why do we hold them up to any kind of "normal" behavior? If RDI, they are not normal people.

just my opinion.

Nice to see you again, Chiquita. It's the difference between night and day isn't it?
I agree with one for sure. You are right about knowing this about one percent.

Ouch! That wasn't directed at me but I do not see how this adds anything to finding JonBenet's killer. I don't see that it adds anything at all to the discussion.

I knew when I started posting on this forum that it was "different". Basically you better be ready to put your big girl panties on and deal with it. That's why I waited so long to post.

(Hitching up big girl panties) In general, it would be nice if a poster would add something to enlighten a newbie, or provide some input into that person's thoughts. What is to be gained by a comment that encourages the poster to leave the forum? Isn't it better to have more heads together to think about it? Chiquita's an awesome poster, very smart and very kind.

I have read for hours here, on Google, on A Candy Rose, and I am sure I still know very little compared to the long term posters. I look up to them to provide information, clarify things, point stuff out.

Ha! I knew Superdave would eventually dissect a comment of mine and I didn't know if I was going to feel welcomed or feel like I had survived a freshman hazing. :) He is straight, to the point, blunt, but always with respect. He's very nice too and always adds reasons for his opinions on the case. I think others might try to emulate him.

Back to our regular scheduled programming...
Ouch! That wasn't directed at me but I do not see how this adds anything to finding JonBenet's killer. I don't see that it adds anything at all to the discussion.

I knew when I started posting on this forum that it was "different". Basically you better be ready to put your big girl panties on and deal with it. That's why I waited so long to post.

(Hitching up big girl panties) In general, it would be nice if a poster would add something to enlighten a newbie, or provide some input into that person's thoughts. What is to be gained by a comment that encourages the poster to leave the forum? Isn't it better to have more heads together to think about it? Chiquita's an awesome poster, very smart and very kind.

I have read for hours here, on Google, on A Candy Rose, and I am sure I still know very little compared to the long term posters. I look up to them to provide information, clarify things, point stuff out.

Ha! I knew Superdave would eventually dissect a comment of mine and I didn't know if I was going to feel welcomed or feel like I had survived a freshman hazing. :) He is straight, to the point, blunt, but always with respect. He's very nice too and always adds reasons for his opinions on the case. I think others might try to emulate him.

Back to our regular scheduled programming...

I love it when an RDI attacks JBRs parents with unspeakable accusations, totally baseless and without evidence, and all the other RDIs applaud and offer their thanks like the mob at a gladatorial battle when the lion bites the arm off the combatant.

Then when someone who disagrees with this 'theory' sticks up for the R's they are treated to a round of righteous indignity, as if they have virtue and kindness on their side, and the dissenter is evil and nasty. So amusing!
I love it when an RDI attacks JBRs parents with unspeakable accusations, totally baseless and without evidence, and all the other RDIs applaud and offer their thanks like the mob at a gladatorial battle when the lion bites the arm off the combatant.

Then when someone who disagrees with this 'theory' sticks up for the R's they are treated to a round of righteous indignity, as if they have virtue and kindness on their side, and the dissenter is evil and nasty. So amusing!

Less amusing than you think. We were all newbies once.
Hardly a newbie, Chiquita71 joined Feb 09.

But maybe a newbie to this forum. To the thousands of pieces that need putting together. That's what I was getting at.

Off topic but here is my stance: For the record, I used to be a firm RDI, now I just don't know. I am into genetics and science and regard DNA as a HUGELY important piece of evidence in any case. So, now I lean towards IDI.

Thanks to so many of the great posters, I question. What if it was tampered with? This "touch" DNA, how accurate is it? The results have been fiddled with to put it into CODIS. Now exactly how did they do that and come up with the markers? Was it just guesswork?
I love it when an RDI attacks JBRs parents with unspeakable accusations, totally baseless and without evidence, and all the other RDIs applaud and offer their thanks like the mob at a gladatorial battle when the lion bites the arm off the combatant.

Then when someone who disagrees with this 'theory' sticks up for the R's they are treated to a round of righteous indignity, as if they have virtue and kindness on their side, and the dissenter is evil and nasty. So amusing!

Exactly. I have seen this. That's what I mean when I say this forum is different. It really can be scary to start to post. You KNOW everyone has more info than you, your goal is to eventually be able to contribute some new insight, but you have so much to learn first.

If you are kind of sensitive, you have to really gear up to understand there are harsh posts and they will likely be directed at you at some point. I think though, it's because people are so passionate for justice for JonBenet.

It's not amusing to a beginner if you have a certain personality, but I love that you are able to shrug it off and keep on going. Sincerely, not being sarcastic. That's what it takes to post here. Hope I can last!
So, back to the Fleet war, instead of the poster war :) I read that he opened the door, looked in the wine cellar, and saw nothing. When John opened the door and looked into the wine cellar, he immediately saw JonBenet BEFORE turning on the lights, according to Fleet.

I think that started his suspicion meter. He could not understand how John could see what he could not in the utter darkness. Then the Ramseys got attorneys and did not cooperate the way Fleet thought they would. Fleet became more suspicious, and started looking more into the case, the politics, and what he personally knew of the Ramseys. He came to the conclusion they were guilty. End of friendship, beginning of the "war". IMO.
So, back to the Fleet war, instead of the poster war :) I read that he opened the door, looked in the wine cellar, and saw nothing. When John opened the door and looked into the wine cellar, he immediately saw JonBenet BEFORE turning on the lights, according to Fleet.

I think that started his suspicion meter. He could not understand how John could see what he could not in the utter darkness. Then the Ramseys got attorneys and did not cooperate the way Fleet thought they would. Fleet became more suspicious, and started looking more into the case, the politics, and what he personally knew of the Ramseys. He came to the conclusion they were guilty. End of friendship, beginning of the "war". IMO.

That 's pretty much it.
Exactly. I have seen this. That's what I mean when I say this forum is different. It really can be scary to start to post. You KNOW everyone has more info than you, your goal is to eventually be able to contribute some new insight, but you have so much to learn first.

I Hope I can last!

You'll last as long as you like. Develop a thick skin, and cultivate the attitude that you are right and they are wrong, and you'll be OK. Remember, you are not related to any of us (as far as I know), nor do you have to associate with us in Real Life. We are Cyber-pals (or not) and exist only here on this forum. You don't have to take us home with you and cook us a chicken dinner.
When I shut down my laptop, all this disappears.
Exactly. I have seen this. That's what I mean when I say this forum is different. It really can be scary to start to post. You KNOW everyone has more info than you, your goal is to eventually be able to contribute some new insight, but you have so much to learn first.

If you are kind of sensitive, you have to really gear up to understand there are harsh posts and they will likely be directed at you at some point. I think though, it's because people are so passionate for justice for JonBenet.

It's not amusing to a beginner if you have a certain personality, but I love that you are able to shrug it off and keep on going. Sincerely, not being sarcastic. That's what it takes to post here. Hope I can last!

Well, in researching on the net, I've come across other forums where abusive/foul/gutter language is the norm. I think a little sarcasm is not something that should intimidate a mature poster. This person purports to 'know' that JBRs parents were her murderers because she was on another forum where a parent killed her child. To have someone agree that with her that she 'knows less than 1% about this case' is hardly reason to burst into tears! Let's face it, someone was banished from this forum for referring to another poster as an 'idiot'. In the real world, that's not a crime.

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