I must say, that after almost two weeks of watching this video a number of times, it still brings tears to my eyes each time. I have something to say about this and Ms. Boyle and BGT.
I saw on AOL the other day where they were taking a pole or some such thing and there's all sorts of conspiracy theory type things going out that this episode was staged by Simon et al. That is not true, IMHO.
A week or so ago I viewed online an interview with Simon where he was questioned about this episode. He stated that this video was actually filmed in January and he feels that this was one of the greater moments of television. He said he WAS completely surprised by Susan's performance. He went on to say that it had been a very long day and all the judges were very tired and stressed,........but then came Susan! (of course this is all in his own words, but you get the gist)
IMHO, everything most likely happened just as shown on youtube. OF COURSE they spliced various film shots from a number of videos being taken simultaneously to get the desired effect. I believe this was all as it happened, from the judge's reactions, the audience reactions, Susan's performance, all spliced together to get one of the most dramatic and satisfying videos ever to show on youtube.
I'm also pleased that Susan has now decided to take a make-over. Seriously....she's not over-doing it, just enough to make herself appear more finished, more suited to accept and ride with the flow, of her new found fame.
At the end of the day, what a gift! I'm so happy that Susan Boyle has FINALLY been discovered and the world will now have the privilege of listening to her beautiful voice.
Go Susan!