Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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Above is what I think we have come up with. Feel free to add to this, Cyberborg. I did include SO as a motive because it has been suggested that there was at least one SO who knew a Croslin family member and had seen Haleigh. Some SO's go after particular targets that they have seen even if it is risky. (ugh, I hate to even type that.)

Got a point there, but would he even know or have any way of knowing ALL of these things? That's where I really hit a brick wall.
One of the things that make your post so thought provoking cyber is that the key to this is that ALL criteria have to be met, not a few, half or most...ALL of them and some would only have been able to be found out at the last minute, such as:
(1) Misty being alone (keeping in mind that Ron apparantly did not know until the last minute that he was working over.)
(2) What time Misty was going to bed. (who in the world besides Misty could have predicted that?)
(3) Which bed HaLeigh was sleeping in that night. (has it ever even been confirmed by LE which bed she was actually sleeping in, if they know? IIRC Misty has stated both at different times.

As you said the list could go on. Much to ponder...thanks alot cyber, I was planning on getting a good nights sleep tonight! j/k....but seriously am going to bed (and hopefully to sleep!) Night All..:)

Precisely, I operate on the belief that if it is too good to be true then..... and Occams razor ..... keep it simple [KISS] I am not a fan of complex conspiracy theories.

I am going to 'ponder' this thread some more tomorrow, excuse the pun because it is worthy of exploration and validation. Brainstorming often may seem futile but out of it often comes a completely different revelation!!!!!!!
Precisely, I operate on the belief that if it is too good to be true then..... and Occams razor ..... keep it simple [KISS] I am not a fan of complex conspiracy theories.

I am going to 'ponder' this thread some more tomorrow, excuse the pun because it is worthy of exploration and validation. Brainstorming often may seem futile but out of it often comes a completely different revelation!!!!!!!

As do I cyber. For my own peace of mind, I'm trying to think outside the box to make sure everything has been covered (in my mind anyway). Problem is..if I stray too far, I can't even see the box anymore. That makes alot of sense doesn't it? LOL, bedtime for me.....
One of the things that make your post so thought provoking cyber is that the key to this is that ALL criteria have to be met, not a few, half or most...ALL of them and some would only have been able to be found out at the last minute, such as:
(1) Misty being alone (keeping in mind that Ron apparantly did not know until the last minute that he was working over.)
(2) What time Misty was going to bed. (who in the world besides Misty could have predicted that?)
(3) Which bed HaLeigh was sleeping in that night. (has it ever even been confirmed by LE which bed she was actually sleeping in, if they know? IIRC Misty has stated both at different times.

As you said the list could go on. Much to ponder...thanks alot cyber, I was planning on getting a good nights sleep tonight! j/k....but seriously am going to bed (and hopefully to sleep!) Night All..:)

As an afterthought, it is even more challenging and complex.

1. Who was to know if/when Ron was due home, he could have potentially worked late flexibly and left at any time. From 12am - 3am Ron was potentially due home anytime. Not a good window to act.
2. It isn't as simple as knowing when Misty is going to bed but also when Misty was actually asleep, completely asleep or knowing Misty is drugged/drunk. It requires Misty and Jr not stirring as you enter the same room with the kitchen light on.
3. If HaLeigh was in the other bedroom then o.k., if in the other bed in the SAME room then Hmmmm maybe, but if in the same bed with Misty then Huh? The risk increases exponentially in a small basic house.


There are less people around 12am - 3am but are you confident that Ron isn't on his way home yet with his gun? Risky.

>>> Add to list perp needs to know someone at PDM who can provide Ron's status.

Misty states she went to bed around 10 - 10:30am and it takes sometime to get to sleep unless she took something. So do we have from 11pm - 12am as a window for the perp to act?

>>> Add to the list does the perp act alone or have a driver who can drive around the block so no-one sees a suspicious vehicle parked, and swings around to pick them up and take off -- else someone possibly sees the car around the back?
This is a theory based on an accident that happened in the home only. I have written it step by step to see if it is Possible for this to be carried out in the time constraints that would be imposed on Ron and Misty's involvement. This is not to say that this is HOW or WHY, only to see if it is possible. There are other possibilities but this is the one I have worked on for now.

Sometime between the hours of 8:30 February 9th and 3:24 am February 10th Haleigh Cummings went missing. In this 7 hour time frame I will attempt to recreate a scenario that shows how Ronald and Misty could have carried out and executed a cover up of her death.


The motive here is to cover up an accidental death, in order to keep custody of JR. and to escape manslaughter charges or neglect charges.


I believe there are opportunities to both cover upa accidental death of a child and the opportunity for a child to die an accidental death in the home. There is also a significant enough time to carry out a cover up given our 7 hour time line of 8:30 to 3:24 am.

There is no phycical evidence of the death of a child in the home; however, there are ways for a child to die and leave no evidence.

1 A child can overdose on illegal or prescription medication.
2 A child can receive a blow to the head and die hours later, due to bleeding in the brain.
3 A child can drown in the bathtub, slip or fall and break a neck.


Misty and Ron had 7 hours to carry out the cover up. My question is: did they have the fore sight to think far enough in advance to cover Ron's alibi to carry this out?

Given Misty's education, and ever constant changing statements, I doubt she acted alone. I feel Ron would have to be involved to help her. Ron's actions after the kidnapping and background statements in the 911 call could lead one to believe he is involved if not at fault for Haleigh's disappearance.

Note: prior to Feb 9th the public has heard about the high profile case of Caylee Anthony and her mother KC A everyday or at least weekly in the media. LE and FBI have centered around her cell phone activity for months, educating the public about cell towers, cell pings and tracking a person's where abouts with the cell phone records. Given that, I do believe Ron would be knowledgeable enough to think in advance that his cell phone could be used as a source of an alibi for innocence or guilt to where he was that night.

My next question is, would a father in this state of panic and grief/shock be able to carry out all the steps to cover up this crime. Or could he instruct Misty to take the steps for him? I don't know Ron or Misty, but if I take into consideration any drugs or alcohol use this would play a role into his or her state of mind.
I am starting my time line when Ron goes to work.

Ronald goes to PDM his place of work. Our best efforts can not 100% confirm when he got ot work. We do know that sometime around the hours of 5-5:30 Feb.9th he spoke to an AC repair man, who was at Ron's MH along with Misty, Tommy and the kids. Misty called Ron on his cell phone while he states he is at PDM, to inform him that the AC repair man is there and hands her cell phone to the AC man to speak with Ron. This call can place Ron somewhere near or at PDM with cell tower pings. However, this does not mean Ron was inside the plant, only near a cell tower that pings near PDM. nO one has come forward to say that Haleigh was not at the MH at this time. We are assuming she is there along with the other kids, well and alive for this Theory only.

According to Ron's attorney, Ron started work at 5pm that day and was 45 minutes early for work, so that places him at or near PDM around 4:15. In order for Ron to get to PDM at that time, he had to leave home at approximately 3:35 to make the 26 minute drive; putting him at PDM at 4:11 to 4:15 allowing for traffic lights, and traffic in general. This would fit the 5:00 start time and 45 minutes early theory. I am using google maps for my drive time. Note: attorney said he drove it in 19 minutes.

For time sake, I am omitting all the dinner and play events that took place by Misty.

At 8:30 Misty shuts off her phone. I believe Haleigh is dead at this point, or soon after. Any one of the 3 accidents could have occurred at this time, the important fact is Ronald is either to partially to blame or Misty makes him believe he is, in order for Ronald to help or be involved in this cover up. If Misty was to blame solely for Haleigh's death, I don't believe Ronald would have covered up the surrounding events that came into play, such as the 20 calls to her cell phone and Tommy being called at 9:30, promoting him to go over to the MH (no one appears to be home). This would be important to establish an alibi for Misty. I believe this was to reinforce the idea, Misty was asleep and couldn't be wakened by pounding on the door. However, if this was the intent, it backfired and she was thought not to be at home at all, the kids either with her or dropped off with someone else. The 20 calls to Misty could also be in order to establish an alibi for Ron that he was at PDM, also the stop at the store to purchase, cigarettes, peanuts and beer. This store is not on the direct route home, but is probably the only store open at this early am hours. Being seen at eh store gives him an additional alibi.
Misty may have called Ron as early a 7:45 pm to tell Ron that Haleigh had died. We know that there are eyewitnesses that Haleigh was seen eating dinner on the front porch at or around 7pm to 7:30pm. So Haleigh may have had a seizer of ingested drugs found in the home just after dinner or around 7:45 to 8:00 leaving a window for Misty to call Ron and start the plan in motion. I do have to ask if her death was so suspicious that Misty would not have called 911 for help for Haleigh at his time. She would have to know for certain that Haleigh died due to Ron's direct or indirect actions; or she was solely to blame and had to involve Ron in some manner.

We do not know for certain that Misty did not have a car that night. But for Theory sake we will assume she did not. Misty would have had to have a way to get to PDM in order for the next set of steps to play out. Depending on the 20 calls and any eyewitness, we need to place Ron at work. If the calls are after 9;30 including the call to Tommy there is a window for Ron to leave his cell at work, come home, pick up Misty, JR. and Haleigh and drive back to an area near PDM. This is a very short window of time, given it is 26 minutes to PDM and home, and you must travel both ways and include time to get all the parties in the car and a dead child in the trunk.

Misty could have left her phone, shut off at he MH or shut off and taken it with her; it would not make a difference as it was not on for the pings to track her location. If Misty had access to a car she could have taken Jr. and Haleigh to PDM or near the plant to meet up with Ron. She needs to be near PDM to call her phone 20 times to give Ron a alibi that he is at work. Ronald has to be able to drive to a location in order to dispose of the body. So in order for Misty to have Jr. and make calls to her cell from the PDM location she has to have a car or van, and Ron has to have a car or van to transport and dispose of Haleigh. So Ronald leaving work to pick up Misty will not work in this theory. Misty has to have a vehicle in order for this to play out. Misty may have borrowed a vehicle form her mom or the van from Tommy (borrowed from SIL and Timmy). note: Tommy states he went there to see if she was home, so he most likely would have had knowledge that Misty took the van that night.

Misty having a van cuts down the time, to meet up with Ron aand use his phone to call her phone and also a place for Jr to be with her while Ron takes his car and drives to a location to get rid of a body. All this has to be done before 9:30 when Ron has access to his phone to call Tommy. (remember there is a call to Tommy at or around 9:30 - 9:45)


7:45 to 8:00 Haleigh dies
8:00 to 8:30 Misty calls Ron, discusses what happened and turns of f her phone.
8:15 - 8:30 Misty borrows a car, puts Jr. in, Haleigh in and drives to PDM to meet up with Ron. Ron can be making calls from his phone to Misty's cell phone that is turned off at his point until she arrives.

9:30 to 9:45 Giving Misty one hour and 15 minutes to do the above is tight, but could be done, getting her to PDM or nearby at 9;30 to 9;45. At this time, Ron would still be at PDM and calling Tommy from his phone, he could also be still calling Misty's cell to establish an alibi for himself. Misty would be presumed sleeping and not responding to his calls or Tommy's knocking at 10pm. At this point Ron has to leave work and meet up with Misty to give her his phone and instructions to call her phone. Ron at this time can take Haleigh and dispose of the body, he then needs to return to work unnoticed and unscathed. If Ron did not take the time to bury Haleigh, but placed her in a river or canal or pond, he may have been able to do this in a relatively short period of time. This could have been done on a dinner break if time permitted. I don't think anyone would cover for Ron if they knew he left work unless they were indebted to him for some reason.
I do not think Misty disposed of Haleigh by herself as the LDT supports someone other than herself disposed of the body. I believe it was 42% deceptive. Given this time frame, it is possible that Misty met up with Ron, used his phone to provide an alibi and returned home that night. I am unsure as to whether or not Jr. was with her or if she had her mother keep Jr as she borrowed the van. The rest of the staging would be easy to fit into a time line. The brick could have been picked up anywhere on the ride back to the MH, thus prompting the comment they had never seen it before. Misty could have gotten home any time after 11pm that night, picked up Jr and put him to bed, drove the van back, and walked home.

I wrote this out,step by step to show that once you do this, you see snags or tight time frames, your mind starts to think of the things about the person and if they are able to carry out this scenario or not. I can do this with any theory and find problems with it. But this is just one of many ways that night could have unfolded.
I do not think Misty disposed of Haleigh by herself as the LDT supports someone other than herself disposed of the body. I believe it was 42% deceptive. Given this time frame, it is possible that Misty met up with Ron, used his phone to provide an alibi and returned home that night. I am unsure as to whether or not Jr. was with her or if she had her mother keep Jr as she borrowed the van. The rest of the staging would be easy to fit into a time line. The brick could have been picked up anywhere on the ride back to the MH, thus prompting the comment they had never seen it before. Misty could have gotten home any time after 11pm that night, picked up Jr and put him to bed, drove the van back, and walked home.

I wrote this out,step by step to show that once you do this, you see snags or tight time frames, your mind starts to think of the things about the person and if they are able to carry out this scenario or not. I can do this with any theory and find problems with it. But this is just one of many ways that night could have unfolded.

I just dont buy the kids were sitting in 59 degree weather at 7 that night in the dark eating on the porch, I think Annette plays a bigger role in this than most think- I think she is part of the 42 percent unsureness by Misty-
He's got himself a booboo on his cheek in the new pic. It's getting to be like those school picture-picture frames......get one for each month of the year until you fill up the ring....
So, like yesterday's discussion about a potential Sheffield relative, I'll ask how is this relevent to the theory of Haleigh's disappearence? Is his pic going to be posted every time he is arrested? If so, and he is somehow linked to Haleigh's disappearance, he needs his own thread. Unless there is a theory involving him? :waitasec:

Well, its always been my theory that Donald Squires helped dispose of Haleigh so thats why its relevant to me, at least he is in the same town as everyone and not hours away-

His criminal history basically is just hunting violations, this sets off warning flags for me because he knew the land- jmo
Well, its always been my theory that Donald Squires helped dispose of Haleigh so thats why its relevant to me, at least he is in the same town as everyone and not hours away-

His criminal history basically is just hunting violations, this sets off warning flags for me because he knew the land- jmo
Maleshebes, have you considered Marty Sheffield? He lives 5 min. away and his criminal and LE background is very interesting as well and he would definatly know the lay of the land (local) and water ways?
Maleshebes, have you considered Marty Sheffield? He lives 5 min. away and his criminal and LE background is very interesting as well and he would definatly know the lay of the land (local) and water ways?

No. Unless Marty had been in the trailer and knew that the door that was hardly used would snap shut so quickly, and he knew were the bricks were in the yard- Maybe if someone could prove that, then I would think differently, but I dont-
No one knows who all had been in that trailer. And I do understand your feelings on proof. If someone could prove RC was at home and not work that night I might would believe differently too. We just need more facts to draw more uniform conclusions. I had never seen your theory involving Mr. Squires, I would like to hear it, if you want to share.
No one knows who all had been in that trailer. And I do understand your feelings on proof. If someone could prove RC was at home and not work that night I might would believe differently too. We just need more facts to draw more uniform conclusions. I had never seen your theory involving Mr. Squires, I would like to hear it, if you want to share.

People believe he was at work without proof; I am at a loss as to understand why the possibility he wasn't, is discarded.
People believe he was at work without proof; I am at a loss as to understand why the possibility he wasn't, is discarded.

Then on top of that, we have Rons own lawyers saying LE cannot clear him unless they were with him all night- I refuse to ignore those words-
No one knows who all had been in that trailer. And I do understand your feelings on proof. If someone could prove RC was at home and not work that night I might would believe differently too. We just need more facts to draw more uniform conclusions. I had never seen your theory involving Mr. Squires, I would like to hear it, if you want to share.

bbm Exactly
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