Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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In an effort to put a few things in perspective on items of speculation I have to ask a few questions again of why and how. I also have a few thoughts on each I would like to share.

1. Why HaLeigh?
If the children where in the MH alone, wouldn't a stranger or SO with intentions to hurt and harm and having no one there to stop them take both children or hurt and harm both children then and there?

If this was an accident at Misty's hands would there not be evidence to suggest foul play in that home that would of been apparent within those 6 hrs the 911 report was compiled and documented no foul play suspected, in fact it states incident occured outside the MH and the offence was not related to domestic violence but domestic in relation.
If this was an act of revenge it is apparent that HaLeigh is Ron's heart.
Haleigh was small, 3ft and 39 lbs and we have heard she was well mannered could this be why? I also would think Haleigh would be easier to disguise even with her identifing features and birthmark.
I keep thinking all of this is in direct relation to who took HaLeigh and why.
The rumor and theory that Misty was not in the home really makes no sence to me, because, Jr. was not taken. If Misty was not in the home and a family member is behind the abduction, why would they bother taking any of the children? Why not just call the police then and there and have Misty arrested and the argument of custody would be a legitament concern?
So.... If logical reasoning can clearly answer the question of Why Haleigh? We might start one foot forward in the right direction.
I am trying to come up with some logical theories, AGAIN.. Can someone tell me, if there was any mention of a plastic covering over the mattress HC slept in?

I am asking b/c if due to the turners sydrome, she wets the bed, or her pants. Woudln't it be logical to protect the mattress that she sleeps on, otherwise it would smell of urine, all of the time.

If there was a mattress cover on HC mattress, it could have withheld any type of bodily fluids that would have exited her body, in the event she passed in her sleep.

Is there any way we could find this out?

****the covering doesn't necessarily have to be plastic, could be cloth, just something to repel or absorb liquid without it leaking onto the mattress*****
At first I went back and forth on what I thought happened. For some time now I have believed that it is most likely that an accident occured which resulted in Haleigh dying or being badly injured. I believe it was likely something her father was responsible for and others helped cover it up with cleaning the mobile home and getting rid of any evidence. I think that is why there was so much washing of blankets. This is the only thing that makes sense to me as to why the wedding took place and the embracing of the last person known to be with her. They wouldn't all protect Misty like they would Ronald. I think it was done this way so they wouldn't lose Jr. too. I think RC, MC, TN, and GGS all know what happened and where Haleigh is. I hope I am wrong, but that is where everything points for me.
2. Why that night?
The circumstances leading up to and surrounding this day and night are to hard to ignore.
A few that where obvious from the beginning and others that have been revealed by the investigations (LE and Attorney/PI) can be seen as circumstantial ,but, IMO there are to many and that is why I ask this question again and again. Why that night?
My first thought is all the new changes in the Cumming's home.
They had only been living in the MH for 40 days.
New locks where installed by Ron.
Ron had been working the 4:30pm-3:00am shift for two weeks.
My second thought is the circumstances prior to and that day and night.
Ron and Misty's argument.
Misty weekend activities.
Crystal was served to appear for a Contempt of court hearing for nonpayment of child support and arrearages in the amount of $12,000.
*Full moon

I have tried to see a logical reason why the door was found to be unlocked with no forced entry and the claim from Ron and Misty that the door was always locked and rarely used. IMO it was unlocked or the abductor had a key or another way in. Water heater closet? Under the bath tub? LE extensively searched these areas in the MH and my understanding there is possible access at these locations from the outside and under the MH. It seems implausible someone had access to a key from the statements that Ron has made and family members. So.... It is either the door was unlocked or they found another way into the MH. The fact that LE defiantly searched in the two previously mentioned places and no confirmation as to what they where looking for I have surmised they found something that lead them to believe those locations held clues to HaLeighs disappearance. The fact that these two locations possible have a connection and no arrest of Misty and Ron has some significant meaning IMO.
The recent changes in Ron's Home and work hours and the coming and goings of the Ron and Misty (fight and her absence that weekend) family and a/c repair man visit that evening prior, it would be too risky IMO for someone that did not have some help with or prior knowledge of conditions and circumstances. The theory that SO/STRANGER is hard to fit to these facts IMO.
The Contempt of Court hearing in itself is coincidental ,but, the fact that Crystal had a modification to the order within such a short amount of time of HaLeighs abduction and then to follow up with seeking custody of Jr. is a little bit more than I can swallow to believe it was such a windfall and unforeseen opportunity for this mother instead an effort to stop the court proceedings and money owed and then a unknown donor pays $12,000 and crystal is now owing no back child support and currently nothing more for HaLeigh before knowing for sure she is no longer alive and will be in need of that support and the stable home that it would of helped Ron to provide after loosing his job.
As much as I am uncomfortable with what we have been told, heard and read about Misty’s inconsistencies I still can not get past the valid observation I have listed above in regards to the circumstances surrounding HaLeighs abduction.
The full moon was conveniant wasn't it.
There is always the possibility of stranger abduction. That is the broadest catagory and gives LE more power and means to investigate.

The reason I rule it out is the back door and Misty's vague, inconsistent stories and inability and resistance to questions or people she don't like. She is self-serving with her answers. If I were RC, she would have to be worried about me getting that info from her. Instead, he marries her....and that is the other reason that this case is derailed. This is a first for me. Marrying a person you know for a brief time and that person was watching your child who vanished.

Gosh, I hope we don't have to wait till she turns 18, but that may be the case. They cannot interview her in a tough way because of her age. It is likely she had an adult with her in every interview telling them the same thing. They used kid

Whisperer, Misty is considered an adult in the eyes of the law. She was first emancipated by her parents when they signed the document. This was not a permission slip to marry; this was to make Misty emancipated, to make adult choices. That makes her an adult in the law, with regard to anything other than those things that age requires, regardless of emancipatory level. (Drinking, smoking, etc.) If they want to question her, they can go full bore on her, unless she has legal representation which would make it impossible to do so without her lawyer present.
Thanks, Debs,

So now she is an adult by law.

So now I am sure she has an attorney. We may not have heard of it but it would seem the day she got married she would also get an attorney. She likes protection when she is interrogated. I bet we don't hear about LE bringing her in for questioning. If they already asked, she likely declined...IMO
Whisperer, Misty is considered an adult in the eyes of the law. She was first emancipated by her parents when they signed the document. This was not a permission slip to marry; this was to make Misty emancipated, to make adult choices. That makes her an adult in the law, with regard to anything other than those things that age requires, regardless of emancipatory level. (Drinking, smoking, etc.) If they want to question her, they can go full bore on her, unless she has legal representation which would make it impossible to do so without her lawyer present.

So, if Misty were to commint a crime, after the emancipation, she'd be tried, as an adult - just like you and I would. And criminal records for any crime committed after the emancipation would be made public.

But, if she committed a crime before the emancipation:

1. She'd be tried as a juvenile, right ?

2. Any records associated with that crime would be sealed, right ?

3. Would evidence about a juvenile perp be released under the FL Sunshine Law ?
Depending on the crime committed, yes, I believe she'd be tried as a juvenile prior to the emancipation. I imagine, like many other 16-17 year olds, that if she were ever charged with a felony and depending on the seriousness of the felony, she would be tried as an adult, regardless.
I am trying to come up with some logical theories, AGAIN.. Can someone tell me, if there was any mention of a plastic covering over the mattress HC slept in?

I am asking b/c if due to the turners sydrome, she wets the bed, or her pants. Woudln't it be logical to protect the mattress that she sleeps on, otherwise it would smell of urine, all of the time.

If there was a mattress cover on HC mattress, it could have withheld any type of bodily fluids that would have exited her body, in the event she passed in her sleep.

Is there any way we could find this out?

****the covering doesn't necessarily have to be plastic, could be cloth, just something to repel or absorb liquid without it leaking onto the mattress*****
Yes I would like to know if police have stated that Haleighs bed had been wet (by HaLeigh)when they removed those bed linens. I am sure they checked the mattress out after removal of the sheets and clean blanket.
If I am not mistaken Misty claimed she discovered HaLeigh had wet the bed when she went to put her to bed and to me that means HaLeigh would of had to of wet the bed the night before there for the mattress should of been dried even though it may of still smelled of urine. This would clear up any misconceptions and determine relevance to the crime of HaLeigh being abducted.
I am trying to come up with some logical theories, AGAIN.. Can someone tell me, if there was any mention of a plastic covering over the mattress HC slept in?

I am asking b/c if due to the turners sydrome, she wets the bed, or her pants. Woudln't it be logical to protect the mattress that she sleeps on, otherwise it would smell of urine, all of the time.

If there was a mattress cover on HC mattress, it could have withheld any type of bodily fluids that would have exited her body, in the event she passed in her sleep.

Is there any way we could find this out?

****the covering doesn't necessarily have to be plastic, could be cloth, just something to repel or absorb liquid without it leaking onto the mattress*****

Since it is a mattress specifically for a toddler bed, I'm guessing that that is waterproof, like a crib mattress. But I don't know that for sure. You could look at the Babies R U website and see if any of the toddler mattresses there are not waterproof.
I doubt they had plastic on anything...I am still disgusted about the pillow...ugh!

That place was cleaned up for the paid tv show they were doing for the NG. There was an incentive to clean. One can only imagine what it was like in there before it was redone for video footage. Detectives make a mess too.
Why didn't they take the mattress as evidence?

ITA: I have been going back and taking a second look, and again after 9 hours of reading and viewing i am back at the MH. One would think that if the mattress was the last thing that little HC would have been on it would have been taken into evidence. Along with any sheets and pillows... i am also wondering why there was no pillow case on the pillow, does she always sleep like that. I know it is not unheard of, but not very sanitary either.

I have to go get my son, Ya'll enjoy your weekend.
Everything points to they never believed she slept in the bed...from the timeline to the handling of evidence to the description of what she was wearing.
What ever happened to the tan shorts? They said she was wearing tan shorts and a pink shirt. They found the shirt. Next thing, she was wearing pink shirt and underwear. When and why did that change.
Since it is a mattress specifically for a toddler bed, I'm guessing that that is waterproof, like a crib mattress. But I don't know that for sure. You could look at the Babies R U website and see if any of the toddler mattresses there are not waterproof.

Toddler bed mattresses are crib mattresses. The only difference is the frame on which the mattress is placed. The toddler bed was standing upright in Haleigh's room in the walk through video. However, crib mattresses are made with a "waterproof" surface. It makes it important to put on a mattress pad under the sheet, or the child will likely sweat like the dickens because of the clamminess which would come from being one layer off the plastic.

Why didn't they take the mattress as evidence?

Misty's first statements were that the children were in the bed with her. As was so adroitly demonstrated, that went through several iterations before we got to the final "Haleigh was on her mattress, Jr was on the big bed with Misty" story we have now. Crystal was very clear in how many stories she'd gotten in those first few days.

ITA: I have been going back and taking a second look, and again after 9 hours of reading and viewing i am back at the MH. One would think that if the mattress was the last thing that little HC would have been on it would have been taken into evidence. Along with any sheets and pillows... i am also wondering why there was no pillow case on the pillow, does she always sleep like that. I know it is not unheard of, but not very sanitary either.

I have to go get my son, Ya'll enjoy your weekend.

Everything points to they never believed she slept in the bed...from the timeline to the handling of evidence to the description of what she was wearing.

All of those varied stories, the mattress placed ever so carefully against the wall in the walk-through video, no pillowcase, no blankets,.....well, those could have been in the laundry. Who knows. What I know is that Crystal heard at least 3 different versions of where her daughter was sleeping, and by the time she'd gotten a clear story that Ron and Misty were telling consistently, days had gone past. That is not theoretical; she stated emphatically that the story had changed repeatedly. (For review, the Nancy Grace interview is where I am getting that info.)

So, theoretically, what purpose does the changing story of where Haleigh slept do?
1. IF she's sleeping in her own room, it would have been much simpler for a stranger abduction (heck, even the theory that someone in her mother's family came and took her) story to take hold. In fact, one would think if fabricating a story is what they're all on about, this would be what they would go with. But they don't. This is discarded (story #2 that Crystal was told, I believe) in favor of Haleigh sleeping in the master bedroom on her mattress. WHY?
She's not placed in this room. She is firmly tucked in with Misty and Jr, making the intricate abduction theory what people must deal with. (Yes, thank you SS for all the posts on how it happened; as people have pointed out, however, no crime is exactly the same. Right?)

2. Haleigh is alone in the master bedroom, Jr on the couch story: This opens up the "where was Misty" question, though presumably, she was on the big bed in the master bedroom. It also makes the story vulnerable to "why was Jr not taken" as a matter of custodial control/abduction (yes, perps have their preferences. They're also creatures of opportunity, and Jr by himself in the living room sure says opportunity to me.) Also, this theory leaves the perp vulnerable to how did they get in and walk past Jr twice, once with Haleigh, and once after they'd turned on the light. This was discarded (story #1 told to Crystal).

3. We are then given the everyone in the same bed theory. Even Ronald presents this as how it was (after the other two had already been told to Crystal). He then has to backtrack and correct the story to Haliegh sleeping alone on the mattress because none of the other stories allowed for the possibility of someone sneaking in and taking Haleigh without alerting Jr and Misty (except, as I said, the one where she's in her own room.)

So....why not go with that simplest story? Why not stay with "Haliegh was alseep in her room and was taken." As early as the 911 call, the story that they were all together in the bed was used, changed to Jr and Haleigh in separate rooms, to all of them in the same room but not the same bed.

I guess the easiest answer is "Because it was the truth that Haleigh was on the toddler mattress on the floor of the master bedroom." But it sure seems like there was a huge problem in just stating that fact early on. And I'd like to know why there were so many versions of where she was put to bed.
Seems apparent to me she not in the bed at all. She may have always slept in the family bed. They decided that didn't sound right, so they changed it up.

That bed on that wall just didn't sit right with me. I don't think that was the ususal place. I think that mattress was in her room on her bed. This may also account for lack of blankets, etc.

Since they are sticking with the bedtime theory, I am wondering why. It would be more easily explained for a stranger to abduct her from her own bedroom; yet they insist on this family bedroom and staged back door. I think one of these two did not know what was going on at first and the other had to play with what was told on tape.

The door was agreed on because they both saw that but only one knew it was staged.
RC could have woken M up from sleep and that is when she was told Haleigh was missing. He told her about the door and the light and she could see it. He told her to call and make sure she told them about the door as he just got home from work and Haliegh was gone and now he is fired up. They filled in the blanks as it went on.

I think Haleigh sleeping in the family bed was the norm. The youth bed was staged too...gotta keep up your image you know. The best they could do to calm down the family bed thing from public scrutiny was to bring in the bed from Haleigh's room.
(Bold by NMS)
2. Why that night?
The circumstances leading up to and surrounding this day and night are to hard to ignore.
A few that where obvious from the beginning and others that have been revealed by the investigations (LE and Attorney/PI) can be seen as circumstantial ,but, IMO there are to many and that is why I ask this question again and again. Why that night?
My first thought is all the new changes in the Cumming's home.
They had only been living in the MH for 40 days.
New locks where installed by Ron.
Ron had been working the 4:30pm-3:00am shift for two weeks.
My second thought is the circumstances prior to and that day and night.
Ron and Misty's argument.
Misty weekend activities.
Crystal was served to appear for a Contempt of court hearing for nonpayment of child support and arrearages in the amount of $12,000.
*Full moon

I have tried to see a logical reason why the door was found to be unlocked with no forced entry and the claim from Ron and Misty that the door was always locked and rarely used. IMO it was unlocked or the abductor had a key or another way in. Water heater closet? Under the bath tub? LE extensively searched these areas in the MH and my understanding there is possible access at these locations from the outside and under the MH. It seems implausible someone had access to a key from the statements that Ron has made and family members. So.... It is either the door was unlocked or they found another way into the MH. The fact that LE defiantly searched in the two previously mentioned places and no confirmation as to what they where looking for I have surmised they found something that lead them to believe those locations held clues to HaLeighs disappearance. The fact that these two locations possible have a connection and no arrest of Misty and Ron has some significant meaning IMO.
The recent changes in Ron's Home and work hours and the coming and goings of the Ron and Misty (fight and her absence that weekend) family and a/c repair man visit that evening prior, it would be too risky IMO for someone that did not have some help with or prior knowledge of conditions and circumstances. The theory that SO/STRANGER is hard to fit to these facts IMO.
The Contempt of Court hearing in itself is coincidental ,but, the fact that Crystal had a modification to the order within such a short amount of time of HaLeighs abduction and then to follow up with seeking custody of Jr. is a little bit more than I can swallow to believe it was such a windfall and unforeseen opportunity for this mother instead an effort to stop the court proceedings and money owed and then a unknown donor pays $12,000 and crystal is now owing no back child support and currently nothing more for HaLeigh before knowing for sure she is no longer alive and will be in need of that support and the stable home that it would of helped Ron to provide after loosing his job.
As much as I am uncomfortable with what we have been told, heard and read about Misty’s inconsistencies I still can not get past the valid observation I have listed above in regards to the circumstances surrounding HaLeighs abduction.
The full moon was conveniant wasn't it.

Maybe, maybe not but if it did it certainly takes away from, rather than adds to, the "Crystal/Sheffield's/Court Appearance Letter - Back Child Support Theory"

*Motion was filed on February 3, 2009 by the state’s Department of Revenue on Ronald Cummings’ behalf against Sheffield for contempt

*Date of Hearing = March 27, 2009

*Ronald stated that he had received a copy of the document about the hearing the day before Haleigh disappeared (Ronald told this to First Coast News;

IMO it's reasonable to speculate that Crystal received her copy between the 5th and the 7th, at the earliest, February 5th - only 5 days before HaLeigh's disappearance. Not alot of time to plan or arrange an elabarate child abduction that leaves no trail, no trace of evidence and no signs of planning, plotting or scheming that could lead to getting caught and going to jail, because as a some have suggested here, Crystal's (Sheffield's . . .) motivation for abducting HaLeigh was FEAR OF GOING TO JAIL.
Logical thinking individuals would then have to ask themselves the following;

IF Crystal (Sheffield's) is behind HaLeigh's disappearance . . .

and the motivation was fear of going to jail . . .

after she received the letter from the court requesting her appearance on March 27, 2009 . . .

would she, being panicked, hurriedly throw together a plan to whisk HaLeigh away without leaving a trail and/or any evidence that would point toward her (Sheffield's) and could she . . .

do it within 5 days AT MOST but more realistically only 4 days . . .

for the reason that there would be a full moon on February 9th . . .

when there would be a full moon on March 11th as well - 16 days before her court date (March 27th) AND 32 days to plan an elaborate, flawless and untraceable abduction . . .

an abduction, motivated by the fear of going to jail, an abduction that could not result in getting caught and going to jail . . .

because that would obviously defeat the whole purpose in the first place . . .

Full Moon dates 2009

Jan 11, 2009

Feb 9, 2009 - 4-5 days to plan the perfect abduction


Mar 11, 2009 - 16 days to plan the perfect abduction . . .

If the Sheffields knew of Misty and RC's fight that weekend, would be the perfect time to execute the plan. IMO
Everything points to they never believed she slept in the bed...from the timeline to the handling of evidence to the description of what she was wearing.

I can not see how your speculation of a mattress that has not been mentioned by LE is cosidered as evidence and the fact that LE took the bedding off the small mattress and allowed the canines to track her scent with them means they believed she never slept in the bed.
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