Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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If the Sheffields knew of Misty and RC's fight that weekend, would be the perfect time to execute the plan. IMO

Your missing the point Busy - in order to execute a *successful child abduction - *successful in this case meaning not being found out, caught, arrested, go to jail . . . (remember the motive???) - takes some substantial planning when your talking about family members who are the first to be put under the microscope.

If the Sheffields knew of Misty and RC's fight that weekend, would be the perfect time to execute the plan. IMO the theory then is that they plotted out their plan TWICE within the four day period. First with the scenario of RC and Misty being together all weekend with the children and AT the mobile home.

THEN....suddenly they miraculously find out about the fight and modify the plan for the new scenario of no Misty around, and knowing that the kids may or may not be at the mobile home while RC is at work on Monday night. Kind of complicates the plan don't you think....not knowing whether to nab Haleigh from the mobile home, GGM Sykes house, or perhaps at one of Teresa's numerous addresses.

Ok, fine, let's go with that idea.....then they would have had to come up with a THIRD plan when Misty decided to return to the mobile home sometime on Monday after she had been with her father, then at her brother's house, then apparently arriving with unknown and assorted of her family members to hurry Haleigh off the bus and into the car. After that, she went AWAY from the mobile did they know when or IF she would return and how many family members might be with her at the mobile home all night?????

Too many variables for the Sheffields or ANYONE to have chosen that night.

I have no buttons and cannot quote Texasmommy39, so my response to post #140 is:

The canines track the scent..
LE handlers direct the canines
Witness tells handlers what she touched and used last.

Thus, LE handlers were guided by the witness who told them where she slept.
(Bold by NMS)

Maybe, maybe not but if it did it certainly takes away from, rather than adds to, the "Crystal/Sheffield's/Court Appearance Letter - Back Child Support Theory"

*Motion was filed on February 3, 2009 by the state’s Department of Revenue on Ronald Cummings’ behalf against Sheffield for contempt

*Date of Hearing = March 27, 2009

*Ronald stated that he had received a copy of the document about the hearing the day before Haleigh disappeared (Ronald told this to First Coast News;

IMO it's reasonable to speculate that Crystal received her copy between the 5th and the 7th, at the earliest, February 5th - only 5 days before HaLeigh's disappearance. Not alot of time to plan or arrange an elabarate child abduction that leaves no trail, no trace of evidence and no signs of planning, plotting or scheming that could lead to getting caught and going to jail, because as a some have suggested here, Crystal's (Sheffield's . . .) motivation for abducting HaLeigh was FEAR OF GOING TO JAIL.
Logical thinking individuals would then have to ask themselves the following;

IF Crystal (Sheffield's) is behind HaLeigh's disappearance . . .

and the motivation was fear of going to jail . . .

after she received the letter from the court requesting her appearance on March 27, 2009 . . .

would she, being panicked, hurriedly throw together a plan to whisk HaLeigh away without leaving a trail and/or any evidence that would point toward her (Sheffield's) and could she . . .

do it within 5 days AT MOST but more realistically only 4 days . . .

for the reason that there would be a full moon on February 9th . . .

when there would be a full moon on March 11th as well - 16 days before her court date (March 27th) AND 32 days to plan an elaborate, flawless and untraceable abduction . . .

an abduction, motivated by the fear of going to jail, an abduction that could not result in getting caught and going to jail . . .

because that would obviously defeat the whole purpose in the first place . . .

Full Moon dates 2009

Jan 11, 2009

Feb 9, 2009 - 4-5 days to plan the perfect abduction


Mar 11, 2009 - 16 days to plan the perfect abduction . . .


Do you really think she was in the dark about her non payment of court ordered child support and The Attorney Generals office of Florida had not been in contact with Crystal prior to that summons? You and I can disagree about if she did or didn't do it, but, it still does not change the fact that she was aware of what the Attorney Generals office had intent to do and that it was just a matter of time because she still refused to pay on her child support for awhile. the theory then is that they plotted out their plan TWICE within the four day period. First with the scenario of RC and Misty being together all weekend with the children and AT the mobile home.

THEN....suddenly they miraculously find out about the fight and modify the plan for the new scenario of no Misty around, and knowing that the kids may or may not be at the mobile home while RC is at work on Monday night. Kind of complicates the plan don't you think....not knowing whether to nab Haleigh from the mobile home, GGM Sykes house, or perhaps at one of Teresa's numerous addresses.

Ok, fine, let's go with that idea.....then they would have had to come up with a THIRD plan when Misty decided to return to the mobile home sometime on Monday after she had been with her father, then at her brother's house, then apparently arriving with unknown and assorted of her family members to hurry Haleigh off the bus and into the car. After that, she went AWAY from the mobile did they know when or IF she would return and how many family members might be with her at the mobile home all night?????

Too many variables for the Sheffields or ANYONE to have chosen that night.


The theory also includes a few 2 faced friends that had been given a secret agenda by this mother to help with any inside info that could be obtained and used to gain access and oppertunity under the circumstances and yes Ron and Misty's fight would be used as circumstantial to support the rumors that where circulating that Misty harmed Haleigh or Ron harmed Haleigh.
Who in the world would call Crystal to tell her that M * R are fighting?
Hey how come nobody is looking at Misty's family as the perps??? IMO Misty was not there she was out doing her thing. Her brother lived with in walking distance to the MH where the kids were. Could it be possible that her brother took Hayliegh and took her somewhere in Pomona Park(maybe to dads)
I don't think that there was a plan before that weekend. If the Sheffields knew about the weekend, knew Misty was back with RC it was perfect timing. I don't think alot of thought when into this plan. I think phone records will reveal alot of activity from say oh Feb 5th to Feb 9th. the theory then is that they plotted out their plan TWICE within the four day period. First with the scenario of RC and Misty being together all weekend with the children and AT the mobile home.

THEN....suddenly they miraculously find out about the fight and modify the plan for the new scenario of no Misty around, and knowing that the kids may or may not be at the mobile home while RC is at work on Monday night. Kind of complicates the plan don't you think....not knowing whether to nab Haleigh from the mobile home, GGM Sykes house, or perhaps at one of Teresa's numerous addresses.

Ok, fine, let's go with that idea.....then they would have had to come up with a THIRD plan when Misty decided to return to the mobile home sometime on Monday after she had been with her father, then at her brother's house, then apparently arriving with unknown and assorted of her family members to hurry Haleigh off the bus and into the car. After that, she went AWAY from the mobile did they know when or IF she would return and how many family members might be with her at the mobile home all night?????

Too many variables for the Sheffields or ANYONE to have chosen that night.

This is partly another topic but just for awareness, please click on quick links and read the post about the little 4 yr old girl that was raped and murdered following an investigation of the Child Protective Services after the child was found to have a STD. The BF of the little girls mother had already severely injured a little boy and the little boy had been taken away from the mother. Child Protective Services found that the little girl was safe to live with her mother. She is now dead after being repeated violated and beaten to death. According to the Child Protective Services, they feel that they made the right decision and that the little girl was safe. For those of you who felt such joy at the decision of the DCF's regarding the safety of Haleigh and Jr., please read the above article and see if you still have absolutely no doubt about abuse in the Cummings household. Are you sure? Really, would you bet a little girl's life on it? At this time I am Pi**ed and really Pi**ed at child protection services not doing their jobs and children being raped and killed because of it.
Another little item for awareness. Look at Robert Manwill's case on this site. Little eight yr. old boy missing. Child Protective Services has already taken a baby away from Robert's mother because she fractured the baby's skull. But, for some reason Child Protective Services decided that it was totally safe for Robert to stay in his mother's care for the summer and for visitation the other times of the year. LE has now determined after searching the mother's apartment that the little boy has met with foul play (obviously after searching with black light, ie., luminol most likely) they are now searching the landfill and looking for his body. So much for the decision of services that are suppose to protect children. :mad:
Maybe M wasn't home. She may have left the MH or she wasn't there at all. RC may have been there and an accident occurred with Haleigh. He left with Haleigh.

Misty returns/arrives to find Haleigh missing. She calls answer and maybe TN who tells her mother to go over there and check. Later ... she calls RC again, he doesn't answer and happens to be pulling up in driveway. She panics. Tells RC she was sleeping and the door was open (left open by RC) and his daughter is missing. Misty is now filling in blanks about sleep, clothings, etc from here on out. She doesn't want to tell RC that she wasn't there.

RC may have left door unlocked, light on, etc. She believes an intruder really was there.

He doesn't tell her he was there....
Whisperer, I have entertained many scenarios trying to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. I have come to the conclusion (at this moment anyway based upon lack of information from LE:crazy:) That Ron is the guilty party, he, his mother and his grandmother connived and plotted and came up with a plan to implicate Misty just in case LE started pointing fingers at Ron. Misty is the sacrificial lamb in this soap opera. I do believe that Ron took a dead Haleigh with him when he finally left the mh, he disposed of Haleigh and showed up at work, late but there, so that his mother and grandmother could put the rest of the plan together. I believe that GMS did come by the MH, she actually came by twice. Once to help Ron when he panicked when he realized that Haleigh was dead (Teresa sent her over there because she could not immediately come over) and for her to get Jr. and take him to her house. She came over a second time to bring Jr. over when Misty finally showed up. GMS and Teresa (yes, she finally made it) told Misty the whole story along with her script and instructions on how they all have to work together to cover Ron's butt, because it really wasn't Ron's fault, it was Misty's fault, she had him in such a tizzy that he lost his temper. The two of them, TN and GMS convinced Misty to help with the coverup. Thus, the cleanup began including the laundry. Misty can half-*advertiser censored** tell the truth because she doesn't know where Haleigh is, has no idea infact. I, for one, can not figure out why Ron has not been grilled and drilled by LE, unless of course, certain ones with the LE are "part of the drug business) and do not want to be found out during the search and all. I think if anyone grows a pair, hopefully the new sheriff, that a "real" investigation will be held and Haleigh will be found and those responsible for this coverup will pass go, do not collect 200 and will go straight to jail. That's it, unless we get conflicting information, if we ever get any additional information.
Busy, I assume you saw the school report and you are saying they reported cut, right?...anything else on the report I may have missed?

Started thinking about the word "cut". was "scratch" on school record but if you researched it, it will save me the look up.

All it said was scratch, going from memory here..and you say "cut'..if there was a "cut" though, that is worse and may have required bandaging.
Whisperer, FWIW, for some reason Teresa and Ron felt the need to have evidence that Ron did not create the injuries on Haleigh. Maybe they felt that they really needed to show that this time it was not Ron's fault. It appears that everything possible was used to protect Ron on this one. Ie., the pretense of guilt? He was not about to be named as the culprit in this particular case. On the other hand, Crystal felt the need to document the injury as well. Maybe she was not believed in the past so this time she was going to have proof. There appears to be many attempts on both sides of parents to proved that Ron did or didn't harm Haleigh. Too much attempts to my opinion to not believe that this was not the first time that Haleigh had suffered a suspicious injury. The paternity side of the fence doth protests too much. When this happens then he has been questioned in the past about injury to Haleigh. This is my opinion and belief. Don't start quoting that DCF found that he had not abused the children. You can read the other posts of mine tonight to get the gist of how I feel about child protective services....................
I don't see Haleigh's face as being just a "scratch" either. I don't know what it means but that was way more than a scratch. Could the school have been trying to down play it, maybe. If my child looked like that I would not say she had a scratch. Frankly I'd be horrified.
Looked like Haleigh had been in a train wreck. "scratch" my butt. "Cut", my butt. I would have been all over that school. I have not seen any information stating that Ron or Crystal approached the school about the serious injury to Haleigh. Says a lot to me.
I am sure I feel the same way as you about DCF. Just read your last post..have to read and catch up ..BRB

New detective on case by name of Joliceur (sp?)

Hi, just saw your post.....good thinking too!
I can not see how your speculation of a mattress that has not been mentioned by LE is cosidered as evidence and the fact that LE took the bedding off the small mattress and allowed the canines to track her scent with them means they believed she never slept in the bed.
FGS, LE was forced to go on the information being fed to them. They did have a choice however. A multiple choice in fact. After the fact it is much easier to see where they screwed up. Not their fault however. They were giving Misty the benefit of the doubt and used the toddler bed as a base point of search. Too bad the pink shirt wasn't found in the nick of time. There is really no telling who the dogs were sniffing, since in my opinion, the bed was pulled into the room during the staging and had no part in the sleeping arrangements. It was made very clear, several times in fact, that Haleigh and Jr. were sleeping in the big bed with Misty. It wasn't until it was figured out that a "kidnapper" would have a hell of a time reaching over Misty and jr. to get to Haleigh on the inside of the bed. Impossible long arms, I would say. Anyway, the story had to be changed to at least a possible scenario, that Haleigh had all of a sudden leaped out of the big bed into the toddler bed. Wow, great trick. I would venture a guess that Haleigh had never even slept on the toddler bed. Maybe the dogs were scenting Misty or whoever moved the toddler bed into the master bedroom. Maybe that is why the "trail" did not lead to any useable evidence. Don't neglect the fact that laundry was also done. I would bet that since Misty mentioned making the bed (cough, cough, with Jr. in it) and getting into bed and going into a coma, excuse me, sleep, that the sheets, all of them were probably freshly laundried.
How can anyone forget the judge that awarded OJ custody?
The taking pictures of the playground incident makes perfect sense to me. The Sheffields had reported RC to DCF before in the past, I would document every thing as well to protect myself from future allegations. Thank goodness they were smart enough to do that.
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