Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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How can anyone forget the judge that awarded OJ custody?
Yes, that was such an enlightening moment, wasn't it. Made you feel that all was well with the human race.................:crazy:
If they were gonna stage a kidnapping why would they even tell the story that Haleigh was in the same bedroom as Misty (lets forget the beds for a second)it would make much more sense if it was staged to say Haleigh was in her bedroom in her bed sleeping. If they took the time to pull the mattress into the bedroom during staging, then they had already thought of the sleeping in the same bed would be a problem so they would of never stated that story in the first place if it was a staged kidnapping. JMO

FGS, LE was forced to go on the information being fed to them. They did have a choice however. A multiple choice in fact. After the fact it is much easier to see where they screwed up. Not their fault however. They were giving Misty the benefit of the doubt and used the toddler bed as a base point of search. Too bad the pink shirt wasn't found in the nick of time. There is really no telling who the dogs were sniffing, since in my opinion, the bed was pulled into the room during the staging and had no part in the sleeping arrangements. It was made very clear, several times in fact, that Haleigh and Jr. were sleeping in the big bed with Misty. It wasn't until it was figured out that a "kidnapper" would have a hell of a time reaching over Misty and jr. to get to Haleigh on the inside of the bed. Impossible long arms, I would say. Anyway, the story had to be changed to at least a possible scenario, that Haleigh had all of a sudden leaped out of the big bed into the toddler bed. Wow, great trick. I would venture a guess that Haleigh had never even slept on the toddler bed. Maybe the dogs were scenting Misty or whoever moved the toddler bed into the master bedroom. Maybe that is why the "trail" did not lead to any useable evidence. Don't neglect the fact that laundry was also done. I would bet that since Misty mentioned making the bed (cough, cough, with Jr. in it) and getting into bed and going into a coma, excuse me, sleep, that the sheets, all of them were probably freshly laundried.
Is there any material on that reported abuse, Busy. It would be good to read.
The taking pictures of the playground incident makes perfect sense to me. The Sheffields had reported RC to DCF before in the past, I would document every thing as well to protect myself from future allegations. Thank goodness they were smart enough to do that.
I have always felt that you were a good, caring person. I'm wondering if you have even a shadow of a doubt that Ron could be a real *advertiser censored*(* at times???????
Busy...your question is a good one. That is the problem that brought me to conclude that only one of the two knew what was going on at the time of the 911.
How can anyone forget the judge that awarded OJ custody?

What does that have to do with Ron being awarded custody?

Is Ron a celebrity with millions of dollars at his disposal?

Ever heard of "Celebrity Justice"?
Misty said they all slept together. Ron confirms that.
THEN..... a change.

I could be totally off here...but I think it was the norm for her to sleep in the bed. She may have been afraid when she was alone. The bed may have been a nightly routine or not.

Misty may have been training to her to sleep in her own room. Ron may not have minded her sleeping in the big bed.

Don't know...throwing it out there because it seems to be a crucial problem with their storylines.
I have no doubt RC can be a jerk at times and difficult to deal with. He is not perfect by any means.

I have always felt that you were a good, caring person. I'm wondering if you have even a shadow of a doubt that Ron could be a real *advertiser censored*(* at times???????
If they were gonna stage a kidnapping why would they even tell the story that Haleigh was in the same bedroom as Misty (lets forget the beds for a second)it would make much more sense if it was staged to say Haleigh was in her bedroom in her bed sleeping. If they took the time to pull the mattress into the bedroom during staging, then they had already thought of the sleeping in the same bed would be a problem so they would of never stated that story in the first place if it was a staged kidnapping. JMO
We are not talking about the Einstein awards here. I'm thinking that the subject of custody came up and Ron's pristeen reputation could not be put into jeopardy. It absolutely had to look as if the children were being totally watched over and protected. I will absolutely agree with you that the simplest scenario was not used. I can poke holes in most everything they did. In my opinion, Misty should have said that Haleigh was in her own room. Or, if she had the nerve, that she had indeed left the children alone that night for a few minutes to visit with her brother. She left the door blocked open because she did not have a key. She returned and Haleigh was gone. That would make the most sense to me. But, again, we are not talking about the Einstein award here. These people were acting on the fly on impulse. In that case, a lot of strings are left unattached.
Thanks that the prior abuse that Busy was talking about..the one where Crystal had reported prior abuse by RC?

I'll check...
It is just starting to look like Misty woke up the door was open and the light was on.. Yet she knew nothing about Haleigh, where she was sleeping, what she was wearing.

If Misty was there, is it possible that RC was home earlier and removed Haleigh and staged door....returned and woke up Misty. Told her to call 911 and Haleigh was gone.

Misty seemed so scripted yet knew nothing about details. Her script was'

1.the door was opened
2.we were sleeping
3.and I, our daughter is missing.....after this, she simply filled in the blanks but was not convincing...

She wasn't even was if she just woke up and was told to call because RC just came home and told her.In fact, it is gone now......but at the very beginning, there was an article saying RC came home and woke her.. I wish I had copied it. Many times journalist get it wrong though sooooo...
Is anyone, though? :angel:

With all respect, I don't think that Ron was the average Joe, OK? I for one would not want him as a neighbor. I don't think he has ever had to be responsible for his actions in his entire life. I really don't think that he ever will. I believe that his grandmother and mother have most likely covered up for him and got him out of any trouble he has ever been in, including during his school years. We don't have his school record, however, we do have his arrest record. Although, he managed to beat allllllllllllll the raps he has had to endure, the record speaks for itself. It really bothers me when people continue to make excuses for him. That is what is wrong with him in the first place. I bet that his mother/grandmother will say to this day that he was always set up or that it wasn't his fault but he was just blamed for it, or that he was always picked on. I have heard it all. Enablers 101. Stop enabling him FGS. It is time for him to grow up and take responsibility for once. Enough is enough, already.
How can we ever get to where HalEigh could be if we can not determine with the facts who took her,but, the BS misinformation that has been crammed down the throats of all who listened?
It is just starting to look like Misty woke up the door was open and the light was on.. Yet she knew nothing about Haleigh, where she was sleeping, what she was wearing.

If Misty was there, is it possible that RC was home earlier and removed Haleigh and staged door....returned and woke up Misty. Told her to call 911 and Haleigh was gone.

Misty seemed so scripted yet knew nothing about details. Her script was'

1.the door was opened
2.we were sleeping
3.and I, our daughter is missing.....after this, she simply filled in the blanks but was not convincing...

She wasn't even was if she just woke up and was told to call because RC just came home and told her.In fact, it is gone now......but at the very beginning, there was an article saying RC came home and woke her.. I wish I had copied it. Many times journalist get it wrong though sooooo...
You are correct. I did read one story that Ron came home and woke Misty. I have also read and heard that it was Haleigh that got up to go to the bathroom and never came back to bed. Of course, this all points to Misty being the village idiot and conveniently the scape goat in this miniseries.
How can we ever get to where HalEigh could be if we can not determine with the facts who took her,but, the BS misinformation that has been crammed down the throats of all who listened?
Unfortunately, when you are investigating a case, you have to wade through all the BS and start separating the truth from the sewage and try to find out what has really happended so that Haleigh can be found. As we all have come to know, there is plenty of BS to go around and we still have not dug down to the sewage and found pay dirt.
Misty said they all slept together. Ron confirms that.
THEN..... a change.

I could be totally off here...but I think it was the norm for her to sleep in the bed. She may have been afraid when she was alone. The bed may have been a nightly routine or not.

Misty may have been training to her to sleep in her own room. Ron may not have minded her sleeping in the big bed.

Don't know...throwing it out there because it seems to be a crucial problem with their storylines.
So what happened each night when Ron came home and there was a full house in his bed. What did he do, pick up Haleigh and put her in her little toddler bed on the floor? Where did he put Jr.? I can see a married mother and father sleeping with a four year old, but a couple who are just "sleeping" with each other? A couple who have been separated and fighting for the last three days, and maybe want to make up? What?
I don't think that there was a plan before that weekend. If the Sheffields knew about the weekend, knew Misty was back with RC it was perfect timing. I don't think alot of thought when into this plan. I think phone records will reveal alot of activity from say oh Feb 5th to Feb 9th.

Oh...I totally agree about the phone records. They are going to show a LOT of calls in those few days. BUT, they are going to also show a LOT of calls that occurred that night. IMO
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