Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #4

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I would be more inclined to think that DCF found no compelling reason to remove the children from the status quo. That doesn't mean that RC is a better parent than CS. It just means that DCF didn't find anything in their investigation at the time to come to the conclusion that the children were in any immediate danger.

I never said RC was a better parent than CS. This is not about Crystal. This is about DCF doing several investigations into the welfare of the children and returning the case unfounded, Leaving the children with Ronald. Do you think they would leave the children with Ronald if it put them in danger?

After the third or fourth investigation do you think they would think "what in the world is going on here...." Do you think that they would completely investigate, looking deeper because someone kept calling attention to his home?

I don't believe that if the children were ever removed from Ronald's care that they would have gone to live with CS, I am sorry but I just don't. That is tough to say, but that is the conclusion that I have come to after many months of reading and following this case. That is not to say that Crystal doesn't love her children, I think she absolutely does, but she doesn't seem to care very much about herself. JMO...
The absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence.

I don't know what you mean. I know LE took plenty of things from the MH and even came back to take a door weeks later. I didn't say there wasn't evidence I am saying that if there was an accident and it happened in the MH LE would have it and would have made an arrest in my opinion. We have a community crying out for an arrest and for the truth to come out, if LE had found one shred of evidence that something happened to Haleigh in the MH I personally feel we would have seen a completely different investigation.
I have to go too, dinner and all.....
This is all I am going to say about Joe:

It is a leap to go from burglary (homes) to kidnapping, rape or murder.

A child taken for sex by a stranger or SO is usually found near by, discarded.

It would be stupid to use the same MO that would give you away, especially if you are in town and have been to the MH.

I really think the staging was to point to cousin Joe to one, remove focus from Misty and or Ron. And two, Misty didn't like him, and the whole stealing of the gun thing, this was a good way to pay him back.

The home was occupied, by two other people.

These are the reasons I have no radar going on for Joe. It's too obvious. JMO
No offense bern, just jumping off the post, but, imo, it's not as big a leap as going from loving Father to murderer.
Suffocation or asphyxiation
Drug over dose, RX or street
Head trauma
Allergic reactions
Chocking on food or some other object
Internal injuries

Non of these would leave evidence of trauma or murder.

none of those say abduction either, but that is what LE have said. Haleigh was taken from the home. Many of the causes of death that you listed do not seem as if they would have been accidental. Someone would have had to forcefully and continuously inflict harm on Haleigh to accomplish death in those ways, with the exception of an overdose or choking. If there was an allergic reaction of some sort I have to think there would be evidence left behind with that as well. These are all just my opinion.
Bold by me...I hear you, but it is also a leap for me to believe that Ronald killed Haleigh, or even that Misty killed her, I could believe their was an accidental overdose but where did the drugs come from? Was Ronald selling them out of his home? Was Misty?

You are talking about a household that has been under the microscope of Department of Children and Family Services, numerous times. Yet they still thought the children were safer and better off with Ronald. I think there is a good reason for that. I do not believe that DCF is corrupt and I do not believe that they were negligent in their investigations. I think Ronald was getting his life together and some people in Satsuma didn't like that. There is no proof that Ronald was using drugs or involved with drugs in the past two years, if there is and I missed it please show me.

As far as Joe being too obvious, I would love for LE to rule him out, but they haven't. I don't think Joe took Haleigh for sex, I think Tommy and Joe panicked and did something in the heat of the moment, or even for revenge, maybe they didn't think things would get so out of hand...who knows. One thing I believe though Bern, Joe took off for a reason, he knows something and maybe he wasn't directly involved with whatever happened to Haleigh...but I believe he took the van and put the scratch on it, I think he knows something.
Elle, if there was an accidental drug overdose, I would be inclined to think that it was because of Misty or possibly someone else in the MH that night that shouldn't have been there. This is because we do know that Misty just did drugs the preceeding weekend. She most likely still had some in her system and desired more. We know that she still was looking for drugs the night she was with her girlfriends and was robbed. I agree that Ron was trying to get his life together and to have some responsibility. He disliked Nay Nay because she was still involved with drugs and was a bad influence on Misty. To me, that says he was making an effort to stay away from drugs.
I don't think Cuz Joe has been completely ruled out by LE either, since they continue to interview him on and off in TN. And I do think it's possible that whatever happened to little Haleigh was not premeditated but that something awful happened in the heat of the moment or under the influence of drugs. Lastly, Joe did leave very hastily (one might think he would stay out of concern for his cousin Misty) which suggests he had some reason for getting the heck outta Satsuma. JMO.
Elle, if there was an accidental drug overdose, I would be inclined to think that it was because of Misty or possibly someone else in the MH that night that shouldn't have been there. This is because we do know that Misty just did drugs the preceeding weekend. She most likely still had some in her system and desired more. We know that she still was looking for drugs the night she was with her girlfriends and was robbed. I agree that Ron was trying to get his life together and to have some responsibility. He disliked Nay Nay because she was still involved with drugs and was a bad influence on Misty. To me, that says he was making an effort to stay away from drugs.
I don't think Cuz Joe has been completely ruled out by LE either, since they continue to interview him on and off in TN. And I do think it's possible that whatever happened to little Haleigh was not premeditated but that something awful happened in the heat of the moment or under the influence of drugs. Lastly, Joe did leave very hastily (one might think he would stay out of concern for his cousin Misty) which suggests he had some reason for getting the heck outta Satsuma. JMO.

Yes, and not only would one might think that Cousin Joe would stay for supporting his family, Art H and others stated that RC and Joe might have been friendly at one point in the past and they had a few nights out together, remember the pond search and the story that Art H told about Ronald and cousin Joe hanging out and watching the crocs chomp down? So why wouldn't Joe have stayed to come to the aid of an old friend? Nah, I think Joe knows something. I really do.

As far as the 3 day binge, I wonder why Nay Nay and Misty are so chummy now since Nay Nay was the one who supposedly blew Misty's cover? Not much adds up, but I am very interested in finding out why these two have gone back to being fast friends.

I would be more inclined to think that DCF found no compelling reason to remove the children from the status quo. That doesn't mean that RC is a better parent than CS. It just means that DCF didn't find anything in their investigation at the time to come to the conclusion that the children were in any immediate danger.

There have been so many cases with DCF in Florida that have ended with a child maimed or murdered that I dismiss anything that this department does or says. Children have been left with parents and have ended up dead or abused or both. They have no credibility at all IMO. They always explain away those children who fall through the cracks as being due to a shortage of manpower and work overload. And yes, I know that there are good things also done by this department, fine, that shows that someone working for them done their job that time but IMO a lot of child abuse and neglect is ignored.
I am saying that if there was an accident it didn't happen inside the trailer because even if PCSO missed evidence there, the FDLE and the FBI were called in very early to investigate the trailer. If there was an accident inside the trailer, I believe there would have been evidence of that. If you think that an accident happened then why do you feel LE is lying and saying that Haleigh was abducted, albeit not a stranger abduction, but an abduction?

I really don't count anything out, because we have so little facts and information from Law Enforcement that we are hopping all over the internet to try to get more information.

IIRC..LE has stated they do not know what crime had been committed or where it was commited...JMO
none of those say abduction either, but that is what LE have said. Haleigh was taken from the home. Many of the causes of death that you listed do not seem as if they would have been accidental. Someone would have had to forcefully and continuously inflict harm on Haleigh to accomplish death in those ways, with the exception of an overdose or choking. If there was an allergic reaction of some sort I have to think there would be evidence left behind with that as well. These are all just my opinion.

I was listing things that wouldn't leave evidence of a trauma in the MH.

I think that LE is using the phrase, no stranger abduction as a tongue in cheek sort of way of saying; There was no abduction, stranger or otherwise. They are not going to come out and say, hey we think you killed Haleigh and we are out to get you. They can't state something that they don't have hard evidence on yet, so they say what they can until at a later time it proves to be what their gut is telling them. I am posting this so you understand why I think what I do. :)
If anyone else did this besides misty/and or rc, then those two need some seriious intervention. none of their comments or behaior shows innocence. rc has twisted, deflected and avoided his involvement. Misty has lied and rc supports her.

I get the impression because some like rc so much and may know or get info from the family that they are convinced he is a nice guy just trying to do the right thing.....HA!

The right thing would not be marrying the chief suspect of your daughter's disappearance and avoiding the law. Hiring a defense attorney on top of it all speaks volumnes for his concern about himself. The right thing would not be allowing a TV station to come in and film your wedding for profit. Maybe that is the real reason he married sure was a rush to the altar or should I say backyard. They fly him to NY and he gets on the show and tells us he doesn't like people meddling in his private life....OMG! I guess the people who cherish rc and believe he quit drugs and alcohol (which we never discussed as a possibility with him) also think that his selling the rights to the exclusive was a coincidence because they know he does not like the media in his private life.....GMAB!
Maybe his swinging range of emotions is from something a little more obvious than emotional pain and drugs, alcohol or a mental condition.

I am very interested about what Amber Brooks has to say about her time with Ron. I did read what Wayanne Kruger wrote about when she spoke with Amber. She mentioned RC is bi-polar and did not take his meds regularly like he is supposed to. I have also read Art Harris has a video taped interview of her he has not released to the public yet. I wonder how true these things are, for I have learned you cannot believe everything you read on the internet.
It would be difficult to prove death at the MH unless there was blood or other fluids. Since all three resided there, it can't be proven. However, LE did say there was no evidence of a stranger abduction. That should be good for something. They found no evidence to support a death in the MH. That does NOT mean it didn't occur there.
I agree with you Twall....Between Amber and Crystal, LE should have a good profile of rc. I believe that he has a mental problem and alcohol could intensify his mood. No, Twall, we can't believe everything that is out there but we do have to use common sense....most do.

The two living in the MH have to be ruled out first...then work your way out from there.

I see no motive with TC or JO for harming Haleigh. There could be cause for involvement after the fact. Ron's passive stance with misty is what throws many of us in his direction. We know that if we were rc we would be drilling her till the cows came home and rc would be sitting of PC courthouse steps. He did quite the opposite. He can't be ruled out till his alibi is completely proven. So far not one friend or co-worker has spoken on his behalf. In fact no one has spoken for him except misty and his family.

I would LOVE to hear what Amber has to say about rc....
Late comer to this case so forgive my ignorance... Is it at all possible that Misty left the kids with Tommy and his wife and the cousin and the crime actually happened there? I think I remember that Tommy's wife gave a statement, but is it possible she's lying too? Would Misty have any reason to keep something like that quiet? I'm not sure that Ron's son, Jr., is not just repeating what he heard or was told to say... Just throwing out ideas... Again, I apologize if this theory has been hashed out and will look further into the threads if so!
Hi Landaux :newbie:

...great thinking here. Sure that is another possibility to explore. I wonder if misty would give up that info.....em....probably not.

Welcome aboard.
Landauxvasse, I ain't never going to remember how to spell this, but welcome, welcome!
Yes, and not only would one might think that Cousin Joe would stay for supporting his family, Art H and others stated that RC and Joe might have been friendly at one point in the past and they had a few nights out together, remember the pond search and the story that Art H told about Ronald and cousin Joe hanging out and watching the crocs chomp down? So why wouldn't Joe have stayed to come to the aid of an old friend? Nah, I think Joe knows something. I really do.

As far as the 3 day binge, I wonder why Nay Nay and Misty are so chummy now since Nay Nay was the one who supposedly blew Misty's cover? Not much adds up, but I am very interested in finding out why these two have gone back to being fast friends.
Elle, I think that Nay Nay and Misty have been friends for a while. I don't recall hearing that they were ever on the outs. Since Ron discouraged Misty from seeing Nay Nay, she may have stayed away and tended to hang out with Amber. If Nay Nay has no place to live, then she would benefit from being able to stay with Misty.
Now that Ron is out of the picture with Misty, she can hang out with whoever she likes. What's in it for Misty? If Nay Nay does know something about Haleigh going missing, I imagine Misty will be very nice to her!
Late comer to this case so forgive my ignorance... Is it at all possible that Misty left the kids with Tommy and his wife and the cousin and the crime actually happened there? I think I remember that Tommy's wife gave a statement, but is it possible she's lying too? Would Misty have any reason to keep something like that quiet? I'm not sure that Ron's son, Jr., is not just repeating what he heard or was told to say... Just throwing out ideas... Again, I apologize if this theory has been hashed out and will look further into the threads if so!

I think it is possible the crime could have happened at Tommy's place but LE didn't search his home TMK, they only dropped by Tyler after Misty's 911 call to talk with the occupants. If Joe was at Tommy's earlier that evening and committed a crime, he left and returned to Chelsea and Timmy's place in Crescent City before the 911 call. Lisa and Hank Sr who may have been living with Tommy and Lindsy were apparently together in Gainesville hospital Monday night. Chelsea said she drove Lisa to be with Hank on Monday. Misty said her blanket was in the van that they took but we don't know what she means and if her blanket was recovered by LE. It wasn't recovered if HaLeigh was wrapped in it and disposed of.

I think Junior would have told if he saw HaLeigh involved in an accident so maybe he wasn't there when it happened. He could have been in another room if it happened at Ron's or Tommy's and the crime was hidden from him. Misty said she didn't go with Ron to get HaLeigh at the bus stop on Monday because Junior was sleeping, so if an accidental death or murder occurred while HaLeigh was with Ronald, Junior wouldn't know.

Chelsea said Misty went back to be with her family after another fight with Ron so I believe Misty did call Tommy to come get her at Ron's gmma's place the night they showed up to rescue Misty. Perhaps Misty should have charged Ronald with domestic violence.

Tommy said in one of his interviews that HaLeigh was at his house almost everyday and because HaLeigh rode the school bus with one of his children, Austin, I think on most days after the children were done school, Misty stayed at Tyler until HaLeigh's bedtime at 8 pm. Therefore on most evenings when Ron was at work, it is possible Misty stayed at Tommy's and ate supper there which explains why Ron called Tommy when she wouldn’t answer her phone. HaLeigh's bedtime is 8 pm and although Misty said HaLeigh was in bed, Tommy said when he went over to check on Misty after 8 pm, no one was home. He may have said that to cover up what was going on at his home. Misty has never denied or confirmed Tommy's statement that HaLeigh and Jr visited at Tommy’s everyday and Misty never said she went to Tyler Monday evening after Ron left for work. Misty said she was home and Tommy, the AC man and gmma sykes saw HaLeigh eating supper on the porch around 7 pm and after the children went to bed, she fell asleep and she doesn't know what happened to HaLeigh.

We don't know if Austin and HaLeigh went separately or together to school on most days. However I do believe Misty felt more comfortable with her family than at Ron's so she took the children to visit Tommy's place regularly while Ron was at work for company. We have seen how careless Tommy is with medication around his children and we don't really know how these people treat others although Misty claims she was real good to the kids, just ask Junior.
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