Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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Is that a fact? There was a lot of speculation about the keys back when Ronald said he had changed the locks because he doesn't want anyone to have keys to his home but I don't recall that we ever heard anything about who had spare keys.

As paranoid as Ron seemed to be about checking the backdoor was locked everyday, I find it hard to believe that he'd want Misty to be without a key, meaning that she'd have to leave the front door unlocked if she went anywhere with the kids during the day and wanted to get back in.

Not a FACT; an IIRC. I prolly read it here. :)
My kids don't go to Haleigh's school, so I wouldn't have heard it that way.

I doubt it was discussed with the children at school Tuesday since there was no indication that something happened to Haleigh at the school and no word that she was dead or kidnapped.

The parents would have received the flyers Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday. [I don't remember which day my kids brought them home.] By then, it's anybody's guess if a kindergartner could tell you who was or was not at school the day before. [OK, I could have, but I was X/O brite, lol.]

My kids usually don't pay much attention to who's absent unless the kid pukes in class or the teacher makes an announcement, i.e. Sally has chicken pox and will be out for a week, so let's make her a get well card.

You will note that the teacher's name has not been released.
I gotta disagree with you, LF. By Tuesday evening people had to be talking and comparing notes. Her classmates parents would've asked their kids if Haleigh was in school, did she seem okay, did they notice her talking to a stranger. The bus driver, for that matter, would've been questioned. If she were absent Monday, someone besides her teacher would've noticed and word would have gotten around.
Doesn't appear too many words got around about anything in this case, Bessie. Teacher was never interviewed, bus driver not interviewed. RC's coworkers not interviewed....pretty much a closed case from day one.

If stranger had abducted her and they told us it was being investigated as such but yet not one of these people made the news.
The way RC uses his phone, I think he was easily pinpointed at the time of the crime.
The way RC uses his phone, I think he was easily pinpointed at the time of the crime.

I think the bolded part is where the problem is. JMO.
ETA: No offense, I love your posts! ;)
I think the bolded part is where the problem is. JMO.
ETA: No offense, I love your posts! ;)

why thank you! I'm sure LE checked RC inside and out-he passed the polygraphs, and no doubt they bugged his phone afterwards too. I also think he was an informant, and so there are lots of spies out there who know the full story on him ... but I have wondered why one of the questions MC failed on one of her polygraphs was about RC's involvement. Probably because this all happened based on a war RC was having with the wrong man :twocents:
why thank you! I'm sure LE checked RC inside and out-he passed the polygraphs, and no doubt they bugged his phone afterwards too. I also think he was an informant, and so there are lots of spies out there who know the full story on him ... but I have wondered why one of the questions MC failed on one of her polygraphs was about RC's involvement. Probably because this all happened based on a war RC was having with the wrong man :twocents:

I too have thought about the deception in her answer, I would think, that she would think, that subconciously RCs involvement wasn't in the disappearance of Haleigh, but the dispute about the gun which led up to Haleigh becoming missing because of the dispute... Did I say what you just said? I think so. LOL.

Im just trying to go with what has been said since & that is not much at its slim pickin. I try to find some truth in her lies, and it does require me thinking long hours.
I too have thought about the deception in her answer, I would think, that she would think, that subconciously RCs involvement wasn't in the disappearance of Haleigh, but the dispute about the gun which led up to Haleigh becoming missing because of the dispute... Did I say what you just said? I think so. LOL.

Im just trying to go with what has been said since & that is not much at its slim pickin. I try to find some truth in her lies, and it does require me thinking long hours.

IMO Misty is never going to make a peep where Ron is concerened....anyways
Your reply here just made think though, about his punk attitude towards guns.
If he was "allegedly" LOL dealing drugs, could he have been dealing in guns?
Small time maybe (he does sort of have an obsession with them) but with big time, "we don't mess around" people? The gang bang type.
just a quick thought?

Was the gun worth alot of money, or at least to the people that would sell them?
Was it registered to Ron?
Ron says he passed the poly, but LE hasn't said he did. Ron also said Misty passed the poly, which we now know is false.
I have changed my opinion on this case. I no longer believe Misty had anything to do with it. Suggest they go back to the RSOs / SOs in the area.
I have changed my opinion on this case. I no longer believe Misty had anything to do with it. Suggest they go back to the RSOs / SOs in the area.

Interesting, I wonder how many SO or RSO Ron and/or Misty knew and/or did "business" with? LE in their latest Press Release have said that:

As previously released, it is very unlikely that Haleigh’s disappearance is the work of a stranger. Evidence and information obtained during this investigation indicate a strong likelihood that Haleigh’s disappearance is the result of foul play by someone known to Misty Croslin and/or Ronald Cummings.
The way Ron & Misty dropped Jr. off while they engaged in illegal activities might be an important clue as to what might have happened to Haleigh.

If they told how Haleigh disappeared, they would've had to tell how she came to be lost; during their drug sales. I'm thinking maybe Misty was out doing sales while Ron was at work. When she went to pick up the kids Haleigh was missing and hence the flury of calls of Ron's. It's noteworthy she said she woke up at 3:00a.m., but failed to call 911 to report Haleigh missing until half an hour later. Anyway, LE's said she's consistently inconsistent so it's hard to believe her about anything.

I just can't figure any other reason for the two of them to still be partners in crime at this late date unless they both knew the circumstances of the crime re; Haleigh back then.

But that begs the question why don't they just tell the truth about Haleigh's disappearance if they were doing what's now verified by the drug sales video's. Misty already admitted from jail to more than what was on the drug-bust video anyway.

What a pair. Those poor children.
I read somewhere that a hand cart could have been on, or near the railroad tracks. I think I read it on a thread here. If that's true, it fits with the K9's losing the scent there. I'm enthralled with the diagram of the K9's path that morning. It's my understanding that Ronald lived in this area at one time. That would make it very easy for him to know good hiding places, and how to get around in the dark. When I was a child, these pump type carts were used by track repairmen. I have no idea if they are used in this day and time.

If you haven't seen the tracking chart, it's worth looking at. It's about half way down the page.
Every time I see a new snippet of jail house tapes, I get a little more convinced that what ever happened to Haleigh Misty helped Ron cover it up. I think Hank Sr was told by Misty part of what happened and her version sets up Ron for the whole thing and her and or her brothers helped in some way. I think the Ratgate was all about drug deals, nothing more. I am beginning to think that Nancy Grace has an arrangement with PCSO and they are putting pressure on Misty by slanting things to look like she is going to take the entire fall for this. I think they are trying to scare her into ratting him out. She is afraid for sure; he will get to her and kill her if she opens her mouth. He has told us all that in so many videos and statements. Hank thinks Ron is too blame and Misty helped him and wants to know for sure she didn't have any thing to do with her death, it was all Ron. He wants her to tell, and she won't, she is scared of Ron. It's easy to see who is lying on camera for the benefit of getting your version out to the public and LE. Too bad some of the players didn't major in acting.

To Misty; If you ever want to walk outside again, you need to talk and soon; otherwise you will be an old, old woman when you get out.
this will no doubt be moved to the theories thread, but if i'm following correctly, whisp and papa are theorizing that Ronald had to get to work so he locks the kids in, Misty still wasn't home (even though everyone insists she was), he decided to get his mom on task to get Misty to babysit (offering to pay), Misty tells Nay Nay she has to babysit and could she get dropped off at her brother's house, GGM arrives to check on the kids at 7 because Misty still isn't there, and at 8:30 Ron and Misty are arguing on the phone and she refuses anymore calls. Ron calls Tommy at 9 and he meanders down at 10 and knocks but no one is home........

wow. my mind just blew up.

Debs, I hope you don't mind my bring this here for some comments.

- First, I'm not buying into Ron having to get to work necessarily, just that he had somewhere to go that was more important than the welfare of his children. I think there's much we don't know about Mr Cummings' actual time at PDM that afternoon and/or evening.

- As to Misty telling Nay Nay about babysitting, I believe she was referring to her brother's children as opposed to Ronald's. I'll double check it later, but IIRC there was reference made to the SIL having to take or pick up Lisa at the hospital being part of the reason.

- I believe that Ronald Cummings was likely all consumed by Misty's actions the previous few days AND her whereabouts the night of the 9th. I don't believe Ronald and Misty "stayed up all Sunday night" talking out their problems because I don't think she came back that night. There is a link to an Art Harris piece that says as much, offering this as explanation for his haste to get Haleigh to school with his having overslept.

- Whether harm came to Haleigh as a result of Ronald's rage, or as a result of being left alone I don't know, but I do feel that if the children were alone, locked in the trailer, many if not all of the coverup actions of TN and GGM come into better focus for me as to why.

- As to GGM and her "laundry trip" with a registered nurse? The one she never mentioned for nine days? I don't think laundry had a dang thing to do with anything that evening other than what was necessary for cleanup.
I know that Nay Nay thought Misty was referring to her brother's children. I'm just not sure that was Nay Nay's fault. I believe Misty was lying to her. Misty lied to her about texting Ron back during that weekend, as well.
I know that Nay Nay thought Misty was referring to her brother's children. I'm just not sure that was Nay Nay's fault. I believe Misty was lying to her. Misty lied to her about texting Ron back during that weekend, as well.

Whaa..aat?! I don't even remember hearing Misty texted Ron that weekend - I thought Nay or Greg said Misty kept sneaking off to talk to Ron on the phone.

Somebody please refresh my memory on this. I really have no desire [nor the stomach nor the brains] to even attempt to decipher that chopped and diced video of Nay on AH's site. tia
At some point the call at 8:30 was an argument between Misty & Ron that she wanted to go or start babysitting other children or she was to go over & babysit TC & LC kids.

Either way I see some truth in some of the lies that has been told just that they switch them up with names & places. Does that make sense???
At some point the call at 8:30 was an argument between Misty & Ron that she wanted to go or start babysitting other children or she was to go over & babysit TC & LC kids.

Either way I see some truth in some of the lies that has been told just that they switch them up with names & places. Does that make sense???

Unfortunately, yes.

Not dissing you, cynd, just my own view how screwed up these "recollections" have been. Add the editorial edits and you've just got a royal mess.

[lol - sorry 'bout the "editorial edits"; can't think of the right way to phrase it.]
Unfortunately, yes.

Not dissing you, cynd, just my own view how screwed up these "recollections" have been. Add the editorial edits and you've just got a royal mess.

[lol - sorry 'bout the "editorial edits"; can't think of the right way to phrase it.]

BBM: Sideliner bias.
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