Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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Didn't know where to put this so maybe Kim can move it if necessary.

I was reading the beginning again and GVS interview with all the family. I have not found it yet but TN is the one who put it out there that rc is a crane operator at PDM and works 3:00pm to 3:00am according to what posters are saying. They said it was in a GVS interview.

While searching for that I see others picked up on it and Marie relates what she was told. So TN was talking in the beginning.

Okay so here is a snippet from Sheriff Hardy speaking to GVS.

VAN SUSTEREN: One of -- the person who first reported the child missing was the girlfriend to the father. Her name is Misty. She was -- she apparently had gone -- she had last seen the child about 10:00 PM the night before and that the child was sleeping in the same bed with her? Is that correct?

HARDY: That's what she's telling us, Greta, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was any -- was the -- was there another child in the bed, as well? Because I know there's another child in the home.

HARDY: No, there was a brother in the home, a younger brother.

VAN SUSTEREN: But he wasn't in the same bed with the girlfriend and the missing child?

HARDY: No, ma'am. He was -- I believe he was in another room, another bed or another -- another bedding area. I don't believe he was on the same bed, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So according to least what I hear, and correct me if I'm wrong, she wakes up or something about 3:00 o'clock, notices the child missing, but a phone call is not made for 27 minutes to 911. Is that correct?

HARDY: Well, I can verify the fact that our 911 call did come in at 3:27 AM. As far as exactly the timeline of when she woke up and discovered the child missing, I don't know. She's saying it is some time after 3:00.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is the girlfriend a person of interest to you at this point?

HARDY: Greta, we're not ruling out anybody. You know, we have teams of law enforcement officers out here right now. We've continued our grounds searches by air and by water. We still have dive teams. We had them out here today. Again, the FBI's out here assisting us with other -- just numerous local and state officials and officers
I am searching now to try and find the part where TN tells rc's work hours right out of the gate. She tells them, from what I understand to GVS. And everyone picks up on her lead and repeats it...why not? That is most likely where everyone got stuck.

So tn says the hours are 3 to 3 and is a crane operator...
Shoemaker says he starts at 5:00pm.
RC or attorney says he decided to work overtime and he gets done work at midnight

Looks like people are always covering for RC. Why doesn't rc say the hours and why can't anyone get them?
Perhaps these pics will provide a better idea as to why it would have been impossible for Misty to have seen the back exterior storm door wide open when the rear interior door (opens in/right sided knob) was only "ajar 6 inches" per/LE. As I've noted, the overhead light in the back door/laundry area was not on, additionally Misty's account of her actions that night have her going only as far as a few feet into the kitchen, at which time she claims to have noticed the back interior door open and the exterior storm door propped wide open with a cement block. Just like Ronald's claim of forced entry by an intruder, which LE ruled out, as there was zero evidence to support it - Misty's claim is just as baseless (or BS) as Ronald's.




The point is, we don't know how far that inside door was left ajar. As was demonstrated in that same video where these still pics were taken, it can be held ajar by a piece of laundry, a towel or piece of clothing.
As far as the light shining, I believe she said the light from the kitchen.. not the one in the laundry area. I'm pretty sure there is an overhead light in the kitchen and dining area which could definitely shine into the bedroom, IMO.
Sheriff Hardy said the door was ajar about 6 inches....just saw your post Nomore. You said it before
The point is, we don't know how far that inside door was left ajar. As was demonstrated in that same video where these still pics were taken, it can be held ajar by a piece of laundry, a towel or piece of clothing.
As far as the light shining, I believe she said the light from the kitchen.. not the one in the laundry area. I'm pretty sure there is an overhead light in the kitchen and dining area which could definitely shine into the bedroom, IMO.

I would like to know where the light SWITCH is. Someone showed a floor plan awhile back and it seem like the switch was actually closer to the laundry area, which means you'd have to go in farther to turn the light off. Wish I could find that layout drawing again.
Which didn't make any sense if her and Ron used it during the day on Monday when they took a nap after HaLeigh went to school and Misty was at home with Jr when Ron went to get HaLeigh. Even if Misty did pick up HaLeigh at the bus stop and Jr was in the van, why would her blanket be in the van? I wonder where LE recovered it?

The reason I mentioned Jr's blanket is because both TN and Misty said JR was sleeping with Misty in the big bed, so if HaLeigh's blanket had pee on it and Misty didn't want her to use it, rather than wash her blanket, Misty could have taken Jr's blanket off his bed and given it to HaLeigh. Misty had to wash HaLeigh's blanket that evening for a reason other than to remove her urine.

Was the blanket LE spotted by the back door possibly the blanket Misty removed from the window and she didn't want to wash it with HaLeigh's blanket? Maybe LE are mistaken about this. Anyone know where the blanket from the window ended up that evening?
I think Haleigh is wrapped in the blanket. It was most likely pulled off the window and used to cover Haleigh. Did anyone notice the window in the master bedroom? I can't recall if it had a blanket. Either that, or misty is lying again and there is no washing or missing blanket...gads, she's as bad as Casey and ron isn't any better with his stories.
So Junior was in the home, per S Hardy, perhaps not in the same bed that Haleigh went missing from but in another room or bedding area. Good to know and hear from the Sheriff himself. Wonder why he quit commenting on this case so quickly.
Didn't know where to put this so maybe Kim can move it if necessary.

I was reading the beginning again and GVS interview with all the family. I have not found it yet but TN is the one who put it out there that rc is a crane operator at PDM and works 3:00pm to 3:00am according to what posters are saying. They said it was in a GVS interview.

While searching for that I see others picked up on it and Marie relates what she was told. So TN was talking in the beginning.

Okay so here is a snippet from Sheriff Hardy speaking to GVS.

VAN SUSTEREN: One of -- the person who first reported the child missing was the girlfriend to the father. Her name is Misty. She was -- she apparently had gone -- she had last seen the child about 10:00 PM the night before and that the child was sleeping in the same bed with her? Is that correct?

HARDY: That's what she's telling us, Greta, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was any -- was the -- was there another child in the bed, as well? Because I know there's another child in the home.

HARDY: No, there was a brother in the home, a younger brother.

VAN SUSTEREN: But he wasn't in the same bed with the girlfriend and the missing child?

HARDY: No, ma'am. He was -- I believe he was in another room, another bed or another -- another bedding area. I don't believe he was on the same bed, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So according to least what I hear, and correct me if I'm wrong, she wakes up or something about 3:00 o'clock, notices the child missing, but a phone call is not made for 27 minutes to 911. Is that correct?

HARDY: Well, I can verify the fact that our 911 call did come in at 3:27 AM. As far as exactly the timeline of when she woke up and discovered the child missing, I don't know. She's saying it is some time after 3:00.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is the girlfriend a person of interest to you at this point?

HARDY: Greta, we're not ruling out anybody. You know, we have teams of law enforcement officers out here right now. We've continued our grounds searches by air and by water. We still have dive teams. We had them out here today. Again, the FBI's out here assisting us with other -- just numerous local and state officials and officers

This is good info, Whisp. A month from now, which thread would you go to in order to find it again? That's where I'd like to move it. I think we have a RC work thread in here somewhere.
Snipped from the video titled “Putnam County Investigators Say All the World’s a Suspect” The following report was given by Major Bowling.

1. When Major Bowling was asked if there is evidence that someone broke into the home? (4:37 mm):

No, we have had a lot of questions about the forced entry into the residence. The back door was ajar. There is a screen door and a back door, the screen door was propped open and the back door was blowing in the breeze so to speak. The natural position of the back door is to fall to about 6” closed and that’s how the door was found. So. we don’t know if the door was locked, you know we’ve had, it is difficult you know, the girlfriend it’s quite a traumatic event, so we’re trying to understand as best we can if the door was locked or unlocked but the one thing is for sure is the door wasn’t kicked open, forced open, pried open, it was very open.

2. When Major Bowling was asked about the brick and blankets, (at 10:27 mm):

There were some blankets near the back door that was open and there was a cinderblock. The 911 call talked about a brick, a brick, a brick. The back door was propped open with a cinderblock; we don’t know what that means, we have the cinderblock, we’re going to look at the cinderblock, we’re going to conduct evidentiary tests on the cinderblock, all that we can, and we’re going to try and figure out, why was it there, it’s a pretty heavy cinderblock, and it was simply propping the door open.

The blankets that you may have seen in the photo that were down the ramp were pulled out by the blood hound handlers as scent objects. It was the bedding off of the child’s bed, they brought it out so they could isolate that scent as compared to other scents in the house; other siblings and things, to do the best job they can. they pulled bedding off of her own bed and used it as a scent article, and that’s what perhaps that’s one of the same reasons that the dogs went down towards the river, is because that same scent article, the skin cells blew in the predominant direction of the wind yesterday which was the opposite of what it is right now, which is right down towards the river.
Bluesky thank you for that. It is the best explanation I have read yet about the blankets. I didn't watch the video, is it possible to post which member of Law Enforcement made this statement about the blankets?
The blanket discussions have me thinking, remember when the dogs hit on the garbage bin, I still strongly believe between the time baby girl went missing until the dogs were used one or more of these blankets were in that bin, I really think the time to have found out who did something with her was when they were emptying out that garbage bin.

Has this been discussed b4, I'm going to check sorry if it has.....
The point is, we don't know how far that inside door was left ajar. As was demonstrated in that same video where these still pics were taken, it can be held ajar by a piece of laundry, a towel or piece of clothing.
As far as the light shining, I believe she said the light from the kitchen.. not the one in the laundry area. I'm pretty sure there is an overhead light in the kitchen and dining area which could definitely shine into the bedroom, IMO.

Actually we do know how far the inside door was "ajar" as I spent a great deal of time searching a few months ago for any mention of the back door directly out of the mouths of the investigators. I found a video of a news conference held early on whereby Sheriff Hardy and Bowling, in answer to a reporters question, state that the back interior door was, quote; "ajar approximately six inches." I've searched for the past hour trying to locate it thinking that I'd saved it somewhere that it would be easily/readily accessible when/if the issue came up again. I'm not able to put anymore time into searching for it today as I have much to do at the moment. Perhaps someone else may recall and be able to steer you in the direction of the video link to that particular news conference I posted at that time. So, just to clarify, my reference in my post about the back door being ajar six inches was not based on opinion from looking at pictures... it was based on words that came out of the mouth of the PCSO at news conference. Hope I've cleared that up!
Ps misty was on a drug binge during the prior weeked she also had to be paid to watch RC kids per TN. It's also a rumor that misty had been pregnant but miscarried due to RC. He took her kid away she then took his. She is like my 3 yr old. I can catch my son with his hands in the cookie jar but he will deny it when asked. She is scared of the truth bc she knows what will happen to her if she speaks up.

I've never heard that Misty miscarried. Its my understanding that she told Ronald she was pregnant, Ronald curled her up in a ball, and then kicked her butt to the curb - it's been equally mentioned that Misty wasn't really pregnant. She simply told Ronald that hoping he would marry her.

I've never heard that Misty miscarried. Its my understanding that she told Ronald she was pregnant, Ronald curled her up in a ball, and then kicked her butt to the curb - it's been equally mentioned that Misty wasn't really pregnant. She simply told Ronald that hoping he would marry her.

IIRC, NMS :) Misty used her sister-in-laws test, as if it was her own to show Ron she was pregnant. I think it is mentioned in the video that Cobra took of NayNay. (she sure did a lot of rambling in that video)
I remember RC having something on the side of his neck when he was first interviewed by LE it looked red, and irritated. Later I noticed their was a band-aid on that area of the neck. Here is why I am mentioning this neck irritation on the side of RC neck. I have been to many construction sites, and watched men carry cinder blocks. The men lift the cinder block, and place them on their shoulder right next to the neck area. What if it was RC who put the cinder block at the back door, and injured his neck carrying it. It certainly would explain why MC won't talk. JMO
Actually we do know how far the inside door was "ajar" as I spent a great deal of time searching a few months ago for any mention of the back door directly out of the mouths of the investigators. I found a video of a news conference held early on whereby Sheriff Hardy and Bowling, in answer to a reporters question, state that the back interior door was, quote; "ajar approximately six inches." I've searched for the past hour trying to locate it thinking that I'd saved it somewhere that it would be easily/readily accessible when/if the issue came up again. I'm not able to put anymore time into searching for it today as I have much to do at the moment. Perhaps someone else may recall and be able to steer you in the direction of the video link to that particular news conference I posted at that time. So, just to clarify, my reference in my post about the back door being ajar six inches was not based on opinion from looking at pictures... it was based on words that came out of the mouth of the PCSO at news conference. Hope I've cleared that up!

I got the same information off a video posted here just a few days ago. It was 30days/30 hours info. Lt. Greenwood said the same thing, ajar approximately six inches. I believe him. So the video is here somewhere. Thanks for the pictures too of the MH. I don't believe she saw a light, or a inside door open, wide open and it exposed the back screen door that was bricked and that is why she panicked and waited 27 minutes to call 911. 27 minutes, that's a long time.
The more I think about RC the more I believe he may have been the one that harmed Haleigh. In the midst of his daughter missing what does RC do? He proposes to MC. Kinda strange RC wants to marry MC maybe because a wife can't testify against a husband in his eyes. His grandmother gives her diamond ring to Ron for MC. The family throws a wedding, and RC's family embraces MC. Why would RC's family be in favor of a wedding at this time? They are shattered that Haleigh is missing yet they are partying with Ron, and Misty at their wedding. Perhaps, it was RC that whacked Haleigh in the head, and later in the evening Haleigh started to suffer from the head injury. There were so many phone calls from MC to RC on that night. MC could have been calling RC to tell him Haleigh was throwing up, and he said just clean it up with some bleach. MC calls RC again, and tells him Haleigh is sleeping, but in fact she is dead. Misty checks on Haleigh, and realizes she is not breathing. RC tells MC to get her inhaler, but Haleigh is not responding. If I rememeber correctly RC did say Haleigh had an inhaler, but he didn't know where it was. She calls RC again to tell him Haleigh is dead. RC calls his mother, and tells her about the accident, and TN goes to the house to help Misty. RC comes home plants the cinder block, and then they call 911. If there was a blanket it was soiled with vomit not urine.
I am at wits end, trying to look for the simplest answer. I mean, the answers have to be right in front of our faces, since we have all been looking hard for them for the past year and a half. (almost)

I am thinking about TN calling Misty to ask her to watch the children the evening that HaLeigh went missing. I thought Misty returned the night before (Sunday) Ron and Misty were up all night talking. I guess my confusion comes in here... If Ron and Misty were sleeping while HC was at school, then why would TN have to call Misty to ask her to watch the children? She was already there. Why would Misty respond by saying "if Ron says its OK". Couldn't she just roll over and ask him?

I REALLY want to hear from HaLeigh school, if she was really there, since LE has never said she was. (although the timeline LE is looking at would say she went to school, but LE has never come out and said HaLeigh was accounted for during school hours)

I just wonder if something happened to HaLeigh before Misty returned from her Drug filled weekend.
I am at wits end, trying to look for the simplest answer. I mean, the answers have to be right in front of our faces, since we have all been looking hard for them for the past year and a half. (almost)

I am thinking about TN calling Misty to ask her to watch the children the evening that HaLeigh went missing. I thought Misty returned the night before (Sunday) Ron and Misty were up all night talking. I guess my confusion comes in here... If Ron and Misty were sleeping while HC was at school, then why would TN have to call Misty to ask her to watch the children? She was already there. Why would Misty respond by saying "if Ron says its OK". Couldn't she just roll over and ask him?

I REALLY want to hear from HaLeigh school, if she was really there, since LE has never said she was. (although the timeline LE is looking at would say she went to school, but LE has never come out and said HaLeigh was accounted for during school hours)

I just wonder if something happened to HaLeigh before Misty returned from her Drug filled weekend.

Between the CA case, and this one I am going crazy. I feel like we are so close yet no cigar!
I am at wits end, trying to look for the simplest answer. I mean, the answers have to be right in front of our faces, since we have all been looking hard for them for the past year and a half. (almost)

I am thinking about TN calling Misty to ask her to watch the children the evening that HaLeigh went missing. I thought Misty returned the night before (Sunday) Ron and Misty were up all night talking. I guess my confusion comes in here... If Ron and Misty were sleeping while HC was at school, then why would TN have to call Misty to ask her to watch the children? She was already there. Why would Misty respond by saying "if Ron says its OK". Couldn't she just roll over and ask him?

I REALLY want to hear from HaLeigh school, if she was really there, since LE has never said she was. (although the timeline LE is looking at would say she went to school, but LE has never come out and said HaLeigh was accounted for during school hours)

I just wonder if something happened to HaLeigh before Misty returned from her Drug filled weekend.

Follow me, if you will, please.. I'm thinking Misty may have been at Ron's for a period of time on Sunday night, but I don't think the kids were there...
A poster at one time stated the dogs in the neighborhood were barking alot that night..Could be there was a fight then and Misty left..I'm talking about Sunday night, not Monday night the 9th of February.
J Santos stated to AH while he was waiting at the bus stop with his children on Monday morning, February 9th Ron C was driving recklessly and nearly mowed all of them down ..He also stated eventhough they were all waiting for the school bus to pick up the children, Haleigh did not ride the bus that morning..He also stated he didn't know IF anyone else was in the car with Ron.
Misty claims she and Ron had to drive all the way to Welatka to get Haleigh the outfit she wanted to wear. I'm thinking IF Misty was with him that morning, they were going to get Haleigh and then take her to school. Ron had been warned she had already missed too many days that were unexcused...It would be extremely helpful IF we knew what the LVA revealed in reference to her claiming she walked Haleigh to her classroom..

I suspect IF there was a fight on Sunday night, the issue at hand was not resolved on Monday..Misty could have left him high and dry Monday w/o a babysitter and thats when TN called her and asked her to babysit...
J Santos claims Haleigh got off the bus on Monday afternoon and got in the van with Misty..I'm thinking TN may have asked her to pick up Haleigh w/o clearing it with Ron C because she was not in town and grandma Sykes couldn't and Ron C was scheduled to go to work that afternoon...Could be when Ron C showed up at the bus stop and found out Misty had Haleigh, he went looking for her and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE....
One other thing I would like to mention... IF Haleigh was NOT in school on the 9th, one would think LE would have arrested RON C. immediately when he first claimed he got her off the school bus..JMO
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