Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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Ps misty was on a drug binge during the prior weeked she also had to be paid to watch RC kids per TN. It's also a rumor that misty had been pregnant but miscarried due to RC. He took her kid away she then took his. She is like my 3 yr old. I can catch my son with his hands in the cookie jar but he will deny it when asked. She is scared of the truth bc she knows what will happen to her if she speaks up.

Bombshell, that is a great theory. I had never thought of it in that regard and it could certainly have happened, except for one thing. If Misty was pregnant and she did miscarry everyone, and I mean everyone, would have known about it. Let's see: NayNay, Amber, Chelsea, Lindsay the other Lindsay, et al. would be talking to AH or someone.

What a sorry, sorry mess this is! Especially when no one is going to tell the truth anytime soon.
I am searching now to try and find the part where TN tells rc's work hours right out of the gate. She tells them, from what I understand to GVS. And everyone picks up on her lead and repeats it...why not? That is most likely where everyone got stuck.

So tn says the hours are 3 to 3 and is a crane operator...
Shoemaker says he starts at 5:00pm.
RC or attorney says he decided to work overtime and he gets done work at midnight

Looks like people are always covering for RC. Why doesn't rc say the hours and why can't anyone get them?

I ran across this earlier today and for some reason had never seen it before.

RC had only worked at PDM for three weeks?

C. CUMMINGS: I mean, I don`t see anybody -- I know he didn`t have any -- anyone that was against him or anything. So, I mean, really -- we -- we`re not getting any more information than you guys are. So I really couldn`t -- I mean, from me, my point of view, I think somebody that had been watching the house and knew when my brother went to work, because he`s only been on the night job for three weeks. So I think somebody -- somebody that knew that he was gone and went in that house and took Haleigh.
I ran across this earlier today and for some reason had never seen it before.

RC had only worked at PDM for three weeks?

I was under the impression he had worked there for a couple of months but had only been working that particular shift for only a couple of weeks..JMO

I've never heard that Misty miscarried. Its my understanding that she told Ronald she was pregnant, Ronald curled her up in a ball, and then kicked her butt to the curb - it's been equally mentioned that Misty wasn't really pregnant. She simply told Ronald that hoping he would marry her.

Do you recall misty being taken to the ER with stomach problems. A young woman reported it and she had talked to rc there. She asked him about Haleigh and he told her that Crystal took her.
I have been reading the beginning stories once again. rc was even more deceptive than misty. When misty was asked about her poly she said she wasn't sure if she passed but though she may have.

The next day in an interview RC was the person who put it out there that they both passed. He passed his with flying colors (of course) and misty also passed hers. He was adament...hmmm.

TN and rc were sure on a campaign to make rc look good.

To make matters worse, he told the court that poor Haleigh suffered from Turner's Syndrome and her mother just wouldn't take her to Dr. appts. Get this..he goes on to say that Haleigh needed injections from an Endocronologist and bad mommy Crystal denied her care. This man is freaking unbelievable.

First of all, injections will start when they are around six years old. This man/child stops at nothing to pump up himself. Worse, people beleive his spiel. He lies right in the face of people who know differently, with total disregard for the truth.

I have read many transcripts last night and this am. He is a piece of work. The best he does is his double-speak. That is the closest he comes to the truth. We are all concentrating on misty's lies...well, rc has her beat, big time. Today is the first day I can say rc is involved directly in his daughter's death. It just might be misty is the patsy. I go back and forth between these two. There is a reason none of us know his work hours and a reason that TN told GVS that rc works 3 to 3 and is a crane operator....Of course a crane operator is better than a yard maintence custodian. If proven that she is lying, this is another nail in the coffin.
Do you recall misty being taken to the ER with stomach problems. A young woman reported it and she had talked to rc there. She asked him about Haleigh and he told her that Crystal took her.

Yes I do remember that now that you mentioned it!
In re-reading, almost every poster commented thay didn't buy rc's story at all. The vast majority of people said there was something terribly wrong with him.

Their objectivity changed when tn got the word out about the work hours and rc said he passed the poly. People ran with that and to this day many contend this to be true, including NG. AH perpetuates it with his comment about the pings and the worker who he spoke to about rc. The fact that it gets media attention adds to the perceived credibility that what they say HAS to be true.

The word was spread that rc passed a poly (according to rc) and the race was on....
Do you recall misty being taken to the ER with stomach problems. A young woman reported it and she had talked to rc there. She asked him about Haleigh and he told her that Crystal took her.

Yes, I recall that Whisp but I didn't know it was due to a miscarriage - :waitasec: somehow that went right over my head at the time... :crazy:
I ran across this earlier today and for some reason had never seen it before.

RC had only worked at PDM for three weeks?

OMG, I seen three..............LOL. So Ron worked from three to three for three weeks................:waitasec:
Follow me, if you will, please.. I'm thinking Misty may have been at Ron's for a period of time on Sunday night, but I don't think the kids were there...
A poster at one time stated the dogs in the neighborhood were barking alot that night..Could be there was a fight then and Misty left..I'm talking about Sunday night, not Monday night the 9th of February.
J Santos stated to AH while he was waiting at the bus stop with his children on Monday morning, February 9th Ron C was driving recklessly and nearly mowed all of them down ..He also stated eventhough they were all waiting for the school bus to pick up the children, Haleigh did not ride the bus that morning..He also stated he didn't know IF anyone else was in the car with Ron.
Misty claims she and Ron had to drive all the way to Welatka to get Haleigh the outfit she wanted to wear. I'm thinking IF Misty was with him that morning, they were going to get Haleigh and then take her to school. Ron had been warned she had already missed too many days that were unexcused...It would be extremely helpful IF we knew what the LVA revealed in reference to her claiming she walked Haleigh to her classroom..

I suspect IF there was a fight on Sunday night, the issue at hand was not resolved on Monday..Misty could have left him high and dry Monday w/o a babysitter and thats when TN called her and asked her to babysit...
J Santos claims Haleigh got off the bus on Monday afternoon and got in the van with Misty..I'm thinking TN may have asked her to pick up Haleigh w/o clearing it with Ron C because she was not in town and grandma Sykes couldn't and Ron C was scheduled to go to work that afternoon...Could be when Ron C showed up at the bus stop and found out Misty had Haleigh, he went looking for her and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE....
One other thing I would like to mention... IF Haleigh was NOT in school on the 9th, one would think LE would have arrested RON C. immediately when he first claimed he got her off the school bus..JMO

Great post. One would think that LE would have arrested Ron C., and I've been trying to figure out why it has taken so long at this point.
I got the same information off a video posted here just a few days ago. It was 30days/30 hours info. Lt. Greenwood said the same thing, ajar approximately six inches. I believe him. So the video is here somewhere. Thanks for the pictures too of the MH. I don't believe she saw a light, or a inside door open, wide open and it exposed the back screen door that was bricked and that is why she panicked and waited 27 minutes to call 911. 27 minutes, that's a long time.

Hi Bern! Just got home and trying to catch up here but now that you mention it, that was the news conference that I was referring it - I tend to get them (Bowling/Greenwood/Rose/Hardy...) mixed up. I purposely saved it somewhere that I'd be able to find and post it again if needed and darn if I can find it! Maybe I'll find it if I don't actually "look" for it - you know how that goes... :crazy:
Could Haleigh have died in a car accident? Possibly because she was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown about, causing her death (either at the scene, or later, at the nearest family members home). There might not have been any or much damage to the vehicle, and it could even have been caused by a sudden braking, rather than a collision.

If this was the case, there could have been a cover up because:
a) whoever was driving had prior convictions for seatbelt violations (I noticed TN for one, had several traffic violations including for seatbelts) or
b) because the driver was drunk/drugged at the time.

The fear of being charged with vehicular homicide could have led them to a cover up. Misty's "reward" for taking part in this would have been marriage to Ron.
The Cummiongs family must have investments in demolition derbys. ron, tn and crystal C. all have extensive traffic violations with tn leading the pac...most are for speeding,
Hi! I am very new to this site and not completely sure how it works but I wanted to throw my 2cents in. Didn't it come out that junior said that he had seen a man in the house and heard squeaking noises? I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere so I'm going to have to do some research on it. My thought is....what if HC walked in on MC having an affair with this man that junior said he saw. Maybe MC felt like she needed to do something about HC so that RC wouldn't find out she was with another man on his couch. But then I have to think if that's the case then why just HC and not junior too. Ok so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but I have had that feeling and even said it to hubby just after I heard that junior had said that. This may be a horrible theory but I just can't shake this feeling. Has anyone else thought this too? Sorry if this theory has been posted...just wanted to throw it in just in case it hasn't. UPDATE: I know what Junior was supposed to have said...he saw a black man (or a man in black), he had squeaky shoes and he made the couch bounce up and down. I'm not sure if the kid really said this but does it have merit?
Hi! I am very new to this site and not completely sure how it works but I wanted to throw my 2cents in. Didn't it come out that junior said that he had seen a man in the house and heard squeaking noises? I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere so I'm going to have to do some research on it. My thought is....what if HC walked in on MC having an affair with this man that junior said he saw. Maybe MC felt like she needed to do something about HC so that RC wouldn't find out she was with another man on his couch. But then I have to think if that's the case then why just HC and not junior too. Ok so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but I have had that feeling and even said it to hubby just after I heard that junior had said that. This may be a horrible theory but I just can't shake this feeling. Has anyone else thought this too? Sorry if this theory has been posted...just wanted to throw it in just in case it hasn't. UPDATE: I know what Junior was supposed to have said...he saw a black man (or a man in black), he had squeaky shoes and he made the couch bounce up and down. I'm not sure if the kid really said this but does it have merit?

Hi there and welcome! Buckle up it might be a bumpy ride : )

Okay, kudo's on the memory. Ya know what is interesting about your recollections? The statements came from people on the flip side of the coin. ( I say flip side because they are not from the Ronald Cummings camp)Crystal Sheffield discussed the bouncing couch and the squeaking shoes of this "man in black". You might recall that She said Junior told her that a man in black came and took his sissy and that he had squeaky shoes. Then months later we heard from Tim Miller. He claimed that Ronald himself told him that he believed Haleigh might have woke up and seen or heard Misty with someone else.

In my opinion, your thoughts are very thought provoking because they lean toward a theory that has not been completely explored from all angles. My hope is that Law Enforcement has. One thing I do know, specialists interviewed Junior soon after Haleigh went missing, before he could talk to many folks. I believe Junior did have something to offer and I have continued to hold on to the hope that law Enforcement has some significant circumstantial evidence to support what they believe might have happened to Haleigh, and Junior is just a piece of it.
Actually we do know how far the inside door was "ajar" as I spent a great deal of time searching a few months ago for any mention of the back door directly out of the mouths of the investigators. I found a video of a news conference held early on whereby Sheriff Hardy and Bowling, in answer to a reporters question, state that the back interior door was, quote; "ajar approximately six inches." I've searched for the past hour trying to locate it thinking that I'd saved it somewhere that it would be easily/readily accessible when/if the issue came up again. I'm not able to put anymore time into searching for it today as I have much to do at the moment. Perhaps someone else may recall and be able to steer you in the direction of the video link to that particular news conference I posted at that time. So, just to clarify, my reference in my post about the back door being ajar six inches was not based on opinion from looking at pictures... it was based on words that came out of the mouth of the PCSO at news conference. Hope I've cleared that up!

Thanks, but I don't need the video to make my point. Sorry you missed it.
What LE says is how far open the door was when they arrived, but that doesn't mean it wasn't further open before they arrived. All they can report on is what they see AFTER they get there.
Ronald had come home, may have opened the door to look outside, for all we know. The point is, that door could have been standing wide open before he got home, and before LE got there, we simply don't know.
He also said it was possible to see the glow from the light in the kitchen in any other room in the house, and he should know... he lived there.
I just want to clarify that I don't believe every word that comes out of Misty's or Ronald's mouths,... but I won't discount every word they say either, just to prove my point. To me, it's not these little details that matter... it's the bigger stuff that is going to make or break this case, IMO.
Do you recall misty being taken to the ER with stomach problems. A young woman reported it and she had talked to rc there. She asked him about Haleigh and he told her that Crystal took her.

Wasn't it Stormy's friend???
Bluesky thank you for that. It is the best explanation I have read yet about the blankets. I didn't watch the video, is it possible to post which member of Law Enforcement made this statement about the blankets?

Hi elle, After a brief introduction by a dark-haired LEO, he turned the news briefing over to a blonde-haired LEO without mentioning his name. I too agree it would have helpful to know his name.
Hi RL Good to see you posting again. Ya know, I had totally forgotten about that...Do you remember about how long after Haleigh's disappearance that happened?

Thanks! I'm trying to locate the posts right now. To be honest, this has gone on for so long, I don't remember when that happened.
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