Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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BOLD BY ME....yes, I have been asking this for a year. This very thing. If Misty got dropped off at 116 Tyler very early Sunday morn, ( according to Kristina P) then started talking to RC by phone, ended up back over there at 202, it forms some questions, wouldn't she smell the urine before bedtime Monday night? Wouldn't Haleigh have smelled like urine before school Monday morning? Where are the clothes she peed in while sleeping Sunday night? Who washed those?

No I don't believe it was Junior who wet the bed. Personally I think the statement by Misty, "who would put their kid to bed with a blanket that smelled like pee? I know I wouldn't" is a slam against whoever put Haleigh to bed over the weekend with a blanket that smelled like pee. JMO

I'm still kind of wondering if the whole blanket thing was because one was missing. She makes a huge issue out of the whole story just to confuse everyone--just like the rest of this case. All these overexplanations and red herrings thrown in to distract from the fact that one blanket is missing. Why? Because that missing blanket is with Haleigh.
They also say the door was a jar. It fell naturally about 6 inches a jar if left on it's own to close. The video on NG with the reporter and TN, lead us to believe, the door was open and cloths were keeping it open. Why? Because Misty wouldn't have seen the door wide open. She would see the light, but not the screen propped open with the brick. The light had to be on to give her a reason to look at that back door, other wise, what is her reason for stopping before she reaches the bathroom?

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the screen door (outside door), the one propped open with a cinder block, was wide open but apparently it was only open the width of the cinder block which LE described as heavy; too heavy for Misty to carry herself? According to LE the inside door was naturally ajar about 6"and the laundry pile which contained blankets, wasn't holding it open the width of the hallway? Blankets? :waitasec: where did extra blankets come from? I was under the impression both doors were wide open to allow a perp to carry out HaLeigh. Wasn't Misty's claim that the kitchen light was glaring into her bedroom debunked because of the wall/layout of the home? The fact Misty couldn't offer a reasonable explanation for not using the bathroom in the bedroom (such as it was broken) is damming too. NG broke the story that Hank Sr said Misty wasn't at the trailer for the entire night and Lindsy said Misty wasn't there either but she didn't say for the entire evening like Hank Sr did. Did Hank Sr refuse to appear on NG to back his statement?

ETA: Wouldn't Junior have a blanket on his bed?
He's an aluminum contractor. [Or was.]

Hey - that's what the cuts on Ron's hands looked like to me ! --- the kind of cuts I get when working on my dryer vent [ductwork]....

Sheet metal which is generally made of aluminum.

[Now what that might mean in the case, IHNI, but that's what his hand injuries look like to me ---- cuts from sheet metal.]

p.s. Where's the "Ronald's Suspicious Actions" thread?

LF, do you have anymore info about Poppa Jeff? Was he ever married, does he have any children. Is he close to RC and CC?

Why do you think they got evicted? I mean obviously because they couldn't pay their rent, but how were they paying for it before this. Do you think RC and CC were selling enough drugs to help them out? None of them seem to have the finer things in life. Seems they were just getting by.

Any info would be appreciated. tia
BOLD BY ME....yes, I have been asking this for a year. This very thing. If Misty got dropped off at 116 Tyler very early Sunday morn, ( according to Kristina P) then started talking to RC by phone, ended up back over there at 202, it forms some questions, wouldn't she smell the urine before bedtime Monday night? Wouldn't Haleigh have smelled like urine before school Monday morning? Where are the clothes she peed in while sleeping Sunday night? Who washed those?

No I don't believe it was Junior who wet the bed. Personally I think the statement by Misty, "who would put their kid to bed with a blanket that smelled like pee? I know I wouldn't" is a slam against whoever put Haleigh to bed over the weekend with a blanket that smelled like pee. JMO

Great points elle! Now you've got me thinking... (scary, I know :blushing:) To the best of my recollection Misty never mentioned that either her or Ronald gave HaLeigh a bath in her re-telling of Monday morning or the Monday evening events. If in fact HaLeigh's blanket had been urinated on and Misty had washed/dryed it as she claimed, you're absolutely right, LE would, at the very least, find clothing (HaLeigh's underwear and/or pj bottoms) indicating that - I don't recall Misty ever mentioning washing/drying clothes - just blankets. I've always found this (HaLeigh wetting the bed) very disturbing in light of Maries claim that HaLeigh didn't have accidents while with her & Crystal. Certainly, I would think, if HaLeigh had bladder issues, the school would be aware of it as there would need to be a change of clothes available to the staff or perhaps the school would have suggested that HaLeigh be sent to school with pull-ups on - ? Which brings me to the question; if HaLeigh had a tendency to wet the bed, wouldn't she be put to bed with pull-ups on in the first place? I guess what I'm getting at, in around about sort of way is, if wetting the bed wasn't actually a regular thing, or even an occassional thing for that matter with HaLeigh, but rather it was precipitated by...say... a spanking that caused HaLeigh to lose control of her bladder, would it then make more sense, or at least provide another explanation, as to why Misty seemed almost consumed with discussing/explaining the blankets? Specifically in regards to that part of her statement that you point out, "who would put their kid to bed with a blanket that smelled like pee? "I know I wouldn't." So I have to wonder if Misty didn't spank/hit HaLeigh which in turn caused HaLeigh to lose control of her bladder, and Misty, having no problem with hauling off and hitting a kid, after the fact she vindicates herself/her actions by washing the blanket as a measure of self-redemption; Almost as if she's saying (without actually saying...), "I might do x,y, and z, but I'd never do that!" As I was just writing this last part my neighbor stopped by who happens to have twin 5-year-old girls. It's been a few years since I've had little ones running around, and I also had boys, so I asked him some bed-wetting questions in reference to his girls. He told me that the only time they really ever had any issues with "accidents" was last year (they both would have been four) when they'd be playing outside, especially in the winter with snowsuits on, and they didn't/wouldn't/couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. They never used pull-ups because it wasn't a regular occurrance and he added that the girls, once they connected the dots and understood that as soon as the urge came on, to RUN and not wait until the last minute to get to the bathroom, allowing themselves time to undress... He also added that kids, especially girls, hate the feeling of wetting in their pants, and his girls, before he and/or his wife were even aware that one of them had an "accident", they'd be in the bathroom, peeling off their clothes and demanding to get into the bath tub immediately. I can see HaLeigh being this way too. Final note (sorry for the long post); I do think that Misty's account of HaLeigh's blanket is very relevant and quite possibly part of what led up to HaLeigh's demise - I just don't think it's the whole story, far from it... JMO~
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the screen door (outside door), the one propped open with a cinder block, was wide open but apparently it was only open the width of the cinder block which LE described as heavy; too heavy for Misty to carry herself? According to LE the inside door was naturally ajar about 6"and the laundry pile which contained blankets, wasn't holding it open the width of the hallway? Blankets? :waitasec: where did extra blankets come from? I was under the impression both doors were wide open to allow a perp to carry out HaLeigh. Wasn't Misty's claim that the kitchen light was glaring into her bedroom debunked because of the wall/layout of the home? The fact Misty couldn't offer a reasonable explanation for not using the bathroom in the bedroom (such as it was broken) is damming too. NG broke the story that Hank Sr said Misty wasn't at the trailer for the entire night and Lindsy said Misty wasn't there either but she didn't say for the entire evening like Hank Sr did. Did Hank Sr refuse to appear on NG to back his statement?

ETA: Wouldn't Junior have a blanket on his bed?

I am referring to the wooden inside door. If you listen to the video with Lt. Greenwood, he explains how the door naturally rest to about 6 inches from the frame. In other words, if you are coming down the hall and the door is open (inside door) but not closed, you can't see the screen door propped open. You would have to go up to the door and open it to see the screen door bricked. Does that make sense?
BOLD BY ME....yes, I have been asking this for a year. This very thing. If Misty got dropped off at 116 Tyler very early Sunday morn, ( according to Kristina P) then started talking to RC by phone, ended up back over there at 202, it forms some questions, wouldn't she smell the urine before bedtime Monday night? Wouldn't Haleigh have smelled like urine before school Monday morning? Where are the clothes she peed in while sleeping Sunday night? Who washed those?

No I don't believe it was Junior who wet the bed. Personally I think the statement by Misty, "who would put their kid to bed with a blanket that smelled like pee? I know I wouldn't" is a slam against whoever put Haleigh to bed over the weekend with a blanket that smelled like pee. JMO

The LVA revealed there was no pee blanket...IMHO.. IF Haleigh's blanket was washed it was to get rid of evidence or mislead LE... And I also suspect the statement she made about.. "who would put their kid to bed with a blanket that smelled like pee? I know I wouldn't" was just an added embellishment to make the story appear to be more believable..JMO
The LVA revealed there was no pee blanket...IMHO.. IF Haleigh's blanket was washed it was to get rid of evidence or mislead LE...JMO

I agree Em,

Misty need to explain or have an excuse for all her actions that night. If she washed blankets, wanted to have a reason why she did it. You don't need an excuse to be doing laundry unless you feel guilty about the reason you were washing them or you didn't do them at all, you need to account for your time. She needed an excuse to find the door propped open. So she woke, she had to pee, get a drink, just woke up for no reason, she saw a light. Ya that's the ticket, I saw a light, which lead me to the hall, and then I saw a door open, no two open, wide open and then I saw a brick, and then I ran for my phone and then I saw the child was missing the one right next to me, no she was on the floor, ya that makes more sense, that's the ticket. Ya! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just to clarify...Misty said her (Misty's) blanket was in the van that they took.
The part of the police report that has mysteriously disappeared has been reported by people who saw it that the washer was running when LE arrived, not the dryer.

Thanks twall, I thought I was mistaken about HaLeigh's blanket being in the van.
I am referring to the wooden inside door. If you listen to the video with Lt. Greenwood, he explains how the door naturally rest to about 6 inches from the frame. In other words, if you are coming down the hall and the door is open (inside door) but not closed, you can't see the screen door propped open. You would have to go up to the door and open it to see the screen door bricked. Does that make sense?

As a matter of fact, I believe you could, Bern. Most MH's that have two doors, a storm door, and a solid inside door, have the handles on the same side. One door opens out and the other opens in. If my inside door is cracked open a few inches I can certainly tell if the storm door is standing open, even a little ways. It just looks different, even at night.

As for not being able to see the kitchen light on from the bedroom, why not? An overhead light normally puts out enough light... especially at night... that it would shine enough into that room to notice, when it's normally off at night. Even if the bedroom door opens out into a hallway, I would think you could tell if a light was on in the main area. That house is not that big. Marlena from NG said it's only 16 feet from the bedroom to the back door.
In my house, even a little night light puts out enough light that I can tell when the bulb burns out, from another room.
These posts by DianeBS on the Dreams/Vision thread and Tuba on the Forensic Astrology thread support the theory that Misty is lying to hide what happened to HaLeigh while under her watch. If HaLeigh died in her home, it’s possible Misty laid HaLeigh on her bed after the accident and the person who came to take HaLeigh lifted her off her bed.

{Snipped from Post 275 Dreams/vision thread #1}.

Hi, in the past I have had missing children come to me in dreams that have come true. I find any dreams when a person comes to you from heaven are very vivid and you don't forget the details. Different from normal dreams. I live in Canada and have basic cable .. do not get CNN, so at the time of my dream with Haleigh (end of February), I was unaware she was missing.

In my dream I was looking at Haleigh through a glass. I knew the little girl was a spirit. I went to her and held her hand and we walked. I asked her name and she said Haleigh and I asked her what was the matter. She told me she didn't want to leave her daddy as he was crying all the time and blaming himself. She didn't like that. I asked her what had happened to her.

She told me her daddy's girlfriend hit her (also told me that she was always mean to her). She told me that she had been bad and Misty hit her and she went flying and banged her head bad.
She said then she was floating in the air and she could see herself. She said she was bleeding on her head. Her little brother was crying and screaming and Misty yelled at him to go to his room. She told me how Misty was crying and walking in circles and screaming. She told me Misty called someone and told them and asked them to help. He came over and he took her away. I asked her if she knew where she was. She told me she was in a van and then he put her at a place with lots of trees and right by water. She told me he covered her up with stuff (she didn't say what kind of stuff).

The next day, I said to my Mom I prayed there wasn't a missing child. My Mom get CNN and when I was there next I watched Nancy Grace and there was my Haleigh. My heart just sunk. I didn't understand at first because they kept speaking of the babysitter, but I realized that the girlfriend and babysitter were the same person. I pray she will be found, so the family can have some closure.
I believe Misty's has everything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh. As for no blood evidence .. Misty would have cleaned it up. The fact that the trailer was a crime for weeks, says a lot. The police have been quiet about what found there. But in an interview with Nancy Grace, Haleigh's grandmother says the police took out a wall! So we do not know if the police found any blood or what they found in hair or other fibres. All we do know is that they did have the trailer as a crime scene for a lot of time to not have evidence from there. My theory is that Misty then called her cousin Joe (Tennessee Joe) to help her in her panic of not what to do. I believe Joe is the one who put Haleigh somewhere and Misty is the one who cleaned up.

Originally Posted by Tuba
Speculation is now being aired on crime news programs that a call or two between Ron & Misty that fused the phone lines around 8:30 on 2/09 was motive for murder or mayhem. Miss Croslin assuredly did not want to hear any more since she offed the telephone and made herself unavailable.

There was, on that day of the Moon, a contest of wills between her and her charge, the little one now missing. The lunar eclipse, which squared Misty's Pluto, pushed her to her absolute limit, her orders disobeyed, her ultimatums ignored. With Mercury on her Moon, her tongue was running on wheels. Haleigh's Pluto and Misty's Sun are conjunct whereas Misty's Pluto squares Haleigh's Venus-Sun-Jupiter, Haleigh's Mars 7° Pisces & Misty's 7° Sagittarius are in square; Misty's south node is 9° Cancer, Haleigh's Saturn is 9° Cancer and Saturn that day was on Haleigh's Mercury in the Sign of the caretaker. If this conflict became physical, who would win? The field under that eclipse was very dangerous for jousting, particularly to the overmatched child. Nor could the adolescent Misty ever win, merely overcome and overwhelm.
I can certainly see misty as capable of harming haleigh. I don't think misty (nor ron) were capable of raising a feisty child. They can't even raise themselves.

You can see that misty likes to prove herself...just watch the drug tapes. She was given complete authority over those kids. If what we heard is true about rc and his parenting skills, he was a hands-on type and believed in corporal punishment to keep the kids in line. He also was no example for misty to emulate as a parent. I am sure she enjoyed her role, and not in a good way. She quicly learned Ron's way and what to do to discipline. This is just way too sad.

An extremely immature man giving a disturbed child permission to keept his kids in line. Is rc betcha ya...regardless if misty did this by herself or not.
I can certainly see misty as capable of harming haleigh. I don't think misty (nor ron) were capable of raising a feisty child. They can't even raise themselves.
You can see that misty likes to prove herself...just watch the drug tapes. She was given complete authority over those kids. If what we heard is true about rc and his parenting skills, he was a hands-on type and believed in corporal punishment to keep the kids in line. He also was no example for misty to emulate as a parent. I am sure she enjoyed her role, and not in a good way. She quicly learned Ron's way and what to do to discipline. This is just way too sad.
An extremely immature man giving a disturbed child permission to keept his kids in line. Is rc betcha ya...regardless if misty did this by herself or not.

Once again, Whisp you have hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately for Ron (and can we please forget Misty in this, because she could have cared less) I am very sure Ron loved Haleigh. The horrible part, the worst part, is he loved himself more. She was a cute bit of fluff and he certainly enjoyed having a darling little girl think so much of him. Stroked his ego, and btw, I am NOT suggesting anything sexual here.

And one other thing Whisp, Misty never wanted to emulate Ron or anyone as a parent and how to succeed with these children. All Misty wanted to do was to emulate being a drug dealer and a party girl.

I wonder if, while she is in jail, she reflects about her life, her standards, her morals, her decisions. I wish she would, however, I think not. Toooo sad. GBH

Thanks Whisp, for your ever insightful posts!!
There was just a black box on the page with an arrow [like the PLAY button]. I clicked that, got a 10 second commercial, and then the video started. Not sure what add-ons I have enabled or disabled, so I can't help you there.

I get the most current news videos going on today. If I do a search for Haleigh Cummings there are so many I still can't find the one you are discussing. I get a black box with an arrow but it is for the toddler fighting for his life shot during the bank robbery.
I get the most current news videos going on today. If I do a search for Haleigh Cummings there are so many I still can't find the one you are discussing. I get a black box with an arrow but it is for the toddler fighting for his life shot during the bank robbery.


If you click on this link the video is there already. A short commercial will zoom by and then the video starts. It's around 11 minutes, iirc.
As a matter of fact, I believe you could, Bern. Most MH's that have two doors, a storm door, and a solid inside door, have the handles on the same side. One door opens out and the other opens in. If my inside door is cracked open a few inches I can certainly tell if the storm door is standing open, even a little ways. It just looks different, even at night.

As for not being able to see the kitchen light on from the bedroom, why not? An overhead light normally puts out enough light... especially at night... that it would shine enough into that room to notice, when it's normally off at night. Even if the bedroom door opens out into a hallway, I would think you could tell if a light was on in the main area. That house is not that big. Marlena from NG said it's only 16 feet from the bedroom to the back door.
In my house, even a little night light puts out enough light that I can tell when the bulb burns out, from another room.

Perhaps these pics will provide a better idea as to why it would have been impossible for Misty to have seen the back exterior storm door wide open when the rear interior door (opens in/right sided knob) was only "ajar 6 inches" per/LE. As I've noted, the overhead light in the back door/laundry area was not on, additionally Misty's account of her actions that night have her going only as far as a few feet into the kitchen, at which time she claims to have noticed the back interior door open and the exterior storm door propped wide open with a cement block. Just like Ronald's claim of forced entry by an intruder, which LE ruled out, as there was zero evidence to support it - Misty's claim is just as baseless (or BS) as Ronald's.



Perhaps these pics will provide a better idea as to why it would have been impossible for Misty to have seen the back exterior storm door wide open when the rear interior door (opens in/right sided knob) was only "ajar 6 inches" per/LE. As I've noted, the overhead light in the back door/laundry area was not on, additionally Misty's account of her actions that night have her going only as far as a few feet into the kitchen, at which time she claims to have noticed the back interior door open and the exterior storm door propped wide open with a cement block. Just like Ronald's claim of forced entry by an intruder, which LE ruled out, as there was zero evidence to support it - Misty's claim is just as baseless (or BS) as Ronald's.




I don't believe the light (if on) startled her..I believe it was all staged. All of it, from some point after HC got off the bus. They hade to have a story they could all remember and it could mesh. Who better to conduct the "mesh story" than TN? She's been around LE enough to know the sinister parts..I could take their stories apart and lay them out but I don't believe it is necessary; not necessary as in I"m a know it all, but it would take to long to get to the point, (for me). I guess I could work on it. So I believe, whatever they say is just the opposite...kinda like ying/yang..if I got that right. I see it in my mind, but it would take pages to explain.
I can certainly see misty as capable of harming haleigh. I don't think misty (nor ron) were capable of raising a feisty child. They can't even raise themselves.

You can see that misty likes to prove herself...just watch the drug tapes. She was given complete authority over those kids. If what we heard is true about rc and his parenting skills, he was a hands-on type and believed in corporal punishment to keep the kids in line. He also was no example for misty to emulate as a parent. I am sure she enjoyed her role, and not in a good way. She quicly learned Ron's way and what to do to discipline. This is just way too sad.
An extremely immature man giving a disturbed child permission to keept his kids in line. Is rc betcha ya...regardless if misty did this by herself or not.

It rips your heart out. Both Timmy and Joe haven't volunteered to take a LDT to clear themselves have they. If Joe did remove HaLeigh from the house, I wonder if he parked the van in a secluded area and carried her through the woods rather than park the van in front of the house? Would LE have Joe's fingerprints? If Joe had driven the van would his fingerprints be eliminated by the next person to drive the van? Joe is a smart criminal and Misty's secret is safe with Joe who knows unless they find a body, LE can't charge him as an accessory to a crime so it doesn't matter what Misty says about him. I think Joe would have wanted to get the van back to Tommy & Chelsea's asap and for this reason he disposed her body close to home. I think this "accident" would have happened after 8:30 pm when Misty was attempting to get HaLeigh to go to bed which debunks Tommy's claim that it appeared no one was home when he went at 10 o'clock to check on her. I think Misty held the door open for Joe but didn't go with him to dispose of her body so she could "bleach clean". In the dream, it appears the person Misty called left alone with HaLeigh's body. I heard the reason Tommy wants a LDT with someone other than LE is because he feels LE pressured him into making this statement. My friend said she saw HaLeigh in a dream and she had something white on her head and IMO HaLeigh was showing her she had a head injury.
Just to clarify...Misty said her (Misty's) blanket was in the van that they took.The part of the police report that has mysteriously disappeared has been reported by people who saw it that the washer was running when LE arrived, not the dryer.

Which didn't make any sense if her and Ron used it during the day on Monday when they took a nap after HaLeigh went to school and Misty was at home with Jr when Ron went to get HaLeigh. Even if Misty did pick up HaLeigh at the bus stop and Jr was in the van, why would her blanket be in the van? I wonder where LE recovered it?

The reason I mentioned Jr's blanket is because both TN and Misty said JR was sleeping with Misty in the big bed, so if HaLeigh's blanket had pee on it and Misty didn't want her to use it, rather than wash her blanket, Misty could have taken Jr's blanket off his bed and given it to HaLeigh. Misty had to wash HaLeigh's blanket that evening for a reason other than to remove her urine.

Was the blanket LE spotted by the back door possibly the blanket Misty removed from the window and she didn't want to wash it with HaLeigh's blanket? Maybe LE are mistaken about this. Anyone know where the blanket from the window ended up that evening?
Let's just say someone did abduct Haleigh randomly. All the players in this case act so dumb or guilty that they can't rule out anyone based on past or present. In this case I strongly feel they are all protecting each other. Drug dealers dont snitch if they did I'm sure they feel they will come back and kill other family. This crew could come up with soooo many more names but due to their "redneck gangster ways" they are protecting someone and something.. Thats what we have to figure out " who are they protecting and why . When your innocent you don't have to remember anything you just tell them what happened nothing ever changes besides minor details . In this crew everyone's story has changed! I believe Haleigh is gone.. One day the truth will surface.. But not anytime soon. They know where the body won't be found no body no evidence.. JMO
Ps misty was on a drug binge during the prior weeked she also had to be paid to watch RC kids per TN. It's also a rumor that misty had been pregnant but miscarried due to RC. He took her kid away she then took his. She is like my 3 yr old. I can catch my son with his hands in the cookie jar but he will deny it when asked. She is scared of the truth bc she knows what will happen to her if she speaks up.
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