Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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I wonder who misty was talking to when j. poppen heard and saw her around 3:00am. JP said misty was crying and pacing around while talking. One of the many reasons LE do not believe anything misty tells them. She was talking to someone at or before 3:00am.

In one interview with AH, misty almost slipped. She said she called her mother and then quickly added "after the 911"..she is quick on her feet. I have noticed many "almost" slips, but she catches herself. In that same interview, she also began to slip about Haleigh and being in bed, again, she caught herself. It seemed like she was about to say that Haleigh was giving her a bad time about sleeping.

Is Poppen the neighbor? Also, you would think that LE would have pulled all the records for the phones and would know who she called at or around 3:00 am, wouldn't you?
I think they ought to give them all (GGM Sykes, Teresa Neves, Tommy, Timmy, Lindsey, Chelsea, Cousin Joe, NayNay, Greg Page, Ron & Misty) a polygraph and if they fail then bring them in and start interogating them hard.

The problem is... they can't force anyone to take a poly. I would bet that in the early days they did ask family members to take one, and it's possible that they did, we just haven't heard about it. I can't recall NG or anyone even asking TN if she took one, actually. If anyone refuses to take a polygraph, for any reason, they still can't force them to. And that refusal might just land them pretty high on the suspect list.

They need to have probable cause in order to bring someone in against their will and interrogate them, like a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved or knows something they haven't volunteered. I'm sure that everyone who was close to Haleigh has been questioned.... but interrogations are a different thing altogether. LE has to walk a fine line these days, because the ultimate goal is to build a case so that when the time comes to charge someone, it will not be thrown out of court. They want those charges to stick. If anything in the investigation up to that point is done outside protocol, a judge will dismiss it in a heartbeat.
Suppose my suspicions are correct for a moment, if you will.

IF Haleigh was mortally injured by her paternal grandmother or great-grandmother.

THEN the paternal family has been in cover-up mode since well before the 911 call was made.

This would explain the warp-speed drive from Fruitland Park to Satsuma by Teresa - she was there hours earlier. [There being wherever Haleigh was.]

Now, IF you are covering up a homicide, taking the time to make it appear that the victim was snatched or "vanished", and you are used to zipping around north-central Florida , commuting from FRUITLAND PARK TO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA for werk, driving distances of 70-80 miles the way most of us run up to the corner store,


Where are you gonna hide the most incriminating evidence?

I say,

- Go look closer to Lady Lake, Florida, AND LEESBURG

- Arrest Poppa Jeff [for something more serious than not having a contractor's license] and put the squeeze on him. Unless he dunnit, he'll squeal.

- Arrest Aunt Katrina on the drug charges. Take away her make-up and clothes and men. She'll squeal for a deal.

Just a theory.
The problem is... they can't force anyone to take a poly. I would bet that in the early days they did ask family members to take one, and it's possible that they did, we just haven't heard about it. I can't recall NG or anyone even asking TN if she took one, actually. If anyone refuses to take a polygraph, for any reason, they still can't force them to. And that refusal might just land them pretty high on the suspect list.

They need to have probable cause in order to bring someone in against their will and interrogate them, like a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved or knows something they haven't volunteered. I'm sure that everyone who was close to Haleigh has been questioned.... but interrogations are a different thing altogether. LE has to walk a fine line these days, because the ultimate goal is to build a case so that when the time comes to charge someone, it will not be thrown out of court. They want those charges to stick. If anything in the investigation up to that point is done outside protocol, a judge will dismiss it in a heartbeat.

I'm quite certain you are absolutely correct, however in the case of a missing child who seems to have just vanished off the face of the earth there should be a law on the book somewhere that states clearly IF any parent, or close relative lie or mislead LE in any way, shape or form concerning that child they are not entitled to any rights.... And taking into consideration ALL the diabolical underhanded tactics that have been revealed by her father and his close relatives, they don't deserve to be protected from intense interrogation just because of fear of what a judge might do..JMO
I'm quite certain you are absolutely correct, however in the case of a missing child who seems to have just vanished off the face of the earth there should be a law on the book somewhere that states clearly IF any parent, or close relative lie or mislead LE in any way, shape or form concerning that child they are not entitled to any rights.... And taking into consideration ALL the diabolical underhanded tactics that have been revealed by her father and his close relatives, they don't deserve to be protected from intense interrogation just because of fear of what a judge might do..JMO

We don't need another law. We need real parents and relatives who actually love (EDIT) the children in their families.
The problem is... they can't force anyone to take a poly. I would bet that in the early days they did ask family members to take one, and it's possible that they did, we just haven't heard about it. I can't recall NG or anyone even asking TN if she took one, actually. If anyone refuses to take a polygraph, for any reason, they still can't force them to. And that refusal might just land them pretty high on the suspect list.

They need to have probable cause in order to bring someone in against their will and interrogate them, like a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved or knows something they haven't volunteered. I'm sure that everyone who was close to Haleigh has been questioned.... but interrogations are a different thing altogether. LE has to walk a fine line these days, because the ultimate goal is to build a case so that when the time comes to charge someone, it will not be thrown out of court. They want those charges to stick. If anything in the investigation up to that point is done outside protocol, a judge will dismiss it in a heartbeat.

In this early LE tape they talk about family lie detectors and the bedding and Misty being a child, too... Interesting tape and I hate listening to tapes.
Suppose my suspicions are correct for a moment, if you will.

IF Haleigh was mortally injured by her paternal grandmother or great-grandmother.

THEN the paternal family has been in cover-up mode since well before the 911 call was made.

This would explain the warp-speed drive from Fruitland Park to Satsuma by Teresa - she was there hours earlier. [There being wherever Haleigh was.]

Now, IF you are covering up a homicide, taking the time to make it appear that the victim was snatched or "vanished", and you are used to zipping around north-central Florida , commuting from FRUITLAND PARK TO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA for werk, driving distances of 70-80 miles the way most of us run up to the corner store,


Where are you gonna hide the most incriminating evidence?

I say,

- Go look closer to Lady Lake, Florida, AND LEESBURG

- Arrest Poppa Jeff [for something more serious than not having a contractor's license] and put the squeeze on him. Unless he dunnit, he'll squeal.

- Arrest Aunt Katrina on the drug charges. Take away her make-up and clothes and men. She'll squeal for a deal.

Just a theory.

OK, why would TN or GGM harm Haleigh? It must have been accidential. In that case they would both know to call an ambulance and the police. If it were Ron and Misty they wouldn't know that. Even though Ron has a very high IQ they are both.................never mind. They just wouldn't.

About Poppa Jeff. I have never heard anything about him except a bad check rap. I have never seen his pic or a comment or anything and he had been in a long-term relationship with a KEY PLAYER!

On to Aunt Katrina. LF you know the lay of the land down there, I don't, but I get very bad vibes about her and hers.


We have heard very little about Lester and Uncle Donald. Why is that? It's not like reporters are hesitant about getting in your face or snapping pics!
We don't need another law. We need real parents and relatives who actually love (EDIT) the children in their families.

Maybe not.. But until we live in the perfect world as you just described something needs to be done to protect and honor the victim's rights rather than the rights of the trash responsible for these children whose only main concern is to keep the evil that lies within their own being from ever being revealed...JMO
OK, why would TN or GGM harm Haleigh? It must have been accidential. In that case they would both know to call an ambulance and the police. If it were Ron and Misty they wouldn't know that. Even though Ron has a very high IQ they are both.................never mind. They just wouldn't.

Why would Teresa and Annette lie to LE and to media? Why wouldn't they go ahead and tell LE what happened? You know they know exactly what happened - whether they were responsible or not.
They are familiar enough with how the justice system werks to realize that
1) Ron would get off easier if he told the whole truth from Day 1.
2) Both Teresa and Annette will be charged as accessories to whatever crime was committed by whoever did it [for helping to hide the truth]

Given that Teresa gave up her children for a boyfriend, do you think she's gonna risk a life sentence for one of her kids? I don't.

btw - if you're reading here, Teresa or Annette, you will receive a sentence EQUAL to that of the principal(s) to the crime.

About Poppa Jeff. I have never heard anything about him except a bad check rap. I have never seen his pic or a comment or anything and he had been in a long-term relationship with a KEY PLAYER!

Kinda one of those weird coincidences of the universe that his bad check offense was dated Feb 9, 2009. Who'd he write that check to that day?

He also was arrested re: no contractor's license, and had a DVR battery on Teresa [and she in turn was ordered by the court to go to counseling for co-dependence] .

On to Aunt Katrina. LF you know the lay of the land down there, I don't, but I get very bad vibes about her and hers.

Uhmmmm..... I can't decide what I can or should say here, so I'll pass for now. Suffice it to say that she doesn't seem like babysitter material to me. I can't imagine her volunteering to babysit her own g'kids or anyone else's.


We have heard very little about Lester and Uncle Donald. Why is that? It's not like reporters are hesitant about getting in your face or snapping pics!

Lester got "loose" enough to go on-camera during Bike Week 2009. He was at the Cheyenne, iirc. I think I saw it on firstcoastnews, but it could have been the CBS/Fox affiliate out of Jacksonville.

re: Donald - well, I managed to run off a significant percentage of the participants of this forum by discussing his arrest for AGG ASSAULT RESULTING IN GREAT BODILY HARM, so "No comment."
Now there is a statement I can agree with!

Maybe so, but again ONLY if humanity begins to understand the two basic core emotions that lie within and the cause and effect each play in our daily lives.....Perhaps then we won't need laws or new laws desperately needed to correct old laws in place that don't honor or protect the innocent.....JMO
Maybe not.. But until we live in the perfect world as you just described something needs to be done to protect and honor the victim's rights rather than the rights of the trash responsible for these children whose only main concern is to keep the evil that lies within their own being from ever being revealed...JMO

Yeah, ITA, but in this case, it's kinda hard to even figure out who the secondary victims are who deserve those victims' rights. Sure seems like there are plenty enough accessories to the crime, imo.

Warning to anybody related to me:

If you commit a crime, especially if it is a violent crime or a crime vs a child, do not expect me to CYA. It ain't gonna happen. Period.
In this early LE tape they talk about family lie detectors and the bedding and Misty being a child, too... Interesting tape and I hate listening to tapes.

I wasn't aware the detectives found blankets by the back door separate from those removed from HaLeigh's bed and placed on the ramp for the dogs to track her scent. I thought there was only clothing by the back door.

"There were some blankets near the back door that was propped open by a cinder block that is quite heavy. The blankets down the ramp were removed from HaLeigh’s bed to be used as a scent article for the dogs."
(10:38 minute mark) this piece of information is given near the end of the video.
Bessie, Me too. It makes more sense.

IIRC, Tommy admitted to Timmy in one of his conversations at the jailhouse that he was involved in drugs long before HaLeigh went missing and there are witnesses who heard Misty talking about the drugs she recently scored at the school bus stop before she took off in the opposite direction of Hermit's Cove hours before HaLeigh disappeared. I am beginning to believe there might be some truth in Nay Nay's letter and HaLeigh OD'd on Oxycontin. It would be helpful to know if Ron permitted Misty to give HaLeigh something to help settle her down to sleep in the past.

Despite Ronald's criminal history, he adamantly denied he had any involvement in drugs when he was interviewed by Geraldo and because Misty's reason for driving to gmma's house the morning Haleigh disappeared is so incredulous and we have seen where their priorities lie, until it is proven otherwise, I think that if there was a run in the morning, it was most likely drug-related. Misty didn’t utter a word about drugs during her LVA and hypnosis tests and this is why IMO her test results showed deception.

If Misty wasn't with the kids until the day Haleigh went missing when did Haleigh urinate on the blanket? The Grandmother and Aunt Lisa said, they dropped laundry off to Misty at seven thirty. So between seven thirty, and eight Haleigh urinated on her blanket, because Misty said she put Haleigh to bed at eight. Doesn't make sense to me. Makes me think that maybe TN knew about Haleigh's death, and ran over to Ron's to grab that blanket, and wash off any evidence. If TN was involved in a cover-up it would be to protect Ron not Misty. LE stated Misty had no detergent to do any laundry, so TN would have to leave Ron's house-go somewhere to wash the blanket, and get it back before three thirty. If the neighbor heard noise coming from Ron's house about two it could have been TN. Misty never made any comment about Haleigh's underwear or p.j.'s being soiled, so was Haleigh naked when she urinated on the blanket or is Misty saying that Haleigh's soiled the blanket when she wasn't there? If Haleigh wasn't there, because the Grandmother was watching her, because Ron had to work how long was this so called soiled blanket on the bed? The one thing that doesn't make any sense to me is why was there a pile of clothes on the floor if the Grandmother did the laundry. Even if the Grandmother was just dropping off the kids clothes don't you think she would have taken the dirty laundry with her, since Misty had no detergent? I wonder if the clothes were just a plant by TN to back up Misty's statement that she was washing clothes. It wouldn't surprise me if those clothes that were on the floor were clean. Do we know if LE ever inspected the "so called dirty laundry"?
I keep asking why TN & GGS would involve themselves and be so supportive of MC.
They knew MC was still under the drugs, tired and fighting with RC.
GGS admits she was at the house, and 1 of the last to see Haleigh.
GGS told Haleigh to be a good girl.
Could GGS of backed over Haleigh in an accident?
(she got a new car asap)
TN would have to help cover up GGS accident.
has time to bring Jacket and picture and starts the kidnap story.
GGS would lose her license. (elderly? oxy?)
RC and MC say give her an oxy for pain that was TN or GGS's.
Haleigh died of accident and oxy?????
TN was called....then cover up started.
RC starts calling and no answer.........
RC calls one home........doing the cover up.
The 4 (TN, GGS, MC, RC) made a pact.
TN & GGS got RC/MC to marry, divorse etc.
It is very fishy to me about TN/GGS.
Okay MC "LOVES" Rc still.
MC thinks she and RC will get out soon and be back together.
MC (wanting RC back) won't put TN and GGS under the bus.........RC won't either.
RC stalls about going home and stops to get beer etc for alibi.
One lie lead to another and aother and then this huge mess.
IMO, I NEVER believed TN at all.
GGS has kept pretty quiet in all of this.
Who would MC call for help??? TN back then!
WHY did TN and GGS 'clean' up the trailer for news media show????
If my son's drug induced gf LOST my grand daughter............
I would want the world to see the real crime scene and HELP figure out WHAT happened!
and how they lived.........
I am scared a little. I think they know what happened to Haleigh but lack the evidence.

I think LE knew in general terms what had happened to Haleigh within a matter of, oh, 2-3 hours of the 911 call. [And it wasn't that she got "stole".]

I don't think they expected MzNevez to go on her media blitz.

Hmmm.... now that I think about it, how often does the family of a missing/murdered child do that - while the child is still missing?

How many times did Diena [Somer's mom] make appearances on cable and broadcast TV? How 'bout other children who were really abducted? Did their parents copyright their children's photos?

[real questions to ponder]
I think LE knew in general terms what had happened to Haleigh within a matter of, oh, 2-3 hours of the 911 call. [And it wasn't that she got "stole".]

I don't think they expected MzNevez to go on her media blitz.

Hmmm.... now that I think about it, how often does the family of a missing/murdered child do that - while the child is still missing?

How many times did Diena [Somer's mom] make appearances on cable and broadcast TV? How 'bout other children who were really abducted? Did their parents copyright their children's photos?

[real questions to ponder]

I totally agree that TN is involved in this case. With fingers pointing to Misty TN embraced her tightly. If I were TN I would have been all over Misty after she told everyone about waking up, and Haleigh was gone.
My questions and comments below are just questions and comments, not trying to make anybody look dumb [including ME, hopefully.]
If Misty wasn't with the kids until the day Haleigh went missing when did Haleigh urinate on the blanket?

I'm not sure anyone said Haleigh urinated on the blanket. If I had to guess about blankets having urine on them, I'd guess it was more likely BB. No, probably Ronald - passed out cold. Or a pet. [Did they not have a cat or a dog? lol, I thought everybody had to have pets, esp w/kids.]

The Grandmother and Aunt Lisa said, they dropped laundry off to Misty at seven thirty.

Do we know Elisa was the aunt who went by there w/Annette that night?
So between seven thirty, and eight Haleigh urinated on her blanket, because Misty said she put Haleigh to bed at eight.

See above.
Doesn't make sense to me.
Welcome to my world.... won't you come inside...
[lol, I'm trying to sing that old song. Can't sing & can't remember any of the rest of the words.]
Makes me think that maybe TN knew about Haleigh's death, and ran over to Ron's to grab that blanket, and wash off any evidence.

If TN was involved in a cover-up it would be to protect Ron not Misty.
Amen to that.
LE stated Misty had no detergent to do any laundry,
Is this true? I read it in comments on another site, but I don't know if LE ever really said it, or if it's even true.

so TN would have to leave Ron's house-go somewhere to wash the blanket, and get it back before three thirty. If the neighbor heard noise coming from Ron's house about two it could have been TN. Misty never made any comment about Haleigh's underwear or p.j.'s being soiled, so was Haleigh naked when she urinated on the blanket or is Misty saying that Haleigh's soiled the blanket when she wasn't there?

I only remember Misty saying the blanket smelled like pee. I was under the impression that it was that way when Haleigh first lay down that night, but IDK.
If Haleigh wasn't there, because the Grandmother was watching her, because Ron had to work how long was this so called soiled blanket on the bed? The one thing that doesn't make any sense to me is why was there a pile of clothes on the floor if the Grandmother did the laundry.

The only person who told us there was dirty laundry (or ANY laundry) on the floor was Teresa, talking to Marlayna on Mz Nayancee's show.
Even if the Grandmother was just dropping off the kids clothes don't you think she would have taken the dirty laundry with her, since Misty had no detergent? I wonder if the clothes were just a plant by TN to back up Misty's statement that she was washing clothes. It wouldn't surprise me if those clothes that were on the floor were clean. Do we know if LE ever inspected the "so called dirty laundry"?

Yep, yep, yep - you're 100% right. [IMO] If Annette was doing their laundry you'd think she'd take the dirties with her. I know if I was the one who had just delivered all that clean laundry, and if I was supposed to be "checking up" on the kids & Misty, I would've walked right in and put the clothes away in their respective closets and dressers. [I'm snoopy like that & I'll bet grAnnette is, too.]

LE had possession of that m/h, its contents, and the scene for weeks. It wasn't just PCSO processing evidence. FDLE and FBI went over it with a fine-tooth comb. I was told there is NOTHING - not a speck of anything - found in that m/h to indicate something violent happened to Haleigh that night. [Of course, LE might have just been keeping their mouths shut & their cards close to their bullet-proof vests... something I never thought anybody could pull of in this small town.]

Does anybody know anyone in Lake County? I'd like to know if there have been searches there. Also Marion County.

btw - A+ post, Cat. jmo
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