Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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There are lots and lots of calls in the phone records that fit the pattern of Person X-calls-KC and KC-calls-voice mail at exactly the same time. It appears that those sets of calls should be interpreted as "Person X called KC but she let it go to voice mail."
This is a theory. If she used the land line to call her cell phone for whatever reason, it could have gone straight to voice mail and the detail could have shown that switch over.

More theories will surely follow. Even from my humble opinion.

That I completely understand. Thanks for your patience in explaning it to me. I find that makes the most sense of all. It's seriously, seriously making me rethink Caylee dying late Sunday, June 15 - early morning, Monday, June 16.

Weird, how months ago I was sure Caylee had passed away mid-day Monday, June 16, then I'd switched to wondering if it couldn't have happened late Sunday/early morning hours of Monday, and now I'm back to thinking that it was mid-day MOnday, June 16. :rolleyes:
I think there are lots of clues in the clothes Caylee wore when her body was found. They weren't the same clothes she had on at Mt. Dora. The top was pink, which is the same color of top George says Caylee wore on June 16. Caylee wasn't wearing pajamas or a nightie. Caylee wasn't wearing shoes.

Caylee's mama doll was in Casey's car.

From Casey's phone pings we know where she was June 15-16.

I think Casey did leave on June 16 and took the mama doll. Casey came back to the Anthony house and Caylee, who was being toilet trained, had an accident. Casey changed her into clean shorts and pull-ups. She put Caylee down for a nap. Maybe Casey left the mama doll in the car because she hadn't decided for sure to kill Caylee yet. I am pretty sure Casey wasn't planning on being at the Anthony house the night of June 16. But, Tony said they hadn't made definite plans for that night.

Maybe Casey was feeling out all her options the afternoon of June 16?

While I definitely think Casey had been playing around with the idea of killing Caylee, I am not sure when she woke up the morning of June 16, she had definitely decided to do it.

Good thought process.
As a general matter, it is my present belief that neither Casey nor Caylee were home at 7:45:51 a.m. on June 16, ergo Cindy called Casey's cell.

Having said that, I still cannot logically reconcile Cindy calling Casey from the home phone at 7:45:51 a.m., which happens to be the same, precise minute and second Casey calls to check her voice mail from her cell phone. I agree coincidences do happen, but I'm not content to accept that explanation without exploring all other options.

What if the call from the home was first, and it was Cindy leaving a message on her way out the door for work.KC doesnt answer and then checks her VM to see what Cindy said.

Or it was CA calling because they werent home or to wake KC up!! ,I cant see KC losing her phone, always had it....
This is a theory. If she used the land line to call her cell phone for whatever reason, it could have gone straight to voice mail and the detail could have shown that switch over.

More theories will surely follow. Even from my humble opinion.

The call from the home to the cell did roll into KC's voicemail.

6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Casey Voicemail
6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy Anthony Casey Anthony

The pattern of calls going to VM in KC's records are easy to spot because they have the following two characteristics:

  1. An outgoing call to VM occurring at the identical time as an incoming call. In a couple of cases the outgoing call shows one second later than the incoming.
  2. Both calls have no cell tower associated with them.
If the caller leaves a VM, KC's phone will receive a text to that effect roughly a minute later. In the case of the June 16 call above, no VM alert is sent to her phone.

So...that means the next call is at 8:46 AM to AL. Which means KC prolly did not call her phone at 7:45 AM to locate it because she didn't do anything with it after getting it.

So now I need to backtrack a little on my thinking and say I am inclined to believe CA called her before she left for work, possibly to see if she was up yet. Better to use the phone (set to vibrate?) than walk in and possibly wake Caylee.
SNIPPED: "The call from the home to the cell did roll into KC's voicemail.

6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Casey Voicemail
6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy Anthony Casey Anthony

The pattern of calls going to VM in KC's records are easy to spot because they have the following two characteristics:

  1. An outgoing call to VM occurring at the identical time as an incoming call. In a couple of cases the outgoing call shows one second later than the incoming.
  2. Both calls have no cell tower associated with them.
If the caller leaves a VM, KC's phone will receive a text to that effect roughly a minute later. In the case of the June 16 call above, no VM alert is sent to her phone.

So...that means the next call is at 8:46 AM to AL. Which means KC prolly did not call her phone at 7:45 AM to locate it because she didn't do anything with it after getting it...."
I've been sitting here thinking about the fact that my personal cell bill wouldn't show the degree of detail that we're seeing here in the docs for Casey re: her cell phone, which explains why I'm not familiar with how my detailed usage re: an incoming call going to voice mail that instant, and now I'm wondering if this explains the call patterns for somoene involved in a case of mine. I haven't spoken to the expert hired to distill the individual's call patterns for me, but I sure have quite a few questions now, thanks to our fine cell experts. :D
SNIPPED: "What if the call from the home was first, and it was Cindy leaving a message on her way out the door for work.KC doesnt answer and then checks her VM to see what Cindy said....."
It takes a few seconds for the voice mail to be left and then to call for it, so I don't think that would be the case here, though I'm sure if I'm wrong someone (hint, hint) will correct me.
The call from the home to the cell did roll into KC's voicemail.

6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Casey Voicemail
6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy Anthony Casey Anthony

The pattern of calls going to VM in KC's records are easy to spot because they have the following two characteristics:

  1. An outgoing call to VM occurring at the identical time as an incoming call. In a couple of cases the outgoing call shows one second later than the incoming.
  2. Both calls have no cell tower associated with them.
If the caller leaves a VM, KC's phone will receive a text to that effect roughly a minute later. In the case of the June 16 call above, no VM alert is sent to her phone.

So...that means the next call is at 8:46 AM to AL. Which means KC prolly did not call her phone at 7:45 AM to locate it because she didn't do anything with it after getting it.

So now I need to backtrack a little on my thinking and say I am inclined to believe CA called her before she left for work, possibly to see if she was up yet. Better to use the phone (set to vibrate?) than walk in and possibly wake Caylee.
Do you think the reverse could be true as well?
Questions for members' thoughts:

(1) If it was Cindy calling Casey from the Anthony home phone:
(a) do you feel the girls were at the Anthony home or somewhere else; and

(b) do you think Cindy thought that the girls were in Casey's bedroom or somewhere else?

(2) If it was Casey calling from the Anthony home phone, maybe she needed to locate her phone & just wanted to see if she had any missed calls or texts, ergo this is why she doesn't "do" anything with it until an hour or so later?
What if the call from the home was first, and it was Cindy leaving a message on her way out the door for work.KC doesnt answer and then checks her VM to see what Cindy said.

Or it was CA calling because they werent home or to wake KC up!! ,I cant see KC losing her phone, always had it....

SNIPPED: "... If the caller leaves a VM, KC's phone will receive a text to that effect roughly a minute later. In the case of the June 16 call above, no VM alert is sent to her phone....." appears Casey did not check any voice message, else her phone would have received a text and it did not. appears Casey did not check any voice message, else her phone would have received a text and it did not.

What if Casey cleared the message before the text notification went out?
If CA did call Casey, I think it was to find out if Casey was still upset/mad after the fight and to see if Casey was still going to go through with the threat of never letting her see Caylee again.
Questions for members' thoughts:

(1) If it was Cindy calling Casey from the Anthony home phone:
(a) do you feel the girls were at the Anthony home or somewhere else; and

(b) do you think Cindy thought that the girls were in Casey's bedroom or somewhere else?

(2) If it was Casey calling from the Anthony home phone, maybe she needed to locate her phone & just wanted to see if she had any missed calls or texts, ergo this is why she doesn't "do" anything with it until an hour or so later?

I think it was CA calling KC's cell because she didn't want to either disturb a sleeping Caylee or she didn't want to speak to KC face to face after their fight the night before.

Maybe she had something non important to tell her like, "Remember to take the ground beef out of the freezer for supper!". It could be as simple as that.
What if Casey cleared the message before the text notification went out?

:waitasec: I don't think so, since the only calls were both made at precisely the same hour, minute and second - 7:45:51 a.m. No other calls after that.
Another question: If it was Cindy calling Casey & she wanted to tell Casey something or to ask Casey something, wouldn't she have left Casey a message? We know no message was left by the caller calling Casey as no text message was sent to her cell...

Playing the devil's advocate, I don't always leave my family members voice messages - they see I've called & know to call me to find out what it is I need or called them about (I rarely leave messages on voice mail.)
I think there are lots of clues in the clothes Caylee wore when her body was found. They weren't the same clothes she had on at Mt. Dora. The top was pink, which is the same color of top George says Caylee wore on June 16. Caylee wasn't wearing pajamas or a nightie. Caylee wasn't wearing shoes.

Caylee's mama doll was in Casey's car.

From Casey's phone pings we know where she was close to the Anthony house after 7 p.m. on June 15 and before 4 on June 16.

Since the mama doll was in Casey's car, Caylee was probably in that car sometime after Caylee got back from Mt. Dora.

I think Casey and Caylee left as George said. Then after George went to work Casey came back to the Anthony house and Caylee, who was being toilet trained, had an accident. Casey changed her into clean shorts and pull-ups. She put Caylee down for a nap. Maybe Casey left the mama doll in the car because she hadn't decided for sure to kill Caylee yet and that Caylee would be right out in the car again after her nap.

I am pretty sure Casey wasn't planning on being at the Anthony house the night of June 16. I think Casey couldn't stand the thought of being trapped another night with Caylee and her family. But, Tony said they hadn't made definite plans for that night.

Maybe Casey was feeling out all her options the afternoon of June 16?

While I definitely think Casey had been playing around with the idea of killing Caylee, I am not sure when she woke up the morning of June 16, she had definitely decided to do it.

I have thought this to be the case from DAY ONE about changing Caylee's shorts from the jean shorts to the striped shorts. CAYLEE WET HER PANTS!! Like I said in an earlier post, I do want to believe George that they left around 11:52 (he says 12:50??) and came back, but then I started having alternative thoughts about GA this morning.

bouncing back to my org theory, now.... (thanks Jolynna)
However, if George seen them, they left to return when he left for work. Caylee could have fell asleep in the car and she carried her in and left the doll in the car seat. (a regular occurence at my house) changed pants..

Right there with ya... Jolynna!! :blowkiss:
I think it was CA calling KC's cell because she didn't want to either disturb a sleeping Caylee or she didn't want to speak to KC face to face after their fight the night before.

Maybe she had something non important to tell her like, "Remember to take the ground beef out of the freezer for supper!". It could be as simple as that.

"Ah Sweetie, I am sorry about last night..are you going to be home tonite?"

"Just wanted to say I am sorry before leaving for work"
As a general matter, it is my present belief that neither Casey nor Caylee were home at 7:45:51 a.m. on June 16, ergo Cindy called Casey's cell.

Having said that, I still cannot logically reconcile Cindy calling Casey from the home phone at 7:45:51 a.m., which happens to be the same, precise minute and second Casey calls to check her voice mail from her cell phone. I agree coincidences do happen, but I'm not content to accept that explanation without exploring all other options.

A thought just hit me. I think that the time stamp would be when voicemail picks up, IF this is true, then it's possible Casey hears the phone ringing, sends it to voicemail and then immediatly calls voicemail to check her messages while at the same time Cindy is leaving her one. Does that make sense?
A thought just hit me. I think that the time stamp would be when voicemail picks up, IF this is true, then it's possible Casey hears the phone ringing, sends it to voicemail and then immediatly calls voicemail to check her messages while at the same time Cindy is leaving her one. Does that make sense?

Could be, but then wouldn't the call re: Casey checking her messages be longer than it was, since she'd have to sit & wait for the CIndy message to be left, and then listen to it - even a few seconds each way makes the call longer ... ???
The call from the home to the cell did roll into KC's voicemail.

6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Casey Voicemail
6/16/08 MON 7:45:51 AM INCOMING CALL George & Cindy Anthony Casey Anthony

The pattern of calls going to VM in KC's records are easy to spot because they have the following two characteristics:

  1. An outgoing call to VM occurring at the identical time as an incoming call. In a couple of cases the outgoing call shows one second later than the incoming.
  2. Both calls have no cell tower associated with them.
If the caller leaves a VM, KC's phone will receive a text to that effect roughly a minute later. In the case of the June 16 call above, no VM alert is sent to her phone.

So...that means the next call is at 8:46 AM to AL. Which means KC prolly did not call her phone at 7:45 AM to locate it because she didn't do anything with it after getting it.

So now I need to backtrack a little on my thinking and say I am inclined to believe CA called her before she left for work, possibly to see if she was up yet. Better to use the phone (set to vibrate?) than walk in and possibly wake Caylee.

This makes me inclined to think that this was a 'wake-up' call. I think if KC was not at home and CA knew it, she would have left some sort of message - 'get your sorry *** back here at once and look after your daughter!' (or something similar).

It's possible that Caylee was already up and that CA may have given her a drink/rusk/biscuit much earlier, but that Caylee either had been (or wanted to be) in disturbing GA, and CA was off to work so wanted to rouse KC. Also the time of the call may not be of any significance, but 7.45 seems like a typical regular 'must be leaving by' sort of time to me.
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