Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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I dont think she shrouded the child in the blanket and carried her out like a load. I think she dressed Caylee, put her sunglasses on, probably threw the favorite pooh blanket loosely around her, and carried her out upright and 1 handed, just as any parent would a sleeping 2 year old. Walking right past GA while he was watching his favorite tv show, so not paying alot of attention.

Rigor really doesn't start to set in until 4 hours+ after death, and levidity (sp?) will not be all that apparent quite yet. At worst she would look pale which the oft mentioned sunglasses and pooh blanket were probably used to distract from. But at its core I honestly think she simply boldly picked up and walked her dead child past her father. Something noone would ever even consider someone might be doing. Georges mind just filled in the blanks of a normal morning beyond that.

I am sure that it is something that he has been mentally second guessing himself over since December if not July. And he has been very very careful to not speculate on what he might have seen, both that morning and in the trunk on the 24th with LE. Regarding those events he has been very by the book.

Bolded---> May be why GA puked during the LE interview. He puked for some reason. Some memory he had at that time.
Bolded---> May be why GA puked during the LE interview. He puked for some reason. Some memory he had at that time.

I always thought it was due to his remembering the smell. He got the full force of it driving the car back home.
I always thought it was due to his remembering the smell. He got the full force of it driving the car back home.

i've never understood how he could do that. he KNEW what he was smelling, there's no smell like it and you never forget or confuse it. he knew his grandbaby hadn't been seen or spoken to in over a month .... it doesn't take a genius! he KNEW he was breathing in his dead granddaughter but he drove that car all the way back to the house. i wonder how many times he stopped to throw up on the way?
But the problem with that theory is that Casey was home with George and Caylee on June the 16th, allegedly left the house with Caylee to prove to George she was "going to work", and then she returned to the house after George himself went to work, and in that short span of time (between like 1:30 and 7 p.m.) she either flat-out murdered Caylee or Caylee died an accidental death (I don't think so). By the time rolled around to meet up with TonE (about 7 p.m. or so) she's all snugged and hugged up with him at the Blockbuster and renting gory horror movies (including one with a dead body in the trunk) seemingly WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. This does not smack of a neglect case to me.
I don't believe for a second that George saw Casey leave with Caylee during the daylight hours of June 16th. The only reason this statement is out there, is because George put it out there, after Casey was arrested the first time, which was over a month after Caylee went 'missing'.

I believe George either flat-out lied about seeing them leave that day, or he was confused about the actual date because so much time had elapsed.

The problem with George, both parents actually, is they have given so many conflicting statements to the authorities and the media, told so many lies and 'mistruths', that nothing they have said should be trusted at this point.

That's the problem with chronic liars... they lose ALL credibility. I don't feel we can pick and choose which statements of theirs we can believe, and which ones to disregard...

The ONLY way to get close to the truth is to forget every statement George and Cindy have made regarding the time of Caylee's 'disappearance'. Handle the 'puzzle' as if they had never uttered a word, and proceed to work with common sense, looking at the evidence, both hard and circumstantial.

I don't believe George saw Casey and Caylee happily leave together on June 16th any more than I believe that George and/or Cindy scrubbed the car down to within an inch of it's metal, the car George drove home from the tow yard, gagging and with all the windows rolled down on a rainy day, only because it smelled like 'pizza'.

Any statements put out there by George and Cindy have ONLY been put out there to confuse the issue. And, that's the nice way of putting it. :rolleyes:
Wow, what a theory!! Could be, I suppose!

But to me that's not realistic... if that were the case, I don't think GA would have mentioned seeing Caylee at all that day. Why would he have made up such a detailed story for LE about Caylee having her back on (sunglasses too?), then at the same time tell them he knew what the smell was in the car, he'd smelled it before.

What I'm trying to say is, he would only have lied to LE about KC and Caylee walking out of the house if he felt the need to lie, right? Then he also would have lied about the smell in the car.
I believe the only reason that George and Cindy told the truth about the odor of death in the car, is because it was something they couldn't lie about.

One, or probably both of them, did spend some serious time trying to cover-up/remove that horrendous smell, but found it just wasn't possible.

The tow-yard employee also had first-hand knowledge of the reeking car. And, George knew this.

By the time the authorities were finally called, much effort had been put into the hopeless elimination of that odor, to no avail.

Hence, Lee's statement that he arrived at his parent's home to find Casey's car in the garage with all it's windows rolled down, and doors wide open. Lee said the smell was very powerful, and just kept "coming at you in waves". Remember, Lee witnessed this airing out of the car, hours after George drove it home from the tow yard with all the windows rolled down, and after the car had been 'hyper-cleaned'.

If George and Cindy could have eliminated that odor of decomposition from the car, they would never have mentioned it to a living soul... and definitely not to the authorities. They had to tell the truth about the smell because it was something they couldn't get rid of, though they tried.They also hadn't yet thought up their 'pizza' angle.
rev grund claims to have heard the full name when the zanni story first emerged, but you have to wonder how clear someone's recollection of being told an unfamiliar name, once, years earlier would be?

IMHO-- not very.

I really can't recall specifically when I heard a name, before. If I meet the person named later, I might vaguely recall hearing the name, before. But, maybe not the time frame.
Well, living wid Preachers all my life---they do have good memories.
But what if the body had rigor mortis? Not sure when it kicks in and then abates. Also, the smell could have started already 12 hours or so later, plus the blood would pool where she had been laying, and it would look like a huge bruise. (the livor mortis that eddeva refers to above). I know KC has guts, but I doubt she would chance this one; think of how she acted about the trunk.
But who knows, if GA was preoccupied its conceivable.

I can believe Casey carried Caylee in a blanket right past George--absolutely! I don't know if she did or not but I can believe she has the nerve to do it. After all, this is the same girl who took police investigators to Universal, bluffed and blundered her way through the gates, and marched purposefully down hallways pretending to have an office there. She seems to take things to the absolute limit.
I don't believe for a second that George saw Casey leave with Caylee during the daylight hours of June 16th. The only reason this statement is out there, is because George put it out there, after Casey was arrested the first time, which was over a month after Caylee went 'missing'.

I believe George either flat-out lied about seeing them leave that day, or he was confused about the actual date because so much time had elapsed.

The problem with George, both parents actually, is they have given so many conflicting statements to the authorities and the media, told so many lies and 'mistruths', that nothing they have said should be trusted at this point.

That's the problem with chronic liars... they lose ALL credibility. I don't feel we can pick and choose which statements of theirs we can believe, and which ones to disregard...

The ONLY way to get close to the truth is to forget every statement George and Cindy have made regarding the time of Caylee's 'disappearance'. Handle the 'puzzle' as if they had never uttered a word, and proceed to work with common sense, looking at the evidence, both hard and circumstantial.

I don't believe George saw Casey and Caylee happily leave together on June 16th any more than I believe that George and/or Cindy scrubbed the car down to within an inch of it's metal, the car George drove home from the tow yard, gagging and with all the windows rolled down on a rainy day, only because it smelled like 'pizza'.

Any statements put out there by George and Cindy have ONLY been put out there to confuse the issue. And, that's the nice way of putting it. :rolleyes:

Get outta my brain! :) Your post is almost word for word exactly like one I made last year. If I wasn't so lazy I would do a search wherein I expressed almost exactly the same words about the same sentiments.

I also find it hard believing anything GA or CA have to say (post July 15, 2008). However, I can kind of believe what they told others BEFORE Casey's arrest about her habits (non-working), actions (stealing) and behavior (sociopath) that we have heard through the hearsay of others.

Regarding June 15th to June 16th and trying to pinpoint the time of death, as I am pretty sure that Caylee met her death in the house, the cellphone pings, cellphone call time and data, and the computer forensic reports have led me to believe that perhaps the 16th was a more open/opportune time for the murder than the night of the 15th. My opinion only, of course.
I think she carried her out that morning and didn't know if George saw her leave or not. That's probably why she said she dropped her off between 9 am and 1 pm. She didn't know what George would say to LE as to the time they left so she covered all bases.

I think she was able to avoid CA that morning because CA had to leave to go to work. But, George may have begun preparing Caylee's breakfast or something and she knew she'd have to come out of that room sooner or later.
I think she carried her out that morning and didn't know if George saw her leave or not. That's probably why she said she dropped her off between 9 am and 1 pm. She didn't know what George would say to LE as to the time they left so she covered all bases.

*resp. snipped.
not arguing w/ you marina, just looking for clarification (brain fry!)
if she thought george may have seen her leave how does saying she left between 9am and 1pm help her?
*resp. snipped.
not arguing w/ you marina, just looking for clarification (brain fry!)
if she thought george may have seen her leave how does saying she left between 9am and 1pm help her?
I don't think she knows if George saw her or not. She may have just rushed through the room with Caylee and left without saying anything. KC and George weren't on the best of terms around that time so I doubt there were kisses and hugs like he said. Probably not a word between them.

She didn't want to say something that wouldn't match what George said in his statement. She probably gave her statement first to LE. She didn't know what George would say in his statement but knew he would give some time between the hours of 9-1. Rather than lock herself into a lie, she gave a time range. That way, if George said 10:30...she's didn't lie. If he said 11:15, she didn't lie.

If he saw her leave and she said goodbye, etc., they would both give the same time, the truth. Her statement wouldn't be as broad as it was. The thing is, I think she tried to slip by him and doesn't know if he saw her or not (he may have been in the kitchen, bedroom?). For this reason, she had no idea what he would say in his statement. Would he give the true time because he saw her or would he make up a time or would he say he didn't see her? I think this is why she gave the 9am-1pm timeframe.

The 9am to 1pm time frame has always bothered me. Why would she not know exactly when she left and took her child to a babysitter.

Incidently, George almost missed the wide margin of error she gave him when he said 12:50.
I don't think she knows if George saw her or not. She may have just rushed through the room with Caylee and left without saying anything. KC and George weren't on the best of terms around that time so I doubt there were kisses and hugs like he said. Probably not a word between them.

She didn't want to say something that wouldn't match what George said in his statement. She probably gave her statement first to LE. She didn't know what George would say in his statement but knew he would give some time between the hours of 9-1. Rather than lock herself into a lie, she gave a time range. That way, if George said 10:30...she's didn't lie. If he said 11:15, she didn't lie.

If he saw her leave and she said goodbye, etc., they would both give the same time, the truth. Her statement wouldn't be as broad as it was. The thing is, I think she tried to slip by him and doesn't know if he saw her or not (he may have been in the kitchen, bedroom?). For this reason, she had no idea what he would say in his statement. Would he give the true time because he saw her or would he make up a time or would he say he didn't see her? I think this is why she gave the 9am-1pm timeframe.

The 9am to 1pm time frame has always bothered me. Why would she not know exactly when she left and took her child to a babysitter.

Incidently, George almost missed the wide margin of error she gave him when he said 12:50.

George also slipped up when he said he actually kissed and hugged them on the way out the door at 12:50. This was in Greta Van Susteran's Exclusive of August 6, 2008. GEORGE ANTHONY: My daughter said that she was going to work, dropping her daughter off at the nanny's house, and that was it. I give them both hugs, kisses and saw them go out the door like a typical thing that they've -- that she's done.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN Exclusive: Grandparents of Missing Toddler 'On the Record' Aug 6 2008,2933,398490,00.html
I don't think she knows if George saw her or not. She may have just rushed through the room with Caylee and left without saying anything. KC and George weren't on the best of terms around that time so I doubt there were kisses and hugs like he said. Probably not a word between them.

She didn't want to say something that wouldn't match what George said in his statement. She probably gave her statement first to LE. She didn't know what George would say in his statement but knew he would give some time between the hours of 9-1. Rather than lock herself into a lie, she gave a time range. That way, if George said 10:30...she's didn't lie. If he said 11:15, she didn't lie.

If he saw her leave and she said goodbye, etc., they would both give the same time, the truth. Her statement wouldn't be as broad as it was. The thing is, I think she tried to slip by him and doesn't know if he saw her or not (he may have been in the kitchen, bedroom?). For this reason, she had no idea what he would say in his statement. Would he give the true time because he saw her or would he make up a time or would he say he didn't see her? I think this is why she gave the 9am-1pm timeframe.

The 9am to 1pm time frame has always bothered me. Why would she not know exactly when she left and took her child to a babysitter.

Incidently, George almost missed the wide margin of error she gave him when he said 12:50.

Indeed! And, I sure as h377--- can remember what time I left the house, when I'm going to work. If I didn't have regular hours, I could STILL do a lot better than a four-hour range!
Indeed! And, I sure as h377--- can remember what time I left the house, when I'm going to work. If I didn't have regular hours, I could STILL do a lot better than a four-hour range!

To be fair, with VERY irregular times for "events", it might be a bit hard to remember back a month to a particular day?
Except the ONE DAY your daughter was taken from you :eek: might be something you remembered every last detail about? :confused:

PS Since KC claimed to be a professional "Organiser" where are her files, time sheets, whatever. Her work diary planner etc?
George also slipped up when he said he actually kissed and hugged them on the way out the door at 12:50. This was in Greta Van Susteran's Exclusive of August 6, 2008. GEORGE ANTHONY: My daughter said that she was going to work, dropping her daughter off at the nanny's house, and that was it. I give them both hugs, kisses and saw them go out the door like a typical thing that they've -- that she's done.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN Exclusive: Grandparents of Missing Toddler 'On the Record' Aug 6 2008,2933,398490,00.html

Bold mine.

Yeah - I don't believe that at all. I doubt George would get off the couch to enact this Leave it to Beaver scene. He had his cooking show to watch after all. :rolleyes:
Bold mine.

Yeah - I don't believe that at all. I doubt George would get off the couch to enact this Leave it to Beaver scene. He had his cooking show to watch after all. :rolleyes:

To be fair to George (which I feel no great need to be), the corner of the couch is right by the door out via the garage. IF the story were true, then KC and Caylee could not avoid being within inches of George on Couch. George would not need to get off his :behind: even.
To be fair, with VERY irregular times for "events", it might be a bit hard to remember back a month to a particular day?
Except the ONE DAY your daughter was taken from you :eek: might be something you remembered every last detail about? :confused:

PS Since KC claimed to be a professional "Organiser" where are her files, time sheets, whatever. Her work diary planner etc?

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Good one HP.................. KC the Professional.....:confused:

Yes ~ where are her papers ! ? & Her files ?:waitasec::confused:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Enough said !

Thanks !
God Bless !

*** JMO ~ if she was so organized.... why wasn't the

S C R I P T from the Zanny/Nanny :Banane23:
shown.... and f o l l o w e d.... to a "T"
why..... Once that KC saw proof that Zanida FernandeZ Gonzales
Murdered her precious little daughter ~ CAYLEE ~
why did KC Not produce = SHOW FORTH a
Picture & the Script to be posted world wide to catch the
person who c o m m i t t e d the terrible crime...
why would KC sit in jail "READING & SNACKING " Now HONESTLY ?

sorry.... I just get soooooooooooo carried away !

God Bless !
thanks for helping solve this LIE ! ! ! of KC :crazy::liar::Banane57::hen::censored:

as for the diary planner.... Don't think we would really like to read it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?:waitasec:
I still kind of think that Casey and Caylee were shut up in a room (either Casey's or Caylee's) on the night of June 15th. Perhaps Cindy had a few words with her about the stealing from ggpa/ggma (for the second time). Perhaps Cindy was pissed off that Casey dropped Caylee off to be taken to Mt. Dora (maybe after she begged her) and had to be called back (from TonE's) upon their return. Or perhaps Cindy said something about the fact that it was Father's Day and did she get GA a present. If you backdate the Ryan P. comment about Cindy calling him, speaking to him about Casey, telling him to stay away from her because she was a sociopath, according to Ryan this conversation happened relatively within this date. You don't go from calling your daughter a "sociopath" to her friends to the "Mother of the Year" very quickly.

Also, I totally do not buy that Cindy tucked her girls into bed that night as she has claimed. I also suspect why she was pausing outside the closed bedroom door to listen to "breathing" before she went to work on June the 16th. Why not just open the door? Was the door locked?

I further question why we have not heard about Caylee's movements on June 16th. We've heard detailed explanations about EVERYTHING ELSE in this case, including imaginanny's imaginary car wreck, imaginary injuries, etc. But when it comes to what was perhaps Caylee's last day on the planet all we get is vague at best. Then when Morgan tried to ask GA about that day he went all extreme and did not want to answer any of the questions. Why? He tried to make it like Morgan wanted to steal his last memories of Caylee.

What time did Caylee get up that morning? What did she have for breakfast? What did she do? What was in her backpack?

The more they protest the more suspicious I become (ex: see stories about the gas can, smell in the trunk, the Nanny, the bedding, etc.).
I think you are right about what GA saw.
I used to think KC kept Caylee in the trunk while she partied.Maybe she did at times,but the problem with that is Caylee would quickly start putting up a fuss any time she had to leave with KC.She would have shown signs of being scared of her.Maybe that's actually what was happening.
Maybe Caylee started fussing whenever she had to go with KC and KC got Pizzed off .I just wish someone would come forward with the truth.

That is a good point miss James, and I have also thought that it is very probable that Caylee was beginning to talk and in the car drive home the day before from visiting Cindy's Dad.
Cindy must have asked Caylee a few questions and became mortified by some of the answers that she got.
I think Cindy then proceeded to question Casey and a fight erupted, and Casey was mad as hell that she got found out.
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