Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)

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Anyone else here wonder if the garbage bags (and not the duct tape) caused the poor baby girl to suffocate? I dunno why that thought popped into my head....was just thinking about how you're not supposed to let kids play with plastic bags or let them put them over their face.....maybe the two garbage bags and the laundry bag were used to keep poor baby Caylee from breaking out of the suffocating plastic.....the two bags to keep air from getting in and the canvas bag to keep her from escaping the two layers of plastic.....then once the baby stopped the struggle (that matted up her hair) the horrible B**** opened up the bags, placed the duct tape over her mouth to make it look like a kidnapping/suffocation.....and used the bags as a disguise....once she dumped out that bag of "laundry/garbage" she made sure to put TonE's garbage in the trunk, too so that nobody thought it strange for her to unload the contents of her trunk into a dumpster or for her to be carrying "trash" in her trunk...? I dunno where I'm going with's not well thought out....tear it apart as you wish...not saying that I believe in this theory...just random thoughts that came to mind while reading everyone else's posts.
“On the worst of worst days,
remember the words spoken
Trust no one,
Only yourself.
With great power,
comes great consequence.
What is given,
Can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies.”

Regarding this July 7 photobucket post by KC as mentioned above in LittleBitty's post, it suddenly hit me that the particular phrase, "With great power comes great consequence," might be KC referring to Cindy--all CA's power brings about this great consequence: losing Caylee, and it is KC and ONLY KC who can "take her away" from Cindy. Just thinkin' out loud here.

Secondly, more to thread topic, I'm not sure the SA has an actual "smoking gun," after all, the one smoking gun they might have gotten ahold of was the pair of pants that CA washed. However, the state has gone to great lengths to acknowledge, test, and discredit the "theories" that have been thrown about in the wind by the A family (pizza, that sort of thing.) The more I read about all of the detailed testing they have done to rule things out simply strengthens the SA case more and more. I just don't know what AL, LKB, and JB can do about it. I love it.

The first time I heard that I knew that KC was heartless.

Think about this, can you imagine KC saying "I know I've made a huge mistake murdering my child but I have to play this to the very end or I may spend the rest of my beautiful life in prison. I can't tell noone. I can't tell mom, dad, or my brother about this. They all had it coming especially mom. She always said I was an unfit mother, So There, now I am no longer a mother. From now on I will "trust no one only myself."heck everybody else. I have the upper hand and there's nothing mom can do about it. I have the power now (now that Caylee's gone and only I know what happened to her)and I know that "with great power comes great consequence."(I know one day I may I have to pay for what I did). Caylee was my child, I gave birth to her and "what is given can be taken away" why are they so concerned with what I do with my own child, she was mine, I can do what I want. And I would lie, cheat, or steal to keep anyone from finding out the truth....that Caylee is dead. What's the big deal "everyone lies and everyone dies" that's a part of life. I wish everyone would just leave me alone"

That's the way I read it.
"What has been given can be taken away"

Cindy at public memorial...

"Casey, I hope you are able to hear me today. I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away all of your pain and wipe away your tears. I want to thank you for giving me the greatest gift that I have ever received and that is Caylee Marie."

*Bolded by me*

Link ...
It doesnt actually make any sense to duct tape a face to prevent decomp leaks.

1. The autopsy clearly states it was placed prior to decomposition

2. If KC had that kind of forethought she wouldnt have made half the stupid mistakes she has done

3. the remains were placed in 2 trashbags and a laundry bag. I bet that stopped leaks.

Think about it, if it were you, why would you waste the time staring at your dead baby's rotting face while you're applying duct tape (which I bet even Miss Pokerface couldnt handle) when you got some big plastic bags handy?

The only other thing would be if she applied it immediately thinking cover up. and in that case, I bet it would be like JBR where the tape was too small to have actually quieted a living person. It wouldnt be layer after layer, that's overkill so to speak.

So all we really have here is, was the tape part of the murder or part of a coverup?
"What has been given can be taken away"

Cindy at public memorial...

"Casey, I hope you are able to hear me today. I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away all of your pain and wipe away your tears. I want to thank you for giving me the greatest gift that I have ever received and that is Caylee Marie."

*Bolded by me*

Link ...
And KC thought she was CA's greatest gift.Bet that hurt.
I don't think SA will need a smoking gun,but I hope they have one as insurance.The totallity of all the evidence points to KC.
“On the worst of worst days,
remember the words spoken
Trust no one,
Only yourself.
With great power,
comes great consequence.
What is given,
Can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies.”

Regarding this July 7 photobucket post by KC as mentioned above in LittleBitty's post, it suddenly hit me that the particular phrase, "With great power comes great consequence," might be KC referring to Cindy--all CA's power brings about this great consequence: losing Caylee, and it is KC and ONLY KC who can "take her away" from Cindy. Just thinkin' out loud here.

I thought the same thing....and that it was in response to Cindy's Myspace note on July 3rd.
The totality of all the evidence is the factor for premediation, IMO..

Not calling authorities for 31 days.
Dodging CA during those 31 days, one excuse after the next on why the CA couldn't speak to Caylee.
The towed car, left at Amscot with her purse, Caylee's doll "mama", Caylee's car seat...
The human decomp event in the pontiacs trunk.
The duct tape, the dumping of the body, everything found with Caylee's remains.
Her lies.
Her stealing during the days Caylee was allegedly "abducted".
Her Bella Vita tattoo.
Her new beau, TonyL who wanted sons not daughters.

The jury will be instructed on taking all the evidence into account, not just one piece of evidence.

I'm sure once the jury gets the information on how Caylee was discovered, the jury will be infuriated that a child, a two year old child was murdered so a mother can live without the parental responsibilites of raising a child alone while being constantly berated on what a lousy mother she had become...

If there are talks in the works for a plea deal, that would mean KC has to plead guilty and take responsibility for her actions.. Baez should inform KC to take it and run. That will ensure she does LWOP and doesn't get that lethal injection which will be much kinder to KC than Caylee's demise was..:behindbar
Big Trouble comes small.......who would bury their child after an accident in a shirt with those words? Layers of Duct Tape across her mouth and attached tightly to her hair.....who would put tape over a childs mouth that tightly, after an accident? A beautiful life tattoo .......who would tattoo themselves after an accident or kidnapping with such a sentiment? Why would Casey tell LE that she received a call from Caylee, when the autopsy results say she was likely deceased by that time, and no phone records exist?[/QUOTE]

BBM: This is an excellent point long forgotten by me! Thanks! I'm not convinced there is a smoking gun;however, it may be KC's own words that are the smoking gun. I have not seen any statement from LP's gal, there may not be one so that it is not required to be provided to the defense. Maybe she is the smoking gun because LP made it sound like KC confessed to her, or at the least made statements that were incriminatory
Why would Casey put duct tape around Caylee's mouth to stop leakage? So strange that some of you really believe that someone like Casey would even think of that. She had no clue there would be leakage and that baby was double bagged. That tape went on her mouth and nasal passage to keep her from screaming and breathing. I do believe Casey did this while she was still alive and then left her in her car trunk while she went to blockbuster with her man - I think she left her in there all night and Caylee died a cruel death - and this is why she deserves death in return. It is very simple in my mind. IMO very simple just like Casey.

No way was she thinking about leakage after the death. That girl is as lazy as they come,
I was just thinking about the Winnie the Pooh blanket. Was this a blanket that Caylee carried around as her "binkie" or "baby" as my granddaughter calls her blanket? Did Caylee go everywhere with it? Would it have been with her during her trip with CA to greatgrampa's? Was it at the A home the evening of CA and KC's argument? Did GA see Caylee with it when he fed her breakfast and put her into the car that morning? he described them in detail as they walked out the door (before he claimed "he" tucked Caylee into the car) afterall, would "Zanny the Nanny" also have a duplicate Pooh blanket? I imagine that because GA didn't state Caylee had her blanket, which was supposed to be so important to her, that as I believe, he is lying about 6/16/08. I think the last time someone saw the blanket may be relevant. If Caylee only used the blanket as a nighty-night blanket then it makes more sense that Caylee was killed on the evening of the 15th when the blanket would have been readily available for use to wrap her up in. I hope this makes sense.
I was just thinking about the Winnie the Pooh blanket. Was this a blanket that Caylee carried around as her "binkie" or "baby" as my granddaughter calls her blanket? Did Caylee go everywhere with it? Would it have been with her during her trip with CA to greatgrampa's? Was it at the A home the evening of CA and KC's argument? Did GA see Caylee with it when he fed her breakfast and put her into the car that morning? he described them in detail as they walked out the door (before he claimed "he" tucked Caylee into the car) afterall, would "Zanny the Nanny" also have a duplicate Pooh blanket? I imagine that because GA didn't state Caylee had her blanket, which was supposed to be so important to her, that as I believe, he is lying about 6/16/08. I think the last time someone saw the blanket may be relevant. If Caylee only used the blanket as a nighty-night blanket then it makes more sense that Caylee was killed on the evening of the 15th when the blanket would have been readily available for use to wrap her up in. I hope this makes sense.

I had not heard this. Did he change his story recently?
I had not heard this. Did he change his story recently?

yeah, on their GMA appearance on the anniversary of Caylee's disappearance. George stated that he fed Caylee breakfast and put her in the car, which is the first time he's said that publicly. We don't know if he told the GJ the same thing or not. This is different obviously than merely watching them walk out the door and describing their clothing which was his initial statement to LE and publicly.
yeah, on their GMA appearance on the anniversary of Caylee's disappearance. George stated that he fed Caylee breakfast and put her in the car, which is the first time he's said that publicly. We don't know if he told the GJ the same thing or not. This is different obviously than merely watching them walk out the door and describing their clothing which was his initial statement to LE and publicly.

WOW... didn't know this. But he went on television and gave a play by play of that morning, seems odd to leave out those details and then just now remember them. Maybe he did tell the GJ these things. However, I think not.

I think they add to their story to make it seem more "warm and sweet" so weird weird weird. IMO
WOW... didn't know this. But he went on television and gave a play by play of that morning, seems odd to leave out those details and then just now remember them. Maybe he did tell the GJ these things. However, I think not.

I think they add to their story to make it seem more "warm and sweet" so weird weird weird. IMO

ITA. I think the blanket could be one of the smoking guns because it narrows opportunity down to the A household if the blanket was only kept at the house. Your comment about adding to their story to appear "warm and sweet" is spot on. I think those statements are similar to the "warming up" of Caylee and KC's room during the tv interviews at the home. The pics of those rooms from the early footage shows some serious Martha Stewart redecorating and much more "homey" decor added for the later tv interview and tour of their home.
Bolded by me.

I respectfully disagree, and tape used to stop leakage would not likely prevent the mandible from disarticulating from the cranium (jaw bone from top of the head). Once all tissues were deteriorated, nothing would have been able to keep those two pieces of bone together, especially with all the apparent animal activity which caused the other bones to scatter. Just think about it. That tape was placed SO tightly, in so many layers, around the base of that poor babies skull, that in spite of decomposition, deterioration, weather, and animal activity, those two pieces of bone were held firmly together. What does that say? If she was just trying to prevent leakage, as you suggest, maybe a piece or two placed over the nose and mouth, but wrapped in layers all the way around the base of the skull? First of all, KC is clearly not a Rhodes scholar or rocket scientist. How can we even assume that she was aware or was smart enough to anticipate any postmortem drainage? I certainly would not give her that much credit. Secondly, if she waited any significant period of time after death to apply the tape, realizing the leakage and attempting to stop it, the liquid from the decomp, as well as the condition of the flesh (in the hot Florida sun) would certainly have prevented the tape from adhering SO WELL that it would keep the mandible and skull connected after all that time, under the conditions mentioned above.
IMO, the tape most certainly is the smoking gun and we will hear much more about it at trial. At that point, any reasonable person will be able to infer (heck at that point a chicken mcnugget would be able to infer) that the tape was placed wantonly and willfully in an attempt to end the life of the baby.

I too was under the impression the tape was wrapped AROUND the base of the skull; however, BondJamesBond clarified that the tape was applied in layers e.g., tear a piece apply, tear a piece apply, not wrap around. This changes a lot for me to learn this info.
I just don't see how they can reconcile all of Casey's lies, the biggest smoking gun is Casey's own words - everything else is just icing, nice thick icing. How will they explain away her lies, her manipulation and her indifference? Unless they go with Casey being a total screw up who left her kid alone someplace and then didn't know how to come clean about her bad parenting - they would say she really didn't know what happened to Caylee and was trying to find her and correct her mistake of leaving her alone to be vulnerable to a stranger who took her. But the nanny story will need to be debunked as a desperate lie to cover her mistakes and live up to her parent's standards.

In other words she will have to admit the nanny was made up in order to appear to her friends and family that she was a put together mother, who had a job and such, and then she will have to say she left her a lone for a few minutes and when she came back Caylee was gone - she then made up lies to keep her parent's from finding out.

However - the car smell and laundry bag and such from the house will need to be explained - in away that will make it seem like someone else was framing her.
I just don't see how they can reconcile all of Casey's lies, the biggest smoking gun is Casey's own words - everything else is just icing, nice thick icing. How will they explain away her lies, her manipulation and her indifference? Unless they go with Casey being a total screw up who left her kid alone someplace and then didn't know how to come clean about her bad parenting - they would say she really didn't know what happened to Caylee and was trying to find her and correct her mistake of leaving her alone to be vulnerable to a stranger who took her. But the nanny story will need to be debunked as a desperate lie to cover her mistakes and live up to her parent's standards.

In other words she will have to admit the nanny was made up in order to appear to her friends and family that she was a put together mother, who had a job and such, and then she will have to say she left her a lone for a few minutes and when she came back Caylee was gone - she then made up lies to keep her parent's from finding out.

However - the car smell and laundry bag and such from the house will need to be explained - in away that will make it seem like someone else was framing her.

bbm; kc stated that the nanny had a key to the family's home - which i think was an attempt to do just what you suggest, frame the nanny and easily explain why only someone with access to the house could have done this. But as you also point out, the nanny theory would have to be adhered to in this scenario, and that theory is simply not going to work on anyone with half a brain (let's hope)
bbm; kc stated that the nanny had a key to the family's home - which i think was an attempt to do just what you suggest, frame the nanny and easily explain why only someone with access to the house could have done this. But as you also point out, the nanny theory would have to be adhered to in this scenario, and that theory is simply not going to work on anyone with half a brain (let's hope)

The nanny story will have to be left behind - if they go to trial with that story they will lose IMO. The only chance I see for her is admitting she is a faulty young mother who lies to make her parent's happy, who lost her kid and then allude to other's in her circle as possible perps. Throw in that the media gave away a lot of information and that the perp framed her. They can go to trial with many possible perps - they only have to bring in reasonable doubt - how many people knew of Casey schedule? How many had access to the A's house? Access to Casey's car?

Put all of those people up as possible perps. Tell the Jury Casey was scared of her mother and was lying to cover up her mistake of leaving caylee alone. Say that her indifference was a belief that Caylee was with someone she knew - say that Casey had no idead her child was in danger until the media got involved and that the perp then left the body near her home.

This is the only way I see it going unless they admit an accident - or GASP continue with the nanny story and try to prove she exists and is still out there.
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