Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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Lflorida have you heard anymore to add to the Watcher in the Woods theory?
The theory that Haleigh was taken by a family member would explain the reason she did not scream or cry out when picked up or taken out the door. It would also explain why she allowed them to change her cloths. It was never released as to whether or not cloths from her bedroom were missing. I would bet they brought cloths with them so the Amber alert would be incorrect. How ever; if it was a stranger, she may have been unable to cry out if they put something over her mouth. I still have a hard time with all of them in the same room and not a single person woke. Unless they were all drugged, I mean like benadryl for the kids, or Misty had taken something to sleep.
Early on in the case there were reports that MC was not at the MH that night. Does anyone recall if LE reported this and who gave them that information. Or if they didn't report it where did it originate? TIA
Early on in the case there were reports that MC was not at the MH that night. Does anyone recall if LE reported this and who gave them that information. Or if they didn't report it where did it originate? TIA
IIRC last time LE spoke about it they said they did not have anyone who could place Misty outside the MH

Info that she was not home was stated by KP in various interviews
Did someone change her clothes. I have thought this since Misty discovered her shirt in the dirty clothes after that first week. If this is the case I still can not understand why LE did not jump on this little tid bit a little harder. Maybe they did,but, my opinion is they where to busy makeing everything fit to misty did it. That is probably why we are still here and HaLeigh is still missing.
I believe she would go with different family members.As I've studied on the many myspace sites of the cousins comments with one another,they are all very close.They take being related very seriously and keep in close contact.Even Candyce R,who is Crystal's cousin is one that RC,Misty and the kids would visit.They only lived four miles away from one another.From the photos of Haleigh's visits with Johnny S and Connie,alot of family members live in that area and keep in close contact from what I've read online.There are photos of her by alot of cousins close to Johnny.So she did see alot of her relatives and would possibly leave with one of the many people in her life.
"Chelsea Croslin believes the only explanation is that at some point during the night Haleigh was taken, the family member staying with her took the van. Police said they have tracked that man down and questioned him. They also said he has not been ruled out as a suspect.
“I’m not accusing anybody…it’s just me being a mom and believing what I believe and piecing things together. I almost feel like I might know who it is,” said Chelsea."

After this was released was there ever any indication as to who Chelsea was talking about? Was it the cousin from TN. And did we ever know where he was tracked down? Was it there in Satsuma or someplace else. TIA
I just read the article and I am confused about WHO owns that van. The story says it is Misty's SIL and if you go down a bit there is a quote from her, (the SIL) stating that Misty called HER and asked if she put the scratch in Her van. What am I missing here???:confused:
I just read the article and I am confused about WHO owns that van. The story says it is Misty's SIL and if you go down a bit there is a quote from her, (the SIL) stating that Misty called HER and asked if she put the scratch in Her van. What am I missing here???:confused:

The Van
The theory that Haleigh was taken by a family member would explain the reason she did not scream or cry out when picked up or taken out the door. It would also explain why she allowed them to change her cloths. It was never released as to whether or not cloths from her bedroom were missing. I would bet they brought cloths with them so the Amber alert would be incorrect. How ever; if it was a stranger, she may have been unable to cry out if they put something over her mouth. I still have a hard time with all of them in the same room and not a single person woke. Unless they were all drugged, I mean like benadryl for the kids, or Misty had taken something to sleep.
The clothes stick out for me in this case and in the sexual assault case against Mauricio Reyes. He stopped long enough in the girl's room to go through her drawers to find a pair of shorts before he abducted her from her bed. He placed duct tape over her mouth to prevent the screams. He took her to the garage and re-entered the home to find her mother's high heels in a closet near the garage.
The clothes and the light would be a trace left behind in my opinion. I still wonder if the good ol' boys where willing to really look at everyone from the beginning or if they just where looking at Misty. They (LE) had a lot of leads being provided in that direction. In my opinion most was fabricated or irrelevant to who committed the crime, but, possible the reason someone else chose to take Haleigh. It is my opinion this was well planned and everything was thought of within their abilities. Being ex LE would be a leg ahead of most criminals natural or learned abilities. JMO on this theory.
My theory is that Ronald, Misty, TN and GGMSykes know exactly what happened to Haleigh and where she is.
The clothes and the light would be a trace left behind in my opinion. I still wonder if the good ol' boys where willing to really look at everyone from the beginning or if they just where looking at Misty. They (LE) had a lot of leads being provided in that direction. In my opinion most was fabricated or irrelevant to who committed the crime, but, possible the reason someone else chose to take Haleigh. It is my opinion this was well planned and everything was thought of within their abilities. Being ex LE would be a leg ahead of most criminals natural or learned abilities. JMO on this theory.

Hi Texasmommy, I just wanted to ask you this, I have read your theory, very interesting by the way, but you seem to put a lot of stock into the light being problem is this. Misty says she woke up to go to the bathroom and get a drink or whatnot, and saw the light, she also saw 3 on the clock, I wondered why you put so much stock in what Misty says....In an interview Ronald gave to NG he stated that Misty would have been able to see the light being on from the bedroom....I think everyone is putting too much stock in the light thing and I just wondered since you think the light is a big clue. I personally don't think the light is something we can count as truth. Did I miss something LE said about the light being important?

Also, I thought LE stated that the items found in the woods were not related to the case, but we really don't know for sure if no-one went to LE to tell them that those items were theirs or not because LE has not let any information whatsoever slip out about this little one's disappearance. I get that you are hypothesizing and all but I find it so hard to do that because LE won't give info out at all.:)
My theory is just that. Who knows aside from those that planned and did it exactly who,what, when and where, but, we do have some good indicators. The collective tidbits of truth we have are even argued to death. Now it is an opinion against opinion of the facts and if they are facts.
I can not see any productive reason someone would choose to nit pick a comment instead of contributing to good ol' fashioned discussion.
My theory is just that. Who knows aside from those that planned and did it exactly who,what, when and where, but, we do have some good indicators. The collective tidbits of truth we have are even argued to death. Now it is an opinion against opinion of the facts and if they are facts.
I can not see any productive reason someone would choose to nit pick a comment instead of contributing to good ol' fashioned discussion.

Well, that's what makes theorizing interesting, over opinion. One has more license to add and/or subtract, to work with facts and sketchy details that opinion often doesn't allow, to forage into areas opinion would close down....I think it makes for great old fashioned and frankly much more respectful discussion, don't you? :)
If LE is the only true source there was we probable would have only a handful of threads and the PL would have been non existent.
There has been other truths reveled by others, but we seem to argue there validity because it didn't come from LE.
All the theories that have been put forward are a collection of the tidbits of truth and a whole lot of speculation.
I share my theory and opinions because I enjoy the criticism, really I do.LOL
The clothes and the light would be a trace left behind in my opinion. I still wonder if the good ol' boys where willing to really look at everyone from the beginning or if they just where looking at Misty. They (LE) had a lot of leads being provided in that direction. In my opinion most was fabricated or irrelevant to who committed the crime, but, possible the reason someone else chose to take Haleigh. It is my opinion this was well planned and everything was thought of within their abilities. Being ex LE would be a leg ahead of most criminals natural or learned abilities. JMO on this theory.

BBM. I wonder if you didn't hit the hit the nail on the head with that statement? In some places the "network" is alive and well and some cases never get solved.

My opinion only
My theory is just that. Who knows aside from those that planned and did it exactly who,what, when and where, but, we do have some good indicators. The collective tidbits of truth we have are even argued to death. Now it is an opinion against opinion of the facts and if they are facts.
I can not see any productive reason someone would choose to nit pick a comment instead of contributing to good ol' fashioned discussion.

Were you referring to me? I just want to be clear because I didn't mean for you to infer that I was nitpicking your post. I was hoping to learn a little insight that I have not thought of yet. If you have read any of my posts in regards to Haleigh's case you would know instantly that I stand alone in the land of missing or abducted child when it comes to a theory. I do not think that Ronald had anything to do with Haleigh being missing. The man in the video below is a father that is not faking love for his child....he is distraught.

I do not mean to be argumentative,:) you might have me mistaken for someone else.
If LE is the only true source there was we probable would have only a handful of threads and the PL would have been non existent.
There has been other truths reveled by others, but we seem to argue there validity because it didn't come from LE.
All the theories that have been put forward are a collection of the tidbits of truth and a whole lot of speculation.
I share my theory and opinions because I enjoy the criticism, really I do.LOL

I have never shared my theory, I guess I could, I just keep waiting for more info from LE that never comes. I always worked off the theory that Haleigh is missing and could indeed have been abducted. Part of me believes Misty was not in the home that night and Haleigh woke up to look for her. Crystal states that Haleigh did wander away once before....when her and Ron were still a couple Haleigh wandered down to the water. 911 was called in that instance.

Or maybe, Misty was sleeping off a 3 day bender....I know that isn't a fact but....what if she was, and Haleigh woke up and went out in the livingroom to watch her video and someone who knew Misty would be passed out came in? I mean there are plenty of things that could have happened. I am not a believer that one parent or the other took Haleigh because of child support or custody issues. That really makes no sense to me sorry. No, I truly believe Haleigh was abducted...or wandered off and someone took advantage of that. But, I personally do not believe Crystal or Ronald are involved whatsoever.
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