Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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Hi LancelotLink. I was just watching the video again, and zoomed in at 1:00. Ron has his hand to his face in this shot. Crescent or half-moon shaped marks between his fingers and on his knuckles can be seen. Again, I had DH experiment with me by putting his hands in the position they would be in if he were going to choke me-I put my hands up as I would if I were trying to pry his fingers away. Again, the "marks" fell in similar spots (2 in between fingers--one on knuckle) and are facing in the right direction (curve toward victim/away from assailant.)

I believe the marks on Ron's hands should be checked out, if they haven't been yet. I'm not sure if LE is allowed to photograph wounds on a person before they're declared a suspect. Anyone know?

Just curious if you are considering Misty or SOD. Look for bruising on neck?

Cops can do 'bout anything as long as the person says it's okay. [Misty being underage presents a few problems, though.] If person says no, then cops must get a warrant to do something like that up close and personal. Warrant would require signature by judge, but no judge in Putnam is going to say no on this case.
Just curious if you are considering Misty or SOD. Look for bruising on neck?

Cops can do 'bout anything as long as the person says it's okay. [Misty being underage presents a few problems, though.] If person says no, then cops must get a warrant to do something like that up close and personal. Warrant would require signature by judge, but no judge in Putnam is going to say no on this case.

I haven't noticed any bruises on Misty. I'm worried about Haleigh.
My theory is still the same. A female was involved with propping the back door in order to carry out something, a bundle perhaps wrapped in a blanket. There was no worry about the light being on. Now, the theory is that Junior saw something. A man dressed in black or a female with hair tucked up and face covered who he didn't recognize and thought was a man.
I think you might be on to something here. I can't see a perp propping the door open since he'd be strong enough to hold Haleigh and open the door at the same time. And as for not wanting to make any noise (by propping the door open), what about entering the house with the squeaky floors, turning on the kitchen light, going into a bedroom where supposedly three people are sleeping and taking a child out of there without waking the "adult" in the room? It doesn't make sense to me. I think Misty knows a lot more than she's telling and if she didn't do anything to Haleigh then she probably wasn't at home when something did happen and the perp knew it. MOO
I think you might be on to something here. I can't see a perp propping the door open since he'd be strong enough to hold Haleigh and open the door at the same time. And as for not wanting to make any noise (by propping the door open), what about entering the house with the squeaky floors, turning on the kitchen light, going into a bedroom where supposedly three people are sleeping and taking a child out of there without waking the "adult" in the room? It doesn't make sense to me. I think Misty knows a lot more than she's telling and if she didn't do anything to Haleigh then she probably wasn't at home when something did happen and the perp knew it. MOO
Agreed, and I'd like to add that Haleigh was seen by Rons Mom at 7, and she was put to bed at 8, she was covered up with a blanket sometime after 8, and Misty "forgot" what she had on.
To me, it seems like she either had on the same clothes that Rons Mom saw her in at 7, or she was changed into something, and Misty either changed her herself and knew what Haleigh had on (especially if she gave Haleigh a bath), or she saw what Haleigh had on when Misty covered her up if Haleigh dressed herself.

I dont subscribe to the theory that Haleigh changed her own clothes sometime later in the evening. If I did, I would also have to subscribe to the theory that Haleigh put her own shirt in the laundry room.
AND I would also have to believe that LE didnt trace Mistys steps with her until they took her in the trailer so that she could show them what Haleigh was wearing at school (this happened DAYS after haleigh was reported missing, -- I am inclined to believe they went over her story, IN THE TRAILER, RIGHT AWAY).

Misty would have seen the shirt already if LE retraced her steps...which I think they did. They would have asked very pointed questions regarding blankets, sheets, clothes washed, etc..
If it was so dark in the trailer that this abductor needed to turn on the kitchen light, how did Haleigh find her way to another shirt(possibly), and to the laundry room and back in the dark..
I think you might be on to something here. I can't see a perp propping the door open since he'd be strong enough to hold Haleigh and open the door at the same time. And as for not wanting to make any noise (by propping the door open), what about entering the house with the squeaky floors, turning on the kitchen light, going into a bedroom where supposedly three people are sleeping and taking a child out of there without waking the "adult" in the room? It doesn't make sense to me. I think Misty knows a lot more than she's telling and if she didn't do anything to Haleigh then she probably wasn't at home when something did happen and the perp knew it. MOO

I don't know... most mobile homes have screen doors [esp here in FL] that have automatic closers on them. They make a heck of a whack when they close. Sound travels through the walls of the whole thing. Doesn't really shake, but makes you wince when it first strikes the frame.

I'm not saying it was an outsider who propped it open, either. Could've been Misty not wanting to wake the kids after going outside for a smoke or whatever.
"I will believe my daughter is alive until they find her."

"I would give my life to have my daughter's life back."

I don't put too much into Ron's statements. He has been advised by LE that child abductions usually end with a dead child. He has been advised that the children are usually dead within 3 hours of the snatching and after 72 hours, chances of recovery are slim to none. He knows the reality of this and it is weighing heavily on his mind. He has hope but without any news of Haleigh, he knows the probable outcome of this horrible tradgey. As the days go by without a shred of evidence as to Haleigh's whereabouts, hope diminishes in the harsh light of reality.

This man is dealing with this as best he can. I pray that someone took Haleigh in a custody dispute gone haywire and that she is alive and well being hidden because the snatcher does not know what to do. Acted before thinking.

So, to whoever has Haleigh, fess up and give her back to Ron. You got involved in something that you had no business doing, no matter what your intentions. You didn't think this through and yes, you are going to pay the consequences for your actions but better you than an innocent 5 year old baby girl.

Do the right thing now.
Count me in as "I have no idea."

I'm trying to figure out what Misty and/or Ron's intent would have been in intentionally leaving the door propped open with the cement block, if they staged this.

What was the story they were trying to "tell" with those two unusual things?

If Misty actually went out and her leaving it propped open that way was the inadvertent cause of the abduction, wouldn't she immediately realize that and remove the brick? :waitasec:

Letting the door swing back to the jam wouldn't make an abduction any less believable. Leaving the brick there just creates questions, and a possible source of fingerprint evidence.

Leaving the light on is also weird, unless it was the only way she could have seen that Haliegh was missing?

But then, why not just wait until Ron got home?
I don't know... most mobile homes have screen doors [esp here in FL] that have automatic closers on them. They make a heck of a whack when they close. Sound travels through the walls of the whole thing. Doesn't really shake, but makes you wince when it first strikes the frame.

I'm not saying it was an outsider who propped it open, either. Could've been Misty not wanting to wake the kids after going outside for a smoke or whatever.
The door from the garage to the inside of my house closes automatically too but I can stop it from slamming with my foot if my hands are full. I just can't grasp that the perp would've looked for a concrete block to prop the door open ~ and your scenario makes more sense that Misty went out back and left the main door unlocked when she came back in. MOO
ITA. Misty is the key to solving this puzzle. But I don't know what, if anything, is going to break her. I also wonder - how easy it would be for her to just up and leave town? She has moved around a lot in her life, is there anything legally keeping her from skipping out?

Since she is home now, mayber her daddy can break her down. Parents are often pretty good at that. jmo :)
It s weird but for the first time today I started having a warm feeling that Haleigh is still with us. Like maybe someone wanted her not for the ugly things we always think about, but because they thought they could give her a better life. I like thinking this way.
I think you might be on to something here. I can't see a perp propping the door open since he'd be strong enough to hold Haleigh and open the door at the same time. And as for not wanting to make any noise (by propping the door open), what about entering the house with the squeaky floors, turning on the kitchen light, going into a bedroom where supposedly three people are sleeping and taking a child out of there without waking the "adult" in the room? It doesn't make sense to me. I think Misty knows a lot more than she's telling and if she didn't do anything to Haleigh then she probably wasn't at home when something did happen and the perp knew it. MOO
Totally agree.
It s weird but for the first time today I started having a warm feeling that Haleigh is still with us. Like maybe someone wanted her not for the ugly things we always think about, but because they thought they could give her a better life. I like thinking this way.
Oh wouldn't that be a miracle! :blowkiss:
I agree. I hate to be cynical Sally, ya know? But I have country cousins who sound just like this when they tell their tall tales!

"I would give my life to have MY CHILD'S LIFE BACK"...huh? This statement to me is very telling. He should have no clue at this point whether she is alive or dead.

I would LOVE to be proven wrong on this but my gut and my hinky meter is banging off the scale.

Also, why is he ALWAYS bringing up his alibi, i.e., "I was at WORK... I was at WORK." It just does not sit right with me.

I think you're so right Theonly1. I haven't trusted Misty since th "blanket" interview. Ron set off my meter when I watched this playback of the GVS interview:

He is WAY too concerned with controlling Misty's answers rather than try to say something that will help find his daughter.

I've seriously been wondering if one of them (or both) was molesting Haleigh, and she was "uncooperative"that day/evening. WHy? Because I keep wondering why Misty said she HAD to wash that blanket that evening.

What did it have on it? Maybe DNA?

I know they've only lived in that trailer for a short time. Maybe Ron threw it up there shortly after they moved in to block the daytime light. Maybe only Misty knew it "had" to be washed (along with Haleigh's blanket?) Maybe that's what all the cleaning was about, and why Misty didn't want to call the police 'til Ron got home.

I would think maybe he wasn't involved, just Misty, but then if you watch the GVS interview, he CLEARLY doesn't trust her to "get it straight". He worries about how far Haleigh was sleeping from Misty. There was the confusion over whether Haleigh was in the big bed with Misty, or on the toddler mattress.

Normally, I think most people would not suspect a female, but in this case, and with Misty's upbringing, I think it's fair to consider this theory at this point. Also, the way Haleigh's scent stopped at the railroad tracks, and they haven't found her, I think Misty had some help from somebody.

Any thoughts sleuths?
I now feel very strongly that gf may never have had front door (nor any) key either because dad just began the late shift so it hadn't been necessary until then, or he thought this would "prevent" her from leaving children alone (was this a concern or anything that happened before?) But I just couldn't figure out why she would place something so visible as a cinderblock in doorway--if the purpose was to keep door from locking. We've heard no talk whatsoever of a KEY to rear door--only a deadbolt (that locked from inside). So were the front door locked from inside, she would not have needed something to keep rear door from locking but if this particular door swung down on it's hinges, and open--when not hoisted up and deadbolted, as dad describes--then what you would need is something to keep back door from swinging obviously open--or to prop it CLOSED. Remember in all likelihood gf arrives only minutes--and I do mean minutes--prior to dad, since she knows dad's schedule and could have timed it to return just before he did. Had she been so reckless as to leave dad's children; had she seen the pile of blocks and figured one was heavy enough to keep trailer from being "obviously" open; and had she herself only come upon the scene of missing Haleigh moments before--then it seems quite feasible she would have been in a panic and just overlooked. As she frantically searches house, yard she neglects to remove the only evidence showing she had been gone. She could afterall, use this to support the only other incredible "intruder-broke-in-while-I-was-right-here-sleeping-all-along" cockamamie she could come up w, under the circumstances. She ran short on time, realizes there is no sign of B&E, and thinks on her feet.

THIS is why investigators are likely continuing to question gf, because they know she's lying and that she left-but realizing she's lying 'only' about having left, LE is simultaneously pursuing those directly responsible for Haleigh's kidnapping w knowledge of her whereabouts. Since gf is herself a 'child,' I'm not even sure what if any charges she could face ever, after putting both children's lives in peril. But I have confidence that LE could, based simply upon evidence of an outswinging door (poorly hung or on unlevel trailer) figure out it would not even be necessary to "prop" door open, but rather closed.

ETA: I've always been convinced that gf left. Then on GR tonite, another tipster confirmed for CR that gf did leave--and left much earlier than previously thought. This is crucial to timeline... if tip LE received (and now CR confirmed) turns out to be accurate, ie gf was gone partying as early as that evening 7-9ish then that could mean Haleigh was taken FAR earlier than even we thought since many (including myself) had theorized it was not until at least she had put children to bed, and likely after 10pm that gf left to go partying. Wth, just turn on the video and leave them to fend? This development would make the gf's alleged behavior even more unconscienable since she not only would have left them unsupervised for hours longer--but may have discovered this hours sooner than believed--or reported. JMO

I think you're so right Theonly1. I haven't trusted Misty since th "blanket" interview. Ron set off my meter when I watched this playback of the GVS interview:

He is WAY too concerned with controlling Misty's answers rather than try to say something that will help find his daughter.

I've seriously been wondering if one of them (or both) was molesting Haleigh, and she was "uncooperative"that day/evening. WHy? Because I keep wondering why Misty said she HAD to wash that blanket that evening.

What did it have on it? Maybe DNA?

I know they've only lived in that trailer for a short time. Maybe Ron threw it up there shortly after they moved in to block the daytime light. Maybe only Misty knew it "had" to be washed (along with Haleigh's blanket?) Maybe that's what all the cleaning was about, and why Misty didn't want to call the police 'til Ron got home.

I would think maybe he wasn't involved, just Misty, but then if you watch the GVS interview, he CLEARLY doesn't trust her to "get it straight". He worries about how far Haleigh was sleeping from Misty. There was the confusion over whether Haleigh was in the big bed with Misty, or on the toddler mattress.

Normally, I think most people would not suspect a female, but in this case, and with Misty's upbringing, I think it's fair to consider this theory at this point. Also, the way Haleigh's scent stopped at the railroad tracks, and they haven't found her, I think Misty had some help from somebody.

Any thoughts sleuths?
I have wondered why a blanket from the window would be washed before school clothes...Other posters say that there was a blanket shortage in the home, b/c Mistys blanket was "in the van", but when she is in the laundry looking for school clothes it seems odd that she would have dirty clothes, but a blanket that hung on a window was washed first. If there was a blanket shortage, o.k. but something seems "off" about the whole shirt/blanket/I forgot what she was wearing/ scenario...
I have wondered why a blanket from the window would be washed before school clothes...Other posters say that there was a blanket shortage in the home, b/c Mistys blanket was "in the van", but when she is in the laundry looking for school clothes it seems odd that she would have dirty clothes, but a blanket that hung on a window was washed first. If there was a blanket shortage, o.k. but something seems "off" about the whole shirt/blanket/I forgot what she was wearing/ scenario...
I'm still trying to figure out what she was doing all day while Haleigh was in school that Haleigh's blanket was still dirty from the night before, and like you said, why not do the laundry that evening after RC left for work? Also haven't figured out the blanket in "the van" either. :waitasec:
Grandma drove by at 7 -- what was Haleigh wearing?
Haleigh got a bath and watched 2 movies and was in bed by 8,(?????) and Misty can not remember what she had on?
If Haleigh got up and changed clothes, she did this in the dark sometime after 10..

Link - respectfully snipped from this thread.

February 17th Nancy Grace

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.
NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

Snipped from Q&A thread

This is yet another inconsistency in the stories. In the video at 3:49 RC says he picked her up from the bus stop, but...not according to NG on 02/17/09.

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