Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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And speaking of footprints, did they establish if she was barefoot or if any of her shoes, flipflops, slippers, etc are missing?

Found an answer to my own question, lol, in Chances of a safe Return thread by a poster from yesterday

"The report goes on to say, "It should be noted that (Haleigh's father) said Haleigh's shoes were still inside the residence."

The dogs and officers followed the track to a pond and then circled back near the Cummings' home and then out of the neighborhood to a location very near Haleigh's school bus stop."
Yeah,from what I understand she walked the kids to the brother's and water,so the dogs can follow a scent from three days before.LE had asked them if she walked the kids and she said yes in the report.
How well was the pond searched? Is it deep? Would it require a brick like one from the backdoor to keep something submerged?
They searched it,I know they talked about looking in it and all the boats before,and I believe when TES was there,they used sonar.
I'd like to add to my theory... basically everything I said before is how I think it happened but ... to explain what I believe happened with the backdoor.

I mentioned Misty was probably outside smoking and so forth...maybe they never locked the front door. I noticed that there is decent sized porch...easy to hide on when it's pitch black outside & neighbors wouldn't have noticed. Here is what I think explains the backdoor situation and how the perp got in without a problem.

If there is a screen door as well as a steel door
The person that took HC didn't just randomly do this...they knew the situation at the home & probably watched it. I believe that it is possible that the perp came from the woods, grabbed the cinder block, used it to prop open the "screen" door because he/she knew it would slam or honestly, just for ease of access. I think the perp came thru an unlocked FRONT door, opened the back door to have his/her escape ready. Maybe the perp opened the back door, propped it and all that because he/she had time. Maybe Misty wasn't even home and the front door was unlocked ... I have seen NO ONE mention that the front door was locked or unlocked. There is enough visual obstruction to that front door that a neighbor or whatever would have never noticed someone on there & if they did, would have thought it was Misty.

Ok so now you ask...why leave out the back door when you could go out the front if no one was home? Simple... the ability to escape. It's wooded... went down to the RR tracks and vanished without a trace.
Theory, if someone took her, someone who rides the rails, and knows how to hide in the shadows, entered the house on a previous occasion, to shower, eat, steal? He rummaged through things and discovered via clothes, toys, that a small boy, small girl, young woman, and young man lived there. He is a SO, conviction most likely but not always. He watches the family's comings and goings and at an opportune time, comes in and takes Haleigh, jumps the train, and is out of there.
Also most likely has a burglary conviction.
Sounds like CR? Last seen wearing all black, has better than average SO hygeine, very short hair.
Conviction of burglary, molesting a female under 12 yo. He knows the area, or of it.
Or someone very much like him.
need to find out if he knows anyone in the park, as a reason to jump the train in that area, or if he knew anyone who lived in the park in the past.
Couey was a homeless convicted SO who knew someone in the area when he saw Jessicca.
This could be a similiar case. I hope not.

Depending on what routes the trains on that track took that night from 7 pm to 3 am, and speed of those trains. I would be walking the tracks, yep, if I was a family member, I'd be walking them tracks. Trains go through very remote areas where no one hangs around ever. Statistics say one hour to three hours in stranger abductions before they are done with their victim.
30 miles? 60 miles? 90 miles? Likely not more than that, in a very remote area, in whatever direction the trains went that night.
yall are gonna think i've done lost it lol :doh:

I think I've lost it..but's the theory thread so I'mma say what I'm feeling today :)

I think HC is alive and well. I do in fact think she is safe or is soon to be completely safe. JMHO...alot of things are adding up & after that crazy dream I had along with hearing about that abandonded house location, I think I'm convienced. I also believe that there is more to this story than just an abduction and we aren't hearing about it because LE is waiting for it to all come out.

ok... have at it lol feel free to .... :croc:
Something is definitely wrong here. I'm beginning to think that Ron Cummings knows or has a good idea who took Haleigh and maybe even the family knows. Misty's story changes and makes no sense no matter which story she tells. If she left the house and Haleigh was kidnapped, why isn't Ron FURIOUS with her and why is he still with her? Ron says "This is not 'property'" to the person that has Haleigh "This is blood."
Maybe he ripped someone off for a large quantity of drugs? Maybe he informed on someone? IMO this has drugs written all over it.
After hearing today that the contempt charge for non payment of child support has been dismissed, I thought of ACW. Anna's dad filed to have child support payments stopped within two weeks of her being missing.
Do they put moms and dads in jail on contempt of court for non payment of child support?
Is it possible that this could be a two birds with one stone kind of thing. Not only would contempt charges be dropped, but custody could be changed to the maternal side.
just speculating here.

ETA; just read an article from today's media coverage thread;
People who want to donate to the fund should write a check to the Haleigh Cummings Family Relief Fund and submit it at a Bank of America branch. Money from the account currently is being used to help Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, pay bills such as rent and car payments. He has not been going to work since his daughter was reported missing from the family's Satsuma home on Feb. 10

I hate to be cynical, but sometimes it's a matter of follow the money honey......Rent shouldn't be due yet, and car payments implies more than one, so am I making a mountain out of a mole hill here, or does it "appear" as though RC was behind on more than one bill and/or they don't expect to find her before another payment is due?
oh, and btw it's .....
Dahlia,I completly agree withyou.My first theory was that Misty left and a stranger abducted Hayleigh...I now think that Ron knows exactly who has her,whether or not Misty was home.
I don't think bio-mom has anything to do woth it ,even though she was behind on child support I don't think she was too worried about that.Shereally seems strung out.
God,I'm still hoping and praying that this beautiful baby isalive and well.
Just thinking about her matter what we say about her parents...she seemed genuily happy.
The question is: Which side of the family would even think about wanting her out of Ron's house? Who would benefit from this?
Courtesy of JWG and his mapping skills, we can now view SO TL's address and the route from Haleigh's home to that location (drawn in green) added to original route dogs tracked (mapped in blue). "Dogs went to the pond first, then the outbuilding, then followed a route north of the home (assuming the long driveway), left onto Monroe left onto and around Buchanan Circle, right onto Monroe, pass-thru redacted, right onto Buffalo Bluff and ending at railroad (yellow route)."

Newly added green line is based on google directions between 202 Green La and 100 Camellia Dr, a distance of approx. .08 miles. This route (green line) overlaps/follows therefore obscures the portion of dog route the entire length of Tyler St from Monroe to Buffalo Bluffs or RR tracks. (Of course if one is walking as the crow flies, one might travel via alternative route shown in red--up Monroe to River Villa--ending at the RR tracks, depending upon perhaps which route is more secluded/less traveled, will check into this.)

Like Pennsolveania, I can only hope and pray that despite apparent monitoring, this SO's story, whereabouts and any possible loophole or opportunity--given changing timeline--continue to be closely examined by LE. TL was reported w/in his "allowable area" by 10pm but we're left to now speculate re tips as to whether Haleigh/Jr. could have been left alone as soon as 8 pm--or earlier. Meanwhile, trying to learn more re monitoring systems and how fallible or tamperproof they are. "Props" again to JWG, he's got skills :blowkiss: JMO


_________ route dogs tracked (extends length of Tyler St., route to TL which now appears in green)
_________ route between 202 Green La (Haleigh's) and 100 Camellia (TL)
_________ alternative route from Green La to RR tracks
_________ RR tracks
Something is definitely wrong here. I'm beginning to think that Ron Cummings knows or has a good idea who took Haleigh and maybe even the family knows. Misty's story changes and makes no sense no matter which story she tells. If she left the house and Haleigh was kidnapped, why isn't Ron FURIOUS with her and why is he still with her? Ron says "This is not 'property'" to the person that has Haleigh "This is blood."
Maybe he ripped someone off for a large quantity of drugs? Maybe he informed on someone? IMO this has drugs written all over it.

I completely agree. Somehow the perp(s) didn't think about R or M calling police. Once LE got involved, things escalated to the point where the perp(s) either disposed of H or haven't figured out how to return her.

I also think R knows better than to talk, that his well-being and that of his other child depend on his silence.
Everytime I watch that video it gives me the creeps. That is one fake display IMHO! It looks like someone who thinks "I have to cry to make them believe me". I have seen children lie and use tears do a much better job than this! I pray I am wrong, but I don't think so!

My opinion, I don't think he's fake crying. I think he is trying not to cry for the interview. I can see his eyes are puffy from crying at night or for a long period of time. I get like this too, I can barely open my eyes after a good night of crying. I don't know about the scratches, maybe his work, maybe he punched something while thinking of his baby being harmed and not being able to do anything.
After hearing today that the contempt charge for non payment of child support has been dismissed, I thought of ACW. Anna's dad filed to have child support payments stopped within two weeks of her being missing.
Do they put moms and dads in jail on contempt of court for non payment of child support?
Is it possible that this could be a two birds with one stone kind of thing. Not only would contempt charges be dropped, but custody could be changed to the maternal side.
just speculating here.


I hate to be cynical, but sometimes it's a matter of follow the money honey......Rent shouldn't be due yet, and car payments implies more than one, so am I making a mountain out of a mole hill here, or does it "appear" as though RC was behind on more than one bill and/or they don't expect to find her before another payment is due?
oh, and btw it's .....

non-payment of child support is contempt of court, so possible jail time and enforcement of payment (liens, taking vehicles owned by mother, attaching bank accounts--that is what they do here in CA). About the money RC is collecting, he hasn't worked for 10+ days already and his bills I'm assuming are due on the 1st. He would miss a whole pay period already. I think his requests for $ could be substantiated. I don't think he saved $$ from his last paycheck to pay half of his bills on the first. It could be that he lived paycheck to paycheck. Just my opinion.
I believe the 2009-02-10
055.MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 03-27-09 AT 08:30 has been postponed until Haleigh is found.So the $4100 owed and the over $300 a month is not a problem for the biomom now as long as Haleigh is missing.
Courtesy of JWG and his mapping skills, we can now view SO TL's address and the route from Haleigh's home to that location (drawn in green) added to original route dogs tracked (mapped in blue). "... "Props" again to JWG, he's got skills :blowkiss: JMO


_________ route dogs tracked (extends length of Tyler St., route to TL which now appears in green)
_________ route between 202 Green La (Haleigh's) and 100 Camellia (TL)
_________ alternative route from Green La to RR tracks
_________ RR tracks

Kiki I totally agree! Great job JWG. I'd love to see this map on NG. Maybe ppl. living along this route would reconsider what they've passively seen in the past & how it could possibly apply now. I could stare at this map all day, trying to examine the possibilities. What is going on w/ the water that I see snaking around the houses before you reach St. John's River on the west? That didn't show up on the regular map I was looking at on Google. Is it a canal or something? I'm not familiar w/ Florida's little waterways that are seem so common all over their neighborhoods. From this map view, (thanks again JWG), I see the RR track is a more secluded way to walk from TRL's house (as opposed to the riverside trail) that I had imagined before I was able to see this map. It's the next best thing to being there.

1. kiki excuse me 4 clipping your post.
2. I highly doubt the theory of a perp. actually boarding a train w/ Haleigh, (w/ all due respect to whomever's theory that was).
non-payment of child support is contempt of court, so possible jail time and enforcement of payment (liens, taking vehicles owned by mother, attaching bank accounts--that is what they do here in CA). About the money RC is collecting, he hasn't worked for 10+ days already and his bills I'm assuming are due on the 1st. He would miss a whole pay period already. I think his requests for $ could be substantiated. I don't think he saved $$ from his last paycheck to pay half of his bills on the first. It could be that he lived paycheck to paycheck. Just my opinion.
mine too.
I believe the 2009-02-10
055.MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 03-27-09 AT 08:30 has been postponed until Haleigh is found.So the $4100 owed and the over $300 a month is not a problem for the biomom now as long as Haleigh is missing.
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