Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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i believe that haleigh was killed and disposed of by mc. possibly with the help of the visiting relatives. the door and resulting story were a staged event to support mc story.
I think too much attention is paid to back door and I think that it was staged!! Not very well but it sure has kept out attention away from the front door. What kind of lock was on that door? Was it locked? How about the front porch?
I did see two locks on back door. Did the front door have a dead bolt? Someone could have entered via front door and left by the back door!!
When Ron was first interviewed he said the back door had a little "plastic lock, like the screen door lock." I remember that quite well.
Too much info given in 911 call, changing stories by Ron, Misty, Sykes, and others.
...Ron's initial anger at Misty seems to have vanished quickly
...Staged back door scene
...Sykes visit at 7pm and weather too cold for kids to be on porch eating
...The blanket story
...Ron says there was no fight, his mom and grandma says there was
...The dumpster hit
...Does the van belong to Misty (a homeless girl without a job) or to her brother

I hope it turns out well but it does not look good. So many children are neglected and a huge number disappear and are never seen again!

(bold mine) Yes so much of our early theorizing is lost in first 26+ general discussion threads but I've always said that while exit path was clearly rear door which affords far more secluded route if taking child, that someone surely could have first entered alone via front door w/out arousing much suspicion. Also have had problems w sudden reported "sighting" of Haleigh sitting on front porch at 7pm... (by Grandma, no wait, by someone else she sent over or w/e) which isn't reported until later as there were no independent witnesses following dad at bus stop (3:20) to corroborate gf's timeline who could establish Haleigh was still alive and well. The impromptu trip by Sykes prompted many to question the reason for her "checking on the kids," at which point it was reportedly to drop off laundry, tho it was reported it was other people Grandma Sykes sent by... all of which is what left me wondering if Grandma (or whoever) was sent at dad's request due to changing of the guards, and exactly who went, and exactly who they saw. Because even if they had seen Misty, as well as Haleigh happily sitting out front at 7 pm, it certainly doesn't mean Haleigh was still there on steps 10 mins., 30 mins., or an hour later when Misty reports putting her to bed. I've wondered all along w Haleigh on steps eg how can we be certain she didn't wander away from that point, we have only gf's word. LE would have only Junior w whom to verify that his sissy was in fact put to bed w him. And while he may recall Misty or his sis there before being put in front of videos and falling asleep... who knows from there. :confused: JMO

I got my first hinky feeling when I heard Ronald crying out on the lawn the first morning. It was at the time the pic was taken of Ronald bent over on the grass with TN on one side of him and Crystal kneeling down with her hand on Ronald's back on the other side. (with her newly french manicured nails) To me, Ronald did not come across as genuine. Now don't get upset at me because this is just my feeling and opinion.

The next time my hinky meter went off was when I heard the 911 call. It was all over the place. Misty couldn't be clear, and Ronald alternated between a high pitched whine and extreme anger. That soon into the 911 call, Ronald was threatening to kill the person who took her. That was extreme and even more extreme was him saying he would even shoot through the back window of the LE cruiser or unit to kill the person who took Haleigh. (not exact words). IMO, it was all over the top.

I think it really telling when LE says that they do not know what the crime is yet or the time it happened. I believe that followed it being stated that Ronald was at work. Apparently, Ronald being at work or on his way home from work when Haleigh was supposedly discovered missing has not cleared him. In fact, no one on either side of the family has been cleared.

I do not think this was an abduction or an intruder at all. Too many things do not fit. It certainly was not a kidnapping for money because no ransom note or demand for money.

Misty was cleaning and also washing every blanket she could get her hands on. Then her blanket was supposedly in the van 'they' took. Misty's brother and a friend of his came over at approximately 5:30 PM. Then the great grandmother (?) comes by to drop off clean clothes and sees the children eating on the front porch at approximately 7:00 PM. She gives the clothes to Misty, kisses the kids and leaves. Apparently Misty's brother and friend have left by that time. 7:00 PM is a little late for children that age to eat dinner and especially in the cool evening on the front porch.

So, whatever happened had to have happened after 7:00 PM. I wonder if Misty bathed the kids after their dinner and just before she put them to bed? They were in bed within an hour after the great grandma left according to the timeframe. Did Misty clean a little more than usual knowing that a missing child report would be made just after 3:00 AM? Was the back door and screen open to sweep out the kitchen and the hallway while cleaning and also to clear out whatever she and her brother & friend might have been smoking? Or simply staged? No scenario actually fits except the two doors being staged in order to look like an intruder had done it. The moment Misty would have gotten up to go to the bathroom, she would have to get into a sitting position on the side of the mattress she was sleeping on. Well, at that point, she would have been directly facing little Haleigh's mattress. I do not buy that she didn't notice at that time that Haleigh was missing. A lie, IMO.

I would like to know what time the mail had run that day and if Ronald and Crystal had spoken on the phone after Ronald had received the letter for the court hearing. Seems it would be a natural thing to do. Did they argue? Crystal would have had to know that she would either go to jail because of the child support being in arrears for at least a year. Either jail or pay up - simple as that, IMO. The notice to Crystal would have come only after many contacts with her regarding the child support. If the child support was to be paid through the court, then there are case workers who periodically check the status of the payments. I would think the department would have to close out their financial year and thereby also would see just how long that Crystal had not made payments. Hence the contempt of court letter.

I certainly do not have the answers and I am not sure LE does either. One very telling clue is that TN stated that something is missing that should have been there for Haleigh. She makes it sound as if it is something that Haleigh has to have at times. Many have speculated that it might be a nebulizer. I agree that it seems that would be the most likely thing. A random intruder would not have known where that item was or that she even needed it. Why is it missing? I am just under the impression that TN did not know about it until the great grandma who was cleaning pointed it out. Odd that two SA investigators walked Ronald through the house after or during the cleaning. Why wasn't this missing item reported to LE the night Haleigh came up missing? Seems LE would have asked if anything of Haleigh's was missing. I know I would. Were the clean clothes missing as well? In Haleigh's bedroom, there is what looks like a comforter tacked on the wall. It is tacked halfway up the wall and almost appears that it was put there to cover something. But what? There are so many unanswered questions.

It is my honest feeling that Ronald and Misty both planned and staged an abduction. They forgot to include the missing item in their plan. They slipped up on that one. I have no idea why except that it could have been a copycat thing fashioned after Caylee for money and notoriety and the similiarity of the names. But it is my theory. It seems to me that some people feel they must be in the Ronald & Misty or Crystal's camp. I am in neither camp, and am all for Haleigh. I know we all are. I am not going to defend anyone as LE has not cleared anyone.

If Haleigh is alive, she has become a major liability to that person. Haleigh can talk and communicate so she could tell where she has been or who she was with, so whomever took her is not going to let her come back home, IMO. If little Haleigh is deceased, we all know that the rate of decomposition would render her to be only bones after a certain length of time. This is so very sad to say, I know. But being realistic, I believe the killer (if Haleigh is dead) took great pains to conceal her very well so that a cause of death would not be evident when she is found, if ever. Trenton Dunkett (sp?) has never been found.

I know this is a long, drawn out post and I am sorry. It has, however, helped me to put my thoughts into words. Like many of you, little Haleigh has been weighing heavily on my mind every day.
LaLaw, yes ... I agree with many things you've said.

Why did Misty ever START talking about the blankets to begin with? Why is that something you would talk about or tell, when a child is missing?
LaLaw, yes ... I agree with many things you've said.

Why did Misty ever START talking about the blankets to begin with? Why is that something you would talk about or tell, when a child is missing?

Yes, the blanket is a problem...and she washed it?? Somewhat like Cindy Anthony washed Casey's pants because they smelled.
Did Misty wash the blanket because it had evidence on it??
I also have a problem with the Sykes visit...or as she later claimed a "proxy vist" when she sent friends over at 7pm. She first claimed the kids "hugged her neck", then she was not the one that went over...
Is Sykes the mother of Teresa Neves or of Jack Cummings?

I think the blanket makes me think a crime took place in the home and the body was removed in the blanket.
IMO Crystal is way too spacey to have carried out such a crime. Misty and her partying parterners need to be examined closely.
And fill me in on the story that Misty was gone for the prior 3 days on a binge?:waitasec:
LaLaw, yes ... I agree with many things you've said.

Why did Misty ever START talking about the blankets to begin with? Why is that something you would talk about or tell, when a child is missing?

I have no idea, aprilshowers, but it certainly is suspicious! Misty just seemed so hung up on the blankets! Gotta be something about a blanket that we have not heard of yet! JMO.
I got my first hinky feeling when I heard Ronald crying out on the lawn the first morning. It was at the time the pic was taken of Ronald bent over on the grass with TN on one side of him and Crystal kneeling down with her hand on Ronald's back on the other side. (with her newly french manicured nails) To me, Ronald did not come across as genuine. Now don't get upset at me because this is just my feeling and opinion.

The next time my hinky meter went off was when I heard the 911 call. It was all over the place. Misty couldn't be clear, and Ronald alternated between a high pitched whine and extreme anger. That soon into the 911 call, Ronald was threatening to kill the person who took her. That was extreme and even more extreme was him saying he would even shoot through the back window of the LE cruiser or unit to kill the person who took Haleigh. (not exact words). IMO, it was all over the top.

Snipped for space...


WOW, LaLaw, get outta my head!
I have no idea, aprilshowers, but it certainly is suspicious! Misty just seemed so hung up on the blankets! Gotta be something about a blanket that we have not heard of yet! JMO.

Misty says she had to wash Haleigh's blanket because it smelled like urine. Possible and very common motive.
IMO, the perp was not afraid to be caught in the home.
Strong feeling that it is a web of very good friends or relatives.
Male or female? cover up and lies..staged???
Knew the house inside and out, bold enough to put on a light
and get Haleigh and not JR.
no harm to MC/JR.........
Other than Misty saying that Haleigh was abducted, what makes anyone even think she was abducted? If there is no apparent force of entry, Misty's conflicting stories of the chain of events, not calling 911 asap, no expressed fear of a perp still in the house at the time she woke up, etc,etc,etc, why...and someone please tell me otherwise... is anybody led to believe this was an abduction at all? Has there been obvious abduction evidence discussed or released and I just missed it? Please help me out here.....So if it is as easy as "bricking" a door to mislead the world about the true fate of your child, then my god - we have a serious problem.
Misty says she had to wash Haleigh's blanket because it smelled like urine. Possible and very common motive.

Oh, of course, Indigo, but she took the one down from the window also and then pointed out that her blanket was in the van 'they' took. I am just meaning there was much ado about the blankets and even to the point where she seemed to explain too much about them and not just once either. In the long run Misty just had some people scratching their head over the blankets. :waitasec: There was much discussion about the balnkets on this forum.
Oh, of course, Indigo, but she took the one down from the window also and then pointed out that her blanket was in the van 'they' took. I am just meaning there was much ado about the blankets and even to the point where she seemed to explain too much about them and not just once either. In the long run Misty just had some people scratching their head over the blankets. :waitasec: There was much discussion about the balnkets on this forum.

I mean ... really! If my child was missing, and I was not involved and truly scared for her and desperate to find her, I would NOT talk about blankets.

The only reason I would ... is if I was truly innocent, and actually did find a particular blanket missing for sure.

When I back up from all the speculations and in-depth details being discussed, I picture myself in the home, and it just doesn't seem that a stranger came in and took her.
Re: staged

Why stage anything? If Ron had come home as usually and found the front door slightly ajar and Haleigh missing, then called 911 it would have all been chalked up to the door being left unlocked. Misty would have been asleep and could have just played dumb. staging makes no sense.
Re: cinder block
Since the back door was equipped with its own gadget to hold the door open the stager or intruder was ignorant of those devices. I say young kid. Kind of stupid to lug a cinder block there unless the cinder block was going to be used to break a window to get in.
Re: Misty
I don't think she has the intelligence to invent any kind of story.
Oh, of course, Indigo, but she took the one down from the window also and then pointed out that her blanket was in the van 'they' took. I am just meaning there was much ado about the blankets and even to the point where she seemed to explain too much about them and not just once either. In the long run Misty just had some people scratching their head over the blankets. :waitasec: There was much discussion about the balnkets on this forum.

Here's a snip from an FBI publication that explains how all that extraneous information is viewed. This article is about 911 calls and homicide investigations, but the principle can be applied to any statement:

Relevance of Information

During the dispatchers' questioning, few of the guilty 911 callers actually lied unless forced to. Most of them deceived by omission, rather than commission. In lieu of offering the complete truth, such as I did it, many provided rambling information, instead of concise points; confusing, rather than clear, details; and extraneous information, instead of relevant facts. These details, although, irrelevant to the dispatchers' questions, frequently related to the criminal act. People who provide more information than necessary may be attempting to convince someone of a deceptive story, rather than simply conveying truthful information. (4) In this regard, investigators must listen carefully to the complete call because the caller may have provided information that reveals vital clues to the homicide.
Here's a snip from an FBI publication that explains how all that extraneous information is viewed. This article is about 911 calls and homicide investigations, but the principle can be applied to any statement:


That's a good piece of info.

I still believe that Mistie does not know what happened, but it does sound like she was covering up something with the blanket rambling.
I somehow missed report of a neighbor hearing a "woman yelling," coming from "in or around the Cummings' home" at 2:25 am. My mind has been reeling ever since w the explanations for a female's voice yelling in or near Haleigh's house only an hour prior to her disappearance. I've remained openminded and considered inconsistencies by gf to likely indicate indirect indirect involvement at worst but now this has me revisiting the facts in a different light, as I consider in conjunction w toileting accident, washed bedding, Misty awake at hour dad arrives, inconsistent stories and worst yet, dogs hitting on dumpster.

The fact Haleigh may have been sleeping or fallen asleep (watching videos eg) in the same bed Misty slept in, the endless talk of blankets, even the bed being in a different room from mattress. I realize this may be an accommodation or concession to DCS who insist on separate rooms for children. But could Haleigh have fallen asleep and peed the same bed in which Misty (and eventually dad) would themselves have had to sleep? Had Misty either awakened in the same bed at the time Haleigh peed, or discovered on going to bed that it was was soaked in urine? This is the classic abuse trigger so given yelling heard by neighbor, could be one grim explanation--ANGRY yelling--especially in light of dogs hitting on nearby dumpster. :(

The other troubling possibility is that it was PANICKED yelling, after Misty returns home eg to discover no Haleigh. It would make perfect sense that if Misty's gone for some period that on returning and finding no Haleigh after first searching house, she would naturally run outside to CALL or YELL for Haleigh (as we've all said we would do and expected, wondering why it wasn't heard at 3:30). She might not even use Haleigh's name if afraid eg dad might learn from neighbors his child had gone missing at this hour under her watch. But she would certainly panic and run outside in desperate hopes of finding Haleigh before dad arrived. Maybe she DID yell and call out trying to find her outside--but maybe it was just at 2:30 instead of 3:30, before dad arrived? Afterall Misty wouldn't have known for sure who was responsible, whether mom, or dad himself might have taken her or if she might possibly still locate Haleigh in time but she probably would've spent that hour hoping against hope that maybe dad would be none the wiser and never need to find out?

My theories have been thus far cautious re inner circle--and even now presume that dad is being honest re time he returned from work, and in this scenario would've been unaware of reported yelling or any events prior to his reported arrival at 3:27 am.

I must also amend my theories to reflect what seems to be an apparent abililty and willingness to "move on" (ie make plans such as a wedding, new home etc) so soon amidst these tragic unfolding events which seem suggestive to me of one of the following two scenarios:

Either one or both knows that Haleigh is not in any danger, thus naturally has no reason for concern about her safety or wellbeing being in jeopardy...

OR one or both knows Haleigh is not coming back and figures there is also therefore no point in waiting or putting off a future w/out her.

Of course we all hope and pray if anything it's the former, that Misty's apparent defiance is just an immature reaction to feeling on the defensive. Maybe it's her youth--or just me, expecting others to react the way in which I think I might under what are unimaginable circumstances... but would anyone else here agree that for whatever reason "we" seem to be advancing beyond hope of search, progressing past the grief stage and transitioning rather rapidly thru the Planning & Redevelopment, into the Building a New Life Together phase? JMO


Kiki, you make some very valid points. The yelling at 2:25 AM changed everything. And the subsequent wedding announcement did too.

I'm beginning to think Misty is an accomplished puppeteer and Ron may be a marionette. Won't it be interesting if we learn that big bad Ron was had by silly little Misty?

I'm going to be meeting with someone who was a friend of Misty's when she lived here- she has remained in sporadic contact with her in the years since. The initial convo I had with this young lady yielded some interesting perspective- can't wait to get the rest of the story.
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