Theories on what may have happened to Benjaman Kyle

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Regarding the motorcycle angle...just up Highway 17 in the Myrtle Beach area there are large annual gatherings of motorcycle groups. I don't know the names or dates of these gatherings, but it should be easy enough to check with the S.C. tourism bureau or some such organization if someone wants to do this.

Thats a thought raeann. Also, just down Hwy 17, I believe between Savannah and Richmond Hill, I remember attending a motorcycle gathering. When I was in the army, I dated an MP who was also a biker. This was in 1982, I think. He took me to a gathering, I can't remember the exact location though, but I remember it was along a creek or small body of water, under a bridge, because I remember people jumping off of the bridge into the water. I don't know if it was a yearly thing or just impromptu but it was fun. I don't recall any "scary" bikers there, but there were a bunch of them, so who knows.
Some really interesting and well thought ideas here. Just one thing though, sorry but I really don't think one would forget one was gay, people who lose their memory don't "forget" they're sexual preferences, it's what they are, right?

I'm not sure how this would apply to BK's case, but I seem to remember that some people, who have suffered strokes, when they recover they can speak a different language. Has anyone heard of this? I know BK didn't suffer a stroke, but amnesia and stroke do both affect the brain. Maybe it is possible to "forget" your preference? :waitasec:
I still say this, "why would anyone want to go into an area that a hurricane just came thru?", unless to work, volunteer, or get "someone" they know out because another one is coming...and the last one(hur. charley) was bad enough...or even just checking on an elderly at a nursing home..
I really don't think he is vacationing.
Theory: Self Employed...contractor...or tree cutter...or debris remover...or insurance claims adjuster...this is what I think of with hurricanes.

Then I think also, not only should the state of Georgia be checked, but also Florida.

Respectfully snipped. That gave me another thought. My son used to work for a tree cutting company a few years ago. He used to look forward to hurricane season due to all the damage and trees needing to be trimmed and removed. Lots of overtime and pay for travel out of state. His employer was contracted with our local electric company and they would send his company out of town sometimes to assist before and after hurricanes. He was sent out of FL to GA many times during the hurricanes. But you would think that an employer would be very concerned about a worker missing during a hurricane. Although, IIRC, BK doesn't think he did "blue collar" type work, but I could be wrong. Sure doesn't seem to go along with possible memories of restaurant work, but who knows?
I don't know if BK would have cashed a check for cash. I would think he would have a nationwide bank, so he could deposit or withdraw money when needed. i.e, Bank of America.

Also, maybe he was just out for dinner and got jumped and beaten up, for what reason I do not know, and his last paycheck is still hanging out
waiting for him.
Maybe that would be easier to trace? Who did not pick up a last paycheck?

I still think he might have been there on vacation.
But I like this theory of his working there.
Peliman, See this is what we need, memory cells, so now I lean more to the power plant thing. Do you think you can do a local research and find out who helped Savannah Power build the plant? I will do a google and see what comes up. This is something I definetly could work on, as I am familiar with many construction firms who do this type of construction. Stone & Webster, Brown & Root, Westinghouse, are just a few who I can think of that build power plants.(not sure if the are still these names, but some form of these companies are still around, my husband has been out of this field since 2001) Sure worth a try. Thanks

Back to the tree trimming company idea. Maybe, if he worked for a tree company, they were contracted with Savannah Power? Peliman, Carol, what do you think? (although I really doubt he did that kind of work, but who knows?)
Please don't give up. We are going good, has my memory cells are poping too. I understand, as I even get hung a time or two, but I think BEN/Nurse Betty are at least reading what we have here on this board, as often as possible.
I for one, have a 67 year old mother, who has a computer at home, and knows nothing about it, not even how to turn it on. I have tried to teach her the basics and she wants to learn, but time doesn't allow, as she still works full time. (PS, she's had a computer for at least 10 years)
I have to remind myself now and then, that BEN does not have a SS. He has to pick up odd jobs that pay cash, not a check, cash. These are few and far between.
It may be a job he has no recollection of, and has to learn his job and to make ends meet, probably working a 10 -12 hr. a day, just to make ends meet.
Just like a computer. I remember when I was in school, I took a typing class(didn't even know about computers). It took me at least 1/2 the school year to learn the keyboard, the other 1/2 trying to type without looking at the keyboard, but this was my interest, not many kids took typing, especially not boys. But they sure too home ec.
Today, it is pretty much a requirement for kids to have a computer class in school.
My husband is 54, construction man, has no interest what so ever in the computer, execpt to ask me, "Honey, could you look for a part for my tractor?" Well, thank goodness I know a little bit about tractors and computers.
We talked about this New Years' Eve. What would these kids today do, if they lived in the 80's? Thirty-year-olds probably have no concept on how we lived, and that's not too many years difference from my age, 46.
So think about BEN, how he must feel, having to learn a new life over again. Leaning a computer, a job, how the government works, etc.
Back in his day, they got up at 4 a.m. to feed the cows, milk them, go to school, and probably had to walk, maybe barefooted maybe not, get home from school, feed the cows, chickens, work in the garden, cut some firewood, cut the grass, and I am not talking about a gas push mower, because back then the money just wasn't there. They had to grow and raise there own food.
So with all that said, I am not BEN, but I am a person who reads alot of history.
I can tell you, if everything would shut down tomorrow(no gas, no electric, no water, no vehicle) except life and what is in my pantry, I could live it, and live it well. I can milk a cow, hunt, drill a water well (never done this, but I am sure I can do it), grow a garden, ride a bike, walk, barter.
I would even in time, have a computer running without electricity. Might not be able to get online for quite sometime, but I would have my computer. I guess that's what some of us stay at home moms do, learn things on the computer. LOL, I remember Y2K, boy was I prepared. Took me about a year to clean out the pantry.
I hope everyone has had a good New Years' day, Peace,
Just had to comment. OT.

Okay. I am 61. Just about the same age as BK thinks he is.
When I learned to type in school, in 1961,
it was a mixed class of boys and girls. It took me most of the school year to learn to type and then to type without looking at the keys. Mind you, this was the very old style typewriter with a high reach to hit the keys and you had to hit the keys hard. I was afraid I would not pass the class.
But I did.
I used those typewriting skills in journalism classes at school.
I went on to do secretarial work in college. My second job was doing data entry. My career job involved a lot of typing, case manager work.

I think it really depends on the person if they have a knack for computer research, computer typing, that kind of thing.
I like writing. I like research, so it fits for me.
I even created my own My Space page this summer, after years of begging from my adult children. It is like doing a puzzle or decorating. I loved it. Not many people my age on there, though.

Just another note. I grew up in the same time period as BK. I grew up in a small mill town of 8000 population. I did not have to milk cows. I did not get up at 4:00a.m. I caught a school bus to school and back. I did not cut firewood for our wood stove. My dad did.
The lawn was mowed with a push mower, sharpened in the spring by my dad.
We did have a big garden. My mom canned all the fruit and most of the vegetables for winter.
We did have well water. My parents grew up in the depression and in the South, they walked to school, they worked before and after school on the farm. They also saved everything and were very thrifty. I still have some of those ways.

Y2K: I was very prepared as well. I was the go to person for that info at work.

and here is to a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, Kind, Answers Found NEW YEAR!!
I think the vacation idea came from BK himself. He was asked why he thought he was in Richmond Hill, GA. He said, he came to see the ocean.
There are some of us who thought, if he lived in CO., he would have gone to the west coast to see the ocean. But, then, if did have family in IN., maybe he would have stopped by to visit on the way to GA. Of course, then he would have to be driving a car and we know where that theory goes.
It would be good to know if all the towing companies have been contacted. I don't think anyone has had much luck with the Richmond Hill police dept. I know Garden City, GA., police helped BK. Of course, FBI Bill K., would look into that. Someone mentioned about Burger King's towing policy. They probably had a certain company that came and towed cars off their lot.
I remembered someone posting that they thought BK was in an infomercial
years ago.
So, yesterday I started screening the many YouTube infomercials from 1980's and 1990's. There are hundreds of them. So far, no luck.

Someone else mentioned that they thought they had seen BK at food trade shows or restaurant conventions. Sorry to whoever posted that, I don't remember the exact wording.
So, yesterday, I started checking on these.
There are so many of them.

My daughter works in the natural foods industry and goes to food trade conventions. She has gone for the last 10 years. I will ask her for any kind of information. I know she has gone to the west coast trade shows and a big one in Chicago about 6 years ago.
I'm not sure how this would apply to BK's case, but I seem to remember that some people, who have suffered strokes, when they recover they can speak a different language. Has anyone heard of this? I know BK didn't suffer a stroke, but amnesia and stroke do both affect the brain. Maybe it is possible to "forget" your preference? :waitasec:

I have posted a link to a brain trauma forum.

Sometimes people with amnesia even speak a foreign language or have false memories. I think most people assume his amnesia is due to the 3 blows on his head during his assault and the resulting emotional and physical trauma.

But more often, they just have snippets of real memories.
BK has said he remembers 3 brothers. No names, no faces.
He has not mentioned family, a wife, children, parents, or a partner.

He remembers Catholic school. He talked about not liking Catholic school.
I looked up Catholic retreats in Georgia, Aug. 2004 and there were two, that I recall. But, no way to find a reservation list.
Dream, good info, I guess it depends on what part of the country you came from. My grandparents had a cotton, cow, and chicken farm when mom was little, she's 67. She remembers the horse and buggy too when she was little, about 1952 is when they got a truck.
Tree cutting after the hurricanes is very interesting. That might explain his well-developed forearms. I agree though, that an employer would likely have been concerned about a missing employee. He could definately have worked in both the restaurant business and tree cutting (and many other jobs) during his lifetime.

I remembered someone posting that they thought BK was in an infomercial

Hmm..I thought he looked like someone famous, like an actor. Can't think of who at the moment he reminds me of.
Hmm..I thought he looked like someone famous, like an actor. Can't think of who at the moment he reminds me of.

Sorry to clip you, but does he remind you of Rob Reiner (Archie Bunker's son in law)?
I have been lurking and following this case for months now. The one thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that he was found with no clothes on. how many people are found with no clothes on? Was there a specific reason that the clothes were disposed of? Perhaps it was a uniform or something that would identify him or perhaps the clothes had dna on them. The only other reason I can think of is that he was confronted by an angry husband or boyfriend. perhaps this has already been discussed at length but it raises questions in my mind.
I realize that Mr. Kyle was left out in a hot, sunny area, but I am curious if the doctors who diagnosed his eyes had considered the idea that Colorado is very sunny and issues are found in a lot of snow skiers who have been in the sunlight without eye protection? It's very bright out here and I do wonder if some of his eye problems were pre-existing before he was found in GA. (It's not really a theory or a question- sorry I didn't know the best place to post.)

This link is to a site about eyes.

I do wonder if he was traveling to see the ocean because his sight was diminishing?
I also wondered if all of the employees of the Burger King,at the time BK was found, were thoroughly interviewed to make sure that they did not recognize him or see something that day. Burger King employees wear uniforms and retirees are often hired as fill-ins. Are the ant species that bit him native to Georgia? If not, it may help to narrow down where he came from. Perhaps he delivered or serviced something for Burger King. This would make sense with his possible background in food service.
I also wondered if all of the employees of the Burger King,at the time BK was found, were thoroughly interviewed to make sure that they did not recognize him or see something that day. Burger King employees wear uniforms and retirees are often hired as fill-ins. Are the ant species that bit him native to Georgia? If not, it may help to narrow down where he came from. Perhaps he delivered or serviced something for Burger King. This would make sense with his possible background in food service.
Welcome vtgirl:

BK: At the time he was found at Burger King, the police department did NOT do a thorough investigation. I don't think there was an offical report
until recently.
From what has been written about this case, it was thought BK was a homeless person and as such, not given much attention to.
A poor example of how some are treated in our society.
The dumpster was NOT searched for clothing, i.d., or anything.

I think BK has said he went back and talked to people at Burger King. But this was months down the road. I do not know if he talked to the person who found him or the manager who reported to the police.

It could be that BK was at Burger King to repair something or deliver something, but as with almost everything about this case, why has no one reported him missing?

IMHO: I don't think BK has anything to do with that Richmond Hill, GA. Burger King, other than being found by their dumpster.
As far as anyone knows, he was not there the night before and don't most Burger King's close around midnight in the summer.
He was there a little after 6:00a.m. the next morning.

Glad you are here and helping search for clues for BK.
I have been lurking and following this case for months now. The one thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that he was found with no clothes on. how many people are found with no clothes on? Was there a specific reason that the clothes were disposed of? Perhaps it was a uniform or something that would identify him or perhaps the clothes had dna on them. The only other reason I can think of is that he was confronted by an angry husband or boyfriend. perhaps this has already been discussed at length but it raises questions in my mind.

There is so much that is different about this case.
BK is in Georgia, for what reason we do not know. He does not think he is from Georgia. He thinks he came there to see the ocean.

And then, on a Tuesday morning, Aug. 31, 2004, he is found, naked, beaten, unconscious, sweating profusely, covered in fire ant bites, by a Burger King

There have been many theories about what could have happened to BK and why.
I have posted them previously.

I try to think about a possible scenario:
BK is in town. He came by car, rental car, camper, plane or train.
He sees the ocean.
He is near a very busy north/south hiway.
BK is attacked.
I think on Sun., Aug. 29 or Mon., Aug. 30, 2004.
He is hit 3 times on the right side of the head.
He is left out somewhere and fire ants bite him.
He is stripped naked.
He is dumped by a dumpster.

So, being beaten and left naked, to me, seems like a form of humiliation.
If so, is that a personal anger.
Was he beaten by an angry jealous husband? Then where is the girl friend? Why has she not told anyone?

But if we go with the theory that you discuss, his clothing or DNA left on the clothing or body, then
his attackers could be identified by their DNA, which means they have a criminal record.
BK's clothing is distinctive, a uniform or very expensive suit, or a priest's robes or collar, or he was dressed for a heavy equipment operator job, as some have discussed.

No clothing, i.d., suitcase, cell phone, car, reservations, have been found.
No missing person database has him listed.

It is what makes this case so compelling. It is what makes so many of us hunt for clues to his identity.
I know that I am jumping in very late on this discussion so I apologize for any redundant questions. There has already been so much work done by the good people on this website. Was there ever a letter or flyer sent out to all motels, bed and breakfasts, or cottages in the area or even 100 mile radius of where he was found? It makes sense that if he was not a native, he may have rented a room somewhere. The owner/manager may have just thought that he left without his belongings, and could still have them in possession. Local chambers of commerce could give mailing list off from there data base at that time. It certainly would be worth a shot.
The fire ant bites make me also think that BK may have been hiking or camping nearby. My nephew hiked the Appalachian trail through Georgia and would often hike into towns near trail heads to eat at fast food joints or stock up on supplies. They would leave their huge packs of hiking gear hidden near a trail head. There are registries all along the trail and even a website for the Appalachian trail. I will do some research to see if there are any major hiking trails in the area. August 31, 2004 was very close to labor day and many people take long vacations at that time to go camping or hiking.
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