Thread no. 22

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Mother Young was very very upset and most hurt that JY would be called a suspect....where is her hurt and emotion over the fact that Cassidy might have seen what actually happened? If we are to believe her {Mother Young} she is not even concerned about that enough to mention it, even though she thinks JY is innocent and the person that exposed Cassidy to the brutality and aftermath of what was done to her Mom is still out there, a free man... but yet she is very hurt and angry that JY is a suspect and that has caused her to break her public silence? COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:waitasec:

WOW!!!!! Unbelievable! Thanks for posting the link. I don't post much but have been checking in weekly to see if there are any updates. I would love an arrest soon so the family can have some closure. Especially during the holiday season.

I was curious about the flashlight lying on the bed.....hmmmm....
Mother Young was very very upset and most hurt that JY would be called a suspect....where is her hurt and emotion over the fact that Cassidy might have seen what actually happened? If we are to believe her {Mother Young} she is not even concerned about that enough to mention it, even though she thinks JY is innocent and the person that exposed Cassidy to the brutality and aftermath of what was done to her Mom is still out there, a free man... but yet she is very hurt and angry that JY is a suspect and that has caused her to break her public silence? COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:waitasec:

This is where the Young's fail, and of course blame the media for all the ills, there is zero concern expressed for the child or Michelle - everything is about Jason - everything and what they - the Youngs are going through.

The truth is the Youngs didn't have a child brutally murdered and obviously by their lack of assistance they don't give a darn as long as baby boy isn't called a "suspect". Add in Kim Young posting at CTV with her venom and the self appointed mouthpiece Goins - it is obvious there is no concern for anything but baby boy. They have smeared Meredith , Linda Fisher and anyone who has one bad word about JY. These are not innocents - they act more like cornered animals protecting their own IMO.

No compassion, no heart - full of bull IMO. I was sick of hearing JTF whine about their feelings long ago...
Morning everyone!
Close - I'm with you - angry all over again!

This Pat Young seems to want to come across as an intelligent woman - yet she is not going to question her son about anything?? She's a teacher for goodness sakes! - supposedly with critical thinking skills! What a convenient cop out - burying her head in the sand! tells me one thing - she has doubts about her son. She's scared. She knows that he's a liar and she would instinctively know as a mother, when questioning him if he was lying. If she hasn't talked to him about this it's plain and simple - she doesn't want to take that risk.

She's more concerned about what people of saying about them and her jason.

Once again - she had an opportunity to say how much she loved Michelle but she couldn't get it out. She said "people think we didn't care about Michelle" (or similar words). It's all about her and how this is affecting her and her family. This is what is on her mind everyday!! Her life and their reputation.

jm:furious: opinion!
This is where the Young's fail, and of course blame the media for all the ills, there is zero concern expressed for the child or Michelle - everything is about Jason - everything and what they - the Youngs are going through.

The truth is the Youngs didn't have a child brutally murdered and obviously by their lack of assistance they don't give a darn as long as baby boy isn't called a "suspect". Add in Kim Young posting at CTV with her venom and the self appointed mouthpiece Goins - it is obvious there is no concern for anything but baby boy. They have smeared Meredith , Linda Fisher and anyone who has one bad word about JY. These are not innocents - they act more like cornered animals protecting their own IMO.:clap:

No compassion, no heart - full of bull IMO. I was sick of hearing JTF whine about their feelings long ago...

I agree with everyone here!
I agree with everyone here!

Hi gal! :dance:

I agree with you...agreeing with everyone else! :woohoo:

Gee, how come more of the show didn't focus on a different "suspect?" I mean JY's followers have been spouting for quite awhile now that new investigators have come in and their focus lately has been on another person. Hmmmm, am I the only one that didn't see that shift in focus?
Hi gal! :dance:

I agree with you...agreeing with everyone else! :woohoo:

Gee, how come more of the show didn't focus on a different "suspect?" I mean JY's followers have been spouting for quite awhile now that new investigators have come in and their focus lately has been on another person. Hmmmm, am I the only one that didn't see that shift in focus?

Nope, DD, that dog didn't hunt!!!
This is where the Young's fail, and of course blame the media for all the ills, there is zero concern expressed for the child or Michelle - everything is about Jason - everything and what they - the Youngs are going through.

The truth is the Youngs didn't have a child brutally murdered and obviously by their lack of assistance they don't give a darn as long as baby boy isn't called a "suspect". Add in Kim Young posting at CTV with her venom and the self appointed mouthpiece Goins - it is obvious there is no concern for anything but baby boy. They have smeared Meredith , Linda Fisher and anyone who has one bad word about JY. These are not innocents - they act more like cornered animals protecting their own IMO.

No compassion, no heart - full of bull IMO. I was sick of hearing JTF whine about their feelings long ago...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Wonderful post, RC!!!
Hi gal! :dance:

I agree with you...agreeing with everyone else! :woohoo:

Gee, how come more of the show didn't focus on a different "suspect?" I mean JY's followers have been spouting for quite awhile now that new investigators have come in and their focus lately has been on another person. Hmmmm, am I the only one that didn't see that shift in focus?

NC Wanted does NOT know about any other suspect in the Young case other than Jason; however, the Youngs, Fishers and Investigators do know about another suspect but no one has commented on the person. The proper thing to do is not mention any other suspect until an arrest is made.
NC Wanted does NOT know about any other suspect in the Young case other than Jason; however, the Youngs, Fishers and Investigators do know about another suspect but no one has commented on the person. The proper thing to do is not mention any other suspect until an arrest is made.

That is a good spin. Care to share anymore? I bet you won't but nice try.
NC Wanted does NOT know about any other suspect in the Young case other than Jason; however, the Youngs, Fishers and Investigators do know about another suspect but no one has commented on the person. The proper thing to do is not mention any other suspect until an arrest is made.

Well durn,

No use mentioning another suspect after an arrest has been made because the arrested suspect becomes a defendant and is no longer termed 'a suspect'.

Sorry, I don't want the Statue of Liberty, I already have one.

NC Wanted does NOT know about any other suspect in the Young case other than Jason; however, the Youngs, Fishers and Investigators do know about another suspect but no one has commented on the person. The proper thing to do is not mention any other suspect until an arrest is made.

Well, we can hope. There would be no one here who would be unhappy if it turned out that Cassidy's own father wasn't the monster. I would really give a :dance: to the WCSO if they were able to do such a tight investigation and have another suspect arrested and no one heard a peep about it before. Kudos to them if this is really the case. Never letting on that Jason isn't their #1 focus (although they've been vague, at best, of even mentioning his involvement, specifically)...

I still find Jason's whole actions and behavior during the last year as odd. Very odd. Then again, many of his closest friends and family are unlike most people I've ever encountered, personally and professionally.

So who is the Sheriff discussing this with, since Jason won't talk to him or his investigators? Who is the official Young contact person - Pat, stepdad, Goins, you?

I hope you're right. I really do.

you don't know what WRAL knows and doesn't know.

"proper?" under whose definition?

jason killed michelle and rylan. he will be punished for it.
pat's interview revealed a glimpse into the dynamics of the young family.

i heard zero compassion for michelle's family and a lack of concern about what cassidy was put through. no mention of rylan.

her outrage was only about what she had been through and her need for "closure."

closure? how about JUSTICE for michelle and rylan?

if she wants closure, all she needs to do is escort her son back to WCSO
and have him confess to the crime he committed.

don't make villains out of the media who are trying to report the story of the gruesome, heinous murder. the true villain has parked himself at heather's house.
NC Wanted does NOT know about any other suspect in the Young case other than Jason; however, the Youngs, Fishers and Investigators do know about another suspect but no one has commented on the person. The proper thing to do is not mention any other suspect until an arrest is made.

If (and this is a very big IF) there was a suspect other than jy do you really think the Youngs' would be privy to this information? And please spare me on what's proper. The Youngs' haven't done one "proper thing" since the brutal murder of Michelle. jmo
If (and this is a very big IF) there was a suspect other than jy do you really think the Youngs' would be privy to this information? And please spare me on what's proper. The Youngs' haven't done one "proper thing" since the brutal murder of Michelle. jmo

All I can say is just wait.
If (and this is a very big IF) there was a suspect other than jy do you really think the Youngs' would be privy to this information? And please spare me on what's proper. The Youngs' haven't done one "proper thing" since the brutal murder of Michelle. jmo

Yes, very big IF.
That's why I asked him to answer who the Sheriff is in contact with. Seems mighty strange to me. Also, the timing's interesting. And...IF there was another suspect and WCSO is keeping it under wraps, why would someone that is not involved in the investigation want to put this info out?
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