Three Little Pigs Story Judged "Offensive" To Muslims

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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:confused: The article doesn't mention how or why it's offensive.

A children’s story based on the tale of the Three Little Pigs was rejected for an award after judges became concerned that it would offend Muslims, the Times of London reported.
The animated virtual book for primary school children, The Three Little Cowboy Builders, was also criticized for its potential to offend builders.
The row centered on the Bett awards, which were supported by Becta, the Government’s technology agency for schools. The judges’ remarks, reported on the education technology Web site Merlin John Online, included: “Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?
“The idea of taking a traditional tale and retelling a story is fine, but it should not alienate parts of the workforce. Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular.”
Ann Curtis, whose company, Shoo Fly Publishing, produced the CD-Rom, said the criticisms were unjustified and could even “propagate a racist stance”. She said: “I felt disbelief, to be honest. As a small company, we have a strong ethical and moral grounding. We support the rights of all children in the world to have access to education.
oh for the love of god!!!!! why don't we all just OFF OURSELVES because obviously our VERY EXISTENCE on planet earth is offensive to muslims??? seriously,, if we're gonna be such spineless wimps we might as well just lay down roll over and let them take over the world.

so does the tale of 'little bo peep' offend shepherds?? and sheep???????? is the term 'mother goose' offensive to mothers??? how about jack sprat and his lean wife.. offensive to 'weight challenged individuals' and anorexics??? jeezus christ. we've got to get a grip already with this PC crap.

as for the muslims.. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE..... pigs exist in the world and always have... sorry is that offends you. and guess what else,, lots of people eat them, always have. so grow up,, evolve, get a life, get a clue and GET OVER IT!!!!! haven't you ever heard of 'diversity'....??? oh i forgot-- it doesn't apply to them.
Oh Pluuuuuueeeezzzzze! I am SICK to death of the world being so "politically" correct I could just PUKE!:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
Why is it offensive? Because pigs are pork? WTF?

Someone at work said it may because the pigs are naked.

I really don't care what the reason is, all this "offensive" crap is getting really offensive to me.
and don't even try to tell the old lady in the shoe to try birth control...
GMAB...enough already!
Why is it offensive? Because pigs are pork? WTF?

Someone at work said it may because the pigs are naked.

I really don't care what the reason is, all this "offensive" crap is getting really offensive to me.

Thats what I was wondering too.
oh for the love of god!!!!! why don't we all just OFF OURSELVES because obviously our VERY EXISTENCE on planet earth is offensive to muslims??? seriously,, if we're gonna be such spineless wimps we might as well just lay down roll over and let them take over the world.

so does the tale of 'little bo peep' offend shepherds?? and sheep???????? is the term 'mother goose' offensive to mothers??? how about jack sprat and his lean wife.. offensive to 'weight challenged individuals' and anorexics??? jeezus christ. we've got to get a grip already with this PC crap.

as for the muslims.. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE..... pigs exist in the world and always have... sorry is that offends you. and guess what else,, lots of people eat them, always have. so grow up,, evolve, get a life, get a clue and GET OVER IT!!!!! haven't you ever heard of 'diversity'....??? oh i forgot-- it doesn't apply to them.

You go girl........:)
oh for the love of god!!!!! why don't we all just OFF OURSELVES because obviously our VERY EXISTENCE on planet earth is offensive to muslims??? seriously,, if we're gonna be such spineless wimps we might as well just lay down roll over and let them take over the world.

so does the tale of 'little bo peep' offend shepherds?? and sheep???????? is the term 'mother goose' offensive to mothers??? how about jack sprat and his lean wife.. offensive to 'weight challenged individuals' and anorexics??? jeezus christ. we've got to get a grip already with this PC crap.

as for the muslims.. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE..... pigs exist in the world and always have... sorry is that offends you. and guess what else,, lots of people eat them, always have. so grow up,, evolve, get a life, get a clue and GET OVER IT!!!!! haven't you ever heard of 'diversity'....??? oh i forgot-- it doesn't apply to them.

LOL, ITA. reb, I love this!
Actually, it wasn't any muslim who asked for this or said that they were offended by the book. As a matter of fact, muslim organisations have sent messages of support to the publishing company, who are obviously outraged by this ruling.

It is actually some government department actually alienating (british) citizens from the muslim community by way of trying not too. Who are getting the blame, as proven also by the reactions on this thread? The muslims who probably have no idea or could care less about some kids story.

If anyone wants to be angry about this book being deemed 'possibly offensive to muslims', direct your anger at the right organisation - the non-muslims who made this ruling - and not at the muslims who had nothing to do with this, didn't say anything about it, nor requested any action.

By the way, the book was deemed offensive to builders, as well. Political correctness gone overboard.
“Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?

When will it stop? Who cares if it's offensive to Muslims.

I have an idea- Just don't read the book! :boohoo:
Actually, it wasn't any muslim who asked for this or said that they were offended by the book. As a matter of fact, muslim organisations have sent messages of support to the publishing company, who are obviously outraged by this ruling.

It is actually some government department actually alienating (british) citizens from the muslim community by way of trying not too. Who are getting the blame, as proven also by the reactions on this thread? The muslims who probably have no idea or could care less about some kids story.

This would almost be believable if it weren't for the bomb head mohammed cartoons garnering the reaction they did.

You have to ask yourself WHY the "government department" went so overboard in their ruling? Certainly it can't be because they were trying to preempt any "discontent" in the Muslim population, could it?

And, regarding your statement that "muslim orginisations are sending statements of support" (for a CHILDREN'S BOOK), why are you suprised enough to mention it? Not all muslims are complete neanderthals. We do know this, see?

Talk to Theo Van Gogh about overreaction.
no wait. you can't. he's dead. because of a MOVIE.
Í find it offensive that if I go to any muslim run country I can't eat bacon for breakfast. I find it offensive that if you find out I am a Christian I could be murdered in cold blood right then and there.. I find it offensive that if I go to your country I have to cover myself with a burka. I am not muslim why should I do that?
Karole I am definitley not saying muslims are peaceful. They're not. But we are discussing THIS case. People are ranting and raving about those bad muslims who found THIS book offensive. No they didn't. They are actually siding with the publisher. THAT is what I'm talking about, as were other people on this thread. Look up dhimmi in the dictionary. THAT is what's going on here - voluntarily. Because of so-called political correctness.

Take this advice or leave it, btw - you are this close to being put on my ignore list. I have very low tolerance for people who rant and rave at me while I word my opinion politely. Do the same, and I will discuss things with you. Don't and you will be on ignore without further warning and any of your posts directed at me will not receive a reply.
Karole I am definitley not saying muslims are peaceful. They're not. But we are discussing THIS case. People are ranting and raving about those bad muslims who found THIS book offensive. No they didn't. They are actually siding with the publisher. THAT is what I'm talking about, as were other people on this thread. Look up dhimmi in the dictionary. THAT is what's going on here - voluntarily. Because of so-called political correctness.

It's disgusting that ANY westernized govt (or any other for that matter) would submit so easily to avoid any confrontation with people who refuse to live and let live.
Even preemptively.
It's disgusting that ANY westernized govt (or any other for that matter) would submit so easily to avoid any confrontation with people who refuse to live and let live.
Even preemptively.

The disgusting part of that lays entirely in the hands of said westernized government. If people grew a spine this would not have happened.
The Iowa Legislature started just over a week ago and some people were upset before the first issue was every addressed.

When the session began, a Muslim Imam began the prayer in the Iowa Legislature. This is where the controversy begins. The prayer asked for “victory over those who disbelieve,” and “protection from the great Satan” among other things.

Pastor Steve Smith of the Evangelical Free Church in Albert City is among those concerned about the Muslim prayer. Rev. Smith admits that he doesn’t know about all the levels of Muslim but knows that the Jihadists believe those in the U.S. are the great Satan.

karole-- re the link... this is sick AND it's very alarming. it appears we are just as bad as britain right now. so concerned with accomodating everyone that we are selling our soul. really, so... they were 'very concerned'....?? what happened to the days when we would run some stone age lunatic fanatic out of the country for treason???? how is this NOT treason....????

if complete freedom of religion includes this kind of b*llsh*t then i would rather NOT be in a country that had total freedom of religion. how does freedom of religion work.. when they have freedom to speak publicly, (IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE YET!!!) calling your country 'the great satan'....?? talking about squashing those who don't believe their fanatical ways....???? this type of freedom is one kind we DON'T need......
I haven't read any of this thread except for the title, and that's enough for me. All I can say is TOUGH to those m_r_ns!!!!

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