TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I suspected from the get-go all of this was tied to her son's removal from the house especially if (but not necessarily) it was because of Kaine..IOW! It may be fact he wanted him gone OR TH imagined he did cos she appears to def have some major mental health issues..imo

Do we know the time frame of son moving out & her supposed 'hit' on hubby? I can't rule out this was her reason even if he was still in the home at that time cos I believe the situation re: the son had been going on for some time & was not a recent problem or spur of the moment decision.
I agree. And just to be clear, I am NOT saying Kaine was abusive or Kyron WAS suffering. But if in her mind he was, then this may have been the motive if she disappeared Kyron. IMO it would also be far easier to get others to assist in some 'noble' mission than it would be to find 2 or more people to assist and/or coverup kidnapping and murder.

The thing is...and this is why i have problems in believing she did all this cause she thought Kyron was suffering.

Terri had been married twice before. So leaving Kaine wouldnt be that hard for her in theory. Her son was sent away for whatever reason. I guess personally i think if she cared that much about his well being she would have said I am sorry Kaine but its either Me and J or none of us. I know I wouldnt have stayed with someone if my son wasnt welcome there. Then there is baby K. Shes not fighting the RO so that she can see her. I fail to see why she would go through all this to protect Kyron..and yet just let her own kids go. It just dont make sense and personally I dont get any warm fuzzy feelings from her where Kyron is concerned anyhow :(
I love how Terri forgets to leave out or acknowledge that her other child thrived when he got away from Kaine, and HER.
I love how Terri forgets to leave out or acknowledge that her other child thrived when he got away from Kaine, and HER.

Well..isnt baby K meant to be a different child now shes away from HER?
The thing is...and this is why i have problems in believing she did all this cause she thought Kyron was suffering.

Terri had been married twice before. So leaving Kaine wouldnt be that hard for her in theory. Her son was sent away for whatever reason. I guess personally i think if she cared that much about his well being she would have said I am sorry Kaine but its either Me and J or none of us. I know I wouldnt have stayed with someone if my son wasnt welcome there. Then there is baby K. Shes not fighting the RO so that she can see her. I fail to see why she would go through all this to protect Kyron..and yet just let her own kids go. It just dont make sense and personally I dont get any warm fuzzy feelings from her where Kyron is concerned anyhow :(

ITA. It seems like she chose to stay in a dsyfunctional situation over her own son. But then she cared enough to get Kyron away from it too? And what about baby K, who has been with Kaine for awhile now? If things were so bad, why not make sure she's not with Kaine either? If she cared that much for Kyron, or any of those kids, she would made sure all of them got away from Kaine. What she's saying is not matching up with her actions thus far. The martyr mask is slipping away radically to reveal the selfishness underneath. And hey, if she was so great, then why does a former friend keep forwarding personal emails? Apparently, even her batphone friend network is breaking down all around her. If Kyron was just handed off to be taken away from Kaine, someone would be breaking their silence and telling where he is by now. And no one has come forward yet.
I can't imagine sending my children away.

I can't imagine having to give them over to their fathers and then not attempting to regain custody, either.
LE could have leaked this email. They have confiscated computers to check what's on them, so have access to these emails. This could be to pressure Terri even more, putting out in public the motive that she took Kyron for revenge against Kaine.
Terri is a selfless mother. Removed her eldest son from big bad Kaine. Very protective of Kyron, as well. Placed him in a more protective setting. Oops, forgot that Kyron has another mother! Oh, well. Terri is gonna muddle through somehow with her baby and endure life with big bad Kaine just until she can get on her feet and to a divorce attorney. The well-being of the kids first! A little sexting for amusement. A few emails to Desiree to keep in touch. A little workout to relieve the tension.

A good little Sociopath.
The one thing I do beleive is that Terri genuinely loved Kyron. If she is involved in his disappearance, I feel it was to get him away from Kaine. I'm not saying Kaine abused his son, but if she's mentally ill, she may have convinced herself of this. No way could she have roped in her friends to murder a child. To rescue a child they've been convinced has been abused is another thing. the conviction of Kaine's brother for child abuse could have fixed this further in their mind. I want to reiterate that it doesn't mean Kaine abused Kyron, but terri & her friends may believe this & knowing terri would not win custody of kyron they have took him away, maybe to another state. This email shows she believes kaine has not been a good parent to her son & that she is trying to win support & vent to her friends.

At this stage of the game I'm not thoroughly convinced she didn't murder the child and somehow manage to con her friends in to believing she has only hid him...JMO
The thing is...and this is why i have problems in believing she did all this cause she thought Kyron was suffering.

Terri had been married twice before. So leaving Kaine wouldnt be that hard for her in theory. Her son was sent away for whatever reason. I guess personally i think if she cared that much about his well being she would have said I am sorry Kaine but its either Me and J or none of us. I know I wouldnt have stayed with someone if my son wasnt welcome there. Then there is baby K. Shes not fighting the RO so that she can see her. I fail to see why she would go through all this to protect Kyron..and yet just let her own kids go. It just dont make sense and personally I dont get any warm fuzzy feelings from her where Kyron is concerned anyhow :(

Yes and if Kaine is so bad it would have made sense to get out with the baby before he can make sure her grades are all D's as well. I don't know if I could trust that he'd be any better parent for my other child.
Saving Kyron by getting him away from Kaine?? :innocent:

Kyron has a mother and a stepfather. Just like her own son, Kyron had somewhere to go.
I suspected from the get-go all of this was tied to her son's removal from the house especially if (but not necessarily) it was because of Kaine..IOW! It may be fact he wanted him gone OR TH imagined he did cos she appears to def have some major mental health issues..imo

Do we know the time frame of son moving out & her supposed 'hit' on hubby? I can't rule out this was her reason even if he was still in the home at that time cos I believe the situation re: the son had been going on for some time & was not a recent problem or spur of the moment decision.

I believe the time J was sent to live with other relatives was around March, while the alleged MFH plot took place back in October. In any case the MFH was before he was sent away.
Saving Kyron by getting him away from Kaine?? :innocent:

Kyron has a mother and a stepfather. Just like her own son, Kyron had somewhere to go.

True. But it wouldn't have been her choice to send Kyron to live with them.

Just looking at different angles for why she would have taken Kyron.

At least with this one, there's a chance Kyron would still be alive.

I don't believe he is, though.
I don't know if this has been posted as I haven't read the whole thread.

"For instance, the sources said that while Terri told some friends that her now-estranged husband, Kaine forced her teen son, James to move out of their house, the opposite was actually true. The sources told KGW that back in March, it was Terri who sent her son to live with her parents, not Kaine. They said the decision was made, in part, so Terri's son could be closer to his father."

Geez. It's no wonder LE is having a hard time with this case and weeding through the evidence. There are so many discrepancies between what she says, what Kaine says, what her friends say, and on and on.....
Interesting the way she constructs this to place herself in control of having moved her son (using the first person as though she made the decision) yet simultaneously blaming Kaine, pure narcissistic play book. Narcissists can't stand not to preset themselves as being in control of everything so will always re-frame everything as though they themselves had planned it. When faced with something like this that they simultaneously want to blame someone else for they produce these two pronged messages that make no sense. Also, as to a child going from Ds to As in one month; I call b.*. on that.
The thing is...and this is why i have problems in believing she did all this cause she thought Kyron was suffering.

Terri had been married twice before. So leaving Kaine wouldnt be that hard for her in theory. Her son was sent away for whatever reason. I guess personally i think if she cared that much about his well being she would have said I am sorry Kaine but its either Me and J or none of us. I know I wouldnt have stayed with someone if my son wasnt welcome there. Then there is baby K. Shes not fighting the RO so that she can see her. I fail to see why she would go through all this to protect Kyron..and yet just let her own kids go. It just dont make sense and personally I dont get any warm fuzzy feelings from her where Kyron is concerned anyhow :(

great points. She loved Kyron more than her other 2 children. I agree-no way!
I think there is a whole lot more to the dynamics of any family than what meets the eye! If two people are in conflict in a relationship, wouldn't most see it "their way", regardless, otherwise there would be no conflict, or they would try to understand and talk it out. Even seek counselling. But maybe this relationship was beyond any of that, in TH's mind? Seems to me TH was trying to justify her feelings to others outside of the immediate family dynamic!
Why is she sending an email to KATU two months before Kyron disappeared? Did she anticipate that far in advance that he was going to go missing? I am really freaked out by this.

I was shocked about that as well, Aedrys! Then, the only thing I could think of was that the person was a friend of Terri's. I almost sent an email to Anita Kissee asking her that, but thought if there's another reason, would I have just given her "an out" and she'd say yes.
And i might add sometimes in a relationship, the other person doesn't realise it is as bad as it is until its too late! I have heard numerous times in my life where someone, usually the male will say, "i just didn't realise how bad things were until she walked out and took the kids with her!" Then the husband is left totally devastated. This can also work in the reverse i imagine, but there is also the situation where one or the other partner will leave because of someone outside of the relationship. From what i have read though, most affairs do not culminate in either partner breaking up their marriage over it.
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