TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I don't understand this :
"I didn't just drop him off, I spent time with him, took pictures and he was in safe hands I thought as I watched him walk down the hall.

Then :
"The past 2 weeks he's been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can't remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on. The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

She watches him walk down the hall thinking he is in safe hands, yet claims he is possibly having mini seizures, with a tendency to walk into a room and back out? If that were the case, wouldn't she walk with him all the way to his room?

The bolded part in the second paragraph is another way of explaining what happened...ooopps he must have walked in then walked out...that or, he was with some chaperon not on a list..

Too, why would she go 2 weeks without contacting the doctor for an appointment if Kyron was having these problems?

Wow, that's true, mydailyopinions. Now I feel I understand exactly why mention the mini seizures. Diabolical lying if so.
The thing that was upsetting to me was her first email, to what she was thinking a friend, and she was upset about what the bloggers were saying about her. Now if they come up with another email to this person, that was sent before this one, where she tells this friend how heart broken and worried, she is, that something has happened to Kyron, this email that we have seen won't bother me as bad. She is talking to a friend for cripes sake. Even if she had just been questioned 5 times by LE, you'd think she would tell this friend she's more upset about Kyron missing. than being upset about bloggers.
Until the e-mails are released in their unedited entirety, then, IMO, it's difficult to contemplate their meaning, and even then, it would still be difficult to contemplate their meaning, and anything we extrapolate from them is only an opinion.

Certainly the woman was exhausted from all the questioning, BUT if my step son was missing I would do my dangdest to withstand a slew of questions if it would bring him home. (and yes, I have a 4 year old stepson)

My email would reflect my weariness and the fact that while they were questioning me who the heck was looking for my son? That email was so very selfish IMHO. Nary a word about Kyron, the horror, the pain, the sorrow, the fear of where this child is and what could I do to bring him home.

I remember John Walsh, Mr. Klass and other horrified fathers who said do what you need to move beyond me, do anything that will help you find my child.

Where are you angel?
Certainly the woman was exhausted from all the questioning, BUT if my step son was missing I would do my dangdest to withstand a slew of questions if it would bring him home. (and yes, I have a 4 year old stepson)

My email would reflect my weariness and the fact that while they were questioning me who the heck was looking for my son? That email was so very selfish IMHO. Nary a word about Kyron, the horror, the pain, the sorrow, the fear of where this child is and what could I do to bring him home.

I remember John Walsh, Mr. Klass and other horrified fathers who said do what you need to move beyond me, do anything that will help you find my child.

Where are you angel?

ABSOLUTELY!!! i thought your post was worth more than just a "thanx" :)
In the recent kgw interview: there was the following dialog when Kaine and Desiree were asked about the Terri emails that were released:

Desiree: some of the emails were concerning to me. They're significant in the case; I can't really talk too much about content or anything of that nature but it wasn't a surprise I don't think to any of us, because we know how much Terri relies on her computer and interactions with emails and things.... it just, some of it, the content is... um... concerning. Very.... I can't even put a word to it... just makes me sick to my stomach.

Kaine: I haven't looked at all the ones released... the ones I have seen, I don't understand why they've been released, I don't understand why they're in the news. The fact that they were emailed by Terri is the only reason that I can get from other people as to why they're out there. They don't do much, they don't say anything other than people releasing or leaking information so that they can get it on the news. I would like to know who's releasing those; I mean they really have no business doing that in the first place, and I think it's just a distraction... something that once again puts the spotlight on her... I think it's an attention thing... I think it is completely intentional, and in my mind it is completely unnecessary. There is no need to have that stuff out there, it doesn't really further anything...


So Desiree first says that she cannot talk much about the content itself, but that some of the things she read made her sick to her stomach. To me this means that there are more emails (and more disturbing ones) than what we have seen "leaked" so far. Something in one of the emails that Desiree cannot talk publicly about was disturbing enough for her to break down for the only time in that interview. Many emotional subjects were touched upon - Kyron's first day of school, the wall of hope, whether they still believed he was alive - but the one thing that made Desiree break down was the thought of something she read in the emails. What was it?

And then Kaine speaks about the emails and his tone was angry. He felt they were released intentionally by "someone" and that he hasn't looked at "all the ones that were released", but that those same released emails don't say "anything" and were leaked simply for attention gained by Terri --- meaning, to me, that he has looked at emails that were NOT released, more important emails that say "something", and they did not reflect as well on Terri as the ones that we've read.

I think this is significant because I've always wondered who released the Terri emails and whether it was someone who wanted to cast her in a good light. It's interesting that Kaine thinks they were released by Terri or someone close to her, and that the emails that were leaked were not among the important evidence - which is reinforced by Desiree saying that she cannot talk about the content of the emails SHE has read, but that something in them was deeply disturbing to her.

Anyone else get that?
I totally got that also. I also think there are more that we haven't seen.
I took it that the seizure part made her angry. She doesn't believe it, and thinks Terri is trying to pin Kyron's disappearance on him.
I took it that the seizure part made her angry. She doesn't believe it, and thinks Terri is trying to pin Kyron's disappearance on him.
Totally forgot about the seizure part. No wonder it made Desiree sick. Wonder if it was the first time they had heard about that.
I have NOTHING to support this, but my own gut feeling. But I think it was TH's mom who leaked the emails. Probably at TH's direction to make herself look good/better/innocent/whatever.

Actually, I do know why I think that, now that I think about it. Waaaaaay back in the first few days of this case....TH's mom, (I think her name is Carol?) made some statements to the press that turned out to be totally wrong (J being on a camping trip, and there was something else that I can't remember at the moment)...but her statements always made TH look innocent. And, in my opinion, I think TH told her what to say to the reporters. So I think Th also convinced her mom to leak certain emails to the press to 1) make her look innocent and 2) keep the attention on herself.

Not gonna go look for links to all that just call it my gut feeling on the matter.
One of the most important things that came out, in my opinion, in the e-mails, is that Terri COULD account for her time, in an e-mail written shortly after Kyron's disappearance. Yet, in the KGW interview, Desiree says, "The fact that you can't explain any part of your day, ANY part of your day, on the most important day that has happened in our lives, for seven-and-a-half years is not OK; it's not only not OK, it's unfathomable. You can't not know where you were at, you can't just be missing, for three hours....And the fact that TWO peoples' times were unaccounted for...."

The "most important day of our lives" part sounds like she's talking about Terri. So I'm really confused about the "can't explain any part of your day."
So where are the released emails? I haven't seen them anywhere.
One of the most important things that came out, in my opinion, in the e-mails, is that Terri COULD account for her time, in an e-mail written shortly after Kyron's disappearance. Yet, in the KGW interview, Desiree says, "The fact that you can't explain any part of your day, ANY part of your day, on the most important day that has happened in our lives, for seven-and-a-half years is not OK; it's not only not OK, it's unfathomable. You can't not know where you were at, you can't just be missing, for three hours....And the fact that TWO peoples' times were unaccounted for...."

The "most important day of our lives" part sounds like she's talking about Terri. So I'm really confused about the "can't explain any part of your day."

I took this to mean, awhile back there was an article that stated there was a problem with TH's timeline according to receipts or bank records not matching up...something along those lines. The article did not quote LE directly but sources close to the investigation or something similar IIRC.

I just had a thought, say the receipt she had specified a debit card was used, yet the funds didn't come out of the account. Now I doubt that would be for coffee, I can usually find enough change in the bottom of my purse, but maybe the FM store...there might be something off. Could she have just picked up a receipt? Just a thought.
Are we talking about the e-mails we already saw portions of, or something else? I can't get my brain to try to determine what was in e-mails that we haven't seen, there is too much mystery in this case already with what we have read or been told.
I took it that the seizure part made her angry. She doesn't believe it, and thinks Terri is trying to pin Kyron's disappearance on him.

I sort of thought that when I first listened to the interview, but then I kept thinking of her saying the emails were disturbing but she couldn't talk about the content (why not if the only content was what we've already read - it's no longer secret) - followed by Kaine saying the "released emails" weren't important in his opinion and he hadn't read those [particular ones]. Clearly Terri was doing a lot more emailing and we've only seen a few.

If Kaine thinks they were released by someone close to Terri, then they were selectively released to offer up a corroboration of her alibi (sort of, timing was off) and the thing about the seizures and forgetfulness.

Also.. .if Desiree was sickened by Terri saying he had these mini-seizures --- why? Did Terri not tell Desiree about them (unlikely - she sent wordy update emails about Kyron and that would be too serious to forget to mention) - was that the first Desiree had heard about them? If the mention of them sicked Desiree, then she hadn't heard about the alleged seizures before reading the email. Which means he was likely not having them at all. Which means.... Terri lied about them, to set "something" up - an alibi, an alternate scenario of what happened to Kyron...

One of the most important things that came out, in my opinion, in the e-mails, is that Terri COULD account for her time, in an e-mail written shortly after Kyron's disappearance. Yet, in the KGW interview, Desiree says, "The fact that you can't explain any part of your day, ANY part of your day, on the most important day that has happened in our lives, for seven-and-a-half years is not OK; it's not only not OK, it's unfathomable. You can't not know where you were at, you can't just be missing, for three hours....And the fact that TWO peoples' times were unaccounted for...."

The "most important day of our lives" part sounds like she's talking about Terri. So I'm really confused about the "can't explain any part of your day."

I took that to mean - if there is ANY PART of your day you can't account for. In other words, if she can account for 845-11 and 1-330 pm, but can't account for 11-1... then this is a part of the day she can't account for. Desiree was saying (IMO) if there was any PART of the day she couldn't account for, it was not OK. Not that she couldn't account for all of it, but that there was a part that was a blank.
I took it that the seizure part made her angry. She doesn't believe it, and thinks Terri is trying to pin Kyron's disappearance on him.

I agree, and she wouldn't be able to talk about those details (I remember KH and DY saying that they couldn't comment on the dr.'s appt.)...
Okay...a little off topic here... but on topic of the seizure situation.

I posted this on another thread...but wanted to post it here as well since the seizures are being discussed.

My son was sent for all kinds of testing in elem. school. One of the problems they thought he might be having was some kind of seizure disorder. Why? Because he seemed to be daydreaming during class. It was explained to me that this can be a relatively common disorder and that it's really not too a full on, laying out on the floor, convulsing seizure. Apparently daydreaming can be a symptom of those mini-seizures. Turns out after an EEG...he had no seizure disorder - which can be manifested when a child is really tired. We had to keep him awake for a 24 hr. period.

When I went to see a counselor a few years ago she asked me some questions. One was if I was a daydreamer. I told her no, but that I had the ability to zone out from time to time. She automatically thought I was having this same seizure disorder and wanted to immediately start me on seizure medication without having any tests to determine whether I had this disorder or not. I had the seizures.

So apparently this is something that is relatively common and most people don't even realize they could be having a "mini-seizure" and most people around wouldn't notice either thinking the person just wasn't paying attention/focused on something else.

I don't understand why DY says that TH can't account for at least part of her (TH's) day. Doesn't TH's emails basically give a time line of what she was doing? I would consider that an accounting of TH's time. Whether it's truthful or not (TH's emails), IDK. I thought TH "accounted" for part of her missing time as riding around in the truck with Baby K

ETA: The 2 stops at the 2 FM stores...Riding Baby K around...Gym sometime around 11:30
I have NOTHING to support this, but my own gut feeling. But I think it was TH's mom who leaked the emails. Probably at TH's direction to make herself look good/better/innocent/whatever.

Has anyone thought or asked if these were leaked for money? Quick way to make a buck, or 350,000???
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