Tim Bosma: Dellen Millard & Mark Smich chgd w/Murder; Christina Noudga, Accessory

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The rumour is he phoned "home."

That rumour would then also imply that the battery was either in the phone, or at least near it...no? I suppose if they both happened to have the same type of phone then "maintenance guy" could have put his in temporarily...
Of course this is based on just "rumour" though, so the above is only MOO.
Sounds logical, somegirl, but realistically, I'm not sure that a maintenance guy's first thought, upon discovering a (possibly broken) cell phone on the lawn somewhere in southern Ontario, would be to turn it over to LE. Just sayin'. IMO.

Immediately after TB's disappearance, there were news reports that the truck was spotted in Brantford around 10 pm or so... I can tell you that the week after TB's disappearance almost all of Copetown, Ancaster, Brantford area was on high alert for this truck and anything that appeared amiss. I couldn't even get a coffee at the drive through in these areas without it coming up. I think if someone spotted a phone, sock, key, hat or otherwise that appeared out of place in any of these areas, they were calling it in to police. MOO
Responding to ABro's post #1359 - forgot to insert quote!

I didn't hear that rumour about the finder of the phone having called "home" but if it happened that way I wouldn't be surprised.
A friend of TB's also posted something similar on Reddit at around the same time. The post also mentions that the two men asked to be dropped off at a local Tim Hortons after the test drive.

Those posts are still there. He said he heard it from "family and friends". A second poster who shared a mutual friend with Tim said he had also heard the same story from Tim's friend's father. The first poster thought that perhaps TB had told SB this was the plan before he left. Coincidentally, there was a link also posted to an article in the Spec that added some credibility to the story, but the article at the link is no longer there. Maybe that was their "story" for why their ride didn't just stay and wait for them to return from the test drive.

OT, but I've been wondering why [name/initials withheld, but you know who I mean] still has his fb fully visible with all the pics of DM, including very obvious ones that show the "ambition" tattoo(s). Also on the pic of the Nova (I think), he refers to DM's car projects as "pretty legit". That also stuck out to me...

Does anyone think he may have given LE a tip when the news of the tattoo broke? Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, I'm still catching up on all the different threads.

Part of me wants to say no...in one post, he refers to DM as his "best friend" (a term I found odd for a dude to say about another dude to a bunch of dudes...IMO), however he was most likely interviewed by LE and I just get the feeling this kid wouldn't have lied to them. Completely unfounded with no real backing, but MOO nonetheless.
***I know he has been fully cleared of any involvement by LE, and I am in no way trying to implicate him in anything - I was simply surprised to still be able to find [pics of] DM on fb at this stage in the game.***

Two reasons I think he may still have it up:
1) Someone posted somewhere, sometime on this forum that DM's lawyer(s) may have encouraged people to "jump back on" DM's fb friends list when everyone apparently jumped ship after his arrest, to put him (DM) back into the public eye as a 'regular, innocent guy' who had friends other than the seemingly sketchbag MS.
2) This kid's fb timeline reads like someone who wasn't much of a "somebody" until he met DM...coattail riding (why oh why?) and having his photos now filled with hate-filled comments by strangers. Maybe attention-seeking?

Is there any legitimate legal reason he would have to leave it up?

^^All 100% MOO and probably not really of much relevance anyway.

Side Note (MHO): I started back at the ORIGINAL thread last night (when TB went missing) and noted a couple of things: It reads like such an intense novel. It's a shame it's non-fiction :(
It's interesting to read at this time, because while everyone on the thread is speculating about the 2 (or 3) suspects, I of course am coming in over a year later and know some of these answers. Some of the theories are absolutely marvelous though! What keeps it interesting is that MOST of the questions posited still haven't been answered, and most likely won't until trial, if ever. In fact the list of questions has probably quadrupled since this past April's "events".
Some people made guesses and ended up being spot on, too - that was kind of cool to watch unfold. You're all really excellent critical thinkers!!

"Pretty legit" - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=legit&defid=4050316

1. (adj.) A modern synonym for words such as "cool," "ill," "tight," or "dope." Used to describe a noun that is of a particularly excellent quality. The slang use of this term is slowly but steadily increasing in popularity.

2. (adj.) Authentic. see legitimate.

You can't "jump back on" a friend's list if there isn't someone there to accept the friend request. If they were close friends, I don't see anything unusual about him not dumping the friendship, at least not before his friend actually goes to trial. As for the pictures, there isn't much point in removing them now. Everyone has already seen them and left their nasty comments. Maybe he left them as a reminder of how fast people jump to conclusions and attack based on not much more than who you know.

Re the friend who still has an active FB page - Wasn't it determined that he was working on a construction project out west somewhere during the time period, so could not have participated in the crime. MOO. As I recall, anyway. IMHO. Maybe he keeps the page up because he doesn't think his friend(s) are guilty either. No legal reason to take the page down, MOO. An interesting photo of fake facial injuries, though. Posted last October.

That was in 2012. I agree with the rest though.

I only thought it interesting as usually in my circle when I hear "pretty legit", that would insinuate being *almost* legal (authentic would work here too). MOO.
...Wow that makes my "circle" sound bad...errr....Google Image search "seems legit meme" and that's kinda what I mean (cars modified with duct tape and 2x4s to make them pickup trucks, etc).

ETA: Anyway, I thought it may have been a "chop shop"-type reference, or stolen vehicle reference, to sum up. MOO. Probably nothing and probably not worth revisiting...for the time being. We keep getting surprise after surprise in this case...

Oh and "jumping back on" was a reference to earlier discussion of DM's friends deactivating and reactivating their accounts, not a friend request thing. My apologies, I should have been clearer.

Thanks for everyone's input/opinions!
In 11 hours or so we'll know if CN has been successful in getting bail. It's interesting looking back on some of the very early news reports. IMHO, LE had a lot of info the minute they identified DM.

On May 17/13:

"They are also scouring through and trying to make sense of social media photographs, narcotics references, slang, TV shows, associations and nicknames and phrases to gain an understanding of what this group of people wanted in this slaying were up to.

"It's a unique crew that travelled around together," said the cop."

"Everything was going on normal for them prior to Dellen's arrest so we think they are out there not too far away," said the detective.

That rumour would then also imply that the battery was either in the phone, or at least near it...no? I suppose if they both happened to have the same type of phone then "maintenance guy" could have put his in temporarily...
Of course this is based on just "rumour" though, so the above is only MOO.

As far as I know , there has never been an official report stating the battery was removed from the phone , it is an urban legend that began in somebodies imagination

Police did reveal the phone was turned off shortly after Tim left on the test drive , which would indicate he was probably killed early on the test drive , then a bit later the phone was either tossed , or fell out of the truck near a business park located at the corner of Paris Road and Oak Park Road,

Police in Hamilton confirmed that Bosma’s cellphone was found at that location.

Read more: http://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/police-...m-bosma-investigation-1.1275797#ixzz39oQV2jpy

Best wishes
By that point LE would have known she was in contact with him that week and they would need to investigate as to what extent. MOO.
She also gets to continue her education and employment. :gaah:

But will she? Does anyone recall what form of employment she had prior to her arrest? I assume she would have also be advised not to discuss with anyone what she knows about this case. MOO.

Her lawyer, Paul Mergler, thanked the judge for granting Noudga bail and said his client wishes to resume her studies at York University before the trial.

“She’s grateful that this phase of the ordeal is over and hopes to return to some degree of normalcy — not that there’s a lot of normalcy in a situation like this," said Mergler.

Wow I guess he had something very important to tell her. Could it have been how much he loved her? ;) Wonder how many of those other women he wrote to? Interesting and thanks Ann! MOO.

Before she was arrested, Dellen Millard consistently tried to send Noudga messages through the people who visited him in jail despite the fact that she was on a list of people with whom he was ordered to have no contact.

Noudga has been involved with Millard since the summer of 2011 although he continued to see other women.

But will she? Does anyone recall what form of employment she had prior to her arrest?

She worked as a lifeguard for the City of Toronto. Don't know if ankle bracelets are waterproof - would certainly be conspicuous.
She worked as a lifeguard for the City of Toronto. Don't know if ankle bracelets are waterproof - would certainly be conspicuous.

Thank you Variant. Hmm wonder who would hire her now given her charges? MOO.
But will she? Does anyone recall what form of employment she had prior to her arrest? I assume she would have also be advised not to discuss with anyone what she knows about this case. MOO.

Her lawyer, Paul Mergler, thanked the judge for granting Noudga bail and said his client wishes to resume her studies at York University before the trial.

“She’s grateful that this phase of the ordeal is over and hopes to return to some degree of normalcy — not that there’s a lot of normalcy in a situation like this," said Mergler.


I thought she had to have written her exams by Aug 1 to get her degree? I wonder if York has some kind of "extenuating circumstances" rule that will allow her to make them up?
If not, I wonder what she'll have to redo...
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