Tim Miller Talks to Websleuths--

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Friday, that was a lovely post. What you fail to recognize is ANYONE who contributes to missing persons is a true hero. It never matters the monetary amount, or the amount of man hours. Tim has inspired people around this nation to care for the missing in ways I never thought imaginable. By being by his side, and by opening your wallet, and sending a prayer, you are contributing. You are to be thanked for your patience here, with your loyalty to TES for not saying who you were during the rough times! I am proud that you are here, am proud that you represent the best of not only TES but of humanity.
I always said that if John McCain would have donated a couple of million to TES during the election, he would have won Florida! Sometimes contributing to the right cause, and the kind hearts gets you a long way in this life.
There is no dout in my mind that Caylee has a mother in Tims daughter in heaven. And there is no dout that each of us who have searched, donated and prayed will be watched after by this sweet angel.:blowkiss:
This has been a difficult road for everyone who has put their souls into this case while watching the extreme cost on many levels take a toll. The sheer determination and will of so many, many people have divided us, inspired us, and most of all...taught us lessons we could never have learned without Caylee entering into our lives. She held the world's heart in the palm of her small hand at only two years old.

Caylee's job here was done and now we are to continue on our own paths. We are all part of something much larger than ourselves and taking time to reflect upon the knowledge we take away from each experience is the key. It is what we do from today forward that counts.

I hope we can all reflect on what this incredible little child was able to accomplish in her short time on earth. Just look at all the people, worldwide, she has succeeded in bringing together in a common cause.

The bolding's mine...I am already considering what I will do from this day forward. I know there will be more focus missing children. I've never, fortunately, be personally involved in anything even related to a child missing. I've always cared about the lost ones. Just not so intimately.

I've watched Tim, and TES, and I'm so impressed by their professionalism, focus, and dedication. I've been praying for them since they first came into the case. Vince Gill's song, "Go rest high on the mountain," has run through my mind all night. I take comfort in believing that Caylee is looking down, and smiling.
Friday, thank you for the message and also for your input and discussions prior to this. "Outed" or not, I do hope you'll stick around :blowkiss:

Mr. Miller has made more than a few right decisions - with calling the first search off out of fear of damaging Caylee's remains being right there at the top of the list. The kindness in his heart and soul and the fact he is willing to help people during the darkest times of their lives makes him a true hero. I'm at a loss for words tonight, so I'll stop here and just add that yes, I will keep C & G in my prayers, and that my prayers for Tim will continue also. People like him come around once in a lifetime, and part of his gift is the ability to bring out the best in others and to make the world a little brighter than it would otherwise be...
I haven't been able to keep up with every post on here lately, so thatnk you for explaining your "outting". Helped preface the rest of the post for someone a bit lost in the clouds at the moment. I keep up enough to definitely know what's going on, but not much discussion time.

Anyway...Thank you for the update, thank you for being such a large financial supporter, thank you for the messages from Tim. Tim is a wonderful man from what I can tell, he's never had any alterior motives. The publicity he gains from this isn't even his, it's the publicity of every case he has and will take on, people will take MUCH more notice now. He may coordinate, but he lets God take the wheel and that's most important. Tim you're doing a great job. I'm sorry for the reasoning behind your orginization, I'm sorry you had to lose such a precious loved one to get where you are today, but that's the position God had for you and I thank him so much for you and what you do. You are gifted and blessed at what you do. ((((hugs)))) and prayers always. Tell erin, val said Hi :D
Do you remember me asking you if you were a professional? With your name, I thought of the movie "His Girl Friday" (gosh, I'm dating myself). You write beautifully BTW...that I do remember.

I do remember, but I actually named myself after my dog, who is "My man Friday." Go figure. LOL
Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

Friday, God Bless you and Tim Miller!
Thank you for your update, Friday. Thank you for your support for Tim and TES. I have supported TES in a monetary way, and have defended them when unkind things were said about them. I always will.

Happy Birthday, Tim! I know it has been a good one for you! My thoughts and prayers are with you always!

Ok, Friday, you need to enlighten those of us who missed the outing! I tried sleuthing, then was told this may have been in a chat! I've been given two choices: one male, one female. At least tell us that, please, so I can quit saying he/she.

Honestly, though, respectfully, it doesn't matter who you are; it's what you're about that I've enjoyed reading tonight! You're a danged good conduit. Keep up the good work!

LOL I'm a she, and I outed myself in a post Wed night on the Leonard Padilla theories thread.
indicat, I know exactly what you mean, and what you felt. I saw the same broadcast of NG. I too was moved by the compassion of Tim, and his empathy for the Anthonys. I thought that if he could feel that way after he had been treated so harshly by them that he must be a man of integrity.

I remember texting a friend from work after I had watched NG that night and telling her "Tim Miller is my Hero". I meant it then and I mean it now. It brings tears to my eyes even now when I feel the emotions again that I felt that night. For what I had heard was a living breathing example of 'turn the other cheek', and it moved me deeply.

I've never had the privilege of meeting the man, but I think I am likely correct when I say that I feel Tim Miller is a man of honor. I have a deep respect and an admiration for him that I have seldom felt before.

I was moved to donate to TES, and I was moved to tears by the people on this forum who could not afford to donate, and yet did so anyway, making sacrifices that we have no idea they made.

In this world today, with all the troubles and trials and tribulations, to see a man show the understanding and compassion and kindness that he showed that night renews my spirit. And with that comes a renewed sense of faith; faith in my fellow man, faith in the power of people, and a profound sense of rightness.

I heard that same compassion today when he was talking to one of the news stations - when he said he just wanted to hug their neck, and that none of us had walked in the Anthonys' shoes. I remember thinking to myself when I heard that that he must truly be a man of substance.

To you Mr. Miller, I say thank you. Thank you for what you give to people all over the US; thank you for what you gave to me that night on Nancy Grace; thank you for calling off the search that day so that Caylee could be found today, for had you continued on she may have never been found.

Happy Birthday Tim Miller. You are A Man of Substance. I salute you Sir:

:::walks to center of room, sweeps hat from head, bows deeply from the waist:::

Friday, thank you too. Thank you for recognizing a worthy cause and following through and supporting them. You will have a wonderful reward one day.

And last but not least, welcome home Caylee. Welcome home honey. You can rest now. You are so loved by so many that you never even knew existed.

Be good to one another; Caylee's watching over all of us now.


Lovely. Really lovely.
Thank you Friday, Tim and all of TES :)
LOL I'm a she, and I outed myself in a post Wed night on the Leonard Padilla theories thread.

Thanks! I at least like to be gender correct when I talk to someone.

You've got mt curiosity piqued but, in all honesty, you could be almost anyone on the face of this earth, except an Anthony, and it wouldn't change my level of appreciation for your updates one iota! :blowkiss:
Friday I would be careful.....these sleuths are really good...you maybe found....:)
Ah, but a good sleuth never tells secrets. ;) We do know how to hold things close to the vest.
Well, thanks to your help, I was able to read the post. The whole dadburned thing! You go, girl! I'm glad you've realized that you can, and do, still post! I only wish I had read your outing post this afternoon, when I was thinking about the garbage bag lady and how to remind LE about her! (I'll bet she's still got that trashbag!)
Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

Thank you so much for sharing this information with us. We do care about Tim's health and do want him to think of himself first for a change. We wish him well.

Thank you for sharing about Caylee's finding. Just from the events that followed the discovery, it seemed extremely likely the remains were dear little Caylee. We appreciate your taking us into confidence. Thank you so much, and please thank Tim also.

It's been a long five months for everyone and an unbearable six months for the soul of Caylee who knew many were looking so hard for her, were so close, yet so far. She can now rest in peace.
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