Tim Miller Talks to Websleuths--

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I am so pleased to hear you all didnt give up on us. Some of the anti TES posts were killing me, I cant imagine how you all must have felt :(

Bittersweet news for us all. who here didnt secretly hope, no matter how irrational, that this beautiful little girl might somehow someway still go home alive? I am utterly crushed.
Dear Friday,

Thank you so much for this thread and for sharing. Trying to get information on WS was nearly impossible earlier due to the clogged server. Wish you could have been able to connect. But then, everything in its time, as was made plain Thursday.

Since you have admitted you are an author, I'll admit that I am, too. Unfortunately, there is not much demand for publications from an environmental writer with esoteric interests. :)LOL :) However, I'm happy for anyone who does well writing anything and am pleased to hear of your generosity.

May God bless you!

Dear Tim, :HappyBday

First of all, Happy Birthday! The gift of having sweet Caylee's remains found is certainly a sign to you from above. I prefer to think that your own daughter, Laura, had some angelic intervention going on with the awesome timing of the events of December 11th. Her message to you should not be ignored.

Tim, please do take care of your health. :blowkiss: We all know you would rather be out helping others and always think of yourself last. Just this once, put yourself first. Please ask yourself what you think Laura would want you to do -- then, get yourself into that great Houston hospital!

The strife surrounding this case and the opinions and/or actions of some others may have hurt you deeply. That you can be compassionate and forgiving rather than bitter is a lesson to us all. I try to "avoid contempt before prior investigation" but don't always remember to do so. That's why it's under my screen name - to remind me. LOL However, I never once was critical of your judgement. Yeah, I was sometimes scratching my head about some things, but always gave benefit of a doubt because I somehow knew that I did not know the whole story. My daddy always told me that just like dough, the truth will always rise; it's being patient for the rise that makes the bread and the facts worth the wait. My daddy was right - and so were you!

I'm glad Friday told us the truth about that ATV. I'll be making another donation to TES for use wherever needed. In fact, every year I donate to some favorite non-profit (usually an environmental group) in lieu of holiday presents for everyone but my immediate family. This year, all friends, family, and not-so-immediate family will have a donation to TES made in their honor. The added benefit to TES will be to allow others to learn about the work that TES is doing.

God Bless you, too, Tim!

O/T Note to other posters: Being a writer does not mean I can spell, have good grammar, or can put my thoughts down coherently. My initial draft is often gibberish as my brain seems to race ahead of my fingers.
Thank you Friday. For the financial help, for the posts, for all that you are doing. God bless you.

To Tim, thank you for following your gut and stopping the search when you did. We may not all have understood it then, but are so thankful now. I hope that you are feeling well, and that you can rest easier today knowing that we may be able to put this little girl to rest soon. I was a pizza sender during the last serach. God bless you.

To LE, who spent hours in the rain yesterday to secure that area and the house, working methodically to further this case. For the months they've already put in on this case. God bless them.

To my fellow WSers...the server was so bad yesterday, I kept getting kicked off. But I wanted to share this find with all of you...we have been in the trenches (figuratively of course...wracking our brains) together for many long months now. I feel like I know many of you, and wanted to grieve with you over this find. I know Caylee is thankful that she has so many advocates in so many arenas, and the prayers of many many people brought her home yesterday. I am still highly emotional and weepy, and not at my grammatical best.

To Caylee, may you now rest in peace little child. We know you've been in a far better place for a long time now, but may we now be able to give you the honor in death that you deserve here on earth.

Last, to God Almighty, thank You, for prayers answered. There are no words that could describe the depth of the relief and gratitude that I feel right now. I thank you that you are a just God, and that yesterday I believe you tipped those scales once and for all in Caylee Marie's favor.
I don't put much stock in psychics, etc., but I do believe part of our departed loved ones always remains with us, and I do very much believe in God and in angels. A beautiful six year old angel named Natasha passed in 2007, and she is what brought my husband and I together. I was friends with her mother and he was friends with her father, and in grieving with them and comforting them, we managed to find each other, with a little not-so-subtle nudging from our angel.

I hope Tim will stop to consider that just maybe it was an angel named Laura who chose today to help lead us to Caylee, and that angel still continues to do good in this world (just like her dad).

Irish...I got choked up reading your post. You are proof that good things can come out of bad situations. I admire and respect Tim so much for taking his tragedy and turning it into something so positive. It takes a very special person to be able to do that. I am sure that in his mind, he got the best birthday present he could ask for. I pray for his good health so he and his people at TES can continue their good work.
Friday, what a day!! Thank you for all your information and "outing" yourself to us. You have a sweet soul. Please pass along my prayers to Tim and his family and the TES family too.

Happy Birthday, dear Tim.
My life is forever changed by the love and forgiveness you carry and share with everyone. I have many things to learn by your example. It will be my greatest
honor to pass it on to others in my life. Thank you so much.

Take care of yourself and find peace that another angel watches over you.
Tim has kept up with many of the threads and posts here, including some that were understandably painful for him to read 

Respectfully snipped.

First of all, thanks to all of the hard-working TES volunteers and contributors, and thanks to you, Friday. Happy, happy birthday to you, Tim. You're such a wonderful person.

The portion I snipped made me very sad; I think there were many on this board who reacted blindly and said some horrible things. I am so sad to hear that Tim read those posts and felt badly about them. He deserves all the praise, wellwishes, and kudos that this board can muster for all the wonderful work he and TES have done and continue to do.

Thank you! Thank you Tim Miller and TES.
Thank you so much, Friday, for supporting TES and including all of us in that support. Please convey to Tim my deep admiration and wish him a happy birthday. As much as it pains me to think of that dear little girl's death, I can only believe that there was a bigger purpose behind all of this. The community of love that has been created by a group of strangers is amazing. I've said this before, this is not a case, it's a cause! Thank you again.
I just think Tim Miller & Friday are awesome, it is so nice to know that there are wonderful people in this world that take so much of their own time and money to help others, never expecting a thank you from this family. It warms my heart. Thank you Friday for keeping us posted, and hug Tim for us.
Thank you so much, Tim, for being an advocate for Caylee. She needed someone strong like you.

You are one incredible human being .... someone that chose to take their pain and anger and turn it into something positive. I've never been anything but impressed by the way you work.

Thank you for everything you have done not only for Caylee, but for all the other missing people in our country. You are a hero.
More answers from Tim for you:

1) The garbage bag found today is black, not white.

2) Casey’s actual reaction to the news of today’s discovery: Her face turned red, she crumpled to her knees, and said, “Oh God, this can’t be happening!”

3) This morning when Nick called Tim to give him a head’s up, he said, “Tim, we’ve found our girl.” There’s such tenderness in the way he phrased that, I think.

4) Today is Tim’s birthday, and I think this discovery is God’s birthday present to him and a gift to all of us. And as "icing on the cake" today near Houston, TES searchers recovered the bodies of a man and woman whose car was found in 12 feet of water. Now, on this Houston recovery, I'm a little uncertain of my details, because we had a horrible cell phone connection. But I'm sure about the other items above.

Warm regards.

Was Tim's birthday the 11th or the 12th? Just curious, because my son turned one yesterday... the 11th... the day Caylee was found. I do believe God had a hand in this. He answers prayers.... in his own time. God is good!:)
Thanks so much to Tim Miller, TES and all of their dedicated staff and searchers! Tim please take care of yourself, have a very happy birthday and a Merry Christmas season.
Thank you to everyone! Truly saying a prayer for everyone. Caylee is with the Lord and is finally home. Now her family can truly put her to rest and I will pray for the A's because either way they need it.

Thank you Tim and Friday, you are truly selfless people. I pray for George and Cindy and Lee and Casey, yes Casey. Life is not about judgement, it is about stepping up and doing what we can, and recognizing right and wrong. You all have stepped up. God Bless you all.
Happy Birthday Tim and many wishes for good health and prosperous years ahead! We cannot thank you and your team enough for all that you do.
Happy belated birthday, Tim!! And well wishes for a speedy recovery!
God bless every last one of us involved in this. I truly believe that our prayers led to divine intervention that caused yesterday's discovery.

Happy Birthday, Tim. Thank you for all you do. You're amazing. You've raised so much awareness not only for Caylee, but for others who are missing. Bless your soul.
I just have a couple of things I want to say:

1) Happy Birthday, Tim!

2) When I heard TES was coming to do a search, I knew it would be done right-I've always had faith in TES finding out the truth!

3) Thank you for all you do to help find missing persons-you do such an outstanding job.

4) I will try with all my might to have sympathy for the Anthony's. However, I cannot guarantee it.
Happy belated Birthday Tim Miller!
He has been my hero for several years, I am simply amazed at how he has helped so many people in spite of his own heartache!

When I hear that song (forget who sings it, country) I believe there are angels among us, sent from heaven.......I think of him.
Good morning Friday,

Thank you for this thread about TM and sharing your thoughts with us. Happy Birthday Tim.................

After the last search, I was BANNED because of my comments to those who trashed TM and his efforts. I am so glad Caylee was found and I will keep C&G in my prayers no matter how hard it gets once the full truth is exposed.

I am a proud member of TES and will continue to support TES and plan to be very active as a volunteer in the Florida Chapter. TES is a God send to families of missing persons and with all of the Caylee exposure TES can only get bigger and better to serve those in need.

Take care of your health Tim..................
You and Lisa are needed to continue all of the good, selfless, and rewarding work that you do.
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