Time Line For When The 1998 Car Casey Drove Was Towed From Amscott...

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I have no clue lol I don't even want to touch that one . I just thought maybe whom ever is good at working the cell pings / text msg might be able to add what they have to the time line I did . Now after reading over like on the calendar sticky I see different times for a few things I put in my time line above . I need to go back over a few things to be sure we're all on the same page . Also a few things I don't have included in mine that I really should throw in there .

JBean asked me to add my time line to the calendar ,I might need your help with that. I see you've been busy working on it .

I saw the freezer pop post , that is possible .

I'd be happy to put that stuff on the calendar. But I've gotten anal about links...sooooooo...if you can plug in the links or references or something, I'll put 'em all in for ya!

I would love to get the cell phone calls plugged in, even if it's a separate calendar.
I thought it interesting that LP was on NG on 10/7, and said KC had dumped the car at Amscot on the 26th. So she must have been picked up sometime on that date. Now I'm going back to the pings maps. Wish me luck!
I thought it interesting that LP was on NG on 10/7, and said KC had dumped the car at Amscot on the 26th. So she must have been picked up sometime on that date. Now I'm going back to the pings maps. Wish me luck!

God speed Ezryder! I wish I could help but those 'pingy' things make my head hurt!
There is the possibility that the Pontiac is at the Amscot parking lot at 7:00 and that she runs out of gas there at 11:00. If she was to leave with the car and then come back with the car.

Possibly she is parked there at 7:00 texting someone, or organizing her criminal activities for the day, then leaves and comes back near the 11:00 range and parks and runs out of gas while she is texting.

The Amscot area looks to be geographically near the middle of all
the various homes she goes through out the day.

This makes much more sense than LP's theory that Casey left the car at Amscot all night on the 26th. I still think she vapor locked the car due to running it so low on gas and couldn't get it started again whether she had a little gas in a can or not that day.
I'm bringing this over from the questions thread, 'cause I really need some help! (Don't we all.)

I have been obsessing over this timeline for weeks. I've asked about it a couple of times, and keep getting referred to the 'amscot, dumpster' thread.

I think WhiteWolf's analysis is a good one. One thing I'm thinking, though, is that the latest date should be maybe the 23rd? KC first mentioned the car smell to Amy on June 25. I wonder if decomp would develop such a strong smell in just one day, even in the Florida heat.

I've also wondered if there's a possibility that the car was at Amscot before the 27th. I'd be interested in knowing the work schedule of the woman who reported it. Could it have been there on the 26th, and just not noticed?

Also, I remember hearing the 11-11:30 time that TonE picked her up. (I can't believe that there's so much ambiguity about this time period) I can't see KC just standing around from sometime before 7:00 am on the 27th for 4 to 4-1/2 hours until TonE got there. Those freezer pops would have reverted to liquid by then. So he had to have picked her up on the 26th.

I have also questioned why, when KC called TonE, he didn't just take a can of gas in put it in the tank.

And once, on the accomplice thread, I even conjectured that if she did have an accomplice, I wondered if it might be TonE -- albeit an unwitting accomplice. Could he have shown up to pick her up and she said something like, 'sweetie, I have a big bag of trash in the trunk. since we're right by the dumpster, could you toss it in there for me?" Just one of the things I've been pondering.

See, I've really needed this thread! Thanks, again.

*Good question regarding the work schedule of the Amscott employee.
*Would have a hard time believing she had someone toss her daughter in the dumpster for two reasons: 1. smell and 2. she would most certainly have to explain the weight.
I agree with your theory about the gas gauge. i believe the day was 27th and she did drive to the dumpster and park after she took food from her parents and had TonE pick her up. Good way to hide the smell, she thought she had everything covered until the car started to smell. Oh yes, then another plan..purse in car, no caylee or KC, reeking..oh my. Then TonE left for NY and she had free reign on his Jeep..then Amy's car and money...but KC was smitten and this clouded her cunning mind. She hung out too long for mommy to locate her instead of joining the ranks of MISSING!

Purse in the car confuses me since she locked the car. It had to be intentional since she kept her phone and her wallet was at Tony's when he picked her stuff up on July 15th. So she took the stuff she wanted and purposefully left her purse. Maybe the purse was "stinky"???
This makes much more sense than LP's theory that Casey left the car at Amscot all night on the 26th. I still think she vapor locked the car due to running it so low on gas and couldn't get it started again whether she had a little gas in a can or not that day.

I'm still leaning towards her leaving it there on the 26th, and it not being noticed until the 27th. I've been meaning to google Amscot...gonna go do that quick. Want to see if it says anything about their hours of business. BRB.
Don't know why I didn't do this before! According to Amscot's website, the location at 7501 E. Colonial Dr. is open 24 hours. Wonder if they've interviewed any other employees? Maybe someone else noticed the car, too.


Thats weird. Plus if they were open 24 hours a day, wouldnt they have surrveilance cameras? It is a check cashing place with several locations in the are. :waitasec:
The car was left in the lot of Amscot on June 27th and the tow company picked it up on June 30th. The letter would have gone out to George on July 1st and a notice would have been left in their mailbox. A second attempt at delivering the certified letter would have been made either July 2nd or July 3rd and another notice left. George did not pick up the car until July 15th.

LE did not obtain a search warrant for the car until July 17th.

Is it possible KC intercepted a "first" certified letter on her many trips back to the home? She had to have known the car was towed and that her parents would be notified. I never heard LE ask the tow company how many letters were sent out. Thought I read somewhere that it was two.
The car was left in the lot of Amscot on June 27th and the tow company picked it up on June 30th. The letter would have gone out to George on July 1st and a notice would have been left in their mailbox. A second attempt at delivering the certified letter would have been made either July 2nd or July 3rd and another notice left. George did not pick up the car until July 15th.

LE did not obtain a search warrant for the car until July 17th.

Is it possible KC intercepted a "first" certified letter on her many trips back to the home? She had to have known the car was towed and that her parents would be notified. I never heard LE ask the tow company how many letters were sent out. Thought I read somewhere that it was two.

IIRC There was only 1 cert letter sent out . Attempted delivery on July 11, notice on door . Letter and car picked up on July 15 . There was also a holiday between the time the car was towed and cert. letter mailed out.
Thats weird. Plus if they were open 24 hours a day, wouldnt they have surrveilance cameras? It is a check cashing place with several locations in the are. :waitasec:

Someone posted a view of the Amscot somewhere in these thousands of threads ... I'll try to find it, but the pics clearly showed security cameras on the exterior of the bldg, directed out to portions of the parking lot but IIRC, I'm not so sure that one of the cameras was pointed toward the dumpster/spot where KC's car was parked.

I'll BRB with the link ... if I can find it!

Here's the thread where everyone was discussing Amscott, the dumpster there, the location of her car, etc., etc. (just hope my link posts correctly)

This seems to be the best thread to ask my question.
The following document was on docstoc.com, and has been deleted.
Did anyone by chance save it to their hard drive ??
If so, I would deeply appreciate it if you would pm me.

Casey Anthony Documents Part 2, Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 52 - 58
Simon B (Johnson Wrecker East)
Gary R(Tow Truck Driver)
Catherine S - Amscott
Nicole - works for (Johnson Wrecker East)
George Anthony picking up car and has gas cans - Pgs. 57 -58.
June 26- some (LP) think this is actually when Casey ran out of gas and abandoned car because Amscot worker said at 7am on the 27th the car was in the parking lot…but this has to be false. Casey Calls Jesse Grund-10:34 am, 11:50am, 1:40pm, 2:06, 10:21pm- less than 15minutes. 4:51pm-Casey adds 2 pix to her Photobucket account, meaning she was at a computer somewhere. "Garden" pic (from movie? checking) of girl at night, with "LOVE" scrawled across, hiding face. 2 different sizes. Casey adds PB pix (La Vita Bella) - 6:46 - 6:47 PM Casey adds 103 Pix to PB - 7:45 - 10:30 PM Casey adds 18 more PB pix - 11:30 - 11:45. No cellular activity until . . .8:45 am - cell tower pings near Al's apt until 11:47 pm then no cellular activity rest of the night
June 27 – Casey leaves her car, a 1998 white Pontiac with Florida tag G63XV, in the parking lot of an Amscot Financial store (check cashing place) at Colonial Drive and Goldenrod Road. Casey leaves her purse in the front seat of the car in plain view with all her personal stuff but takes her FL ID. TonE picks Casey up at Amscot at 11:30am-verified phone records- she has one bag of groceries that appear to be from Cindy’s freezer- Tyson Chicken, freezer pops and some clothes. She tells TonE that she ran out of gas and her father will take care of it this is before 12noon. Casey spends the night at TonE. Receipt from JC Penny’s. Tells Amy on the 27th she ran out of gas two Fridays in a row and that Casey found the source of the smell it was an animal plastered to the frame of the car. Problem solved..Police believe Caylee body was dumped in the garbage dumpster. Casey calls Jesse G and invites Jesse to Fusian night club. Jesse said he knew Casey had a falling out with Cindy so Jesse wanted to know who was watching Caylee, Casey told Jesse that the nanny had Caylee at the beach. JcPenny charge receipt is missing per Lee. . Leaves Ricardo a message on myspace to come to fusion. Casey text to amy – 11:34am there was def part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car….ran out of gas…11:49am No cellular activity until . . .6:54 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .10:35 am - cell tower pings near Chickasaw Trail until . . .11:09 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home until . . .11:28:17 - cell tower pings near Anthony home during a text message from AL
(28.4547222 -81.2636111)11:28:50 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home when KC calls AL (4547222 -81.2636111; tower address is 8600 Currituck Sound Ln, which is 9.3 mi from AmScot and 2.7 mi from Anthony home)
11:31 to 11:33 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home (28.5028444 -81.286333; tower address is 2820 Goldenrod Rd S, which is 2.5 mi from Anthony home and 4.7 mi from AmScot)11:34 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home (28.5280556 -81.2486111; tower address is 1200 Econlockhatchee Trl S, which is 4.4 mi from Anthony home and 5.6 mi from AmScot) 11:37 to 11:39 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home (28.5444 -81.2767472; tower address is 100 Chickasaw Trl S, which is 5.8 mi from Anthony home and 2.6 mi from AmScot) 11:40 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .3:03 pm - cell tower pings near Lowell Blvd (1.8 mi from RM and 5.7 from AL) until . . .8:32 pm - cell tower pings near Fusion until past midnight into the next day
"Shortly after Lee arrives at house , opens garage door " smell hits him like a wave " finds KC's car in garage and nobody home . He calls Cindy's cell "
Quoted from a post on this thread

Has anyone established where and what KC & CA were doing and where, when LA got there? Where would they have gone?
I thought this was odd the Garbage part

As I was reading through this, the numbers on the address (7777 Narcoosee Rd) really jumped out at me. I'm not into numerology at all, but I thought I'd look up those numbers, and found that they mean: It is done. That's weird huh!
June 27 – Casey leaves her car, a 1998 white Pontiac with Florida tag G63XV, in the parking lot of an Amscot Financial store (check cashing place) at Colonial Drive and Goldenrod Road. Casey leaves her purse in the front seat of the car in plain view with all her personal stuff but takes her FL ID..

Stark, or someone, please show me in the discovery documents where it says Casey left her purse in the car. I think this was some information floated by the grandparents, correct? [I thought so too when this story first broke.]

TonE picks Casey up at Amscot at 11:30am-verified phone records-

With all due respect when I look at the pings I don't show 11:30 as a pick up time (later yes but not 11:30 a.m.).

she has one bag of groceries that appear to be from Cindy’s freezer- Tyson Chicken, freezer pops and some clothes.

And you can see from the Target grocery receipts from July 10th that she bought ice pops and some Tyson chicken thirteen days LATER. Do we want to rely on TonE's statement for this? He also said that it was a plain bag (not a Target logo). Either Casey really had a thing for Tyson chicken and ice pops or TonE is wrong or misremembering!

Not to be picking on you, but I think we need to be cautious when relying on witness statements (especially in my opinion Cindy's and TonE's!). If evidence fully backs up certain aspects then GOOD. If not, I'd rather trust the evidence of receipts, computer records, ping evidence, etc.

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