Time Line For When The 1998 Car Casey Drove Was Towed From Amscott...

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My feeling is that the lady at Amscott is definitely incorrect.....I posted ping timeline and map for the morning of 6/27 on the pings thread......all phone pings show that TL picked up KC at Amscott around noon......after she had been in the ping zone south of Amscott.......the area of her parents home on Hopespring Dr.

Plus the texts to Amy that "my car ran out of gas" were just before noon on 6/27.

:blowkiss: You are my new favorite poster. I promise not to stalk you. lol

Good job on this. I'm hoping we can see much more information put together like that.
If the trunk was starting to smell at least a few days before the 27th as she reported to Amy -- maybe she was purposely parking next to the dumpster so people would associate the smell with the dumpster. If she went to Sams or whatever else was in that location she surely could not have parked the car without people smelling it. So -- she may have parked the car by the dumpster more than once. Just thinking
So that would mean she stopped by the A house to take some food from their freezer, planted the story as best she could via phone/text that her car was out of gas yet again, then drove her car to the Amscot and left it on the 27th?
One thing I question is if Casey really had 2 guys help her push the car into the parking lot. I'm doubting this since I've heard no one come forward and admit that they did this, and of course the most obvious reason, it came out of Casey's mouth.

I'm still not sure if the car was out of gas or if she was parking it away from everyone for a while until it airs out.
One thing I question is if Casey really had 2 guys help her push the car into the parking lot. I'm doubting this since I've heard no one come forward and admit that they did this, and of course the most obvious reason, it came out of Casey's mouth.

I'm still not sure if the car was out of gas or if she was parking it away from everyone for a while until it airs out.

This bewilders me too....but if the car wasn't out of gas how did it get out of gas by the time GA went to pick it up? :waitasec:
This bewilders me too....but if the car wasn't out of gas how did it get out of gas by the time GA went to pick it up? :waitasec:

If the gas gauge wasn't working, no one would know it was out of gas, and can only assume since it was abandoned and this was a problem Casey seemed to have often.
If the gas gauge wasn't working, no one would know it was out of gas, and can only assume since it was abandoned and this was a problem Casey seemed to have often.

I thought the tow yard guy said that GA tried to start the car but it wouldn't start and then noticed the gas gauge was on empty?? Now I need to go back to the tow yard interview, LOL :crazy: around, around in circles I go!!
If the gas gauge wasn't working, no one would know it was out of gas, and can only assume since it was abandoned and this was a problem Casey seemed to have often.

I agree with your theory about the gas gauge. i believe the day was 27th and she did drive to the dumpster and park after she took food from her parents and had TonE pick her up. Good way to hide the smell, she thought she had everything covered until the car started to smell. Oh yes, then another plan..purse in car, no caylee or KC, reeking..oh my. Then TonE left for NY and she had free reign on his Jeep..then Amy's car and money...but KC was smitten and this clouded her cunning mind. She hung out too long for mommy to locate her instead of joining the ranks of MISSING!
Here's my time line I've been working on

June 20 - KC runs out of gas , has TonE take her to G & C ' s makes him stay in car . KC breaks in shed takes gas cans

June 22 - 27 - KC tells Cindy she is in Tampa with Z , RF, JL

June 24- George claims KC came home , he confronts her about gas cans . KC PO'ed cusses at George and doesn't want him going in the trunk .

June 25 - Amy receives Text from KC stating she thinks George hit an animal with her car (missing exact time if you have it I'll edit )

June 27 - KC claims car ran out of gas , 2 guys helped her push it into the Amscot parking lot next to the dumpster . KC calls TonE to come pick her up . ( time ? )

June 27 - Amy gets a text from KC " whats the chance of running out of gas 2 Fridays in a row " Another text from KC " yup the smell in my car is definitly from 2 dead squirels plastered to the frame of my car " KC calls Amy or Amy calls KC while waiting for TonE to pick her up ( times ? )

KC locks car leaves purse , car seat , momma doll , clothing , backpacks etc. in car .
TonE picks KC up , she is out of the car waiting for him . KC has several plastic bags with freezer pops , chicken strips etc. TonE thinks she took the stuff from A's house .

June 28 - KC calls Amy and JG about borrowing gas cans ( times ? )

June 30 - KC takes TonE to airport .
9:00 AM - KC shows up outside Amy's , driving TonE's Jeep Cherokee
11:00 AM - They go buy gas can from Target , spends the remainder of the day with Amy until Amy leaves for work around 5 ish .

Cindy's Off work the week of the 30th

Car get's Towed from Amscot to Johnsons Tow yard ( time ? )

July - Sometime between July 1 - 11 SB notices fowl oder coming from car ( thinks it's rotting food )

July 2 - KC gets a tattoo Bella Vita or Bella Vida

July 5th - TonE returns from NY , before picking TonE up from airport she washes TonE's Jeep . On the phone with WW until TonE get's off the plane .

July 11 - Johnsons Tow Yard sends George and Cindy Reg. Letter about car still at tow yard .

July 12 ? - Amy RM , JP leave for PR , KC has Amy's car after dropping her off at the airport .

July 15 - AM George picks up letter from post office . Goes to Tow yard to get car , is told he needs cash and documents to get car back .

George called Amscot

1: 55 PM George & Cindy return to tow yard with cash . Cindy has a fit in office about how much the charges are , wants discount . SB get's call by office girl N . SB talks with G & C then takes George to car . On the way G tells SB his granddaughter is missing and KC has been lying to them , apologizes for Cindy .

G & SB reach the car , G unlocks and opens door . SB " Smells so bad it knocked you back " " Oh $hit " " On a scale of 1-10 smell was a 7 "

G opens up the trunk , they find white garbage bag . SB thought the missing GD might be in trunk or bag . SB picks up bag " it was lite " finds garbage , magots , flies and possibly rotten pizza and box . SB throws garbage bag in dumpster .

G trys to start car then goes back to to his car to get gas can he brought along . Puts gas in car , pulls out , stops to talk with C then drives the car home .

2:00 PM - KC stops at tattoo shop to make appointment for July 19 th , tells tattoo guys she on her way to airport to pick up friends .

Time ? - KC picks Amy up at airport and Amy drops KC off at TonE's .

Time ? - Cindy sends George to work , George says he works 3-11

Time ? - Cindy calls Amy wanting her to take her to KC , Cindy says she needs to find KC or KC will got to jail . Cindy picks up Amy at FL mall , during the drive Cindy tells Amy about all KC's lies . She tells Amy about the smell in the car , Amy tells her KC claimed to have run over a squirel .

7:30 - 8:00 PM - Cindy & Amy pick KC up

8:05 PM - Cindy calls George , gets no answer . George calls Cindy back no answer then tries the house phone .

8:07 PM - George calls Lee worried about Cindy

Shortly after Lee arrives at house , opens garage door " smell hits him like a wave " finds KC's car in garage and nobody home . He calls Cindy's cell

8:35 PM - George talks to Cindy

8:30 ish - Cindy calls 911

9: 50 PM - George comes home from work , Cindy in garage crying and on the phone

Sometime late July 15 or very early morning July 16 th Johnsons Towing is called in by LE to take the car to the Crime Lab
( SB's statement )

If you can fill anything in or if I need to make corrections let me know
Yes, but we've never heard anything more about it.

This post was in reference to a video camera at the Amscot....has anyone heard anything more about any video footage of KC or the car at Amscot? Is LE holding this back, to show when and where and how the car came to be in Amscot lot?
Question somewhere in the affadavits I think Jesse Grund, possibly,but it was one of her male friends apartments, it states she arrived at his place mid morning and took a shower..does anyone know that date? I am thinking it will be the same date as the car was left at Amscott.
I just thought maybe she got the freezer food from JG, and not from her parents home, on the 27th?
just a thought......
there are LIQUID bags of stuff.... you buy them LIQUID......
then you take them home and Freeze as many as you want....
SAM's club etc... sell these and lots of grocery stores/.
SO................ maybe there were liquid... and then she put
them in the freezer when she got to AL's apt.
** now...
the chicken nuggets.... *** well..... she might have had
a mini lunch/ freezer bag with her.... with an ice pack....
also in the stores... they sell special bags to tote frozen stuff in !!!
KC is a very troubled soul.
I am so sad...
I wish she would tell the truth.
The TIME Line ya'll have been working on is grrrrrreat !!
It is very hard to keep up with a PROFESSIONAL * L I A R * !!!
" GOD KNOWS ! ! !"
Here's my time line I've been working on

June 20 - KC runs out of gas , has TonE take her to G & C ' s makes him stay in car . KC breaks in shed takes gas cans

June 22 - 27 - KC tells Cindy she is in Tampa with Z , RF, JL

June 24- George claims KC came home , he confronts her about gas cans . KC PO'ed cusses at George and doesn't want him going in the trunk .

June 25 - Amy receives Text from KC stating she thinks George hit an animal with her car (missing exact time if you have it I'll edit )

June 27 - KC claims car ran out of gas , 2 guys helped her push it into the Amscot parking lot next to the dumpster . KC calls TonE to come pick her up . ( time ? )

June 27 - Amy gets a text from KC " whats the chance of running out of gas 2 Fridays in a row " Another text from KC " yup the smell in my car is definitly from 2 dead squirels plastered to the frame of my car " KC calls Amy or Amy calls KC while waiting for TonE to pick her up ( times ? )

KC locks car leaves purse , car seat , momma doll , clothing , backpacks etc. in car .
TonE picks KC up , she is out of the car waiting for him . KC has several plastic bags with freezer pops , chicken strips etc. TonE thinks she took the stuff from A's house .

June 28 - KC calls Amy and JG about borrowing gas cans ( times ? )

June 30 - KC takes TonE to airport .
9:00 AM - KC shows up outside Amy's , driving TonE's Jeep Cherokee
11:00 AM - They go buy gas can from Target , spends the remainder of the day with Amy until Amy leaves for work around 5 ish .

Cindy's Off work the week of the 30th

Car get's Towed from Amscot to Johnsons Tow yard ( time ? )

July - Sometime between July 1 - 11 SB notices fowl oder coming from car ( thinks it's rotting food )

July 2 - KC gets a tattoo Bella Vita or Bella Vida

July 5th - TonE returns from NY , before picking TonE up from airport she washes TonE's Jeep . On the phone with WW until TonE get's off the plane .

July 11 - Johnsons Tow Yard sends George and Cindy Reg. Letter about car still at tow yard .

July 12 ? - Amy RM , JP leave for PR , KC has Amy's car after dropping her off at the airport .

July 15 - AM George picks up letter from post office . Goes to Tow yard to get car , is told he needs cash and documents to get car back .

George called Amscot

1: 55 PM George & Cindy return to tow yard with cash . Cindy has a fit in office about how much the charges are , wants discount . SB get's call by office girl N . SB talks with G & C then takes George to car . On the way G tells SB his granddaughter is missing and KC has been lying to them , apologizes for Cindy .

G & SB reach the car , G unlocks and opens door . SB " Smells so bad it knocked you back " " Oh $hit " " On a scale of 1-10 smell was a 7 "

G opens up the trunk , they find white garbage bag . SB thought the missing GD might be in trunk or bag . SB picks up bag " it was lite " finds garbage , magots , flies and possibly rotten pizza and box . SB throws garbage bag in dumpster .

G trys to start car then goes back to to his car to get gas can he brought along . Puts gas in car , pulls out , stops to talk with C then drives the car home .

2:00 PM - KC stops at tattoo shop to make appointment for July 19 th , tells tattoo guys she on her way to airport to pick up friends .

Time ? - KC picks Amy up at airport and Amy drops KC off at TonE's .

Time ? - Cindy sends George to work , George says he works 3-11

Time ? - Cindy calls Amy wanting her to take her to KC , Cindy says she needs to find KC or KC will got to jail . Cindy picks up Amy at FL mall , during the drive Cindy tells Amy about all KC's lies . She tells Amy about the smell in the car , Amy tells her KC claimed to have run over a squirel .

7:30 - 8:00 PM - Cindy & Amy pick KC up

8:05 PM - Cindy calls George , gets no answer . George calls Cindy back no answer then tries the house phone .

8:07 PM - George calls Lee worried about Cindy

Shortly after Lee arrives at house , opens garage door " smell hits him like a wave " finds KC's car in garage and nobody home . He calls Cindy's cell

8:35 PM - George talks to Cindy

8:30 ish - Cindy calls 911

9: 50 PM - George comes home from work , Cindy in garage crying and on the phone

If you can fill anything in or if I need to make corrections let me know
Pease post any dates with back up on our calendar so we can have a complete working time line. thanks :)

Irish, I knew that I hearted you already, and this reminds me of why!!!!

Couple of questions, though? I'm no good whatsoever at the cellphone pings; almost as bad at the cellphone calls. Not bad at coming up with questions! How can we find out if KC's outgoing calls verify the call to TonE on the 27th to pick her up? I would think the logs would either confirm or debunk the call to him.

And someone else mentioned the liquid freezer pops. I don't recall hearing that the freezer pops were, in fact, frozen. Not sure that matters, just tossing out random thoughts.

Thanks again!
I thought this was odd the Garbage part

Which goes back to the fact the car may not have even been out of gas at all, but KC had talked to GA and they decided to say that so it would not look like she had "staged" the car for someone to steal it and take the blame.

It also did not say the car was locked, but that GA put his key in the door. It may not have been locked at all.

I still believe that car was left for someone to steal and take the blame for Caylee's death.
There is the possibility that the Pontiac is at the Amscot parking lot at 7:00 and that she runs out of gas there at 11:00. If she was to leave with the car and then come back with the car.

Possibly she is parked there at 7:00 texting someone, or organizing her criminal activities for the day, then leaves and comes back near the 11:00 range and parks and runs out of gas while she is texting.

The Amscot area looks to be geographically near the middle of all
the various homes she goes through out the day.
My own timeline from what I've been able to gather from news reports and interviews:

On Saturday, July 12th, Cindy and George Anthony received a notice from the post office that the post office had tried to deliver a registered letter during the week, and the letter was waiting for them at the post office.

Monday, July 14th or Tuesday, July 15th - The Anthonys go to the post office and get the registered letter.

Tuesday, July 15th, George and Cindy go to the impound yard and retrieve the car. George drove it home and in one report said the car stunk and he had to drive with the windows down and had nausea.

When they got the car home they found a slip of paper with Amy's phone number on it. Cindy called Amy asking where Casey was. Amy said that Casey was at Tony's apartment. Cindy picked up Amy and Amy guided Cindy to Tony's apartment.

After Cindy picked up Casey and learned that Caylee wasn't with her, and according to Casey was with the babysitter, she drove Casey to a police station with the intention of having her arrested for credit card and car theft. Cindy found that the police station was closed and made a call from her cell phone, in which she learned that the police station she was at, closed at 5:30pm. So, we can assume that they were at the police station at some time after 5:30pm.

Cindy took Casey home, and it was another 45 (?) minutes before Cindy made the second 911 call. It was some time later that the third call to 911 was made.

In the interview George and Cindy Anthony did with Greta, they said the police were there all night, 5 policemen/detectives, with the last one leaving at about 5:30am on Wednesday, July 16th.

Wednesday, July 16th, about noon, police picked up Casey and asked her to take them to the apartment of Zenaida Gonzolas. Later that day, after Casey led the police on wild goose chases and lied, she was arrested.

On a side note, I believe that they stopped at the police substation on Pershing which Cindy then realized was not open. I always wondered WHY they picked that substation! If Cindy picked up Casey from Winter Park/Sutton Place on University and since Cindy and the clan live at Hopespring on the opposite side of Semoran/436 in Lee Vista, why in the WORLD would you pick a substation to go to on Pershing (in Conway). BTW, the place I'm thinking of is not far from Conway and all the bs locations mentioned right from the git-go [which we were told Cindy did not know about Sawgrass, and all those locations until the later 911 calls].

Is it because they dropped off Amy at Ricardos and Cindy innately knew where that substation is located?

For what it's worth.
Irish, I knew that I hearted you already, and this reminds me of why!!!!

Couple of questions, though? I'm no good whatsoever at the cellphone pings; almost as bad at the cellphone calls. Not bad at coming up with questions! How can we find out if KC's outgoing calls verify the call to TonE on the 27th to pick her up? I would think the logs would either confirm or debunk the call to him.

And someone else mentioned the liquid freezer pops. I don't recall hearing that the freezer pops were, in fact, frozen. Not sure that matters, just tossing out random thoughts.

Thanks again!

I have no clue lol I don't even want to touch that one . I just thought maybe whom ever is good at working the cell pings / text msg might be able to add what they have to the time line I did . Now after reading over like on the calendar sticky I see different times for a few things I put in my time line above . I need to go back over a few things to be sure we're all on the same page . Also a few things I don't have included in mine that I really should throw in there .

JBean asked me to add my time line to the calendar ,I might need your help with that. I see you've been busy working on it .

I saw the freezer pop post , that is possible .
Which goes back to the fact the car may not have even been out of gas at all, but KC had talked to GA and they decided to say that so it would not look like she had "staged" the car for someone to steal it and take the blame.

It also did not say the car was locked, but that GA put his key in the door. It may not have been locked at all.

I still believe that car was left for someone to steal and take the blame for Caylee's death.

Turbo I'm confused , in the bolded above you said "It also did not say the car was locked, but that GA put his key in the door" Are you talking about another statement ? The post you were quoating was from SB statement regarding the garbage but right above the red highlighted area it states " G used a key to unlock the doors " can you clarify for me ??

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