Timer55 and Cays234

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ITA! I think any truths contained in her lies are purely coincidental. The sheer volume of lies she utters is so mammoth that a truth is bound to appear in the pile now and then or she'd run out of words to use.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
I keep asking this and no one ever answers. I don't believe Casey peppers her lies with grains of truth. I can't think of any instance of truth in her web of lies. Can you?


That's just the A parent's style of accepting their daughter's lies or 'mistruths', making them more palatable and easier to COVER up.
This 'little grains of truth' BS is their way of explaining the inexplicable to LE and the rest of the universe!

Remember GA during one of the jail visits asking her with kid gloves: "Did you maybe BORROW something without ASKING first and now that person's mad?" Like, their getting their revenge by taking/keeping Caylee?

The word is STEAL George. STEAL!

(And then she says it's nothing that she would've done!)

There is NOTHING truthful in ANYTHING that girl says, imho.
Right, maybe sometimes somethings in her lies are actually true, but I don't think every sentence she says has a truth in it. I think that belief sends people off on wild goose chases.

I can imagine her sitting back chuckling.......Look at the POWER I've got now mom!!!

When Lee told her he knows the 'outcry' witnesses are 'real'....... that huge grin of hers and hearing that disgusting childish giggle, struck me as pride & absolute pleasure at sending him off to CaseyFantacyLand!

She's had this power over her family for years, then she had it over LE & the entire country for some time until the first tests from her trunk came back.
I keep asking this and no one ever answers. I don't believe Casey peppers her lies with grains of truth. I can't think of any instance of truth in her web of lies. Can you?
I can, when she tells George," I feel in my gut she's close".
Also, "They haven't even found her clothes yet".
Gypsy Road-I apologize. Shouldn't have linked my responce to your post.
Just frustrated with lots here.
Ironically, I'm working on a sig line with the help of another WSleuther. Torn between two. One being a *reminder*. Occam's Razor. The theory that the simplest answer is usually the correct answer... and a Ripley bad *advertiser censored** quote.
Opinions welcome!:crazy:

ITA with you. It is fun to speculate however the shortest distance between 2 points is usually a straight line.


Basic Auto Away Setting with Channel Message

Function: When you know you will be away from the computer for a brief
time, or when you are working on another program while the
channel is still going (multi-tasking), this script will auto-
matically change your current nickname to "<nick>_away" and
allow you to specify a message to be sent periodically to the
channel, for a limited number of times, saying you are away and
or how you can be "Paged."

In addition, the script will automatically return your nick to
normal (without the _away) and turn off the automatic announce-
ment when you tell it you have returned.

The script provides for two regularly used nicknames, the nick
and alternate nick in mIRC, and will require you to put those
nicknames in the proper places in the script. For that reason
the script has been rated #3 in difficulty of use.
Note: Timer 55 is specified in order that it may be exclusively
turned off even if other timers are currently functioning.
It will send your specified message every 10 minutes for
a maximum of 3 times.

IMPORTANT: On #50+retired, please DO NOT set the timer for less
than 10 minutes, or extend the number of repetitions beyond
the 3 given here. If away users and their messages crowd
the channel window or accelerate the "scroll," the OPs will
be forced to temporarily "kick" those users.

Link to entire article is below:


Although I really don't EXACTLY get the way to do this or why "I" would....but, IMO, this seems like a way of appearing "professional" when someone tries to contact you via IM. We know that Casey faked the emails to seem "important" and be quite the business woman....
Although I really don't EXACTLY get the way to do this or why "I" would....but, IMO, this seems like a way of appearing "professional" when someone tries to contact you via IM. We know that Casey faked the emails to seem "important" and be quite the business woman..../QUOTE]/**********************************************************

I asked about the Timer55 link that I found and he said that it is a program that allows someone in a chat room to appear to be at the keyboard when they are not. This program types in something automatically at intervals.

:eek:So it seems as if you are there typing away when in fact you could be anywhere doing anything.:shakehead:

Thank you for taking the time to help a techno challenged poster. I know you are busy and I do appreciate it.:bowdown:
This post is based entirely on assumptions, I know that but still can't help thinking about it.

Now if you assume that LA knew what happened to Caylee, he was either told or he let KC know he knew. He asked if the passwords were a clue. KC said yes. If the password was set on May 14, if it was in response to the intended/hoped for PR trip. And if the fight between CA/KC was about the PR trip- if CA had refused to babysit while KC took the trip- this could have been KC's way of telling LA that yes this was the reason why what happened happened. In effect it was a clue, just not the clue we thought it was for.
I've been thinking about "timer55" and something popped into my mind. KC uses words in an odd manner and sometimes seems to speak in code, as does Lee. But, what if KC knew she was going to get caught and decided that she would have the "time" of her life for 55 days? She would party hardy, steal, buy everything she wanted, have fun and have a "Bella Vida" until Caylee's 3rd birthday.

She knew that Amy would find out that she had been stealing from her. She knew that she couldn't prove that she ever had a nanny, she knew she didn't have a job. She was just going to have good old time for 55 days and then she, KC, would be punished and Cindy would be taught a lesson. She had so convinced herself that she deserved this time that when it was interrupted she panicked and came up with the Zanny stories, one more implausible than the next. It became a game to her and the more she played the more Cindy suffered, which suited KC just fine. That is why she looks like she is having such a good time. If she could not have a good time like she had planned, she will have a good time with this new game. She is going to keep playing it right up to the end. IMO
I've been thinking about "timer55" and something popped into my mind. KC uses words in an odd manner and sometimes seems to speak in code, as does Lee. But, what if KC knew she was going to get caught and decided that she would have the "time" of her life for 55 days? She would party hardy, steal, buy everything she wanted, have fun and have a "Bella Vida" until Caylee's 3rd birthday.

She knew that Amy would find out that she had been stealing from her. She knew that she couldn't prove that she ever had a nanny, she knew she didn't have a job. She was just going to have good old time for 55 days and then she, KC, would be punished and Cindy would be taught a lesson. She had so convinced herself that she deserved this time that when it was interrupted she panicked and came up with the Zanny stories, one more implausible than the next. It became a game to her and the more she played the more Cindy suffered, which suited KC just fine. That is why she looks like she is having such a good time. If she could not have a good time like she had planned, she will have a good time with this new game. She is going to keep playing it right up to the end. IMO

I agree with so much of what you've stated. I believe KC spent the 30 days after killing her daughter (in a fit of rage), just living life to it's fullest cause SHE KNEW she would be caught in the end and her life would be over. Therefore, she stole blatently from Amy, used TonE's jeep, allowed the Sunbird to get towed and discovered by her parents...etc. It's MY own personal belief that while Caylee was killed in a spontanuously RAGE manner, the IDEA of being a "killer" was already firmly planted in KC's brain. (Original victims-Mom and Dad). This made "going there" to that "place" where she could be a "killer" much easier. She had been fantising about it for months!
And the snow ball began it's descent down the proverbial hill.

I've been thinking about "timer55" and something popped into my mind. KC uses words in an odd manner and sometimes seems to speak in code, as does Lee. But, what if KC knew she was going to get caught and decided that she would have the "time" of her life for 55 days? She would party hardy, steal, buy everything she wanted, have fun and have a "Bella Vida" until Caylee's 3rd birthday.

She knew that Amy would find out that she had been stealing from her. She knew that she couldn't prove that she ever had a nanny, she knew she didn't have a job. She was just going to have good old time for 55 days and then she, KC, would be punished and Cindy would be taught a lesson. She had so convinced herself that she deserved this time that when it was interrupted she panicked and came up with the Zanny stories, one more implausible than the next. It became a game to her and the more she played the more Cindy suffered, which suited KC just fine. That is why she looks like she is having such a good time. If she could not have a good time like she had planned, she will have a good time with this new game. She is going to keep playing it right up to the end. IMO
Maybe this would be a good time for OneLostGirl to join the conversation. What say you OLG about "self punishment"?
Maybe this would be a good time for OneLostGirl to join the conversation. What say you OLG about "self punishment"?

I remember Kiki The Parrot posted that her actions were like "Dancing on The Grave"
I am going to repost this post here and on Lee's deposition because I believe it to be VERY important as to what that Timer55 means. I can't find it in the search to just post a link, but I had kept it because I consider it very valid. This falls in line with my theories on they had some type of online scam going.

12-15-2008, 10:50 AM
Alpha Leader
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 24

GOT IT! I think. Someone posted some source code a while back. It looks like Perl or JavaScript. Timer55 is some sort of goto label or function that is called when someone inputs something into an interactive webpage. There is also a Timer99. Connected to this code is something called a Leetbot. Leetbot is mentioned in several viruses. My guess this is an initial attempt at setting up a online phishing or identity theft operation.

Timer55 is a command or function in a script used in Internet Relay Chat (IRC). IRC is way to communicate on the internet, like instant messenger and the like. Apparently one can customize how a chat session behaves by downloading modifying a script that alters the behavior of the chat session. Several examples on the internet reference timer55 as a function or a command. At any rate, if one looks at this script and edits it, Timer55 is prominent. Also, several videos (narrated by kids even) show how to manipulate the script, so it is not beyond reason this it where it come from.
To me, you are one of the "respected" long-term posters here on this Caylee site. When you post vague s... I second guess my own opinions and YOURS....Why complicate things? Caylee was found 55 seconds way from her home. KC told Lee that her new PW (Timer55)WAS related to Caylee...Let none of us ever forget that KC is a STUPID LAZY girl. Therefore, a conspiracy theory, or complecated theory in general is probaly NOT true...Right? (JMHO)

I asked about the Timer55 link that I found and he said that it is a program that allows someone in a chat room to appear to be at the keyboard when they are not. This program types in something automatically at intervals.
link below

:eek:So it seems as if you are there typing away when in fact you could be anywhere doing anything.:shakehead:

Thank you for taking the time to help a techno challenged poster. I know you are busy and I do appreciate it.:bowdown:[/QUOTE]


I am going to repost this post here and on Lee's deposition because I believe it to be VERY important as to what that Timer55 means. I can't find it in the search to just post a link, but I had kept it because I consider it very valid. This falls in line with my theories on they had some type of online scam going.

12-15-2008, 10:50 AM
Alpha Leader
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 24

GOT IT! I think. Someone posted some source code a while back. It looks like Perl or JavaScript. Timer55 is some sort of goto label or function that is called when someone inputs something into an interactive webpage. There is also a Timer99. Connected to this code is something called a Leetbot. Leetbot is mentioned in several viruses. My guess this is an initial attempt at setting up a online phishing or identity theft operation.

Timer55 is a command or function in a script used in Internet Relay Chat (IRC). IRC is way to communicate on the internet, like instant messenger and the like. Apparently one can customize how a chat session behaves by downloading modifying a script that alters the behavior of the chat session. Several examples on the internet reference timer55 as a function or a command. At any rate, if one looks at this script and edits it, Timer55 is prominent. Also, several videos (narrated by kids even) show how to manipulate the script, so it is not beyond reason this it where it come from.
I have a question - and need my memory refreshed! Wasn't the password changed to "timer55" back in May? I thought that was confirmed in the computer forensic reports. If so - how can Casey - and Lee in his deposition - seriously expect us to believe that ZFG changed the password when she "took" Caylee in June? Clearly it was changed before this whole mess.
To me, you are one of the "respected" long-term posters here on this Caylee site. When you post vague s... I second guess my own opinions and YOURS....Why complicate things? Caylee was found 55 seconds way from her home. KC told Lee that her new PW (Timer55)WAS related to Caylee...Let none of us ever forget that KC is a STUPID LAZY girl. Therefore, a conspiracy theory, or complecated theory in general is probaly NOT true...Right? (JMHO)

I don't know yet. I am going to investigate this more before I discount it. I don't believe the timer55 was 55 seconds from the house, that one is not do able time wise. Now we have Lee trying to cover up something by claiming that zanny made the password timer55 not KC. That tells me there is much more to that than meets the eye.

I have always felt Lee & KC were into some type of online scam. I personally believe they were either involved with George in online gambling or identity theft. We KNOW KC was involved in identity theft because she was charged with it. I just don't know WHO else was involved in it yet.
I have a question - and need my memory refreshed! Wasn't the password changed to "timer55" back in May? I thought that was confirmed in the computer forensic reports. If so - how can Casey - and Lee in his deposition - seriously expect us to believe that ZFG changed the password when she "took" Caylee in June? Clearly it was changed before this whole mess.

You are correct..........There is some reason he is blaming that on zanny besides a kidnapping.

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