Timmy And Chelsea Croslin

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as they are a radio and TV station and the Haleigh story is not a big one or really one at all up here. I saw the Herald reporting the Cape Cod paper said it but they didn't and wonder if WBZ also got it from the Herald. I really wonder how many people in Abington MA would have ever even heard of Haleigh Cummings. I'm not saying whether there was a sighting reported or not-it just seems it could be from some faulty circular reporting that has no actual basis in fact.

It's certainly a possibility, and it wouldn't be the first time the media had spotty reporting.
I am sure her appearance,if this is her, has been changed. Maybe her hair colored, and cut short. IDK. Maybe T&C thought b/c of T being MC brother, and how they are looking at her right now, it would be a smarter move to call the police. IDK, i was just throwing it out there.

ETA What would happen to T&C legal, if they just snatched this child that looked like HC, and then turned out not to be. They have a family, and i don't think they would risk it. they would call the police.

My first reaction was to do that cos I assume even if she looked diff they would still know her & she them but a call to LE would be the appropriate & smart way to go..For sure! :)

The one thing I def can NOT see is just walking away..No way!
At the very beginning, there was a live interview - brief - of Chelsea. She stated someone had moved the van and she was pretty sure she knew who it was.

She never actually states who she is speaking of when she says that.
as they are a radio and TV station and the Haleigh story is not a big one or really one at all up here. I saw the Herald reporting the Cape Cod paper said it but they didn't and wonder if WBZ also got it from the Herald. I really wonder how many people in Abington MA would have ever even heard of Haleigh Cummings. I'm not saying whether there was a sighting reported or not-it just seems it could be from some faulty circular reporting that has no actual basis in fact.

bold by me

Seems to me the only way would be from Nancy or the net cos it has NOT been reported here hardly at all since that first day..Caylee was/is NOT either.
I hope so. It appears that LE is being smart now by using the knowledge gained in interviews with one family member to their advantage in interviewing the other family members. I think they got some new info from Misty's statements in the TM interviews which gave them a starting point.
Back to the red truck for a minute, Bluesky1, I guess the reason that Tommy didn't sign the title over to the new owner was because it was still in his mother's name. So she apparently never turned the title over to him. This makes it more incredible that he sold it after his father gave him $500 not to sell it (per Misty). It makes it seems like he was very anxious to get rid of it, either for $ or for some unknown reason.

Whoa, Hank gave 500 dollars for his son so that the son wouldn't sell Hank's wife's truck, but he did?

What a weird family. Why did LC saying, "Don't sell it, it's not yours, it's mine" not work?
Why would they NOT grab her & run? :confused:

...because if it was NOT her, then they would be kidnappers and calling LE and/or store security was their only option. IMO
bold by me

Seems to me the only way would be from Nancy or the net cos it has NOT been reported here hardly at all since that first day..Caylee was/is NOT either.

Well, Nancy could have given rise to a recent sighting. She's had Haleigh on a few times lately. Personally I wouldn't take a missing kid to Walmart within a few days from a television appearance but who knows.
Whoa, Hank gave 500 dollars for his son so that the son wouldn't sell Hank's wife's truck, but he did?

What a weird family. Why did LC saying, "Don't sell it, it's not yours, it's mine" not work?

Please, we need to remember that believing Misty's version of the story is very risky, because it is obvious she has quite a bit of trouble with the truth and remembering things accurately. For all we know, the truck could have been sold weeks before Haleigh was missing, and the red truck that supposedly was seen that night at the house might very well be the same one that is now parked at GGMS house. After all....she admits/claims that she was there that night, so why would it NOT be her truck that was seen?
Who saw a red truck there? Is there another source for the red truck besides Misty? Have LE been asking questions about it?
as they are a radio and TV station and the Haleigh story is not a big one or really one at all up here. I saw the Herald reporting the Cape Cod paper said it but they didn't and wonder if WBZ also got it from the Herald. I really wonder how many people in Abington MA would have ever even heard of Haleigh Cummings. I'm not saying whether there was a sighting reported or not-it just seems it could be from some faulty circular reporting that has no actual basis in fact.

LOL....reporting on CNN about the great white sharks off of Cape Cod.... and NOW they are talking about Haleigh. Busy weekend there!

Back on topic, though, I would assume there are as many people watching the news coverage of this story on CNN and the other cable channels in Abington as there are in any other location in the USA. I did check, however, just for fun and there actually IS a Walmart in Abington, so that part checks out. No idea whether the actual info is being mis-reported, though.
Who saw a red truck there? Is there another source for the red truck besides Misty? Have LE been asking questions about it?

Good question, I have not seen or heard a LE confirmation of this....and where is the rumor coming from that Tim located the truck and LE is looking it over? I've been gone a bunch for the last several days, so I am sure I missed the link to that along the way somewhere.
My first reaction was to do that cos I assume even if she looked diff they would still know her & she them but a call to LE would be the appropriate & smart way to go..For sure! :)

The one thing I def can NOT see is just walking away..No way!

bbm, I agree
Good question, I have not seen or heard a LE confirmation of this....and where is the rumor coming from that Tim located the truck and LE is looking it over? I've been gone a bunch for the last several days, so I am sure I missed the link to that along the way somewhere.


Scroll to where it says The Truth about the Truck
IDGI? I read all the comments and I didn't see anything particularly bad
about T & C.
There is only ONE person commenting who claims they know them, and that person said Chelsea thinks Misty was involved.

Yup, that is the one that I was referring to. I guess it depends on what you consider to be particularly bad..in my opinion if the person that posted that information has any accurate way to prove that what they say is true(how would we ever know though) the statement that Chelsea thinks Misty is involved in Haleigh's disappearance might be consider by some(yours truly) to be a problem. Think about it...the sister of the last person to see Haleigh thinks Misty may be involved? I can't think of anyway that would be considered good.:confused:
At the very beginning, there was a live interview - brief - of Chelsea. She stated someone had moved the van and she was pretty sure she knew who it was.

She never actually states who she is speaking of when she says that.

Noon Video Report update September 7, 2009: GGM Sykes speaks to action news and said that LE was there to talk to T.Croslin. http://www.actionnewsjax.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoid=30233@video.fox30online.com&navCatId=5

Here is an older article that Lisa speaks out about the van and her nephew?

Snip" Reported by: Matt Saffer 3/04 10:10 pm

SATSUMA, Fla. -- Last person to see her is speaking out about who they believe may have something to do with Haleigh’s disappearance.

“If my family there’s watching it I don’t care…I think that he needs to be brought here and questioned and interrogated by cops he don’t know,” said Lisa Croslin.

Croslin is talking about her nephew. The 19-year-old was in town a few weeks before Haleigh’s disappearance. She says before Haleigh was taken, her nephew got in a fight with Haleigh’s father, Ronald.

“What happened is he had stolen Ronald’s gun…and one morning on the porch he said Ronald would get what’s coming to him…then it was dropped, and he left," said Lisa Croslin.

Croslin says her nephew left the day Haleigh was abducted. She also tells us a light blue van her nephew might have drove was confiscated and analyzed by police. Croslin’s husband Hank says a mysterious gash appeared on the side of the van the night Haleigh disappeared.
This was the old link for the article but for some reason it does not work.


Scroll to where it says The Truth about the Truck

Well....that just tells the story doesn't it.....he explains how they located the truck, but then reiterates several times right after that how they have proved repeatedly that Misty is a liar. So it does seem that he and Tim do not believe the truck actually has anything to do with Haleigh, but want to make sure. I think that is great....just one more step on the ladder completed to proving what really happened and that no matter how many times Tim and/or LE are misdirected, it all comes back to the same two people lying when the facts are checked.
Flossie, I just watched the video above that you posted.....thank you! So, is that Chelsea in the video? If you ask me she does not appear to be a guilty party. She appears to be very forthcoming and I am left with a lingering question. Is this the sister in law that I saw Misty with in all the video's of her going back and forth to the police station with, in the early stages of the case, when they were calling Misty in almost daily to ask more questions?

This all seems a little weird to me....can't put my finger on it just yet. Maybe it is that thing Teh calls hink?
So now we have someone else talking about the fight over the gun.....Someone saying that Joe is the one who drove the van that night....cops took the van.....gosh and golly. If all this is a separate thing from the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings we have one very significant coincidence.
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