Tips to be released shortly

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DNA Solves
So these are the leads JB and CA wanted so badly? OMG, what an absolute nightmare this is going to become. Imagine, Cindy on one of her med-highs, dialing these poor people looking for more information as part of her own investigative follow up? :yuck:
Caller says casey is a cold blooded murderer. Caller says Casey wanted her new boyfriend to pay child support and he didn't want to become an instant father and pay support so Casey killed Caylee. Caller said in Casey's sick and twisted mind she decided to kill Caylee to send her to the other side to be with her father who died in a car crash. LE needs to send cadaver dogs to the cemetary where the bio dad is buried and there they will find Caylee.

Seriously folks? A cadaver dog in a cemetary? That dog would be one happy pooch! Treats all around! :rolleyes:

I've been chuckling through a good bit of this thread, but this cracked me up. Definitely a four-wolf howl on the howlometer. :wolf2::wolf2::wolf2::wolf2:

Chuckling aside, though, I was touched by how many of the people who wrote about their visions said they were compelled to write or call and, you know, they were probably feeling a bit silly but really wanted to do whatever they could to help Caylee. Bless their hearts.
I have read just a few of the tips. I will again say how surprised I am at the huge number of people willing to call LE and share their dreams/visions/theory. I don't feel the callers are being deceptive. I wish KC was as willing to be honest with LE.

With that said, I must admit I have dreams, too. Really unusual ones where I get up and talk and try to help whoever needs help, stop whoever needs to be stopped etc. And usually never wake up. It scares the begeezus out of my dear husband and he is awake for the rest of the night.:mad:

I have found the tips funny- not so much hahahahaha funny- but hhhmmmm funny. Now I know what I sound like when I am describing my dreams to my husband.:crazy: :crazy::crazy:
Was Cindy serious when she said that LE was not investigating these tips? What a joke! That would've been a HUGE WASTE of their time.
Look, I believe in psychics. My mom is psychic and very gifted, she gets what is given to her an nothing more though. These people are all over the place.

Where the bears are

In there glass of water

Where the German Shepard pees

with tropical birds and large hamster cages

under a statue with a blue stone

COME ON! I'm not drinking this koolaid, it's apparently a hallucinogen :eek:
hmmm.....caller says she does not know if her tip will help or not......:waitasec:

You'd think she'd know that, being psychic and all.
I wonder why not one of these psychics saw what was about to happen to Caylee in time to prevent it.

Agreed! What kind of clairvoyants are these people? Third rate?

As long as nobody called in to say they saw Caylee's image on thier toast or waffle, I'll refrain from poking at any tipster directly. I'll let Cindy take care of giving some of these tipsters the third degree.

I wonder if Baez will send some of the "leads" over to Casey to sort through.
OH MAN! I was just about to open part 8 and the links don't work anymore! :eek:

Anyone that can hook me up? Please?!
Was Cindy serious when she said that LE was not investigating these tips? What a joke! That would've been a HUGE WASTE of their time.

I say hand 'em all over to her and let her track them down and see what she comes up with. What else has she got to do with her time now (besides going on tv interviews)?
This thread is really long so forgive me if I repeat something. where are all the tips that CA and GA received?
Agreed! What kind of clairvoyants are these people? Third rate?
As long as nobody called in to say they saw Caylee's image on thier toast or waffle, I'll refrain from poking at any tipster directly. I'll let Cindy take care of gicving some of these tipsters the third degree.

I wonder if Baez will send some of the "leads" over to Casey to sort through.

Don't you think if they were real they'd have all won the lottery, multiple times, by now?
I am sorry, I do "see" things. Never asked for, just receive. I fight it, I DO NOT want to know. I always tell it to go away now. Some of these people are really out in left field. If can not help, they need to shut up.
Agreed! What kind of clairvoyants are these people? Third rate?

As long as nobody called in to say they saw Caylee's image on thier toast or waffle, I'll refrain from poking at any tipster directly. I'll let Cindy take care of gicving some of these tipsters the third degree.
I wonder if Baez will send some of the "leads" over to Casey to sort through.

What about the tipster who saw where she was in her glass of water?? :crazy:
There wouldnt be a tipline to call if KC would come clean.

If this case didn't exist, then it would be some other case these dreamers/"psychics" would be wasting LE's time on (that is, if they aren't already calling in their "tips" on other cases, as well.)

Caylee has been missing 4 months, and here we sit with pages on top of pages of nonsense tips: I can't even begin to fathom how many of these types ("visions" and dreams) of time-wasting calls that LE has to, and probably still is, wading through on well older cases like Stacy Peterson and the McCann girl. It has to be an insane amount...
These predictions make me think of my favorite movie scene. Now find this guy and maybe we can get really good tip! :

A small, distant form is moving slowly up the track toward them. As it draws closer it resolves into a human-propelled flatcar. An ancient black man rhythmically pumps its long seesaw handle. The three convicts look out at the swampland which begins to show movement, the bowing grass trampled by men and dogs. The flatcar draws even and slows.

Mind if we join you, ol' timer?

Join me, my sons.

The three men clamber aboard and the old man resumes pumping. The three men exchange glances; Delmar waves a clanking hand before the old man's milky eyes. No reaction.

You work for the railroad, grandpa?

I work for no man.

Got a name, do ya?

I have no name.

Well, that right there may be why
you've had difficulty finding gainful
employment. Ya see, in the mart of
competitive commerce, the-

You seek a great fortune, you three
who are now in chains...

The men fall silent.

And you will find a fortune - though
it will not be the fortune you seek...

The three convicts, faces upturned, listen raptly to the
blind prophet.

...But first, first you must travel
a long and difficult road - a road
fraught with peril, uh-huh, and
pregnant with adventure. You shall
see things wonderful to tell. You
shall see a cow on the roof of a
cottonhouse, uh-huh, and oh, so many

The cloudy eyes of the old man stare sightlessly down the
track as the seesaw handle rises and falls through frame.

..I cannot say how long this road
shall be. But fear not the obstacles
in your path, for Fate has vouchsafed
your reward. And though the road
may wind, and yea, your hearts grow
weary, still shall ye foller the
way, even unto your salvation.

"Casey embalmed the body using Chloroform...."

How is it that a girl with so many talents was still single at the age of 22?
I have my tin hat on and I await the transmission..

ooooooommmm. ooooooommm. Nothing, I'll keep trying.

LOL........Blink ~~

There is one which is interesting : The one dated Sept 19th by Christina P. - It shows a drawing of a road and 50' off the road with a big tree, which looks very much like the place the witnesses have said to have seen KC.

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