Tips to be released shortly

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Thus far, my favourite it the 2' white picket fence, with a statue with a blue ball on it. She is under the statue.

Garden gazing balls and dog pee and time-wasters - OH MY!

Poor LE. There is so much paperwork for each of these calls, much less time spent following up. This is just nuts.
"Tip" or WS'er theory? lol :crazy:

"Tipster advised Casey wanted to go out dancing, did not have a babysitter and put Caylee in the trunk of the vehicle. Tipster advised Casey got drunk and drugged up from partying and forgot Caylee was in the trunk of the vehicle until the next morning. Tipster advised when Casey woke up she found Caylee dead- that is why the vehicle smelled like a dead body was in it."
Some of my favorites so far:

2nd set:

"Casey has demons in her"

3rd set:

"Planes,trains + automobiles..."

"drug dealer looks like Snoop Dogg"

only 2 stood out to me so far

1st set p 90 Jennifer Crew---did we know about the white trash bag the first week of August?

2nd set p 48 Renee Francis--don't remember why
Agreed. I am unsure whether I have the mental fortitude to continue reading this dreck but I would love to see that myself.

I think I know the answer to this, but the tips that have been received by Cindy are in no way admissable by the defense, as they would be considered hearsay, correct? Even so, I would love to see/hear the doozies that will be coming in to the Anthony's tip line.
I do believe that some these tipsters have made multiple calls to multiple people. No wonder the family couldn't go out looking for little Caylee. They were too busy manning the phones.
Tip 3192. Woman reporting that a friend of a friend is a psychic. She wants to get the ball rolling for her friend since her friend has 8 year old twins she has to put to bed etc. She does not have the last name of her friend's psychic friend.
Oh crap. Everyone with a German Sheppard is now going to get the crook eye from the crazies.
Oh jesus! There is a german sheppard that lives in my thinks I should do a little snoopin' around...!! She COULD have been transported here to SF by ZFG......great tip!
could you imagine being in the call center taking these calls. i hope they have a mute button. i would be ROFLMAO!!

My favorite is the updated vision:
Casey killed Caylee's father.
Wish the caller would've said who the father was! hehe
Are any of the tips from Kimmie Rose Zapf - the physic from Detroit that had a message from Caylee to the family. IIRC - she said she revealed details about what actually happened to the police and FBI.
This is EXACTLY why Cindy is full of garbage - and I believe LE - LE stated that tips stopped flowing in around August 15th (I'm pretty sure thats the date) but Cindy keeps telling everyone that tips just keep flooding in - and this is the stuff they get - I can totally understand that they have hope, heck I have hope that Caylee could be alive - but lets all put all this together and there really can't be too much denial here

PLUS my guess is that a majority of these 'tips' are the same people that call into all those tip lines all over the country for every other missing person, murdered person, etc. - to get their claim to fame - I would love to know if there are some chronic tipsters for all the cases on here
I'm gonna hazzard a guess that any tip that began " I had a vision and caylee spoke to me..." was given pretty much the exact level of thorough investigating that it deserved.

Well I do see one positive in these tips for the defense. It would seem that many of the tipsters actually make the Anthony family look sane and normal by comparison. And that takes alot to do.
Your are ABSOLUTELY right. Not even Cindy could make up this stuff...could she?
Tip # 2805...

"I asked my Ouija board what happened to Caylee and it said that she was dead and her mother knows it. It's awful for me to tell you this. I'm sorry"

I knew the Ouija board would come into play somewhere in here.


Hey! We know it too and didn't even have to break out the board! :crazy:
I noticed some tips missing possibly. Like 1542 jumps to 1544. 1124 to 1149 to 1201.

Anyone else notice? I wonder if they with held all the Cindy tips?
Love this one;

"Hi I am sure you are fed up with psychics etc contacting you over this case."

Well aint that the truth. At least one "psychic" offered some accurate insight.

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