Tipster saw TH truck 6/4 AM near SI

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Gosh after almost a would he be sure it was precisely June 4th that this happened?! Although...I guess if he was doing something out of his ordinary routine (on his way to an appointment or meeting or something) he could look back and pin-point the exact day.

Either way, I think it warrants being checked out. And, not AFTER 6 months of sorting thru over 2000 tips. This seems to be the most verifiable.
I wonder if there was any searching done in that area, If not I hope they get out there ASAP!
From what I got listening to him, he initially "knew" about Kyron, but wasn't necessarily following all the details closely, then a couple of weeks ago something triggered his memory, he indicates as he was seeing more info on the news about the whole thing, he then realized he believes the red haired woman he saw was TH. He says he was traveling south on Hwy 30, and saw ther truck coming off Logie Trail Rd approximately 0915-0945, he watched the truck because he thought it was a friend who has one exactly like that m odel, he then pulled closer, looked over, and saw who he now feels was TH.

I have problems with the fact that he didn't remember this immediately when he first knew about Kyron, that his memory had to be triggered by something weeks later. After all that time, I would think it would be almost impossible that he could pin the date down so definitively.

I am impressed that he has called more than once. That seems to indicate that he is convinced about what he saw and when.

I saw the koin segment, and this guy says he called the tip line twice and no one returned his call....wth????

This could be the proof LE needs and they don't call him

I can think of a couple of reasons LE hasn't called him back. First, I believe LE knows exactly where Terri was between 9:15 and 9:45 that morning. (At least I hope they do.) If his tip contridicts the information that LE has been able to gather about Terri's activities that morning, then maybe they don't think it is worth a call back.

Also, and I pray this is NOT the case, when Derrick Todd Lee was running around Louisiana murdering women, a couple of tips were called in identifying him..........there were so many tips that those were simply lost in the shuffle. If there are many, many tips being called in about Kyron, maybe it is just taking some time for LE to get back to this man.
Either way, I think it warrants being checked out.

Oh yes I totally agree!!! I'm praying this is finally the break in the case that they need. Kyron needs to be FOUND and brought home, whether he is alive or deceased at this point. Although I've never lost a child or gone thru anything even remotely like what his poor family is going thru, I can only imagine that the constant NOT-knowing where your baby is or what happened to him/her, would be the absolute worst of all :-(
I have problems with the fact that he didn't remember this immediately when he first knew about Kyron, that his memory had to be triggered by something weeks later. After all that time, I would think it would be almost impossible that he could pin the date down so definitively.

I am impressed that he has called more than once. That seems to indicate that he is convinced about what he saw and when.

I can think of a couple of reasons LE hasn't called him back. First, I believe LE knows exactly where Terri was between 9:15 and 9:45 that morning. (At least I hope they do.) If his tip contridicts the information that LE has been able to gather about Terri's activities that morning, then maybe they don't think it is worth a call back.

Also, and I pray this is NOT the case, when Derrick Todd Lee was running around Louisiana murdering women, a couple of tips were called in identifying him..........there were so many tips that those were simply lost in the shuffle. If there are many, many tips being called in about Kyron, maybe it is just taking some time for LE to get back to this man.


I find that a bit disturbing. If this is a credible sighting and they are ignoring it because it doesn't fit into the scenario they've built in this case, then maybe they have developed tunnel vision.
Something struck me, though. The timeline...I need some clarity on it and perhaps you awesome sleuths can help.
TH was (allegedly) spotted by Chas along this route, he says between 09h15 and 09h45 on June 4th. But we know that she posted the Science Fair pics on FB at approx 09h00 (is that right??)
So, easy to leave the school at, say, 08h45 and then drive home, put the pics up, and be at Logie Trail by (round it off) 09h30. BUT - where was Kyron all that time? Where was Kyron in between 08h45 and 09h15?

After the revelations about TH, I can't assume to put anything past her. I just wonder what the heck she did with Kyron in between these times. I think I'll go and see if I can find a screenshot of her FB account somewhere to ascertain what time she posted the pics on FB.

Could she have taken the photo on her cellphone and posted immediately to fb using an iphone or a Droid for example?
She wouldn't have to go home then.
GrainneDhu, I had a question about a post you made on another thread, but it was locked up. Hope you see it here.

GrainneDhu said:
human said:
if he was dead in the truck, at least there would be some evidence of that. So I don't think that's possible.
Keep in mind that it takes two to four hours after death for a body to develop cadaver scent. So if he was dead in the truck and she disposed of his body in the first two hours, there would be no scent for cadaver dogs to hit on.

Since joining here, I've found out more about what affects the rate of human decomposition than I ever really wanted to know. One thing I do remember is that the bodies of small children decompose much faster than adults. Is the time frame you quote for both children and adults, with that for children falling closer to the 2 hour mark? Or is that for adults only, meaning that a child would develop the scent sooner?

I find that a bit disturbing. If this is a credible sighting and they are ignoring it because it doesn't fit into the scenario they've built in this case, then maybe they have developed tunnel vision.

That's what I'm afraid of. This being a small town Sheriffs dept. with a limited budget and resources, I'm afraid they won't have the sufficent manhours to follow up on all the tips coming in. I'm hoping they find Kyron soon, before this turns into another "cold case."

I find that a bit disturbing. If this is a credible sighting and they are ignoring it because it doesn't fit into the scenario they've built in this case, then maybe they have developed tunnel vision.

Oh, I agree.
Here's my google map. I have added a new pinpoint for the tip sighting so you can see the relationship to the house, school and bridge.,-122.796936&spn=0.256067,0.508804&z=11

Thanks for that map, its great, puts a real good perspective on where everything is, boy I hope this is it cos it looks like a real logical location for her to go, no wonder she wasn't nervous w/ searchers all over SI!!! Maybe shes nervous now!

Come on back LE SAR teams!!!! Give this road and the reservoir a good searching!!! I have a good feeling about this area!!!!
Hmmm, maybe they do know where she was from 9:15 to 9:45.

"Sources also told KGW Saturday that investigators have been creating a detailed timeline of what Terri did the day her stepson disappeared.

While Terri Horman has said she was in certain locations, investigators have placed her elsewhere using bank card records and cell phone pings, according to sources.

Investigators know that she left Skyline Elementary School around 9 a.m. on the day her stepson disappeared and returned home about 1 p.m. But they are trying to fill gaps that opened up from what she told them."
Thanks, Bessie. I'm sure I recall that she hadn't uploaded them via her cell (it shows under the pic when posted). I am open to correction, though!!

I just think it would be interesting to understand the timing here - as, if this sighting turns out to be the bombshell that we hope it is, then a timeline will help in discerning what actually happened to Kyron.

I have uploaded photos directly from my cell and it didn't mention what type of phone I sent it from. So, maybe fb has a glitch?
Could she have taken the photo on her cellphone and posted immediately to fb using an iphone or a Droid for example?
She wouldn't have to go home then.

When you take a picture and upload it from a cellphone to fb. It usually tells you that it's an upload from such.
Could she have taken the photo on her cellphone and posted immediately to fb using an iphone or a Droid for example?
She wouldn't have to go home then.

We had managed to ascertain this previously (before FB was locked up) -
that TH had played Family Feud at 8:01am PST (ie, before taking Kyron to school) and then had uploaded the pics at 1:21pm PST (which is in keeping with reports of her being home by 1pm and Kaine saying she was "already on the laptop" when he got home at about 2pm). I believe that FB will actually note if a pic has been uploaded via a cellphone - and it didn't seem that she had done so.

I kinda left this point hanging after realising that any FB talk may be off limits.
This might be a stupid question, but is there anything there( Logie RD) that might be viewed as a cool electric thing?? It might be a clue if there is. :waitasec:
Hmmm, maybe they do know where she was from 9:15 to 9:45.

"Sources also told KGW Saturday that investigators have been creating a detailed timeline of what Terri did the day her stepson disappeared.

While Terri Horman has said she was in certain locations, investigators have placed her elsewhere using bank card records and cell phone pings, according to sources.

Investigators know that she left Skyline Elementary School around 9 a.m. on the day her stepson disappeared and returned home about 1 p.m. But they are trying to fill gaps that opened up from what she told them."

If investigators know that she left school around 9 am, how can this tip be credible.... And to be honest, coming south, towards her home, doesn't make sense to me either.
There ARE people, even local people, that are not into this case 24/7 like we are so I really believe its possible someone vaguely knew about the case and suddenly their memory was jogged...I BELIEVE!!!! Also, wasn't the truck TH and KH had a king cab (with a back seat? Maybe if Kyron wasn't seen it was cos he was in the backseat...if it wasn't a king cab maybe he wasn't seen cos hes only 7, my 7 yo grandson might not necessairly be visible sitting in the front seat, and also, you know when you pass someone and get a "glimpse" of the driver, maybe all this guy really saw was the red hair, not enough time when passing by to spot hair, a face, a kid or not, etc.
This is the best "tip" we have had in a long time, IMO. I hope they vet this guy (check to see if he really has a friend w/ a white truck, etc like another poster mentioned) I don't want to be so jaded that I believe every late tipster is someone who is inserting themselves into the case. This may be the one tipster we have been waiting for. At the same time I will say I am "cautiously optomistic". And I am also lighting my candle for Kyron again this morning and will burn it till I have to leave the house around 11am.
I have uploaded photos directly from my cell and it didn't mention what type of phone I sent it from. So, maybe fb has a glitch?

I have only seen, blackberry, andriod and droid uploads.... oh and iphone....

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