Tipster saw TH truck 6/4 AM near SI

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He already tried contacting LE and for whatever reason, they haven't contacted him yet.

So perhaps he went to the media to purposely get LE's attention? Sure, KOIN could have contacted LE, but that's still NOT a guarantee that LE would give it immediate attention.

Maybe going through the media was a good idea. Maybe now, this tipster's info will be put on top of the pile. :waitasec:
Thanks, coco. Looks like I had the time wrong. According to nurseratchett, it was between 9:15 and 9:45.

Since it took so long for the tipster to 'remember', even though he knew about Kyron from the beginning, and even though he watched the truck and pulled closer to look at the driver, I'm not sure how reliable he is.

If his memory is accurate though, his info seems to me to be more exculpatory than inculpatory - Terri was apparently not disguising herself, not trying to hide, she was alone in the truck (Kyron wasn't in the truck), and it would have been right after she left the school. Sounds like she may now have a defense witness.

Along the same lines, the defense could claim this news report was released and the "real perp" knew exactly where to hide a body to frame Terri.
From what I gather, Rainbow Lake is a Reservoir and not a lake. And, if you didn't know it was back there, you wouldn't be able to find it. So, IMO I am HOPING LE searched this.

Since the Horman house is very close to this reservoir, wouldn't Terri know about it?

I'm hoping it was searched too. I'm hoping we hear that it searched again in the next day or so.
I guess I am missing something here, the map shows this location to be NOT on SI, but on a paved road, near her own home on a day and time when she has said she was out running errands. Why would it be unusual or suspicious to be on a road near your own home? When running errands, most people go from store to store, to banks, to coffee shops, to drop off dry cleaning, stop by a friends house, etc. There is no "direct route" from one place to another. If this person called in the tip 10 days to 2 weeks ago, it was still about a month after the fact. You make a good point, that it proves she was making no effort to avoid being seen at all, which would fit with just running errands and going to the gym. BTW, could the great map maker posters maybe add the gym to the map? TIA is someone could do that!


There is nothing out in that area (route from store to store, businesses etc..) so the only thing I would imagine is that she was visiting somebody or someplace if this indeed was her on that day.
I wonder why KOIN didn't ensure that the "tipster's" information get to LE rather than broadcasting? I mean, I know it's their thing to break stories and stuff, but, since the man has stated that he called the tipline twice to no avail, perhaps KOIN could have used their LE connections to get tip HEARD by LE, if they themselves felt it was so important.

Or, the flipside could be that LE may be more likely to dismiss a tip if someone goes to the media about - perhaps thinking they are looking for attention, rather than reporting something valid.

I am in no way tying this to LE in Kyron's case - I'm sure they are investigating every tip they receive, they simply have a lot to weed through. Someone taking it to the media may simply color their perception, but I do believe they will investigate it with due diligence.
Since the Horman house is very close to this reservoir, wouldn't Terri know about it?

I'm hoping it was searched too. I'm hoping we hear that it searched again in the next day or so.

Since Kyron was into frog's, I'm sure TH knew all the areas of water around their home. This one is said to be out of the way, so hopefully LE would have. However, never assume.
DairyGirl, Interesting that T. was seen in this area between 9:15-9:45 am, possibly alone in the truck.
If T and K were at school that morning, this makes for a very tight time frame for K.'s disappearance...immediate comes to mind.

I read T. got home at 1:00 that day.

Have you heard IF there is a cell phone tower on Sauvie Island?

Is there a list of phone towers in your area, so someone can check?


I was on Hwy 30 yesterday and I don't know what possessed me but along with taking a picture of Hwy 30 & Logie Trail Rd, I also took one of the cell phone tower that is NOT on Sauvie's but obviously very close (it's on the S.I. side of Hwy 30)

It is located between the intersections on Hwy 30 and Logie Trail Rd & Cornelius Pass Rd.

I do not know who's cell tower it is, but I do know it is a cell tower.

bigger photo at Related - Random/

I'm seeing this tip in a whole different way... :) I still don't feel she harmed him...

It makes me believe even more that she handed him off some where along that road and could be in canada.. Maybe the LS guy is illegally (sp) here from Canada and knows of someone who could get him across the border... They could have went north on that highway and so on.... May sound silly....but it's possible... :) :)

It makes more sense than thinking he was smuggled into Mexico, insofar as an Anglo would be a bit easier to hide in Canada, and the fact that it is closer, geographically.

However, at least at the Windsor/Detroit crossing, it is kind of a bugger to cross with a minor. My son is actually my biological son and they treated me like I was running a kiddie ring. Or maybe I just look shifty, I don't know.

Though, the case is fairly well publicized up here, so it wouldn't be all that safe to hide in Canada. MOO.
There is nothing out in that area (route from store to store, businesses etc..) so the only thing I would imagine is that she was visiting somebody or someplace if this indeed was her on that day.

Well, even if we knew which friends she might have visited, it would obviously be inappropriate to post any info here about where they might live, anyway.
It is also a good possibility that LE could easily eliminate this tip because they already have an exact confirmation of where she was at this exact time period. When going through tips, that is how they are able to sort through what is credible and what is not which saves them from wasting resources on irrelevant information. Gyms usually scan a membership card that records time, bank and store receipts record exact times, not to mention that the phone pings could place her somewhere else at that time.
Surely, she wouldn't be stupid enough to purchase something incriminating on her bank card???:waitasec:

IF she had this as planned out as everyone thinks she did surely not, but if it was something done in anger who knows.....
Actually, no. After the news about the divorce and RO there was a lot of news about this. It exploded and I could see that getting his attention. As far as LE not contacting him, I've been hearing that for a while that with 2700+ tips, many of them nutcases like psychics (sorry MO) they are taking forever to get back to people who have left tips. Many people have never heard back. Can you imagine the manpower needed? Did you take a look at the tips in the CA case? You can get a sense of what they are dealing with. LE even tells people to call 911 with a sighting, don't call the tipline because it is so backed up. They should have people screening them out and prioritizing them but that doesn't look like it's been done. They said they would follow up on all tips. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

This will seem OT at first but I am posting it to make a point, for those who are skeptical, etc...

There's a really good movie which is based on a true story that was made a long while back about a kid who went missing from his bus stop and an old car was seen by other kids waiting at the bus stop. It was in a big city. The kid was missing for a long long time and the cop had lots of peeps calling in tips, none of which panned out. One woman called from another (neighboring) state regularly saying the kid was "next door to her, she sees him out in the yard sometimes," then she would say "why just yesterday I saw him, I was having tea with Jesus...".she was continually dismissed as a crackpot and her many call ins were ignored and never checked out. After a year the detective working on the case decided one day when he had his own young son in the car on a Saturday to "take a little trip" and he drove out to where this "crackpot" woman said she lived. (I think the case was in NYC and he drove to New Jersey, IIRC) He had little hope but thought he would just "check it out". He gets to the woman's house, ...lo and behold parked next door is a car that matches the description of the one that supposedly was around the bus stop. He tells his son to wait in the car, goes and talks to the "crackpot woman" first, she is a nut but has moments of lucidity,(says "its about time, I TOLD you he was next door..._) The cop ends up going next door and knocking on the door and lo and behold, the missing boy answers the door.Looking different, haircut is different, etc. He asks the kid if his name is so and so, (the kidnappers had changed his name, called him something else) and about that time a kinda crippled woman shows up behind the kid at the door, the cop reaches in and takes the boy by the arm and kind of pulls him out onto the porch with him....the crippled woman had her halfway retarded son steal the little boy as someone to help her out around the house...the cop calls the local cops, puts the kid in his car with his own boy, got a police escort from where he was to the state line, lights flashing, its very dramatic, and then he was met at state line of the state this boy lives in by a police escort from that state, by this time you are bawling your eyes out, I don't care who you are!!!

Cut to a scene of the mom, its been over a year since her son went missing, she has refused to give up hope but totally does not expect this. She has left her apartment to go to the store, walking (as like I said she lived in a big city, perhaps NYC, don';t remember... )has their dog (her little boys dog) with her, ties the dog up outside a store and goes in, comes out w/ a bag of groceries, has dog on leash, walking back to her apartment. The sound of many sirens are heard, first far away then getting closer. Coming closer, the dog gets a little nuts and breaks free from her grasp on the leash, dog starts running toward the line of cops cars coming towards them, sirens going....cop cars are flying down the street towards her now w/ the cop in his car with the 2 boys in his car as the lead car, he stops, the mom drops her grocery bag in the street, an incredulous look on her face... and suddenly her son gets out of the car, dog running wildly to him, the mother runs to him, they fall into each others sure some of it was changed for dramatic effect but I tell you everytime I see that movie I get chills and bawl my eyes out. I believe its called "Still Missing". Its a movie that will teach you to not give up hope, that miracles can happen, that even crackpot calls should be checked out. If you have never seen it and ever get a chance, I highly recommend it. Everyone who posts here would love it as its a story "right up our alley" and based on a true story. I think Brian Dennehey is the cop who won't let the case go. I was thinking of this movie when I got up this morning and read about this new lead. Don't give up hope. This could be the one off-the-wall lead that's the answer.
If its not, I suspect a big depressive let down. But I am still keeping the hope alive. Not saying I expect Kyron to be found alive, but hoping he is found anyway.

I just read through all of this thread and I am doubtful...but that's just me. I also think it is possible the LE has bank card transactions elsewhere during this time frame, if they have seen this tip and did not feel it to be credible, as they may know she was elsewhere.

I wonder where he works that a half hour timeframe of when he would have been driving past a particular street would occur, I mean most people would be able to nail to down within 5-10 minutes if it was on the way to work as it would be same time every day.

And LE did say long ago that they would/might not be calling tipsters back but that did not mean they would not be checking out the tips.
Just google earthed the route from Skyline Blvd to Logie Trail rd, to Hwy. Most Direct Route (avoiding Logie Trail Rd, travelling back towards Horman Home and onto Hwy) about 5 miles - 9 minutes

Going the back way along Skyline Blvd, Right into Logie Trail Rd out to Hwy, 6.7 miles (about 13 minutes)

9:45am -13 = 9:30am or thereabouts. 30 minutes doing what? Where?
What is incriminating is if these tips and cell phone pings directly contradict the story she gave immediately after Kyron went missing.

I don't know what I did a month ago...but I can tell you in detail what I did yesterday. She must have given a statement immediately. It seems then...that later other evidence contradicted that statement.
Why would she lie if she has nothing to hide?

I still have a feeling this was a rage event. I think they went to some area , perhaps to get more tree frogs and something set her off and she left to punish him a little. Remember this child had a fear of being lost, his parents told us.

Perhaps she doubled back to get him and couldn't find him herself. She may have driven all over the place looking.

I think it will turn out to be something as simple as that.
So this guy was going south on Hwy 30, and the truck pulled out on a road north of Logie Trail, right? I'm terrible with maps and directions, but it looks like the only road that fits that would be NW Morgan Road or NW King Road? (Please don't laugh if I'm way off - I can't find my way to the corner store using a map. :) )

ETA: “I was on my way to work, driving down Highway 30,” said “Chas.”

It was Friday, June 4th, sometime between 9:15 and 9:45 in the morning. “Chas” was heading south on Highway 30, on his way to work when a white truck pulled out onto the road.

"It came out of one of these side streets, I am not exactly positive which one, but I am pretty much sure that it was north of Logie Trail road.”

ETA again: link to map I'm looking at:,-122.864785&spn=0.015925,0.042272&t=h&z=15

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