Titanic tourist sub goes missing in Atlantic Ocean, June 2023 #2

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Quote from this article:

“Officials said the field had been found by Odysseus 6k, a remote operated vehicle (ROV) deployed by the Canadian vessel, the Horizon Arctic, that can dive 20,000ft underwater.”

…but I can’t quite figure out who the “officials” are in that context.
Homepage from a company that provided ROV's

PRS want to express our full gratitude for the incredible, coordinated rescue response of everyone involved in this search and rescue mission. Our focus right now is on the families of those on the Titan and for their tragic loss.

That’s it then. All gone.
I am not a scientist and a lot of what's being discussed is over my head, but I keep wondering what kind of reaction from the possible implosion would have happened on the surface? The mother ship was receiving pings every 15 minutes. Assuming these stopped due to an implosion, not necessarily a drifting off course, wouldn't the mother ship have noticed... *something*?

My understanding is they had a very simple acoustic-based communication system... It was compared to two cups and a string in one interview. A ping may not have come through when expected, but wouldn't the implosion itself have caused enough strong vibrations that it would've been obvious something unexpected had happened?
I could be wrong, but I think the ocean is massive and the sub was very far under the ship. I am not a scientist, but was probably akin to someone popping a single blister of bubble wrap... a few houses away. While everyone in the houses is playing white noise on their televisions at high volume.

It’s a very conflicting feeling, relief and sadness at the same time. Sad that these 5 people have lost their lives so suddenly and especially the 19 year old being such a young age. But also relief that they haven’t suffered like experts have suggested over the last few days, they haven’t slowly suffocated, they haven’t been thirsty, hungry, terrified, wondering if anyone will find them in time, stuck in the dark depths of the ocean with hope fading.

An implosion will have been instant, I doubt their brains had time to even register what was happening. I hope their families can eventually take comfort in knowing that their last hours were spent excited for their adventure, glad for the opportunity to take the rare voyage into the ocean, probably listening to stories about the titanic from PH Nargeolet, chatting and happy.

It would have been quicker than taking a breath, quicker than saying a word, quick enough to not feel any fear or pain, and for the father and son they were together spending a special day and looking forward to seeing a sight many would never see. I don’t think any of them will have known that they wouldn’t make it back up again. Of course the best case scenario would have been finding them alive but as the days have gone on the best case scenario is actually what appears to have happened IMO.

I’m also angry that oceangate ever existed, because safety seems to have been completely overlooked. I’m not sure if atleast some of the crew weren’t aware of the cut corners, and exactly how dangerous this experience really was.
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Quote from this article:

“Officials said the field had been found by Odysseus 6k, a remote operated vehicle (ROV) deployed by the Canadian vessel, the Horizon Arctic, that can dive 20,000ft underwater.”

…but I can’t quite figure out who the “officials” are in that context.

A Pelagic Research Services team aboard the Horizon Artic rescue ship deployed its Odysseus 6K, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that can reach depths of up to 19,000 feet.

In a statement, the company said, “The Horizon Arctic deployed it primary asset, the Pelagic Research Services Odysseus 6K, early Thursday morning and has been scanning the seafloor in the rescue area continuously.”

Edward Cassano, CEO of PRS, is the overall incident commander for Horizon Arctic assets for the search and rescue effort.

Later on Thursday, the United States Coast Guard announced that an ROV had discovered a debris field at the bottom of the ocean near the Titanic wreck site. It wasn’t immediately clear if the ROV deployed by Pelagic Research Services made that discovery.

In an early afternoon post on the Pelagic Research Services’ website, the company wrote, “PRS want to express our full gratitude for the incredible, coordinated rescue response of everyone involved in this search and rescue mission. Our focus right now is on the families of those on the Titan and for their tragic loss.”

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I could be wrong, but I think the ocean is massive and the sub was very far under the ship. I am not a scientist, but was probably akin to someone popping a single blister of bubble wrap... a few houses away. While everyone in the houses is playing white noise on their televisions at high volume.

Thank you.
It’s a very conflicting feeling, relief and sadness at the same time. Sad that these 5 people have lost their lives so suddenly and especially the 19 year old being such a young age. But also relief that they haven’t suffered like experts have suggested over the last few days, they haven’t slowly suffocated, they haven’t been thirsty, hungry, terrified, wondering if anyone will find them in time, stuck in the dark depths of the ocean with hope fading.

An implosion will have been instant, I doubt their brains had time to even register what was happening. I hope their families can eventually take comfort in knowing that their last hours were spent excited for their adventure, glad for the opportunity to take the rare voyage into the ocean, probably listening to stories about the titanic from PH Nargeolet, chatting and happy.

It would have been quicker than taking a breath, quicker than saying a word, quick enough to not feel any fear or pain, and for the father and son they were together spending a special day and looking forward to seeinf a sight many would never see. I don’t think any of them will have known that they wouldn’t make it back up again. Of course the best case scenario would have been finding them alive but as the days have gone on the best case scenario is actually what appears to have happened IMO.

I’m also angry that oceangate ever existed, because safety seems to have been completely overlooked. I’m not sure if at least some of the crew were aware of the cut corners, and exactly how dangerous this experience really was.
Bbm: Agreed 100 %.
An accident waiting to happen.

I don't believe (for instance) the Dawood's knew how unstable the craft actually was.
I firmly believe the sub imploded around the time communications stopped, which would be a relief in terms of almost no suffering to its inhabitants versus the awful possibility of slowly suffocating inside.
I feel a little differently about the time line...I do pray that it was an implosion and it was a quick death for these poor people. I believe, it was said that the last communication was appx 1:45 hours into the decent and that would have put them a little above the wreckage site.

For me, I hope that the loss of communication wasn't the TOD, I truly hope that before that happened, that they did get a change to see what they risk there lives to see. I hope they all got wonderful views of the ship in all her remaining glory and felt that amazing satisfaction before the sub breached. I can picture all of them cheering, smiling, laughing, pointing their fingers and marveling at the sight and I can even picture the father and son embracing for the thrill and excitement.

RIP adventurers...
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I’m going to choose to think of it as five people who wanted to be as close to the Titanic wreck as humanly possible, and now are microscopically intertwined with it somehow.

NOT a merry outcome, not what the objective was meant to be, but nevertheless that is the result.

I’m grateful that identifiable sections of Titan have been spotted, so we are not left with an eternal mystery once those are retrieved and examined by experts.

Rest together, Titan and Titanic.

"A rescue expert says the debris found in the search for Titan was 'a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible.'" (from Sky News)


Those would not have "imploded." They were designed to withstand the pressure on the way down and probably were against the sea bottom (making them more stable).

The rear cover is what will convince searchers the thing imploded, as one of the options for going back up was to jettison the landing frame (although we never learned that such a thing was really possible here - as it would have required some kind of mechanical thing to work).

It would now seem they likely had power up until the last and the implosion itself was likely the "first warning" (they never knew what hit them).

Interesting that so far, no word about the titanium bits.

Whatever has been discovered must be indicative of it being the Titan, if not I believe the Coastguard wouldn't be so direct in what they have released and planning a presser at 3:00 today.

This is sad to watch this man speaking about his friends that are now gone:
Mr Mearns definitely needs some hugs from somebody. He was on there for over an hour. Far too long Imo
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