TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

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Oh God.Just when you think this cant get any worse.
They forced that girl to shoot Newsom?
I dont care what color they are.These evil soulless animals have forfieted any right to be considered part of humanity.
Anyone who would support or try to equivocate on thier behalf has a serious problem of thier own.
I don't think that Channon shot Chris, I think Sutton just says she was told differing versions of the events

Chris was shot outside the apartments according to the affidavits that have been released, and I don't think they ever took Channon out of the apartments, why would they allow her to handle a loaded gun,

I think one of the male defendants shot Chris, unless one of the four talk then I don't think anybody will ever know the full extent of the horror of what the two victims went through, and even if one or more talk they will minimise there part in the crimes, and they won't tell the full truth, just the version of the truth they think the state will accept
I don't think that Channon shot Chris, I think Sutton just says she was told differing versions of the events

Chris was shot outside the apartments according to the affidavits that have been released, and I don't think they ever took Channon out of the apartments, why would they allow her to handle a loaded gun,

I think one of the male defendants shot Chris, unless one of the four talk then I don't think anybody will ever know the full extent of the horror of what the two victims went through, and even if one or more talk they will minimise there part in the crimes, and they won't tell the full truth, just the version of the truth they think the state will accept

This is tough case for the prosecution for that reson. I think Boyd has the least to offer them as far as details, and their job now is to get a strong, solid (hopefully life) conviction while using the witnesses to evolve further info damaging to the other three and let the other 's lawyers know that unless their client flips it's going to be hardball with them all the way to the DP. Giving away too much here could jeopardize the other cases and so far the US Attorneys office seems to be doing well.

Does anyone of a legal persuasion know why there are assistant attorneys handling this instead of Dedrick, who is the US attorney for eastern TN?? (Not that the assistants aren't doing an excellent job, but the magnitude of this crime demands the presence of the highest US official available.) I haven't seen any news of Dedrick being in the courtroom.

Also, doesn't the Sutton lady seem involved enough to look at criminally?
Just a question, not a flame. They may be holding back attempting to indict her for tactical reasons.

I think it is the possibility of being charged that is prompting Sutton to testify, so far she is the only person to have testified about what was going on in the house on the evening of the murders, so she is vital to the case for now,

we shall see how long the 4 with the DP over there heads hold out, and who caves in first to a LWOP in exchange for no DP and then testifies against the others,

I think maybe Coleman will try for a deal, she was very young when the crimes occurred, and she now has 2 choices the DP or LWOP, not great life choices for anybody, the other 3 are hardened to the life of crime/gangs and jail, they may take there chances with a jury,
This is tough case for the prosecution for that reson. I think Boyd has the least to offer them as far as details, and their job now is to get a strong, solid (hopefully life) conviction while using the witnesses to evolve further info damaging to the other three and let the other 's lawyers know that unless their client flips it's going to be hardball with them all the way to the DP. Giving away too much here could jeopardize the other cases and so far the US Attorneys office seems to be doing well.

Does anyone of a legal persuasion know why there are assistant attorneys handling this instead of Dedrick, who is the US attorney for eastern TN?? (Not that the assistants aren't doing an excellent job, but the magnitude of this crime demands the presence of the highest US official available.) I haven't seen any news of Dedrick being in the courtroom.

Also, doesn't the Sutton lady seem involved enough to look at criminally?
Just a question, not a flame. They may be holding back attempting to indict her for tactical reasons.


I agree with joe jones - Sutton probably pled out. Don't know why we haven't seen the DA, but agree that we should.

her father is pizzed at the media,

plus he said Channon knew how to handle guns, so if they had given her the gun to shoot Chris with she had the ability to also shoot some of them, and imo she would have done so, it was just a stupid throwaway comment that she may have shot Chris,
This story has torn at my heart since it happened. Obviously, not a one of these animals have any consciences. That includes the on trial now, no matter what any of them say, if they knew an inkling of what was going on or what happened, then they participated in some way. Even with this scum being involved after the fact by helping to hide a murderer, he deserves to be punished to the fullest, fullest extent of the law. I don't care if you are white, black, blue or green, male or female, they should ALL be held accountable, no matter what part of the crime they were involved in. Sutton, Boyd, all those who knew or helped hide a murderer should pay. I realize that these cases are hard to try at times and convictions are sometimes gotten by testimony of others, but when it comes to a brutal crime such as this, my heart aches when someone can work a deal and get off easy.
I live near Knoxville and it is heart wrenching to think things like this happen so near to my community and the fact that I have children the ages of these 2 kids make it even harder to fathom going through.
My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to the parents and families of Channon and Chris.
Okay, sorry, I am off my soapbox, I don't post often, but this has torn at me and I don't remember feeling the emotions like I have since Laci Peterson.
This story has torn at my heart since it happened. Obviously, not a one of these animals have any consciences. That includes the on trial now, no matter what any of them say, if they knew an inkling of what was going on or what happened, then they participated in some way. Even with this scum being involved after the fact by helping to hide a murderer, he deserves to be punished to the fullest, fullest extent of the law. I don't care if you are white, black, blue or green, male or female, they should ALL be held accountable, no matter what part of the crime they were involved in. Sutton, Boyd, all those who knew or helped hide a murderer should pay. I realize that these cases are hard to try at times and convictions are sometimes gotten by testimony of others, but when it comes to a brutal crime such as this, my heart aches when someone can work a deal and get off easy.
I live near Knoxville and it is heart wrenching to think things like this happen so near to my community and the fact that I have children the ages of these 2 kids make it even harder to fathom going through.
My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to the parents and families of Channon and Chris.
Okay, sorry, I am off my soapbox, I don't post often, but this has torn at me and I don't remember feeling the emotions like I have since Laci Peterson.

I so agree with you! They all should be charged and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This case really bothers me. In fact, it scares the bejesus out of me. I can't imagine the pain these two victims went through. And the pain their families and friends are going through.

These "people" who committed the crime don't belong to the human race, IMO. And the ones who knew about it and helped cover it up, well, I'd be banned if I said what I really thought about them. Personally, I think both Sutton and Boyd knew a lot more!

BTW, thank you joe jones for the updates!
I Pray the story about Channon being forced to shoot Chris is untrue.
However I dont think her abilty to handle a firearm is relevant at all or the premise she would have been in a position to start blasting her assailants like Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western.
I dont want to speculate what a terrified savagely traumatized person with a gun to their own head might be forced to do.
Having read what we have about these sadistic monsters would it surprise anyone if they gave her the choice of Chris being set on fire alive or dead? It wouldnt me.
What bothers me is it sounds sick and evil enough where these animals are concerned to be a distinct possibilty.
Why lie about it later? When it could only make matters worse and the known facts are enough to hang them 10 times over if there is any real justice? I would be thrilled to be wrong about this.
I am astounded at the lack of interest in this trial, I think it could be a case that brings forth many issues society needs to discuss and deal with,

maybe the other trials will get more attention, I don't think they will be filmed though, the evidence is just too graphic that the Judge may decide that no cameras are allowed
I understand the defense not wanting all the injuries reported to the jury but why would it even be allowed NOT to report them. It shows the evilness of these people and further proves the point that they all should get the DP.

One more thing, this Sutton woman should absolutely get some time. I think she knew just as much as Boyd and chose not to do anything about it.
I understand the defense not wanting all the injuries reported to the jury but why would it even be allowed NOT to report them. It shows the evilness of these people and further proves the point that they all should get the DP.

One more thing, this Sutton woman should absolutely get some time. I think she knew just as much as Boyd and chose not to do anything about it.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I think she should do some hard time!
I am astounded at the lack of interest in this trial, I think it could be a case that brings forth many issues society needs to discuss and deal with,

maybe the other trials will get more attention, I don't think they will be filmed though, the evidence is just too graphic that the Judge may decide that no cameras are allowed
Joe - This case is absolutely horrific. It sickens me more than most cases. I am in shock that these animals would do what they did. It's one thing to carjack someone; however, I just cannot wrap my head around why they tortured and killed this young couple. It is worse than any horror movie that I can think of (except, maybe, Chainsaw Massacre). :(

Perhaps, that is why it isn't being covered on Nancy Grace or Greta. I wonder if anyone has sent this case to them. I also wonder if the victims' parents prefer that it isn't covered by the media. I'm not sure.

I do appreciate your links to the trial coverage.

About showing the victims' injuries: Everything should be shown and not downplayed at all. This group is very, very dangerous. They don't just murder innocent people. They are kidnapping and torturing them, too, apparently, for the thrill of it.
I am intrigued by human nature, and I often ponder what is the switch that turns a carjacking into depravity almost beyond human comprehension,

who was the defendant who decided that carjacking was not enough and they had to rape and torture, I think though that once one of them either by word or deed escalated the crime the other followed on easily,
I am intrigued by human nature, and I often ponder what is the switch that turns a carjacking into depravity almost beyond human comprehension,

who was the defendant who decided that carjacking was not enough and they had to rape and torture, I think though that once one of them either by word or deed escalated the crime the other followed on easily,

Agreed - the mob mentality and how it sucks people into things they might now otherwise do is a fascinating and well-documented facet of the human psyche.
I am intrigued by human nature, and I often ponder what is the switch that turns a carjacking into depravity almost beyond human comprehension,

who was the defendant who decided that carjacking was not enough and they had to rape and torture, I think though that once one of them either by word or deed escalated the crime the other followed on easily,
I believe that the others must have had it in them because I know that I would have balked at any friend of mine doing such a thing. I would have found an excuse to immediately leave and would have placed an anonymous phone call to police.
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