TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #9

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I wonder how it felt for Davidson to stand in front of the jury hearing the verdict (Death) and knowing everyone in that room wants to put him to death, nothing will ever compare to what he did to Chris and Channon, but it is nice to know he had to feel uncomfortable and a little fearful.

I am worried about the George Thomas and Vanessa Coleman cases coming up. I don't think either of them will get death, I am hopeful for LWOP. Anyone know of any evidence against them, I wonder if the gas can was ever checked for prints, or if the stickers from the back of the SUV was found for prints. I would love to know what Thomas's statement to the police has to say.

I wonder what that felt like too. I remember a day alsomt 15 years ago when they brought a man named tim mcveigh out of a local sheriff office on nationaly tv, our first look at the one responsible for the OKC boming. I thought then, "I wonder what its like to be the most hated man in America." I wonder what LD thought today. We live in a society that values life, to an extent that defendants are given ridiculous rights. And yet today, the people of the State of Tennessee told him that they thought that society needed to get rid of him. A normal person would be humiliated. I dont think he cared.
UPDATE: Davidson transferred to death row
Lemaricus Davidson was transferred to a Middle Tennessee prison on Friday evening to begin serving his sentence on death row.
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Thanks for all your posts Suzi. I'm very new to this forum; just joined to monitor this trial. But i've greatly valued your efforts. Thanks. It is weird to know that a man that we've watched for a long time, seen for weeks in his sweater and glasses, tonight bedded down on death row.
I wonder what that felt like too. I remember a day alsomt 15 years ago when they brought a man named tim mcveigh out of a local sheriff office on nationaly tv, our first look at the one responsible for the OKC boming. I thought then, "I wonder what its like to be the most hated man in America." I wonder what LD thought today. We live in a society that values life, to an extent that defendants are given ridiculous rights. And yet today, the people of the State of Tennessee told him that they thought that society needed to get rid of him. A normal person would be humiliated. I dont think he cared.

My goodness that's funny you brought his name up, I was thinking of him yesterday. The only thing he did that I respected was he didn't fight the death penalty, no appeals nothing. Now here was a guy that had a good family life, no reason ever to commit the crimes he did. I really felt bad for his family.
Indianagirl thanks so much for sharing the tribute slideshow :hug: These two young people have endeared themselves to me, I was wishing the jury and all of us could have seen actual video of both Channon and Chris, heard their laugh, or been able to hear them speak. It is comforting to see her during happier moments. These poor parents and loved ones still have more trials to get thru--but I hope one day after those are behind them they can begin to replace those terrifying, violent images with beautiful ones like these.

Finally got a little attention from another national source: UPI

U.S. News
Death penalty ordered in torture slayings
Published: Oct. 31, 2009 at 1:24 PM

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 31 (UPI) -- A 28-year-old man who took part in the torture and killing of a couple in Knoxville, Tenn., must be executed, a jury has decided.

The Knoxville (Tenn.) News Sentinel reported Saturday a jury sentenced Lemaricus Davidson to death for his part in the January 2007 slayings of Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23.


Authorities said Davidson and three other individuals kidnapped Christian and Newsom. Both victims were raped and tortured before eventually being killed by their assailants.

The News Sentinel said Davidson's half-brother, Letalvis Cobbins, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The other suspects, George Thomas and Vanessa Coleman, will face possible death sentences if also convicted on murder charges.

Full story:
Screencap of death row at Riverbend, FTR:
Vanessa Coleman's trial, initially set for August 10, has been postponed w no new date set yet afaik(?) I understand George Thomas is to go to trial December 2.

Here is some early background (shortly after arrests) re original statements given by VC and GT. As w GT, the delay w VC seems to be attorneys seeking to have her original statements suppressed. This includes crucial statements placing GT (and LD) as returning in bloodstained clothing following Chris' murder. Again, apologies to those for whom this may be review. I would really appreciate if anyone has further updates re either of these trials. TIA (bbm, full article at link)

In response to a motion filed by defense attorneys for Letalvis Cobbins, Price said Coleman was offered a sentence of life with the possibility of parole if she pled guilty. If she accepted, she would have been expected to testify truthfully about the carjacking and murders of Chris Newsom and Channon Christian.

The response also said the offer was conveyed orally and rejected orally.

The State also explains no other offers were made to any other defendants in the case.

Coleman is one of four defendants accused of raping and killing Christian and Newsom in January 2007.

Defense attorneys are also fighting to suppress Coleman's statements made to police when she was arrested in Kentucky in January 2007.

Transcripts and audio recordings were submitted into evidence on Friday.

The prosecution called ATF Special Agent Bernard Waggoner to testify about conversations he had with Coleman.

Waggoner told the court that he talked with Coleman shortly before she testified in front of a grand jury on January 17, 2007.

The special agent said Coleman was answering a subpoena when he met with her.

The federal agent testified Coleman changed her story several times. She at first told him she only saw Christian once, but later admitted she gave the "girl" water several times.

Waggoner said Coleman told him she remembered seeing Lemaricus Davidson bring a blindfolded white female into the house on Chipman Street on Saturday January 6.

The ATF agent also said Coleman eventually told him that she saw Davidson kill the girl. She described seeing him come up behind her and put his hand under her chin and 'snap her neck'.

Waggoner also said Coleman admitted to seeing Davidson tie up the girl, drag her body into the livingroom, cover her with garbage bags, then stuff her into a garbage can. Coleman apparently told investigators Davidson said he need 'to take out the trash'.

The investigator says Coleman also told him that George Thomas told her that he was ashamed of himself and then admitted to killing the white male.

Waggoner told the prosecution that the defendant never used Christian's or Newsom's name, but described them as girl or male, or white female and white male.

During that meeting, the ATF agent says Coleman also remembered seeing Davidson and Thomas come in with bloody shirts before they put them in the washer the night Newsom was shot and killed.

ETA to above post: I have always thought it important to consider that VC's statements from the outset were not only undoubtedly self-serving but quite likely intended to protect her boyfriend Cobbins. So I've taken all of VC's statements w a huge block of salt. Having said this I nevertheless find her statements credible insofar as GT having direct involvement in Chris' murder. As much as the separate trials have attempted to isolate and compartmentalize the actions of each of the defendants in a virtual vacuum, we know GT played some sort of role in the events of those two days and we have yet to hear the State's cases against GT and VC presented in any sort of cohesive, sequential fashion. All I know is, GT did more than run a load of wash... and VC did more than take Channon's pulse. :furious:

I agree about Thomas and Coleman, I just worry they don't really have hard evidence against them. They know they were there and didn't try to help Chris or Channon, but from what I have seen there really is no evidence they helped with the crimes. In statements they all point the fingers at each other, VC wanted to protect Cobbins so who's to say really it wasn't Davidson and Cobbins that shot Chris, they had the guns. What really puzzles me is they all act like Chirs was not in the house, no one accuses anyone else for the rape of Chris they just act like it didn't happen. I wonder if Boyd didn't take Chris somewhere else and then bring him back to the house. I also can't get over they didn't try to get into Chris or Channon's bank accounts. It makes me wonder or hope the police have more on them and we just haven't heard about it yet. Maybe they have Chris's jeans and there is evidence on them against Coleman or Thomas.......its all mind boggling. I just hope justice is served.
Armed with charts, studies and percentages, psychiatrist Dr. Peter Brown spent more than an hour explaining the complexities of convicted torture-slaying ringleader Lemaricus Davidson's psyche.
When he was finished, this Knox County jury posed a single question: "Does he know right from wrong - yes or no?"
The query, like the dozens of others jurors made during this two-week trial, revealed a jury unafraid to ask pointed questions, challenge evidence and press witnesses for the truth.

More at link:
Thanx to everyone here as I would always try to keep up with all your posts ....Just watched the verdict. Its the most horrific crime I have ever watched. To bad this was not in public eye and on courttv/trutv. But anyway great day for the families, finally justice for Channon and Chris.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that jurors there are allowed to ask their own questions, and do so in common sense terms! When I get a free moment I'm going to look into where this is allowed and see if I can push to have it introduced where I live.

Sometimes juror questions can reall make a mess of things, but that wasnt the case here. This jury asked a lot of EXCELLENT questions. Really cutting to the heart of testimony. this kind of questioning could really force attorneys (defense attorney's mostly) to re-evaluate how the prepare for cases. They're no longer going to be able to just put an expert witness up there to ramble on about how this guy oculdnt have done it and expect that to just give enouogh reasonable doubt to avoid conviction or a certain sentence. The jury may ask point blank to cut throught that and ask "does ne know rgiht from wrong, yes or no" or something like that. The witness will have to answer it, and if he dodges or the defense objects, the jury will certainly be able to glean their own answer from this.

What I really liked about the question to the psych was that it asked "yes or no". Dont qualify your answer, just tell us yes or no.
Convicted killer Letalvis Cobbins was transferred to a maximum-security prison in West Tennessee today, three days after a state senator protested his location in the medium-security Hardeman County prison, according to Correction Commissioner George Little.
Cobbins still remains officially classified as a "medium-security" inmate, the commissioner said, but will be in a maximum-security unit.
He said that a call from Sen. Tim Burchett, R-Knoxville, and concerns expressed by the family of a victim were considered in the relocation. But having him in maximum security is also appropriate since Cobbins has "protective custody" status because of death threats made against him.

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