Recovered/Located TN - Dylan Ray Regenold, 15, missing from youth residential facility, Gallatin, 13 Dec 2018

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DNA Solves
I don't think organizing a pick up would be necessary.

I worked overnights at a similar, albeit much smaller and seemingly less locked-down facility 10 years ago or so, kids took off from there occasionally but only once while I was there did one take off who wasn't quickly found.

He took off in the middle of the night in what by PNW standards was a snowstorm, there was like 9 inches of snow on the ground and the facility was in the middle of nowhere several miles from any establishments. The cops straight up refused to go looking for him due to the weather so I went out after him (which I wasn't supposed to do and could have been fired for), he had at most a half hour head start but I couldn't track him down, he was just a ghost. I was convinced the kid was dead.

But somehow he made it out. He contacted his family a few weeks later and confirmed he was okay; apparently he'd walked several miles in the snow, caught a metro bus into the city and eventually made it to a friend's house. The rest of the time I was working there (another 6 months or so) he was never found, but was known to be somewhere in the metro area hiding out with friends.

I feel like this is most likely similar to the situation in this case.
Uhm...he was living at a facility with residents who were removed from gang affiliations? And, that is therapudic for Dylan because....? Someone help me out here.

Amateur opinion and speculation

The short answer is unfortunately there's not nearly enough funding or coordination to house or treat kids across the board in therapeutically similar groups.

But also I've worked with gang affiliated kids at times, and they are not any more difficult or unreachable in general than any other kid who would end up in a place like that. Hell, in many cases they will "join the gang" at an extremely young age, like 9 or 10, and by the time they are 16 or 17 they're reconsidering their options but don't feel safe trying to get out.
Are you thinking an employee would have helped facilitate an escape? I respect the idea, but I can’t think of a reason why that would happen.
My neighbor was a social worker at a state hospital and told me it's less likely that an employee would help him escape and much, much more likely that a fellow patient would assist him.

She said, the patients especially the younger ones can become like a 'family' and will help each other to put things over on the staff.

In regards to the kid not having money and such things, a fellow friendly patient may have been happy to aid in his escape.
So over all theory is...
1. He has sympathizer- he seems like he has a wonderful Christian family.
2. He can’t take care of himself- I’m concerned the family is really holding back his mental health issues from the public, family posted a note he gave to his mom a while back, handwriting is terrible, but overall no major grammar issues, so is he bipolar, maybe an intellectual issue, or struggling with depression!

No one has seen him, he has to have help! He is smart enough to climb out a window via sheet rope, the kid has brains! Running away takes will power. I would look in to previous employees or previous patients! Just like... no one has SEEN HIM! This is what is bothering me! No one seen him, not walking down the street to run away, not stealing food, not under a bridge or a cardboard box, or change of clothes! He reminds me of Lee Cutler case, frightening!
Dylan was found this morning at 5:15am with the assistance of the local community in Roebuck, AL.
Dylan’s mom, Cassara Regenold, Uncle Charles McKinney, and Aunt Alyssa Mooney have been on the ground for the past 3 days specifically in Roebuck, AL as a result of a tip we received through the Find Dylan Regenold Page. We have been following that lead and quietly getting to know the community, spreading the word, and asking people to immediately call 911 if they see him. And that’s exactly what they did! He was seen at the Waffle House in Roebuck, AL early this morning, and the people that we have become dear friends with over these last 3 sleepless nights, immediately called 911.

We are incredibly grateful to each of you who have shared our story and prayed. And we will be forever grateful to the humble community in Roebuck, AL.

We will be posting more details and updates soon
Dylan was found this morning at 5:15am with the assistance of the local community in Roebuck, AL.
Dylan’s mom, Cassara Regenold, Uncle Charles McKinney, and Aunt Alyssa Mooney have been on the ground for the past 3 days specifically in Roebuck, AL as a result of a tip we received through the Find Dylan Regenold Page. We have been following that lead and quietly getting to know the community, spreading the word, and asking people to immediately call 911 if they see him. And that’s exactly what they did! He was seen at the Waffle House in Roebuck, AL early this morning, and the people that we have become dear friends with over these last 3 sleepless nights, immediately called 911.

We are incredibly grateful to each of you who have shared our story and prayed. And we will be forever grateful to the humble community in Roebuck, AL.

We will be posting more details and updates soon
It is great to learn he's been found, but I don't see the need for "more details and updates soon."
I agree! And they won’t let the mother see him either! Kinda makes me think he doesn’t want anything to do with them and he is afraid she might send him back
Let's hope authorities are taking a close look at this situation.
Something isn't adding up for me.

This is amateur opinion and speculation only
This is so weird. I haven't read the entire thread, but commenting on a topic brought early on... while some parents send their children to facilities after exhausting all other options, there are others who are willing to send theirs to conversion therapy for example (this topic is hot again bc of several films made on this topic AND i am glad this is being talked about), there are those who are willing to institutionalize their children instead of helping them, there are parents as we have often seen who want to have complete control over their children no matter the cost. Let's hope he is questioned, and it is determined why he was sent here and whether he was receiving proper parental care in every sense. Of course i hope he has good parents who only wanted to see him well, but unfortunately that is not something I can just assume. My opinion only.

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