Found Deceased TN - Eliza "Liza" Fletcher, 34, Abducted while jogging 4:30 am, forced into SUV, Central Ave near Univ of M, personal items found, Memphis 2 Sept 2022

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There are several news reports that she was reported missing at 7:00 AM. There are also reports that evidence was found at 7:45 AM, when police were called to the 3800 block of Central Ave.

"Fletcher was "reported missing after not returning home" at 7 a.m."

I have a question which is more from Agatha Christe area, but given what Internet writes about this case…

- was it her running? Did her mom or someone close reaffirm? From what I could see, and I understand that wedding photos are not the best, Liza had slim and long figure. Someone has to confirm that it looks like her. Because, sorry, anyone can put on her clothes and run (just want to be sure of the true CS)

- is her running route always the same, or has it changed recently? Can anyone else but her husband confirm that she adhered to this route, best of all, are there photos from other days/same places for comparison? I mean, if she always ran this way, there should be quite a few.
Ok, so normally when I hear about something like this, my reaction is to take it at face value. I mean she's caught on video being forced into a car, of course it's an abduction.

There's no reason to unnecessarily complicate what should be a straightforward case.

Occams Razor has always served me well.

But there's some nuance here.

You seem to have your prototypical low risk victim. She's employed at a school, comes from a good family, and has all the trappings of success.

The activity she's participating in does carry some risk, as god knows female joggers have been attacked, kidnapped, raped, and murdered.

The timing adds some risk too, as it's dark, and the area is probably relatively quiet that time of morning.

So it's totally reasonable to believe that this was a crime of opportunity, or even a premeditated crime committed by someone who knew her patterns.

You assume that based on the facts, you're going to be right almost every time.

So why am I not comfortable?

When I heard her phone was found "smashed," that struck me as odd. I absolutely wouldn't expect an abductor to do that, as his priority is getting away. All he cares about is that the phone is not traveling with him.

Could this "smashed" characterization have been a bad description, have been a result of a struggle, or involved the suspect throwing the phone from a moving vehicle? Of course.

But it got me thinking of the remote possibility that this was some sort of staged event, so I checked out her Facebook page to see if I could see any true crime interest.

There I saw that post where she references listening to the podcasts "up and vanished," and "serial."

Then I did something else, but I'm stopping here because I'm toting the line.

Stranger abductions are incredibly rare on the whole, and rarer still with Liza's victimology.

I still think that's the most likely scenario.

But there are things that bothered me initially, and things that have occurred since then that have given me some pause.

Right now I'd make a big bet, but I wouldn't go all in like I have in every single similar case I've followed.

How do I get there quickly?

Tomorrow the family gets in front of the cameras, as they always do in abduction cases. After all, it's the single most important thing they can do; keep the victim in the public eye.

A major press conference, or daily communication where reporters are able to ask questions.

If these things don't happen, then I have to assume they know something major we do not.

Then all bets are off.
Such a thoughtful response yet memphis society doesn’t nfollow the rules.
Has it been stated why the university called the police at the same time as the husband?
very connected memphis family.
But why would the University know to call the Husband?

What did the University know or find that promted them to call the police?
Could it be as simple as the husband calling the phone, university police (or someone turned it in) had found it an hour or two earlier and were hanging in to it? Possibly even looking at cameras?

I think for most of us, if someone isn’t where they are supposed to be by a certain time then we will either call or text. Perhaps the husband called the phone, university police answered and said it was found on the street by someone. None of us know if the phone was smashed/cracked/usable/unusable so odds are it could still somewhat work. Or maybe the husband pinged the phone and someone walking near the university found it when they heard it pinging?

Maybe husband then says something must have happened if wife isn’t with her phone so he hangs up and calls 911. University police also call 911 to make a report of a phone found and guy says something must have happened to his wife? Doesn’t sound that atypical to me.
That’s a good question. I doubt it had any name on the phone case, but I guess it’s possible. She had been missing for a couple hours at least before it was reported, right?

I wish we had a timeline also. I’m assuming her phone was somewhere close to the abduction site.

I mean, it could still be working, just the screen smashed, or so. Calling the last number would be enough to confirm the owner.
Taking her car is very curious to me and I can only assume it’s directly related. I wonder if they are checking the car for evidence of an Apple Air Tag that was hidden on her car by someone. Maybe someone has been stalking her. Maybe the shears did not belong to the family but were found in the yard, further lending to the idea of someone in that house being watched. Imo
Even if the phone is smashed, can't they

I'm not sure that no one noticed it. It may be that someone saw it, and so video was very quickly obtained from a nearby source. It seems to me that SOMEONE must have seen this and that started the ball rolling, but maybe not.
I would think if someone witnessed the abduction, then it would’ve been reported before 7:30 or so. I would hope, anyway. The abduction was said to have happened at 4:30 AM. That’s a lot of lost time before it was reported. She could be anywhere!
If it's true that her husband contacted police at 7 AM, and if he provided her running route to police, they may have asked the university police to look around. Her husband was probably also looking for her along her running route. He would recognize her phone and water bottle. University police and the husband both contacted police at 7:45 AM. Police quickly obtained video from the area and discovered footage of an unknown man approaching her in the middle of Central Ave. in the 3800 block of Central Ave. They observed a struggle and that she was forcefully taken to his vehicle. A black SUV was seen parking across the street from where she was abducted - I'm assuming that means across the street from where her phone and water bottle were found.
That’s a good question. I doubt it had any name on the phone case, but I guess it’s possible. She had been missing for a couple hours at least before it was reported, right?

I wish we had a timeline also. I’m assuming her phone was somewhere close to the abduction site.
This map is zeroed in on the abduction site - Central Avenue & Zach H Curlin Street. You can see the crosswalk as depicted in the images LE provided from the surveillance video. Feel free to zoom in/out and google walk the area.

The “house” in question is no longer residential. It is a University property and would be unoccupied at that time. It is only a few feet from the abduction site.

4:30 is a little early, but by 5:00-5:30, runners and bikers will be passing by every few minutes.
I’m wondering if she had the wherewithal to throw these items for evidence or if the abductor threw them as not to be tracked.

I hope they can bring her home safe.

I swear I saw a map earlier in this thread with a map that had her point of abduction spot and then a little bit down the street it had a marker showing where the phone was found. I If that's the case then I think it suggests them being thrown from a vehicle but jmo
I mean, it could still be working, just the screen smashed, or so. Calling the last number would be enough to confirm the owner.
My only problem with this scenario is that I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a locked screen. Most of us carry so much personal and financial data on our phones that having a phone that doesn’t lock automatically would be an absolutely horrible idea.

I could see someone calling the phone and then someone who has found it answering and that getting the ball rolling on realizing she’s missing.
Yes, I was initially confused as media report or maybe it was LE said it was a van? But it's not, the picture on the tow truck shows a *white Cadillac Escalade*.
I don’t think that’s a van or Cadillac. Looks like the new Jeep Grand Wagoneer to me.

It’s a new design/model for this year and I’ve only seen a couple around where I live is probably why it was assumed to be a van I guess.
I mean, it could still be working, just the screen smashed, or so. Calling the last number would be enough to confirm the owner.
You could be absolutely correct. I guess if it were my phone, you would not be able to do that without my passcode to open the phone.

Of course, not everyone is like me and there phone doesn’t require a passcode or finger print!
The case that comes to my mind in reading about this one is Sidney Reso.
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