Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *Arrests* #2

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The missing child cases are so hard on all of us...sending out a virtual hug to all my fellow WS'ers.

I keep saying I'm not going to following another missing child thread, but here I am.

Is every missing child case this hard on everyone? I can't stand to be away from my phone, have to constantly check to see if shes been found. I read and re-read over and over to make sure I havent missed anything or misread. My heart goes out to this baby, and I cant seem to stop thinking of her.
Is every missing child case this hard on everyone? I can't stand to be away from my phone, have to constantly check to see if shes been found. I read and re-read over and over to make sure I havent missed anything or misread. My heart goes out to this baby, and I cant seem to stop thinking of her.

I can't speak for everyone, but that's how it is for me. It's heartbreaking.
I'm aghast that a websleuther would have such faith in child protective services.
We see in case after case after case that they fail these children and yet my saying and awful experience with CPS being racist is met with you telling me they cannot threaten to remove a child because of their skin tone?
Yeah, never mind. You're right. It didn't happen.
So much for victim friendly.
The victim of this is Evelyn....its clear that her mother has been caught lying on numerous occasions. LE doesn't care if she is Romni but the fact that she didnt report a missing child for over two months. Bringing identity politics into this wont help find Evelyn.
I'm aghast that a websleuther would have such faith in child protective services.
We see in case after case after case that they fail these children and yet my saying and awful experience with CPS being racist is met with you telling me they cannot threaten to remove a child because of their skin tone?
Yeah, never mind. You're right. It didn't happen.
So much for victim friendly.

Evelyn is a white, blonde haired, blue eyed baby being searched for by multiple law enforcement offices and the FBI. She’s getting the blonde baby treatment from the media that people of color and people from marginalized communities can only dream of unfortunately.

I have no idea what someone else’s experience with CPS has to do with this case. But I am sure that blanket allegations of racism aren’t allowed on WS.
That’s a pretty penny of an award! Surly someone knows something that needs that money.
I wonder if HW didn't want to seriously date someone with a kid - fair enough, he's young - so she got rid of the kid. He's still not biting, so she gets pregnant by him, thinking he'll have to be with her.
This has been my theory for a few days. He doesn’t want to date a single mother so she got rid of the kid. But I tend to think they were much more serious than he let on, and I bet he is the new baby’s dad.
Think of "Gypsy" like the "N" word. It's okay for people of the ethnicity to use it. It's not okay for others. It really isn't hard to replace it with a socially acceptable term from an outside. Romani, Traveller, nomadic ... take your pick.
That said I explained lastnight that Romani people keep a strong connection with those who have passed. Not in some ooogey occult fashion as some are trying to make it out to be but as in drawing strength, comfort and guidance from them and their presence. We believe the spirits of loved ones will guide us. It's not unusual for a Romani person to visit a grave site of a loved one DAILY almost as a meditative or connective practice. Dead people and cemeteries aren't morbid to us. They're places of comfort and connection.

Yes, she did. And as I said, she didn't ask for help from the public or plead for her daughters safe return or express any concern for her safety until she was specifically asked.
That should have been her main concern and purpose for doing the interview. What good does it do to tell everyone the story of her mother giving the baby to someone in a silver trailer? She already told LE that story and they investigated and found no evidence of that.
Her first story was that a baby sitter had her child. The second story was that her mom had the baby and wouldn't tell her where the baby was. Then, after the Amber Alert, she goes on a car-ride with her mom and now the story is that her mom handed the child off to another person? Why didn't she just say that to begin with? And why haven't LE found this person yet?


From what little I know about Romani, they're VERY family oriented and mainly a patriarchal type culture. I am in no way excusing her many and varied stories, but if her father is indeed Romani, or the baby is being cared for within, she may not feel she can say more. It takes a LOT to go against family systems such as that - a lot of guts, a lot of strength - and she doesn't seem to be the strong type. Again, not excusing her actions. She may not have the capacity to do it.

Personally, I fully believe she knows more than she's saying and is likely involved up to her neck, but I'm trying to be objective.

That is exactly why CPS conducts a thorough investigation before they can open a case. They cannot threaten to remove a child simply based on the child's skin tone. They need to supply a complete history of medical, dental, and mental health records, interviews with teachers, family, doctors and all who are familiar with the child before even considering opening a case of child neglect or abuse. Imo

Come to Arkansas. DHS can do whatever they want, whenever they want. And they do. The law doesn't matter or apply to them. The local LE can't even stop them.
I would imagine that they wouldn’t execute .....
RSBM! yikes!
...have we had murder convictions in TN without actually finding a body?
(sorry, I mean that to be a rhetorical question, because I remain hopeful that EB is ok.)

I think MB's dad (TB) contacted CPS because he had not seen his granddaughter since Thanksgiving and was probably suspicious of MB's response as to the whereabouts of EB.

I don't think TB made contact with CPS because he believed MB was being threatened by AB. TB also stated that he told his former spouse AB that he was contacting CPS and alleges she told him he would regret it if he contacted them.

Reportedly, TB and his son each contributed $10K to the reward fund for EB initiated by the County Sheriff. I think he's supporting LE in search of his granddaughter and most likely not standing at MB's side during interviews because he knows she's been untruthful.


I seen his interview and I seen the contribution, but I was referring to MB saying her dad called bc she was being threatened? I took that as him saying, Ok, if she won't listen to you, let me try. So he called AB and got no where with her then called CPS. I initially took it as he was helping MB, but you make a great point about him distancing himself because of MB inconsistent stories! Makes me reconsider my initial thought or feeling. Thanks!!
But she say the food was in little containers.
I'm light years behind but have yet to find where she said this. And my thoughts regarding such a thing are as follows:
I leave food on the floor, DOG FOOD. In his bowl!
And, food on the floor? Maybe for a treat (my kids love our tradition of a pizza picnic in pajamas) but otherwise NOPE. Sounds lazy and yucky and what better way for a baby to choke?
I'm in the hospital and trying to catch up, I promise to do so before more posts!rd

edit to fix my spelling ...mega pain and pain meds down here in fla:(:eek:
From what little I know about Romani, they're VERY family oriented and mainly a patriarchal type culture. I am in no way excusing her many and varied stories, but if her father is indeed Romani, or the baby is being cared for within, she may not feel she can say more. It takes a LOT to go against family systems such as that - a lot of guts, a lot of strength - and she doesn't seem to be the strong type. Again, not excusing her actions. She may not have the capacity to do it.

Personally, I fully believe she knows more than she's saying and is likely involved up to her neck, but I'm trying to be objective.

Come to Arkansas. DHS can do whatever they want, whenever they want. And they do. The law doesn't matter or apply to them. The local LE can't even stop them.

BBM. Her father reported the baby missing to CPS and LE. Obviously her father doesn’t think this is some secret family communal-child-rearing when he himself involved LE not only to report the baby missing but to put up a reward.
Is every missing child case this hard on everyone? I can't stand to be away from my phone, have to constantly check to see if shes been found. I read and re-read over and over to make sure I havent missed anything or misread. My heart goes out to this baby, and I cant seem to stop thinking of her.

The ones you let yourself get too close to are an absolute nightmare emotionally. The longer you do this, the more you learn that you have to take steps back for your mental health. So now that you've outed yourself, Talootah, I will be keeping a WS Mommy eye on ya. ;)
I felt like we had recovered our WS'ing selves and were doing "OK" on the Romani/racism issues. Then MB brought it up in her interview. And no other credible source supports her statements.

Let's not turn on each other and get distracted.
We're here for EB.
Sullivan County LE wanted me to pass a message on to you:
"Bring that baby back from Mendota right now so we can all go home!"
JK :-/
Not very funny, I know but still...

I thought it was pretty damned funny. And we ALL needed a chuckle in here after the past few days of nothing but grim and grimmer. :)
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