Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *Arrests*

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How do we know that? I mean "hey this on and off girl I was dating and wasn't that serious and her daughter is miss is also connected to my car being stolen, whoa her mom took it" sounds pretty um.......well anyway.
Well, this is interesting, look up '' Lawless Lane '' on YTube look for this title:
" Reasons Hunter Wood Looks Suspicious - Are He and Megan Still Dating? Did He Lie in His Interview? ''
There were some social media things from MB I had not seen and I am now completely confused about her and HW.
IMO when gma said to gpa don’t call CPS or you’ll regret it ..... something to that affect
I took it to mean, don’t open this can of worms or we’ll all go down including your daughter. I’m thinking something has happened to the baby, she’s no longer alive and they DO NOT want an investigation
Boswell said her daughter was with someone she trusted to watch her while she was at work, but said she can't name names.

So, "these people" were just supposed to be watching Evelyn while mom was at work (so a period of 8-12 hours maybe?) So what exactly happened when mom attempted to pick Evelyn up after her shift at work that FIRST DAY? They weren't there? They couldnt or refused to produce Evelyn? She saw Evelyn but opted to have her remain there?

Trying to make sense out of things that seem senseless is making my brain hurt.
When we first moved here 15 years ago, we didn't know anyone. Getting to know people I was kind of shocked at who all did drugs and how willing they were to assume I did too. I was like...oh're a nurse ? WTF ?! You own that huge care dealership ?! thanks, no pills for me. Meth? Ick...get away from me, I pay $125 dollars for face cream!

(Not to be glib, given the subject, but I guess I'm already guilty of that so...meh.)

Well, I guess that's why they call it the meth "epidemic". They aren't kidding around :eek:

Thank you for the explanation! I appreciate it.

I wonder how involved dad was with his daughter. I haven’t seen much chat about that or the last time he saw her either. I don’t think dad had any involvement with her going missing but it seems like he may have been a better placement for her than mom. I’m hoping if she is found there is a safe place for her to return to, maybe dad?

I feel terribly for the poor father, who is away trying to improve his own life, his baby's life, the lives of everybody in the country tangentially.

From the interview, I got that LE has “befriended” MB. That is actually a very smart move. If MB knows where she is, she is a lot more likely to tell someone she trusts. Plus, she has lacked stability, so she probably craves positive relationships. As much as I originally felt that they should turn up the pressure on her, I think they are doing exactly what has the greatest odds to bring Evelyn home (assuming that sweet little girl is still alive). MOO

Yes, good point.

Morning all!

I'm sorry, but nothing Evelyn's mom says makes any sense to me.

She's known all along who had Evelyn, but didnt report it because she feared they would disappear with Evelyn?

Well how long was she going to wait since she already knew they had already disappeared, and knew it right away? How could any parent eat, sleep, and go on with their life like usual not knowing where their baby even is?

Yet she goes on with her life like nothing was happening? We know now why her ex boyfriend hadn't ever seen Evelyn.

Imo, it's obvious she lied to her ex because she knew who had Evelyn all along instead of the made up story she fed him.

I've seen some very obsessed women make FB profiles using the last name of only a boyfriend as if they are married to them when they aren't, and some have already broken up with them, yet they steal the last name anyway of the guy they are obsessed with.

I find them very weird honestly. Who in the heck wants to take the last name of anyone who they aren't even married to anyway? It's like these kind of people create their fantasies instead of actually living in truth.

And still they have no idea what has happened to little Evelyn. If the one arrested is her grandmother then why wouldnt Evelyn be with her? Evelyn should have been with her, yet she's not. :(

There are so many possibilities as to what they have done with Evelyn, and some of them makes me cringe even thinking about them.:(

God please help the FBI, and TBI find beautiful little Evelyn.


I've seen younger people stating this "Facebook marriage" nitwittery is common, which in retrospect explains a lot of weird quotes I've seen on the forum in other cases, with 8 or 10 FBs for one young woman.

Personally, I'm a little befuddled as to why and how this type of behavior doesn't send the boys/men screaming in the other direction; but apparently it's common. I'm old too, but I thought kids were supposed to be embarrassed when they got caught out writing "Mrs. Jesse Munroe" (or similar) on the front of their notebooks??

I agree with all of this. I raised an eyebrow over leaving snacks on the floor as well. Evelyn still seems quite young and needs to be supervised while eating to make sure she doesn’t choke, imo. Unless the mom was letting her have a little snack while watching TV and mom was supervising? Idk.

Um... yeah. I leave food on the floor for the cat; and the cat is generally beside me when I'm offering him a lo mein shrimp.

I agree- I didn’t mean to seem questioning you. Just myself if I heard the interview correctly. I work in a field where I am in contact with addicts and alcoholics. Addiction tears through families. Not just the current living relatives but it can affect generations. I believe this is what we are seeing here. Her attempting to be “quick on her feet” with half truths and rapid, hollow explanations fits this narrative as well. Moo.

That's a really good point, actually. I'd forgotten about ACOA's/COA's.

Also, is it possible Maggie was touched by fetal alcohol syndrome? That also could explain her lack of mental acuity.

Morning all!
I'm sorry, but nothing Evelyn's mom says makes any sense to me.
She's known all along who had Evelyn, but didnt report it because she feared they would disappear with Evelyn?
Well how long was she going to wait since she already knew they had already disappeared, and knew it right away? How could any parent eat, sleep, and go on with their life like usual not knowing where their baby even is?
Yet she goes on with her life like nothing was happening? We know now why her ex boyfriend hadn't ever seen Evelyn.
Imo, it's obvious she lied to her ex because she knew who had Evelyn all along instead of the made up story she fed him.
I've seen some very obsessed women make FB profiles using the last name of only a boyfriend as if they are married to them when they aren't, and some have already broken up with them, yet they steal the last name anyway of the guy they are obsessed with.
I find them very weird honestly. Who in the heck wants to take the last name of anyone who they aren't even married to anyway? It's like these kind of people create their fantasies instead of actually living in truth.
And still they have no idea what has happened to little Evelyn. If the one arrested is her grandmother then why wouldnt Evelyn be with her? Evelyn should have been with her, yet she's not. :(
There are so many possibilities as to what they have done with Evelyn, and some of them makes me cringe even thinking about them.:(
God please help the FBI, and TBI find beautiful little Evelyn.

There are so many people lying in this case that Maggie might be the most truthful one!! :eek: And that's saying something.
I don't believe Tommy or Hunter and when Angel speaks (if she does) I'm probably not going to believe her either.
That leaves us very few facts if we take everything they've said with a grain of salt.

I think LE is feeling much the same and that's why they've pushed the last sighting of Evelyn to the last confirmed outside of the family sighting. They can't rely on anything the family is telling them.
It is my understanding that active duty military cannot have sole physical custody of their children because they are working full time in their military duties - someone else has to be available to supervise the children. Single parents can enlist in the military but someone else has to have physical custody of the children - even if the parent retains legal custody.

I also read that in Tennessee, the law grants full custody to the mother in the case of unmarried parents. The parents would have to agree (or the dad contest for) a different custody arrangement. I'm sure just like in every other state the non-custodial parent would be entitled to visitation, etc.
Boswell said her daughter was with someone she trusted to watch her while she was at work, but said she can't name names.

So, "these people" were just supposed to be watching Evelyn while mom was at work (so a period of 8-12 hours maybe?) So what exactly happened when mom attempted to pick Evelyn up after her shift at work that FIRST DAY? They weren't there? They couldnt or refused to produce Evelyn? She saw Evelyn but opted to have her remain there?

Trying to make sense out of things that seem senseless is making my brain hurt.

Forgot to add; this is starting to sound like a particularly unfunny "Shameless" episode. :(

The above description, combined with "leaving food on the floor" (!), leads me to believe that it's possible "someone in the household" both uses drugs, and gave Evelyn to drug dealers as some particularly unusual type of collateral.

Boswell said her daughter was with someone she trusted to watch her while she was at work, but said she can't name names.

So, "these people" were just supposed to be watching Evelyn while mom was at work (so a period of 8-12 hours maybe?) So what exactly happened when mom attempted to pick Evelyn up after her shift at work that FIRST DAY? They weren't there? They couldnt or refused to produce Evelyn? She saw Evelyn but opted to have her remain there?

Trying to make sense out of things that seem senseless is making my brain hurt.
Me to MB:
Uh, you leave your baby with a sitter, they never return her, and two months later you're, "just kinda worried, you know, about where they are at."

Where's the logic? Where's the truth? And most importantly where's Evelyn???

Mother of Evelyn Boswell speaks publicly, claims she knows who has her and was afraid to report her missing
I think we know far more than we are allowed to discuss. There is access to more money from some of the players than I would have expected, there is more revenge/payback motives for many aspects that have already transpired. Clearly the relationships of several of the people are fractured and have been for years. Some of those putting up $10k reward amounts are not poi's but directly connected to others, and those relationships seem to have some vindictiveness to them. Alive or not it feels that Evelyn has become a pawn in this, and in my current theory so is the BMW, and even MB.

YES! This is exactly what I've been trying to convey!
There are certain people here that are real messed up and playing games with others lives.
Well, I guess that's why they call it the meth "epidemic". They aren't kidding around :eek:

Also, is it possible Maggie was touched by fetal alcohol syndrome? That also could explain her lack of mental acuity.


Good catch. I have been curious if she has possible mental health issues or a diagnosed personality disorder. She presents herself as younger than her actual age. This could be intentional to garner sympathy, but it could also point to a host of mental health issues or conditions associated with developmental delays. I am not attempting to diagnose her, but simply trying to understand potential reasons for “inaccuracies” in her story that don’t point to the absolute worst case scenario. MOO
Last edited: of her profiles she has the last name Wood. You know, the same last name of the guy who allegedly only went on a few casual dates with her in December. There are so many lies being told and it's all a big distraction. MB needs to come clean.
@Sweetsbeach, do we know if the 'breakup' story has been confirmed by LE as it seems contrary to recent information on Mom's social media about the 2 of them moving in together and her being pregnant.

This on the surface seems to be a case of child endangerment and its baffling to see parents not incarcerated and pondering their stories in jail rather than heading to the mall etc.

Very puzzling approach by LE here IMO.

Wow! Just saw the arrests and I am surprised, but it makes sense. Teen mom has to have her mom watch the baby. Teen mom is not terrible, but is more interested in her social life, so leaves the baby with the gm and gm starts taking complete charge of the baby, finally not letting mom take the baby. Gm threatens to take the baby legally, mom is cowed. She knows she's at risk of losing the child and whatever her mom says in court will be damning. By now, she's left Evelyn with gm for extended periods of time. Finally, gm takes Evelyn and tells MB to get lost. MB is upset, but also relieved. She can go about her life now. Then gf decides he is going to start some crap (not saying he was wrong). Just a big ol' nasty family feud. I pray that baby is alive and well.
I have to believe that MB has had so much instability in her life that a lot of this is “normal” to her. Cops, lies, someone in your family being gone... just overall shadiness. This may be why she seems so flippant. Some of this really is “just another day” for her. As far as the obsession goes, I would probably try to live in a dream, too if my parents were both criminals who didn’t care at all about me or anyone else. Honestly, when I watched the interview, I did not immediately think of MB as a “killer.” I think it is much more likely that severe neglect or an accident happened and she is trying to cover it up. This is different from the Anthony case. The Anthony family had resources to lawyer up and a sense of duty to their child. MB’s family will likely throw her under the bus if they know anything. That said, I hope that little Evelyn is alive and well - only the victim of no one really caring where she is (which is terrible, but 1,000 times better than the alternative).

This family also has money and resources to lawyer up so don't kid yourself there. Tommy pulled 20K out of his back pocket yesterday for reward money. Not many people can do that. I also don't think that they will toss any family member to LE or the courts and just let it ride. I think this is one of those families in which they can mess with each other all they want (and even in really bad and messed up ways) but the minute someone from outside does they are fiercely protective.
Wow! Just saw the arrests and I am surprised, but it makes sense. Teen mom has to have her mom watch the baby. Teen mom is not terrible, but is more interested in her social life, so leaves the baby with the gm and gm starts taking complete charge of the baby, finally not letting mom take the baby. Gm threatens to take the baby legally, mom is cowed. She knows she's at risk of losing the child and whatever her mom says in court will be damning. By now, she's left Evelyn with gm for extended periods of time. Finally, gm takes Evelyn and tells MB to get lost. MB is upset, but also relieved. She can go about her life now. Then gf decides he is going to start some crap (not saying he was wrong). Just a big ol' nasty family feud. I pray that baby is alive and well.

Who is gf and how does the car come into play?
I was trying to reply to Alethea's post about active duty military and my PC was acting up. My son is currently active duty in the Marines (since 2004). He has sole custody of his 9 year old son and has had it since 2016.
@Sweetsbeach, do we know if the 'breakup' story has been confirmed by LE as it seems contrary to recent information on Mom's social media about the 2 of them moving in together and her being pregnant.

This on the surface seems to be a case of child endangerment and its baffling to see parents not incarcerated and pondering their stories in jail rather than heading to the mall etc.

Very puzzling approach by LE here IMO.

Yeah I don't think LE confirmed it. We only have HW's statement which completely contradicts what's coming out on social media. JMO.
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