Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *MOM ARRESTED* #6

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Jul 1, 2015
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I'm still wondering who gave a clue on the pillow/styrofoam. Someone in the ring knows something and is talking. Jmo. Supposedly the HW chicken man already got a lawyer???!!!, would a lawyer tell someone to give info if they know something? There's so many possibilities in this mess. I'd love to know baby is safe but I'm not holding my breath anymore, this is sooo sad and disheartening the lives of all in the story here. Jmo
I'm still wondering who gave a clue on the pillow/styrofoam. Someone in the ring knows something and is talking. Jmo. Supposedly the HW chicken man already got a lawyer???!!!, would a lawyer tell someone to give info if they know something? There's so many possibilities in this mess. I'd love to know baby is safe but I'm not holding my breath anymore, this is sooo sad and disheartening the lives of all in the story here. Jmo
I don't think we know everything that was listed in the warrant so those things might be potential evidence or they could be unrelated.

I think LE was looking for baby items belonging to Evelyn when they searched the home. I guess they had been there before and found a stroller. MB must have left it behind when she moved out.

Somehow I get the feeling they did not find many things that belonged to Evelyn to indicate she had been living anywhere in the last two months.

I really should not have gone and read up on this case! I don’t know if it’s my naivety or my want to see good in people but holy hell I don’t even know where to begin

it’s really shatters everything when it happens right in your hometown this community rallied together 24/7. It was a heartbreaking end but the backstory is one that still makes us all sick to our stomach’s. The family was just as bad as Evelyn’s if not worse!
I'm not even clear on the living arrangements for MB. What I have gathered is that she was living in that trailer at TB jr's park. But something happened and she trashed the place and moved into chicken man's basement? Have I got that right? If that is the chain of events then it would seem logical for me to think that something happened to Evelyn before she moved into her new boyfriend's basement. Maybe even the reason for moving?

Which, I suppose, raises the question: Which came first; the Chicken Man, or the 'disappearance' of Evelyn?

But, I have to be honest, folks... I'm still somewhat undecided about MB's direct involvement. From all reports, it appears that she's done nothing but lie about anything and everything from the get-go. And that's DISTURBINGLY BAD, obviously. But, if you re-watch all of the interviews, and Monday's court appearance, with a different perspective in mind, couldn't it also be likely that she's telling some (half) truths, and trying to protect someone other than her own self? Couldn't the inconsistencies stem from a gradually waning trust in that person she initially tried to protect? Suppose that she did have some kind of issue in early December that caused her to become homeless, and she entrusted someone in a seemingly more stable situation to care for Evelyn... Perhaps she fully believed that her daughter was being reasonably well cared for in the months leading up to the Amber Alert? Maybe she had frequent phone calls with Evelyn during those months. That seems entirely plausible to me. She's just a kid herself! Not old enough to be entrusted with casting a Vote in an Election; not old enough to legally buy a beer. Why? Because she's a child! Unable to be entrusted to make solid, well-informed decisions on her own... because she's a child! Then, suddenly, the $#!) hits the fan and everyone around her just scrambled...

Ugh, I just don't know... too much misinformation on SM, too little known facts, and FAR too much historical family drama for me to form a solid opinion, I guess. To me, in her Court appearance video, she looked like a scared little girl who was absolutely devastated to look out upon the gallery and see that there was not a single soul there to support her. As I've said a dozen times before, I'm probably grasping at straws, but now I'm just confusing myself with my thoughts - for and against - at this point. I typically have strong gut instincts very early on in the cases I've followed here on WS, but I've been waffling back and forth on this one from Day 1 (rather surprising, even to me!). There must be a legitimate reason for that, in my mind. We really just need more FACTS to be unveiled. ALL MOO.
Which, I suppose, raises the question: Which came first; the Chicken Man, or the 'disappearance' of Evelyn?

But, I have to be honest, folks... I'm still somewhat undecided about MB's direct involvement. From all reports, it appears that she's done nothing but lie about anything and everything from the get-go. And that's DISTURBINGLY BAD, obviously. But, if you re-watch all of the interviews, and Monday's court appearance, with a different perspective in mind, couldn't it also be likely that she's telling some (half) truths, and trying to protect someone other than her own self? Couldn't the inconsistencies stem from a gradually waning trust in that person she initially tried to protect? Suppose that she did have some kind of issue in early December that caused her to become homeless, and she entrusted someone in a seemingly more stable situation to care for Evelyn... Perhaps she fully believed that her daughter was being reasonably well cared for in the months leading up to the Amber Alert? Maybe she had frequent phone calls with Evelyn during those months. That seems entirely plausible to me. She's just a kid herself! Not old enough to be entrusted with casting a Vote in an Election; not old enough to legally buy a beer. Why? Because she's a child! Unable to be entrusted to make solid, well-informed decisions on her own... because she's a child! Then, suddenly, the $#!) hits the fan and everyone around her just scrambled...

Ugh, I just don't know... too much misinformation on SM, too little known facts, and FAR too much historical family drama for me to form a solid opinion, I guess. To me, in her Court appearance video, she looked like a scared little girl who was absolutely devastated to look out upon the gallery and see that there was not a single soul there to support her. As I've said a dozen times before, I'm probably grasping at straws, but now I'm just confusing myself with my thoughts - for and against - at this point. I typically have strong gut instincts very early on in the cases I've followed here on WS, but I've been waffling back and forth on this one from Day 1 (rather surprising, even to me!). There must be a legitimate reason for that, in my mind. We really just need more FACTS to be unveiled. ALL MOO.
Parking this here. Sorry if it’s a repeat, I looked back a bit but didn’t see if it had already been posted.
Evelyn Boswell's great-grandfather speaks to News 5
Well..... He really seemed sincere!!! IMO, he knows nothing! And see, he made one statement! That's all they have to do, at least make one statement to keep her up front! Just please use the media to keep baby Evelyn on the front burner! MOO
this case is just so sad but not surprised she hasn't been found

William Tyrrell here is australia has been missing for almost 6yrs now from town with just over 1100 people, but with a lot of dense forest surrounding it as well as a large river.

it is crazy just how easy it is to disappear a person permanently.... i don't think it takes much intelligence.... just finding a spot that is out in the middle of lot of bush reduces the chance of stumbling across the remains.
the intelligence part is in not being suspected for the disappearance and that is not what has happened in this case or in many other missing persona cases.
people are rarely smart enough to truely cover up something like this, maybe they can do enough to avoid a murder charge but not enough for LE and the community not to suspect strongly they were involved.

stupid people can be lucky is doesn't make them smart.
praying that MB isn't so lucky
William Tyrrell here is australia has been missing for almost 6yrs now from town with just over 1100 people,

that case is very very suspect and its horrible to imagine where he is but the evidence leads to a not very nice ending for william

and that poor detective feel really sorry for him, he just wanted to solve it and let the case get the better of him and how he's been fired :(
that case is very very suspect and its horrible to imagine where he is but the evidence leads to a not very nice ending for william

and that poor detective feel really sorry for him, he just wanted to solve it and let the case get the better of him and how he's been fired :(

it is very strange, i grew up in that town and know the area very well, one of my friends families lived past where the house he disappeared from but it was long before the houses were built, we rode our bikes there all the time.
it is a very small town most people knew who's family you belonged to even if they didn't know you directly.
the population has grown a bit but it is still a very small community and the road where the house is located isn't one that passing through traffic would use.
his flyers are still being put up in all the surrounding towns.
sadly i don't think the truth will ever come out unless someone breaks.

unfortunately i think the same for Evelyn's case tho i do hold out hope MB will crack at some point.
it is very strange, i grew up in that town and know the area very well,

i didn't grow up in that town but i did grow up in port macquarie and places like mollymook back in the 80's and 90's before it became the big city it is now it was much more a country town back in those days and only had 1 cinema with only 4 screens lol

so i can relate and i think its somewhat similar to Evelyn as well in both cases Evelyn's and Williams its going to take someone breaking to solve it
Which, I suppose, raises the question: Which came first; the Chicken Man, or the 'disappearance' of Evelyn?

But, I have to be honest, folks... I'm still somewhat undecided about MB's direct involvement. From all reports, it appears that she's done nothing but lie about anything and everything from the get-go. And that's DISTURBINGLY BAD, obviously. But, if you re-watch all of the interviews, and Monday's court appearance, with a different perspective in mind, couldn't it also be likely that she's telling some (half) truths, and trying to protect someone other than her own self? Couldn't the inconsistencies stem from a gradually waning trust in that person she initially tried to protect? Suppose that she did have some kind of issue in early December that caused her to become homeless, and she entrusted someone in a seemingly more stable situation to care for Evelyn... Perhaps she fully believed that her daughter was being reasonably well cared for in the months leading up to the Amber Alert? Maybe she had frequent phone calls with Evelyn during those months. That seems entirely plausible to me. She's just a kid herself! e around her just scrambled...


I have wondered that too.. I know she threw her mother under the bus (seems I recall an interview where she said her mom had her but could be wrong) but doesn’t seem much came from it other than the arrests for the “stolen” car and searches that may relate to where mom and her BF had been.
I see what you're saying, and I know the statistics about missing children, I guess I'm just surprised in this case because the key players all seem like idiots incapable of a foolproof coverup.

Why do you think it would be tough to get search warrants in this case? (Not being snippy, genuinely want to hear your perspective.)

About the search warrants. It’s my understanding that you can’t just ask for a search warrant because you feel that you might find something. You have to have a compelling reason why something of value as evidence would be found in a certain place, and even then you may be limited to exactly what you can search for. Is it an all out search or is it a search just for things that are easily visible? I don’t think you can base search warrants on what ifs.

I could be totally wrong, of course, but that’s my understanding.
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Watching WM with the blowing kisses, the "I love yous," the's intolerable. What a skanky bunch. Why is AB there to support him in court instead of looking for her granddaughter? (I mean this as a rhetorical question, of course).

If any of this mangy mob were truly innocent and ignorant about Evelyn's fate, then WM should have used his ability to communicate from his seat in a plea to find Evelyn. Oh, he loves his girlfriend so much! Isn't she the grandmother of a missing toddler?????? Then why isn't he shouting from the rooftops that Evelyn must be found? (Again rhetorical).

It's just that this video, for whatever reason, hit me worse than some of the others. They simply do not care. He's got his public moment in court, momentarily not behind bars, and he uses his time to remind AB that he loves her. They simply do not care about Evelyn. Which we all already know, all have commented about it a million times, but this video just reinforced it for me.

I broke down and watched the idiot just to see his kiss blowing. Puke. Now, HIS attitude is definitely smirky and cocky. At least at the first of the video. He appeared to be getting more irate, or possibly just clueless, towards the end.

Does he really care about that woman or is he worried about his a$$. They could all turn on him like a pack of dogs.

ETA: I am making my way through last night’s posts and see he was bonded out. I guess keeping up the love-you charade helped out. Who really thinks this guy loves anyone but himself? I sure don’t, but that makes him a good fit for this family.

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It’s always a possibility in my mind because of the three people found in Allenstown NH who were only identified this year as victims of a serial killer. Allenstown, NH murder victims identified after nearly 40 years

here was also a missing woman from NC killed by her boyfriend where hunters found evidence in the woods. If I remember the name I’ll post it.

Mouy Tang? But there have been others because people tend to put bodies in places like that.
the one thing that stands out about MB for me at the moment is she doesn't have those dead eyes ( her mother definitely does) MB' just seem kinda hollow and sad but not totally without light ... its not anything specific other than every killer i've ever seen a mugshot of has those same dead eyes.

if she was there when EB died maybe it was an accident and she made stupid panicked choices after.... i could be totally wrong i just don't see cold blooded killer when i look at her.
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