Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *MOM ARRESTED* #6

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Just MB name is making me nauseous this morning. FBI experts will definitely be paying attention to that. I just hope that MB did talk and this process isn't drawn out. Sure Evelyn has been found but legal process takes its toll on everyone as well.

If MB did talk, and I don’t think she did, my bet is that she came up with a huge doozy of a lie to shift all blame to others.

My guess is grandma’s boyfriend or another player we are not aware of.

I can see MB shifting to “it was an accident and I didn’t know what to do” mode.

Pure speculation since we don’t know anything about the tip.
I've always been of the mind that MB murdered Evelyn, or at the very least is responsible for her death.

Was Evelyn hidden with their stuff? Maybe... Maybe MB moved off compound and stored their stuff in a shed? I could see that... But wonder about decomp (sorry)

I hope that the new information came from MB. I really do. But I'll be rustling up some hat goulash if she did.
Reporter states,

"Investigators acted on some new information that had been developed in the case and that is what lead TSI agents and the Sullivan County Sheriff Deputies to a home in the 500 block of Muddy Creek Road in Blountville and the wording here is important. The Sheriff Office searched a property belonging to a family member they say, of Evelyn's mother, Meagan Boswell and during that search...."

Imo, this new information developed was not necessarily a tip. Last night LE was at the home and searched the property. I'm terribly behind in the reading of previous pages so, all this might have already been cleared up. If not, the reporter is correct; "...the wording here is important..." (Sorry is just repeating info you already know.)

i am just hoping her grand parents didn't go through their sheds or something and find Evelyn's remains themselves and then contact investigators i mean that would be heartbreaking for them to find that
I thought of that last night when I finally put my phone down. I couldn't imagine how they must feel though either way Evelyn was right there all along. Poor sweet girl.
The only way that I can buy this was an accident is if the nature of the accident would expose something else. You call 911 when there is an accident. It's really that simple.

but maybe not when the 'accident' is due to negligence in regards to illegal activity.

as an example ONLY.... Say you're packaging meth for distribution and are carelessly leaving it out and about.... It's not intentional, but calling 911 isn't optimal.

That sounds like the body was found inside the house. Otherwise why not say they searched the "property?" Jmo
Most are saying property so who knows. What I do know is the media hasn't always gotten things right with this case so at this point I wouldn't take any location as gospel.
Most are saying property so who knows. What I do know is the media hasn't always gotten things right with this case so at this point I wouldn't take any location at this point in time as gospel.
In the press conference last night, they said property located there. I never heard "house" come out of the Sheriffs mouth.
Oh, Baby Evelyn you were failed by so many within your own family but were also loved and prayed for by so many of us!
I did not log on last night so I didn’t read the news until this morning. I then had to put my phone away and hop on the treadmill for a few miles.
I am heartbroken and angry all at the same time. I will check back for updates because my mind needs a break from the situation and hopefully the truth will soon be told. :(
I think they all are responsible for this baby’s death, except maybe the grandfather that reported her missing. She was missing for weeks while all these supposed adults were out running around making sure they were having a good time. It’s like a whole family full of clueless entitled thirteen year olds. EB may have been the most mature person in the family. So sad.
This news is so devastating. In most other cases when a child's body is found there is a tiny bit of comfort knowing they are back with their loving family. But in this case I can't figure out who in her family truly cares about her. Who will carefully select the perfect flowers for her? Who will treasure sweet memories and share them with mourners? It seems it will be strangers who give Cutie Evelyn the love in death that she was deprived of in life. MOO
The only way that I can buy this was an accident is if the nature of the accident would expose something else. You call 911 when there is an accident. It's really that simple.

but maybe not when the 'accident' is due to negligence in regards to illegal activity.

as an example ONLY.... Say you're packaging meth for distribution and are carelessly leaving it out and about.... It's not intentional, but calling 911 isn't optimal.


Or maybe like......drugging your toddler to sleep in your trunk so you can party with a new boyfriend, and coming back to find her dead.
Just another example.
Bianca Marais WJHL on Twitter
It’s a morbid morning here on Muddy Creek Road where authorities last night announced they found remains of what they believe to be 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell Here’s what we know so far: …

8:35 AM - 7 Mar 2020

Pheben Kassahun on Twitter
#NOW The little memorial has grown overnight, for Evelyn Boswell, in front of the property off of the 500 block of Muddy Creek Branch Road in Blountville. This is where TBI agents & Sullivan Co. S.O. detectives found human remains believed to belong to the 15-month-old. @WJHL11

9:29 AM - 7 Mar 2020
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