TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1

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Confused, I think part of the that in the absence of reliable information, people rely on the rumor mill. Because that is all they have to go on. And yes, the rumor mill gets quite lively. The specific RUMOR regarding the children is that they are not only out of town away from their father but that they are in different locations, separated from each other as well. It's hard for me to see how total silence is helping Matt.

There are some details that surely Matt could release without jeopardizing the investigation. I posted a list a questions yesterday that have not been answered. Questions as basic as how she typically wears her hair and what exactly are her typical driving routes. It sounds like you have some connection to Matt somehow. Is there a way for you to get him to answer anything at all?

For what it's worth, the mapquest routes posted are only guesses. Again, because that's all we can do. I've figured out over the years that Mapquest seldom shows the exact routes I take to get to places I am familiar with. Why can't we get any answers on questions like this, to give a better idea of places to be looking?

What a lovely appeal. We dont want to vilify DH-he is in the middle of a firestorm, perhaps his marriage was already crumbling and he may be less concerned for Gail than for the health and well being of his little ones. Sometimes that translates differently than it means to. :(

What a nightmare for everyone....
Thanks Mominboots, and WELCOME to WS!!!!!!! :rocker:

We want to be careful putting too much of DH out here on the www. It seems that the attention has been overwhelming for him and his family-I love the anecdotal information regarding Gail and DH because it helps to fill in those brush strokes as to where she might be. But we dont want to put his whole world here-WS tries to avoid that. :truce:

I understand. I am only saying information that has already been published I think? in newspapers etc? Things that he said. Gail does not have a public voice right now, and a lot was said about her in a public way. It is sad bc any way you look at it it is a one sided story. So I am just curious is all...I don't know for a fact she didn't go off on her own...
Trying to catch up-just a ping, not a location and not a call. The tower near the Walmart was the tower that caught the ping.

But Wal-Mart is at the very foot of the mountain. It might have picked up a ping from further up the highway somewhere - perhaps as the phone went flying out someone's car window but just before it hit the rocks below.

Just speculating. :innocent:
I understand. I am only saying information that has already been published I think? in newspapers etc? Things that he said. Gail does not have a public voice right now, and a lot was said about her in a public way. It is sad bc any way you look at it it is a one sided story. So I am just curious is all...I don't know for a fact she didn't go off on her own...

My post was at random, and I think everyone has handled this beautifully no matter which side you lean towards!!!
For what it's worth, the mapquest routes posted are only guesses. Again, because that's all we can do. I've figured out over the years that Mapquest seldom shows the exact routes I take to get to places I am familiar with. Why can't we get any answers on questions like this, to give a better idea of places to be looking?

I lived in Tuscaloosa for a year during graduate school. As far as I know, there isn't another way to get to Alabama except for those routes. She clearly could have gotten off on back roads, but that would have increased the time of an already lengthy car ride.

There is only one freeway from Chattanooga into Alabama and that is 59.

Yes, someone can go west from Chattanooga to South Pittsburgh and then Bridgeport, AL. The problem is that Bridgeport was destroyed by a tornado on the 27th, and so were the other small towns to the south of there. It wouldn't make sense for her to go that route two days later since it would add about 100 miles or more to her trip and it was a disaster area.

But then, nothing much makes sense in this case, so anyone's speculation might be true. However, if I had kids in the car and a four hour drive ahead, I would choose the most direct route. Many secondary roads were closed that week due to fallen trees and power lines. I don't think that can be stressed enough. This was an unusual situation.
WHY no searches?????? Does the next of kin have to request this? I don't understand. That whole mountain should be searched, or at least the side she was on and back behind the walmart a long ways...with dogs...
WHY no searches?????? Does the next of kin have to request this? I don't understand. That whole mountain should be searched, or at least the side she was on and back behind the walmart a long ways...with dogs...

It depends on where the evidence is leading LE. If they are still processing, and they have some leads that are taking them away from a physical search, it is likely that they are holding off. At least on a public one. If you catch my drift.

Now I took a look at some of the natural resources around there and I would think that tipping off the fishing community and the dirtbikers in the area might be a great way to get many eyes looking for her in areas that might be vast to try and search.

JBean, please link me to Pearl's original timeline post..
most of the links you copied are the compressed linknames
and won't open..thanks
Here you go:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011[/ame]

also imamaze has kept up the media links thread which is in the same forum that you are putting the timeline, so all the articles are in chron order. THANK YOU FFJ.

media only thread for reference:
[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 *Media Links* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
she left the house at approx. 12:15
sans driver's license, and credit cards - very strange
if she had her cell phone with her, there should be a few pings on it
seems phone records will be all important...
now, if she didn't have her phone with her..even more questions

how many roads down the mountain are there?
and where was Matt during this time?

could they have crossed paths at this time?

There are four roads down the mountain, and if you look back a few pages I posted videos of all of them. The W-Road, which may have been closed due to downed trees and power lines, Highway 127 (Signal Mt. Road), Roberts Mill Road, and the highway from Walden down to Dunlap. There's one more that is much further out - a highway that can go down either side of Walden's Ridge but nowhere near the ping from the cellphone.

I totally agree that she and Matt could have crossed paths away from the family home. For all we know, they may have wanted to meet somewhere else away from the kids. He might have intercepted her before she left the subdivision. He might have confronted her in the Wal-Mart parking lot - who knows?

How hard would it be to show up later at the house and ask "Where's Mom?" even if he knew where she was? :twocents:
I lived in Tuscaloosa for a year during graduate school. As far as I know, there isn't another way to get to Alabama except for those routes. She clearly could have gotten off on back roads, but that would have increased the time of an already lengthy car ride.

My specific thought is that usually there are choices when getting very close to the actual address. I do not know the area at all though.
Just a warning about rumors. I have allowed them to be posted and labeled as rumors for clarification. Some of this information is coming from different directions and that is lending some credibility to them.
However, we try to stay away from rumors here at WS as it can lead to some very bad and inaccurate information that spreads like wildfire and then becomes fact.
So, while I am going to let the rumors remain posted, the discussion itself needs to move away from them unless any of them are confirmed or you can add to their crdibility or lack of it.

I also want to caution about sleuthing her dh and/or his family. He is not a suspect or person of interest as far as I know, so sleuthing his background beyond what has been printed in the msm is off limits.

This will keep the discussion constructive with opinions and discussion based primarily on the facts that we know. You are free to speculate within reason.
WHY no searches?????? Does the next of kin have to request this? I don't understand. That whole mountain should be searched, or at least the side she was on and back behind the walmart a long ways...with dogs...

In the cases that I've followed, the reasons for not sending out search parties are:

1. LE knows where the missing person is and they are where they are because of their own free will.

2. LE has strong enough evidence that the person is not alive and they are letting possible suspects "hang themselves".

I'm not saying that either of these reasons are what is happening in this case...just sharing what I've seen happen before.
I read this and remembered a time in my family growing up when my mom was probably about the same exact age as Gail, She had no history of mental illness, But something to do with hormones and Menopause symptoms, had her acting extremely paranoid. She believed my dad was trying to poison her, she wouldn't eat the food or drinks he made.

I know my dad very very well, and we are extremely close and he would never do something like that. She believed he was cheating and trying to kill her, and said she felt like she was going crazy. If you research Menopause and paranoia, you will find a lot of information. When I read about Missing Persons, I usually get an impression or feeling about what might have happened, I am thinking this could be a case where something like what happened with my mom, is going on.
Also, when the family is asked about mental illness or symptoms, most of them immediately say, No way, he or she is so smart and has a good head on their shoulders.

Do people not realize that mental illness and or symptoms has nothing to do with how smart someone is, there are a multitude of things that can cause, bring on mental issues, when none have been reported or at least mentioned before.
His mother does NOT live on the Mtn and no, he is not originally from the area.

OK, thanks.. Does she live in the immediate area or was she just visiting since he claims he was out shopping with her at the time he says Gail left the children at the house by themselves?
I read this and remembered a time in my family growing up when my mom was probably about the same exact age as Gail, She had no history of mental illness, But something to do with hormones and Menopause symptoms, had her acting extremely paranoid. She believed my dad was trying to poison her, she wouldn't eat the food or drinks he made.

I know my dad very very well, and we are extremely close and he would never do something like that. She believed he was cheating and trying to kill her, and said she felt like she was going crazy. If you research Menopause and paranoia, you will find a lot of information. When I read about Missing Persons, I usually get an impression or feeling about what might have happened, I am thinking this could be a case where something like what happened with my mom, is going on.
dimples let's assume this is the case because it is entirely possible that gail was suffering from some sort of mental breakdown or problem.
This makes the dh's response even more bizzare,imo.
If he recognizes she is in a fragile state or anything could send her into a tail spin wouldn't filing for separation,custody and exclusive use of their family home possibly send her over the edge to do something even more desperate like suicide? if she is suffering from delusions, paranoia, and other unstable signs and symptoms why would he choose to exacerbate an already bad situation? There is plenty of time for him to do all of that, once she has returned. I almost see this as turning the knife.

Additionally, I concur with others that geographically distant relatives may not have a grasp on Gail's mental health, but I would find these symtoms of paranoia and delusions awfully tough to hide from close friends. One friend, I think it was Arlene Dunham? said she talked to Gail every day. How could Gail hide delusions and paranoia from her gf every single day? Plus,imo gf's share and talk. Her friend would have to know she was exhibiting at least some signs of mental illness. Were these signs and symptoms only apparent to her dh? Delusions are pretty tough to hide and they don't turn on and off at will.

Was your dad the only person that knew of your mother's troubles?
I wonder if Gail is an "internet person". I hope her family is able to access any computers at home to see history and get some possible ideas.
dimples let's assume this is the case because it is entirely possible that gail was suffering from some sort of mental breakdown or problem.
This makes the dh's response even more bizzare,imo.
If he recognizes she is in a fragile state or anything could send her into a tail spin wouldn't filing for separation,custody and exclusive use of their family home possibly send her over the edge to do something even more desperate like suicide? if she is suffering from delusions, paranoia, and other unstable signs and symptoms why would he choose to exacerbate an already bad situation? There is plenty of time for him to do all of that, once she has returned. I almost see this as turning the knife.

Additionally, I concur with others that geographically distant relatives may not have a grasp on Gail's mental health, but I would find these symtoms of paranoia and delusions awfully tough to hide from close friends. One friend, I think it was Arlene Dunham? said she talked to Gail every day. How could Gail hide delusions and paranoia from her gf every single day? Plus,imo gf's share and talk. Her friend would have to know she was exhibiting at least some signs of mental illness. Were these signs and symptoms only apparent to her dh? Delusions are pretty tough to hide and they don't turn on and off at will.

It wouldn't surprise me if some of their arguments were about "paranoia"'s classic if someone accuses you of something wrong, to accuse them of being paranoid. whether gail made any other accusations recently besides suspicious car activity, we do not know...what's more, when someone is doing you wrong and won't admit it, people do become extremely paranoid about the smallest things...doesn't always make them mentally ill...just that they know something is up and they're not being told the truth.
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