TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #15

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Up until yesterday, they were basically searching woods, then they asked searchers to search areas where something could be thrown from a car...could the "game changed" be that they now believe he has been in a car all along, not trooping Holly through the woods...
I have changed my mind so many times! I think you guys are right about an ATV being too noisy. How thick are the woods around their home? Would it be possible to drive a truck not far from the home. Does someone know where there is a picture of the woods near the home? This time of year I wouldn't think it would be as thick with brush as later in the summer.
could the "find" be a weapon with blood on it?

He said it's something that belongs to Holly Bobo, per linked CNN video. And it's being analyzed at the lab now, and they hope it's another piece of the puzzle.
I have changed my mind so many times! I think you guys are right about an ATV being too noisy. How thick are the woods around their home? Would it be possible to drive a truck not far from the home. Does someone know where there is a picture of the woods near the home? This time of year I wouldn't think it would be has thick with brush as later in the summer.

Maybe he has a truck with a camper on it. Definately could secure someone inside of that and probably wouldn't draw much attention going down the road. JMO
I think whatever happend happend within the first hour she went missing.
He either tossed the stuff and went back to work. Not missing a beat.Or left town never to be seen again.

I agree with you there. I'm not sure why he'd make a stop by 100 Eaton St. before proceeding up 69. I still feel that it was infact the phone that was found and he wanted to ditch that first before they had any chance of tracking it at all. He knew that he'd be spotted a little time and it only took 10 minutes to get from her house to the address.

That leads to the next point. It really doesn't make sense for him to randomly choose 100 Eaton St. as an address to get rid of a piece of evidence. I feel he either had a connection with a business in that vicinity or was indeed trying to throw search efforts off. If he were truly trying to hide it, there are about 100 other ways to dispose of it without leaving it in sight. He could have thrown it in one of many rivers or bodies of waters, thrown it into some thick brush, put it in a dumpster, etc.

He then continues up 69 and starts to cut across. I'm not sure why he would throw the lunch bag out unless my original thought is correct and he already had disposed of everything else and found the lunch box still in the car. I think this is why they feel he is 50+ miles away. He chose to dispose of evidence nonchalantly rather than hide it well to give even less of a lead.
Nearly two weeks I said I think he had a car inside the woods close to the house. He got her out of her drive way, into the woods and into a car FAST. I suspect the screams were made when she was being put into the car or something like that. I do not think they travelled all around the woods on foot immediately after the abduction. Finding her lunch bag in the first day or so implies a car get away. Since we do not know what other items have been found or where they were found, we dont know if anything was ever found in all those woods searches. Recent evidence and searching has been in more urban areas.
Up until yesterday, they were basically searching woods, then they asked searchers to search areas where something could be thrown from a car...could the "game changed" be that they now believe he has been in a car all along, not trooping Holly through the woods...

After watching the CNN video, I don't think they know whether or not it's a game changer. That was the term used by the CNN lady and he agreed, but mildly. He said he hopes the item can be used as a huge piece of the puzzle in finding out what happened to Holly.
It was the Kristi Cornwell case in GA & her brother didn't find the remains until 1 1/2 yrs later - he never gave up looking tho

BrookeBCNN Brooke Baldwin
TBI Director just told me this "significant" piece of evidence found over the weekend could be a "game changer." #HollyBobo!/BrookeBCNN

eta: retweeted to me by casesignal
To me can only be one thing and that's the cell. Maybe keys that were used to scratch the perp but who knows.

For the purpose of?

I agree with you there. I'm not sure why he'd make a stop by 100 Eaton St. before proceeding up 69. I still feel that it was infact the phone that was found and he wanted to ditch that first before they had any chance of tracking it at all. He knew that he'd be spotted a little time and it only took 10 minutes to get from her house to the address.

That leads to the next point. It really doesn't make sense for him to randomly choose 100 Eaton St. as an address to get rid of a piece of evidence. I feel he either had a connection with a business in that vicinity or was indeed trying to throw search efforts off. If he were truly trying to hide it, there are about 100 other ways to dispose of it without leaving it in sight. He could have thrown it in one of many rivers or bodies of waters, thrown it into some thick brush, put it in a dumpster, etc.

He then continues up 69 and starts to cut across. I'm not sure why he would throw the lunch bag out unless my original thought is correct and he already had disposed of everything else and found the lunch box still in the car. I think this is why they feel he is 50+ miles away. He chose to dispose of evidence nonchalantly rather than hide it well to give even less of a lead.

I guess the larger question is this....if the perp had Holly alive somewhere at the point he was tossing these things why would he be worried about the lunch bag if he had her in the car? Wouldn't that be the least of his problems? That's why I have little hope personally. Logically it makes no sense but maybe we're dealing with someone not logical. I guess the more they find in the area the less hope I have becaue like you said and others have said why dump them in plain sight?

Here's another hope. That the perp isn't that bright and had the phone for some time before realizing he had to dump it. In that case I'd say it's a game changer too.
The fact that the volunteers were searching in the UT Parsons Campus roadway yesterday makes me think that LE believes he was watching (stalking) her. Why else would they be looking there? Doesn't make sense that they are looking for something of Holly's after the fact.

I am thinking more and more that he saw her first at school.
Interesting. I believe if it was her cell phone, they wouldn't put any question on whether or not it belonged to Holly. Why do they need to complicate the information that they are providing?

I agree. These searchers are a bit higher scale than the searchers in the Hailey Dunn case. They fight and bicker all day long there!

I think that we are dealing with a different type of LE agency here. This is not a local LE agency with a “spokesperson” talking daily. This is the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations. I think personally that they operate differently and likely have a different set of rules than a local agency. I think that could account for the secrecy. JMHO

You're right that they are a VERY lowkey agency. They are almost never on the news about anything. Just the occasional comment that TBI is assisting with this crime here or that crime there. Or that they arrested someone for having 800 pounds of pot in their car, lol. But rarely is there a statement.

I just checked their press room. It's the 116th day of 2011 and they have issued a total of 32 press releases all year long. So, about one every workweek. Not very chatty for the states highest law enforcement agency.
To our local friends
How unusual would an ATV at 7 am be in that area?
I know of areas where it wouldn't stand out at all as everyone has one and uses them to go feed their horses, check their property, put mail in the box, etc.... But what's the case in that area?

It would not stand out at all.
I am wondering about this new evidence. This is just a theory mind you, but could this "new" evidence be a picture out of her purse. Could Holly have possibly had a picture of a group of friends (and one of these friends is the perp)? Could Holly have thrown this picture out the window as a clue? Could this be a finger pointing to a possible perp?
OK, so CNN person said "game changer" and LE kind of agreed? That is different...
Does anyone really think Holly would be riding along with him in a car, and not tied up, probably in the back seat or on the floor? I just don't get a picture of her with hands free, rummaging through her purse for clues to leave, etc...
I think it could be the cell phone this time. What else could be a big piece of the puzzle or game changer?


Why would the phone really change anything other than to indicate that the perp was in that area at some point over the past two weeks?
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